  * (non-Javadoc)
  * @see org.matsim.contrib.freight.vrp.algorithms.rr.costCalculators.RouteAgent#removeJob(org.matsim.contrib.freight.vrp.basics.Job)
  * !! hier kann es auch zu inkonsistenzen kommen. wenn ein job entfernt wird, dann ist der tourStatus nicht mehr aktuell.
  * sowieso: momentan hängen die kosten an der tour. die kosten sind allerdings auch abhängig vom fahrer u. dem fzg. ich würde die kosten
  * deshalb eher an der vehicleRoute erwarten.
  * hier muss noch nachgearbeitet werden.
 public boolean removeJobWithoutTourUpdate(Job job) {
   boolean removed = vehicleRoute.getTour().removeJob(job);
   if (vehicleRoute.getTour().isEmpty() && !(vehicleFleetManager instanceof DefaultFleetManager)) {
   return removed;
      VehicleRoute vehicleRoute,
      JobInsertionCalculator insertionCostCalculator,
      TourStateCalculator tourCalculator) {
    if (vehicleRoute.getVehicle() == null) {
      vehicleRoute.setVehicle(new NoVehicle());
    //		this.copiedTour = vehicleRoute.getTour().duplicate();
    this.selectedVehicle = vehicleRoute.getVehicle();
    this.selectedDriver = vehicleRoute.getDriver();

    this.tourCalculator = tourCalculator;
    this.insertionCostCalculator = insertionCostCalculator;
    this.vehicleRoute = vehicleRoute;
  public void insertJobWithoutTourUpdate(Job job, InsertionData insertionData) {
    if (insertionData == null || (insertionData instanceof NoInsertionFound))
      throw new IllegalStateException("insertionData null. cannot insert job.");
    if (job == null) throw new IllegalStateException("cannot insert null-job");
    if (job instanceof Shipment) {
      assert insertionData.getInsertionIndeces().length == 2
          : "a shipment needs two insertionIndeces. a pickupInsertionIndex and a deliveryInsertionIndex";
      try {
            (Shipment) job,
      } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("insertionData are invalid for this tour. " + e);
    } else if (job instanceof Service) {
      assert insertionData.getInsertionIndeces().length == 1
          : "a service needs one insertionIndeces.";
      try {
        insertJob((Service) job, insertionData.getInsertionIndeces()[0]);
      } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("insertionData are invalid for this tour. " + e);

    } else {
      throw new IllegalStateException("a job must either be a shipment or a service");
    if (insertionData.getSelectedVehicle() != vehicleRoute.getVehicle()
        && !(vehicleFleetManager instanceof DefaultFleetManager)) {
      try {
      } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException();
 public void updateTour() {
   if (vehicleRoute.getVehicle() instanceof NoVehicle) {
     if (!vehicleRoute.getTour().isEmpty()) {
       throw new IllegalStateException(
           "tour is not empty, but has no vehicle. this should not be");
   boolean tourIsFeasible =
           vehicleRoute.getTour(), vehicleRoute.getVehicle(), vehicleRoute.getDriver());
   if (!tourIsFeasible) {
     throw new IllegalStateException(
         "at this point tour should be feasible. but it is not. " + vehicleRoute.getTour());
 public InsertionData calculateBestInsertion(Job job, double bestKnownPrice) {
   Vehicle selectedVehicle = vehicleRoute.getVehicle();
   Driver selectedDriver = vehicleRoute.getDriver();
   InsertionData bestIData = new NoInsertionFound();
   double bestKnownCost = bestKnownPrice;
   Vehicle bestVehicle = vehicleRoute.getVehicle();
   if (!(selectedVehicle instanceof NoVehicle)) {
     bestIData =
             vehicleRoute, job, selectedVehicle, selectedDriver, bestKnownCost);
     if (!(bestIData instanceof NoInsertionFound)) {
       bestVehicle = vehicleRoute.getVehicle();
       if (bestIData.getInsertionCost() < bestKnownCost) {
         bestKnownCost = bestIData.getInsertionCost();
   for (String type : vehicleFleetManager.getAvailableVehicleTypes()) {
     if (!(vehicleRoute.getVehicle() instanceof NoVehicle)) {
       if (type.equals(vehicleRoute.getVehicle().getType().typeId)) {
     Vehicle v = vehicleFleetManager.getEmptyVehicle(type);
     InsertionData iData =
         insertionCostCalculator.calculate(vehicleRoute, job, v, selectedDriver, bestKnownCost);
     if (iData.getInsertionCost() < bestKnownCost) {
       if (vehicleRoute.getTour().getLoad() + job.getCapacityDemand() > v.getCapacity())
         throw new IllegalStateException("this must not be");
       bestIData = iData;
       bestVehicle = v;
       bestKnownCost = iData.getInsertionCost();
   return bestIData;
 private void insertJob(Shipment shipment, int pickupInsertionIndex, int deliveryInsertionIndex) {
   vehicleRoute.getTour().addActivity(deliveryInsertionIndex, new Delivery(shipment));
   vehicleRoute.getTour().addActivity(pickupInsertionIndex, new Pickup(shipment));
 private void insertJob(Service service, int serviceInsertionIndex) {
   vehicleRoute.getTour().addActivity(serviceInsertionIndex, new Delivery(service));
 public String toString() {
   return vehicleRoute.getTour().toString();