/** * The treasureChests have their own method to place seeds in * * @param treasurePanel where the seeds are being placed in * @param seedAmount how many seeds are being placed into the pit */ private void addSeedsToTreasureChest(AbsolutePanel treasurePanel, int seedAmount) { treasurePanel.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < seedAmount; i++) { final Image seed = new Image(); seed.setResource(gameImages.redSeed()); DOM.setStyleAttribute(seed.getElement(), "backgroundSize", "20px 20px"); int[] point = getTargetPointTreasureChest(i); treasurePanel.add(seed, point[0], point[1]); } Label countLabel = new Label(seedAmount + ""); countLabel.setWidth(TREASURE_CHEST_WIDTH + "px"); countLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(Label.ALIGN_CENTER); treasurePanel.add(countLabel, 0, 22 * 3); }
/** To animate a seed from one pit to another */ @Override public void animateFromPitToPit( PlayerColor startSide, int startCol, PlayerColor endSide, int endCol, double delay, boolean finalAnimation) { int startRow = startSide.isNorth() ? 0 : 1; int actualStartCol = (startRow == 0) ? 5 - startCol : startCol; int endRow = endSide.isNorth() ? 0 : 1; int actualEndCol = (endRow == 0) ? 5 - endCol : endCol; AbsolutePanel startPanel = (AbsolutePanel) gameGrid.getWidget(startRow, actualStartCol); final Image seed; seed = (Image) startPanel.getWidget(startPanel.getWidgetCount() - 2); int startXStartPanel = startPanel.getWidgetLeft(seed); int startYStartPanel = startPanel.getWidgetTop(seed); int startX = 2 + actualStartCol * 2 + TREASURE_CHEST_WIDTH + PIT_WIDTH * actualStartCol + PADDING * (actualStartCol * 2 + 3) + startXStartPanel; int startY = 2 + PADDING + startRow * (PIT_HEIGHT + 2 * PADDING + 2) + startYStartPanel; AbsolutePanel endPanel; int[] endPointEndPanel; int endXEndPanel; int endYEndPanel; int endX; int endY; if (endCol < 6) { endPanel = (AbsolutePanel) gameGrid.getWidget(endRow, actualEndCol); endPointEndPanel = getTargetPoint(endPanel.getWidgetCount() - 1); endXEndPanel = endPointEndPanel[0]; endYEndPanel = endPointEndPanel[1]; endX = 2 + actualEndCol * 2 + TREASURE_CHEST_WIDTH + PIT_WIDTH * actualEndCol + PADDING * (actualEndCol * 2 + 3) + endXEndPanel; endY = 2 + PADDING + endRow * (PIT_HEIGHT + 2 * PADDING + 2) + endYEndPanel; } else { Grid hGrid = endRow == 0 ? treasureGridN : treasureGridS; endPanel = (AbsolutePanel) hGrid.getWidget(0, 0); endPointEndPanel = getTargetPointTreasureChest(endPanel.getWidgetCount() - 1); endXEndPanel = endPointEndPanel[0]; endYEndPanel = endPointEndPanel[1]; endX = 2 + PADDING + (TREASURE_CHEST_WIDTH + PIT_WIDTH * 6 + PADDING * 14 + 6 * 2) * endRow + endXEndPanel; endY = 2 + PADDING + endYEndPanel; } animation = new SeedMovingAnimation( seed, gameImages.redSeed(), startPanel, endPanel, startXStartPanel, startYStartPanel, endXEndPanel, endYEndPanel, startX, startY, endX, endY, finalAnimation, this, dotSound); animation.run(1000, Duration.currentTimeMillis() + delay); }