@Override public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) { this.drawDefaultBackground(); mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(skrivemaskinegui); this.drawTexturedModalRect(this.width / 2 - 128, this.height / 2 - 128, 0, 0, 256, 256); /* this is where the editor reads keys and writes to the screen */ if (org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) { // if (isAllowedDeletion()) { text.deleteCharAt(cursorLocation); cursorLocation--; text.deleteCharAt(cursorLocation); text.insert(cursorLocation, cursor); // moving cursor } else if (isAllowedNewLine()) { text.deleteCharAt(cursorLocation); text.insert(cursorLocation, '\n'); cursorLocation++; text.insert(cursorLocation, cursor); // moving cursor } else if (isAllowedLeftArrowNavigation()) { text.deleteCharAt(cursorLocation); cursorLocation--; text.insert(cursorLocation, cursor); // moving cursor } else if (isAllowedRightArrowNavigation()) { text.deleteCharAt(cursorLocation); cursorLocation++; text.insert(cursorLocation, cursor); // moving cursor } else if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_TAB) { text.deleteCharAt(cursorLocation); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { text.insert(cursorLocation, " "); cursorLocation++; } text.insert(cursorLocation, cursor); // moving cursor } else { if (isAllowedCharacters()) { // System.out.println(org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard.getEventKey()); text.deleteCharAt(cursorLocation); text.insert(cursorLocation, org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard.getEventCharacter()); cursorLocation++; text.insert(cursorLocation, cursor); // moving cursor } } org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard.destroy(); } else if (!org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard.isCreated()) { try { org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard.create(); } catch (Exception e) { } } /* writes the text string to the screen */ renderer.drawSplitString( text.toString(), this.width / 2 - 118, this.height / 2 - 119, 238, 0xFFFFF0); super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); }
@Override public void close() { AL.destroy(); Display.destroy(); org.lwjgl.input.Mouse.destroy(); org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard.destroy(); }
public void shutdownMinecraftApplet() { try { statFileWriter.func_27175_b(); statFileWriter.syncStats(); if (mcApplet != null) { mcApplet.clearApplet(); } try { if (downloadResourcesThread != null) { downloadResourcesThread.closeMinecraft(); } } catch (Exception exception) { } System.out.println("Stopping!"); try { changeWorld1(null); } catch (Throwable throwable) { } try { GLAllocation.deleteTexturesAndDisplayLists(); } catch (Throwable throwable1) { } sndManager.closeMinecraft(); Mouse.destroy(); Keyboard.destroy(); } finally { Display.destroy(); if (!hasCrashed) { System.exit(0); } } System.gc(); }
private static void destroyWindow() { if (!window_created) { return; } if (parent != null) { parent.removeComponentListener(component_listener); } releaseDrawable(); // Automatically destroy keyboard & mouse if (Mouse.isCreated()) { Mouse.destroy(); } if (Keyboard.isCreated()) { Keyboard.destroy(); } display_impl.destroyWindow(); window_created = false; }
/** When Minecraft gains focus, reset all pressed keys to avoid the "stuck keys" bug. */ private void unlockKeysIfNecessary() { boolean hasFocus = Display.isActive(); if (!hadFocus && hasFocus) { Keyboard.destroy(); boolean firstTry = true; while (!Keyboard.isCreated()) { try { Keyboard.create(); } catch (LWJGLException e) { if (firstTry) { logInGameError("invtweaks.keyboardfix.error", e); firstTry = false; } } } if (!firstTry) { logInGame("invtweaks.keyboardfix.recover"); } } hadFocus = hasFocus; }
/** * ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* * Deinitialization and clean up. * ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ */ private void deInit() { Keyboard.destroy(); Display.destroy(); }
public static void dispose() { Display.destroy(); Mouse.destroy(); Keyboard.destroy(); }
public void run(Map<String, String> parameters) { DisplayManager.create(); DisplayManager displayManager = DisplayManager.getInstance(); displayManager.setWindowTitle(TITLE); ObjectObserver objectObserver = new ObjectObserverMoteJ(); WindowManager windowManager = null; try { for (DisplayMode mode : displayManager.getAvailableDisplayModes()) { log.info(mode.getWidth() + "x" + mode.getHeight() + ":" + mode.getBitsPerPixel()); } displayMode = displayManager.getDisplayMode(800, 600, 32); displayManager.createDisplay(displayMode); Keyboard.create(); objectObserver.initialize(parameters); WindowManager.create(displayManager, objectObserver); windowManager = WindowManager.getInstance(); windowManager.getWindowManagerCalibrator().addWindowManagerCalibratorListener(this); FrameMeter frameMeter = new FrameMeter(); calibrationRequested = true; isCalibrated = false; isRunning = true; while (isRunning) { if (Display.isCloseRequested()) { break; } while (Keyboard.next()) { if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_F) { if (Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) { displayManager.setFullScreen(!displayManager.isFullScreen()); } } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_ESCAPE) { isRunning = false; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_C) { calibrationRequested = true; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_UP) { ballSpeed += 0.1f; } if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == Keyboard.KEY_DOWN) { ballSpeed -= 0.1f; } } if (calibrationRequested) { windowManager.calibrate(); calibrationRequested = false; isCalibrated = false; } else if (isCalibrated) { windowManager.setCursorCollection(new CursorCollectionDefault()); log.info("Loading images..."); loadImages(); isCalibrated = false; gameState = GameState.Ready; } if (frameMeter.update()) { displayManager.setWindowTitle(TITLE + " - " + frameMeter.getFps() + " fps"); } // game state if (gameState != null) { if (gameState.equals(GameState.Ready)) { onGameStateReady(); } else if (gameState.equals(GameState.Start)) { onGameStateStart(); } else if (gameState.equals(GameState.Playing)) { onGameStatePlaying(); } else if (gameState.equals(GameState.End)) { onGameStateEnd(); } } windowManager.update(); Thread.sleep(30); } } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (windowManager != null) { windowManager.destroy(); } Keyboard.destroy(); displayManager.destroy(); } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } }