private boolean noProperContent() { return model == null || model.getRowCount() <= 0 || model.getColCount() <= 0 || colWidth == null || colWidth.length <= 0; }
private boolean onEnd(KeyboardEvent event) { if (noContentCheck()) return true; final int count = model.getRowCount(); hotPointY = count; onNewHotPointY(false); return true; }
private void onNewHotPointY(boolean briefIntroduction) { final int count = model.getRowCount(); hotPointX = hotPointY < count ? initialHotPointX : 0; cellShift = 0; environment.onAreaNewHotPoint(this); if (hotPointY < count) appearance.introduceRow(model, hotPointY, briefIntroduction ? INTRODUCTION_BRIEF : 0); else environment.hint(Hints.EMPTY_LINE); }
private boolean onArrowDown(KeyboardEvent event, boolean briefIntroduction) { if (noContentCheck()) return true; final int count = model.getRowCount(); if (hotPointY >= count) { environment.hint(Hints.TABLE_NO_ROWS_BELOW); return true; } ++hotPointY; onNewHotPointY(briefIntroduction); return true; }
private boolean onPageDown(KeyboardEvent event, boolean briefIntroduction) { if (noContentCheck()) return true; final int count = model.getRowCount(); if (hotPointY >= count) { environment.hint(Hints.TABLE_NO_ROWS_BELOW); return true; } hotPointY += environment.getAreaVisibleHeight(this); if (hotPointY >= count) hotPointY = count; onNewHotPointY(briefIntroduction); return true; }
private boolean onArrowUp(KeyboardEvent event, boolean briefIntroduction) { if (noContentCheck()) return true; final int count = model.getRowCount(); if (hotPointY <= 0) { environment.hint(Hints.TABLE_NO_ROWS_ABOVE); return true; } --hotPointY; if (hotPointY >= count) hotPointY = count - 1; onNewHotPointY(briefIntroduction); return true; }
@Override public boolean onKeyboardEvent(KeyboardEvent event) { if (event == null) throw new NullPointerException("event may not be null"); if (!event.isSpecial() || event.isModified()) return false; switch (event.getSpecial()) { case ARROW_DOWN: return onArrowDown(event, false); case ARROW_UP: return onArrowUp(event, false); case ARROW_RIGHT: return onArrowRight(event); case ARROW_LEFT: return onArrowLeft(event); case ALTERNATIVE_ARROW_DOWN: return onArrowDown(event, true); case ALTERNATIVE_ARROW_UP: return onArrowUp(event, true); // FIXME:case KeyboardEvent.ALTERNATIVE_ARROW_RIGHT: // FIXME:case KeyboardEvent.ALTERNATIVE_ARROW_LEFT: case HOME: return onHome(event); case END: return onEnd(event); case ALTERNATIVE_HOME: return onLineHome(event); case ALTERNATIVE_END: return onLineEnd(event); case PAGE_DOWN: return onPageDown(event, false); case PAGE_UP: return onPageUp(event, false); case ALTERNATIVE_PAGE_DOWN: return onPageDown(event, true); case ALTERNATIVE_PAGE_UP: return onPageUp(event, true); case ENTER: if (noProperContent() || clickHandler == null || hotPointY < 0 || hotPointY >= model.getRowCount() || getColUnderPos(hotPointX) < 0) return false; return clickHandler.onClick( model, getColUnderPos(hotPointX), hotPointY, model.getCell(getColUnderPos(hotPointX), hotPointY)); default: return false; } }
private boolean onArrowLeft(KeyboardEvent event) { if (noContentCheck()) return true; final int count = model.getRowCount(); if (hotPointY < 0 || hotPointY >= count) { environment.hint(Hints.EMPTY_LINE); return true; } if (hotPointX < initialHotPointX) hotPointX = initialHotPointX; if (getColUnderPos(hotPointX) < 0) hotPointX = initialHotPointX; final int currentCol = getColUnderPos(hotPointX); final int currentColWidth = colWidth[currentCol]; final int colStartPos = getColStartPos(currentCol); final TableCell c = new TableCell( hotPointX - colStartPos, cellShift, currentColWidth, appearance.getCellText(model, currentCol, hotPointY)); if (!c.movePrev()) { if (currentCol <= 0) { environment.hint(Hints.TABLE_BEGIN_OF_ROW); return true; } final String prevColText = appearance.getCellText(model, currentCol - 1, hotPointY); final int prevColWidth = colWidth[currentCol - 1]; final int prevColStartPos = getColStartPos(currentCol - 1); if (prevColText.length() > prevColWidth) { hotPointX = prevColStartPos + prevColWidth; cellShift = prevColText.length() - prevColWidth; } else { cellShift = 0; hotPointX = prevColStartPos + prevColText.length(); } environment.hint(Hints.TABLE_END_OF_COL); environment.onAreaNewContent(this); environment.onAreaNewHotPoint(this); return true; } cellShift = c.shift; hotPointX = c.pos + colStartPos; if (c.pos == c.width) // Should never happen; environment.hint(Hints.TABLE_END_OF_COL); else environment.sayLetter(c.line.charAt(c.pos + c.shift)); environment.onAreaNewContent(this); environment.onAreaNewHotPoint(this); return true; }
private boolean onArrowRight(KeyboardEvent event) { if (noContentCheck()) return true; final int count = model.getRowCount(); if (hotPointY < 0 || hotPointY >= count) { environment.hint(Hints.EMPTY_LINE); return true; } // Checking that hot point not before proper line begin; if (hotPointX < initialHotPointX) hotPointX = initialHotPointX; if (getColUnderPos(hotPointX) < 0) hotPointX = initialHotPointX; final int currentCol = getColUnderPos(hotPointX); final int currentColWidth = colWidth[currentCol]; final int colStartPos = getColStartPos(currentCol); final int nextColStartPos = colStartPos + colWidth[currentCol] + 1; final TableCell c = new TableCell( hotPointX - colStartPos, cellShift, currentColWidth, appearance.getCellText(model, currentCol, hotPointY)); if (!c.moveNext()) { if (currentCol + 1 >= colWidth.length) { environment.hint(Hints.TABLE_END_OF_ROW); return true; } cellShift = 0; hotPointX = nextColStartPos; final String nextColText = appearance.getCellText(model, currentCol + 1, hotPointY); if (!nextColText.isEmpty()) environment.sayLetter(nextColText.charAt(0)); else environment.hint( currentCol + 2 < colWidth.length ? Hints.TABLE_END_OF_COL : Hints.TABLE_END_OF_ROW); environment.onAreaNewContent(this); environment.onAreaNewHotPoint(this); return true; } cellShift = c.shift; hotPointX = c.pos + colStartPos; if (c.pos + c.shift >= c.line.length()) environment.hint( currentCol + 1 < colWidth.length ? Hints.TABLE_END_OF_COL : Hints.TABLE_END_OF_ROW); else environment.sayLetter(c.line.charAt(c.pos + c.shift)); environment.onAreaNewContent(this); environment.onAreaNewHotPoint(this); return true; }
public void refresh(boolean refreshModel) { if (model == null) { colWidth = null; cellShift = 0; hotPointX = 0; hotPointY = 0; environment.onAreaNewContent(this); environment.onAreaNewHotPoint(this); return; } if (refreshModel) model.refresh(); final int colCount = model.getColCount(); final int rowCount = model.getRowCount(); if (colCount <= 0 || rowCount <= 0) { colWidth = null; cellShift = 0; hotPointX = 0; hotPointY = 0; environment.onAreaNewContent(this); environment.onAreaNewHotPoint(this); return; } initialHotPointX = appearance.getInitialHotPointX(model); colWidth = new int[colCount]; int totalWidth = initialHotPointX; for (int i = 0; i < colCount; ++i) { final int width = appearance.getColWidth(model, i); colWidth[i] = width >= 1 ? width : 1; totalWidth += (colWidth[i] + 1); } if (hotPointY > rowCount) hotPointY = rowCount; if (hotPointY < rowCount && hotPointX >= totalWidth) hotPointX = totalWidth - 1; // totalWidth may not be zero as always we have at least one column here; if (hotPointY == rowCount) hotPointX = 0; environment.onAreaNewContent(this); environment.onAreaNewHotPoint(this); }
@Override public String getLine(int index) { if (noProperContent()) return index <= 0 ? environment.staticStr(LangStatic.TABLE_NO_CONTENT) : ""; if (index < 0 || index >= model.getRowCount()) return ""; final int currentCol = getColUnderPos(hotPointX); String line = getStringOfLen(appearance.getRowPrefix(model, index), initialHotPointX, "", ""); if (index != hotPointY || currentCol < 0) { for (int i = 0; i < model.getColCount(); ++i) line += getStringOfLen(appearance.getCellText(model, i, index), colWidth[i], ">", " "); return line; } if (currentCol > 0) for (int i = 0; i < currentCol; ++i) line += getStringOfLen(appearance.getCellText(model, i, index), colWidth[i], ">", " "); String currentColText = appearance.getCellText(model, currentCol, index); if (cellShift > 0 && cellShift < currentColText.length()) currentColText = currentColText.substring(cellShift); line += getStringOfLen(currentColText, colWidth[currentCol], ">", " "); if (currentCol + 1 < colWidth.length) for (int i = currentCol + 1; i < colWidth.length; ++i) line += getStringOfLen(appearance.getCellText(model, i, index), colWidth[i], ">", " "); return line; }
@Override public int getLineCount() { if (noProperContent()) return 2; return model.getRowCount() + 1; }
public int getSelectedRowIndex() { return hotPointY < model.getRowCount() ? hotPointY : -1; }