public void testHeadNotPopular() throws Exception { VersionCounts versionCounts = VersionCounts.make(); VoteBlock vb1 = makeVoteBlock(""); byte[] hash1 = addVersion(vb1, "content 1 for foo1"); byte[] hash2 = addVersion(vb1, "content 2 for foo1"); VoteBlock vb2 = makeVoteBlock(""); addVersion(vb2, "content 1 for foo1"); addVersion(vb2, "content 2 for foo1"); VoteBlock vb3 = makeVoteBlock(""); addVersion(vb3, "content 3 for foo1"); addVersion(vb3, "content 2 for foo1");, participant1);, participant2);, participant3); Map<ParticipantUserData, HashResult> repairCandidates; repairCandidates = versionCounts.getRepairCandidates(0); assertSameElements( SetUtil.set(participant1, participant2, participant3), repairCandidates.keySet()); repairCandidates = versionCounts.getRepairCandidates(1); assertSameElements( SetUtil.set(participant1, participant2, participant3), repairCandidates.keySet()); repairCandidates = versionCounts.getRepairCandidates(2); assertSameElements(SetUtil.set(participant1, participant2), repairCandidates.keySet()); repairCandidates = versionCounts.getRepairCandidates(3); assertEmpty(repairCandidates.keySet()); }
public void testMultipleIdenticalVersions() throws Exception { VersionCounts versionCounts = VersionCounts.make(); VoteBlock vb1 = makeVoteBlock(""); byte[] hash1 = addVersion(vb1, "content 1 for foo1"); byte[] hash2 = addVersion(vb1, "content 2 for foo1"); VoteBlock vb2 = makeVoteBlock(""); addVersion(vb2, "content 1 for foo1"); addVersion(vb2, "content 1 for foo1"); addVersion(vb2, "content 1 for foo1"); addVersion(vb2, "content 1 for foo1"); addVersion(vb2, "content 2 for foo1"); VoteBlock vb3 = makeVoteBlock(""); addVersion(vb3, "content 1 for foo1"); addVersion(vb3, "content 2 for foo1"); addVersion(vb3, "content 2 for foo1"); addVersion(vb3, "content 2 for foo1"); addVersion(vb3, "content 2 for foo1");, participant1);, participant2);, participant3); Map<ParticipantUserData, HashResult> repairCandidates; repairCandidates = versionCounts.getRepairCandidates(2); assertSameElements( SetUtil.set(participant1, participant2, participant3), repairCandidates.keySet()); // With only three candidates, no version should reach a threshold // of 4, unless counting multiples is wrong. repairCandidates = versionCounts.getRepairCandidates(4); assertEmpty(repairCandidates.keySet()); }
public void testHeadNotAllowed() throws Exception { VersionCounts versionCounts = VersionCounts.make(); VoteBlock vb1 = makeVoteBlock(""); byte[] hash1 = addVersion(vb1, "content 1 for foo1"); byte[] hash2 = addVersion(vb1, "content 2 for foo1");, participant1); Map<ParticipantUserData, HashResult> repairCandidates; repairCandidates = versionCounts.getRepairCandidates(0); assertSameElements(SetUtil.set(participant1), repairCandidates.keySet()); // Same, but with an excluded version that doesn't matter. repairCandidates = versionCounts.getRepairCandidates(0, SetUtil.set(HashResult.make(hash2))); assertSameElements(SetUtil.set(participant1), repairCandidates.keySet()); // Same, but with an excluded version that does matter repairCandidates = versionCounts.getRepairCandidates(0, SetUtil.set(HashResult.make(hash1))); assertEmpty(repairCandidates); }
public void testSortedRepairCandidates() throws Exception { VersionCounts versionCounts = VersionCounts.make(); VoteBlock vb1 = makeVoteBlock(""); addVersion(vb1, "content 1 for foo1"); VoteBlock vb2 = makeVoteBlock(""); addVersion(vb2, "content 2 for foo1"); VoteBlock vb3 = makeVoteBlock(""); addVersion(vb3, "content 3 for foo1"); addVersion(vb3, "content 2 for foo1");, participant1);, participant2);, participant3); Map<Integer, Collection<ParticipantUserData>> repairCandidates; repairCandidates = versionCounts.getSortedRepairCandidatesMap(2); assertEquals(SetUtil.set(2), repairCandidates.keySet()); assertSameElements(SetUtil.set(participant2), repairCandidates.get(2)); assertEquals(ListUtil.list(participant2), versionCounts.getSortedRepairCandidates(2)); repairCandidates = versionCounts.getSortedRepairCandidatesMap(1); assertIsomorphic(ListUtil.list(2, 1), repairCandidates.keySet()); assertSameElements(SetUtil.set(participant2), repairCandidates.get(2)); assertSameElements(SetUtil.set(participant1, participant3), repairCandidates.get(1)); List<ParticipantUserData> lst = versionCounts.getSortedRepairCandidates(1); assertTrue( "" + lst, (lst.equals(ListUtil.list(participant2, participant1, participant3)) || lst.equals(ListUtil.list(participant2, participant3, participant1)))); assertEmpty(versionCounts.getSortedRepairCandidatesMap(4)); assertEmpty(versionCounts.getSortedRepairCandidates(4)); }
/** UI to invoke various daemon actions */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class DebugPanel extends LockssServlet { public static final String PREFIX = Configuration.PREFIX + "debugPanel."; /** Priority for crawls started from the debug panel */ public static final String PARAM_CRAWL_PRIORITY = PREFIX + "crawlPriority"; public static final int DEFAULT_CRAWL_PRIORITY = 10; /** Priority for crawls started from the debug panel */ public static final String PARAM_ENABLE_DEEP_CRAWL = PREFIX + "deepCrawlEnabled"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_DEEP_CRAWL = false; static final String KEY_ACTION = "action"; static final String KEY_MSG = "msg"; static final String KEY_NAME_SEL = "name_sel"; static final String KEY_NAME_TYPE = "name_type"; static final String KEY_AUID = "auid"; static final String KEY_URL = "url"; static final String KEY_REFETCH_DEPTH = "depth"; static final String KEY_TIME = "time"; static final String ACTION_MAIL_BACKUP = "Mail Backup File"; static final String ACTION_THROW_IOEXCEPTION = "Throw IOException"; static final String ACTION_FIND_URL = "Find Preserved URL"; public static final String ACTION_REINDEX_METADATA = "Reindex Metadata"; public static final String ACTION_FORCE_REINDEX_METADATA = "Force Reindex Metadata"; public static final String ACTION_START_V3_POLL = "Start V3 Poll"; static final String ACTION_FORCE_START_V3_POLL = "Force V3 Poll"; public static final String ACTION_START_CRAWL = "Start Crawl"; public static final String ACTION_FORCE_START_CRAWL = "Force Start Crawl"; public static final String ACTION_START_DEEP_CRAWL = "Deep Crawl"; public static final String ACTION_FORCE_START_DEEP_CRAWL = "Force Deep Crawl"; public static final String ACTION_CHECK_SUBSTANCE = "Check Substance"; static final String ACTION_CRAWL_PLUGINS = "Crawl Plugins"; static final String ACTION_RELOAD_CONFIG = "Reload Config"; static final String ACTION_SLEEP = "Sleep"; public static final String ACTION_DISABLE_METADATA_INDEXING = "Disable Indexing"; /** Set of actions for which audit alerts shouldn't be generated */ public static final Set noAuditActions = SetUtil.set(ACTION_FIND_URL); static final String COL2 = "colspan=2"; static final String COL2CENTER = COL2 + " align=center"; static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("DebugPanel"); private LockssDaemon daemon; private PluginManager pluginMgr; private PollManager pollManager; private CrawlManager crawlMgr; private ConfigManager cfgMgr; private DbManager dbMgr; private MetadataManager metadataMgr; private RemoteApi rmtApi; boolean showResult; boolean showForcePoll; boolean showForceCrawl; boolean showForceReindexMetadata; String formAuid; String formDepth = "100"; protected void resetLocals() { resetVars(); super.resetLocals(); } void resetVars() { formAuid = null; errMsg = null; statusMsg = null; showForcePoll = false; showForceCrawl = false; showForceReindexMetadata = false; } public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { super.init(config); daemon = getLockssDaemon(); pluginMgr = daemon.getPluginManager(); pollManager = daemon.getPollManager(); crawlMgr = daemon.getCrawlManager(); cfgMgr = daemon.getConfigManager(); rmtApi = daemon.getRemoteApi(); try { dbMgr = daemon.getDbManager(); metadataMgr = daemon.getMetadataManager(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { } } public void lockssHandleRequest() throws IOException { resetVars(); boolean showForm = true; String action = getParameter(KEY_ACTION); if (!StringUtil.isNullString(action)) { formAuid = getParameter(KEY_AUID); formDepth = getParameter(KEY_REFETCH_DEPTH); UserAccount acct = getUserAccount(); if (acct != null && !noAuditActions.contains(action)) { acct.auditableEvent("used debug panel action: " + action + " AU ID: " + formAuid); } } if (ACTION_MAIL_BACKUP.equals(action)) { doMailBackup(); } if (ACTION_RELOAD_CONFIG.equals(action)) { doReloadConfig(); } if (ACTION_SLEEP.equals(action)) { doSleep(); } if (ACTION_THROW_IOEXCEPTION.equals(action)) { doThrow(); } if (ACTION_START_V3_POLL.equals(action)) { doV3Poll(); } if (ACTION_FORCE_START_V3_POLL.equals(action)) { forceV3Poll(); } if (ACTION_START_CRAWL.equals(action)) { doCrawl(false, false); } if (ACTION_FORCE_START_CRAWL.equals(action)) { doCrawl(true, false); } if (ACTION_START_DEEP_CRAWL.equals(action)) { doCrawl(false, true); } if (ACTION_FORCE_START_DEEP_CRAWL.equals(action)) { doCrawl(true, true); } if (ACTION_CHECK_SUBSTANCE.equals(action)) { doCheckSubstance(); } if (ACTION_CRAWL_PLUGINS.equals(action)) { crawlPluginRegistries(); } if (ACTION_FIND_URL.equals(action)) { showForm = doFindUrl(); } if (ACTION_REINDEX_METADATA.equals(action)) { doReindexMetadata(); } if (ACTION_FORCE_REINDEX_METADATA.equals(action)) { forceReindexMetadata(); } if (ACTION_DISABLE_METADATA_INDEXING.equals(action)) { doDisableMetadataIndexing(); } if (showForm) { displayPage(); } } private void doMailBackup() { try { rmtApi.createConfigBackupFile(RemoteApi.BackupFileDisposition.Mail); } catch (Exception e) { errMsg = "Error: " + e.getMessage(); } } private void doReloadConfig() { cfgMgr.requestReload(); } private void doThrow() throws IOException { String msg = getParameter(KEY_MSG); throw new IOException(msg != null ? msg : "Test message"); } private void doSleep() throws IOException { String timestr = getParameter(KEY_TIME); try { long time = StringUtil.parseTimeInterval(timestr);; statusMsg = "Slept for " + StringUtil.timeIntervalToString(time); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errMsg = "Illegal duration: " + e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { errMsg = "Interrupted: " + e; } } private void doReindexMetadata() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { startReindexingMetadata(au, false); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Can't reindex metadata", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } } private void forceReindexMetadata() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { startReindexingMetadata(au, true); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Can't reindex metadata", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } } private void doDisableMetadataIndexing() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { disableMetadataIndexing(au, false); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Can't disable metadata indexing", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } } private void doCrawl(boolean force, boolean deep) { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { startCrawl(au, force, deep); } catch (CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException.RateLimiter e) { errMsg = "AU has crawled recently (" + e.getMessage() + "). Click again to override."; showForceCrawl = true; return; } catch (CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException e) { errMsg = "Can't enqueue crawl: " + e.getMessage(); } } private void crawlPluginRegistries() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (ArchivalUnit au : pluginMgr.getAllRegistryAus()) { sb.append(au.getName()); sb.append(": "); try { startCrawl(au, true, false); sb.append("Queued."); } catch (CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException e) { sb.append("Failed: "); sb.append(e.getMessage()); } sb.append("\n"); } statusMsg = sb.toString(); } private boolean startCrawl(ArchivalUnit au, boolean force, boolean deep) throws CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException { CrawlManagerImpl cmi = (CrawlManagerImpl) crawlMgr; if (force) { RateLimiter limit = cmi.getNewContentRateLimiter(au); if (!limit.isEventOk()) { limit.unevent(); } } cmi.checkEligibleToQueueNewContentCrawl(au); String delayMsg = ""; String deepMsg = ""; try { cmi.checkEligibleForNewContentCrawl(au); } catch (CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException e) { delayMsg = ", Start delayed due to: " + e.getMessage(); } Configuration config = ConfigManager.getCurrentConfig(); int pri = config.getInt(PARAM_CRAWL_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_CRAWL_PRIORITY); CrawlReq req; try { req = new CrawlReq(au); req.setPriority(pri); if (deep) { int d = Integer.parseInt(formDepth); if (d < 0) { errMsg = "Illegal refetch depth: " + d; return false; } req.setRefetchDepth(d); deepMsg = "Deep (" + req.getRefetchDepth() + ") "; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errMsg = "Illegal refetch depth: " + formDepth; return false; } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Couldn't create CrawlReq: " + au, e); errMsg = "Couldn't create CrawlReq: " + e.toString(); return false; } cmi.startNewContentCrawl(req, null); statusMsg = deepMsg + "Crawl requested for " + au.getName() + delayMsg; return true; } private void doCheckSubstance() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { checkSubstance(au); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Error in SubstanceChecker", e); errMsg = "Error in SubstanceChecker; see log."; } } private void checkSubstance(ArchivalUnit au) { SubstanceChecker subChecker = new SubstanceChecker(au); if (!subChecker.isEnabled()) { errMsg = "No substance patterns defined for plugin."; return; } AuState auState = AuUtil.getAuState(au); SubstanceChecker.State oldState = auState.getSubstanceState(); SubstanceChecker.State newState = subChecker.findSubstance(); String chtxt = (newState == oldState ? "(unchanged)" : "(was " + oldState.toString() + ")"); switch (newState) { case Unknown: log.error("Shouldn't happen: SubstanceChecker returned Unknown"); errMsg = "Error in SubstanceChecker; see log."; break; case Yes: statusMsg = "AU has substance " + chtxt + ": " + au.getName(); auState.setSubstanceState(SubstanceChecker.State.Yes); break; case No: statusMsg = "AU has no substance " + chtxt + ": " + au.getName(); auState.setSubstanceState(SubstanceChecker.State.No); break; } } private boolean startReindexingMetadata(ArchivalUnit au, boolean force) { if (metadataMgr == null) { errMsg = "Metadata processing is not enabled."; return false; } if (!force) { if (!AuUtil.hasCrawled(au)) { errMsg = "Au has never crawled. Click again to reindex metadata"; showForceReindexMetadata = true; return false; } AuState auState = AuUtil.getAuState(au); switch (auState.getSubstanceState()) { case No: errMsg = "Au has no substance. Click again to reindex metadata"; showForceReindexMetadata = true; return false; case Unknown: errMsg = "Unknown substance for Au. Click again to reindex metadata."; showForceReindexMetadata = true; return false; case Yes: // fall through } } // Fully reindex metadata with the highest priority. Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement insertPendingAuBatchStatement = null; try { conn = dbMgr.getConnection(); insertPendingAuBatchStatement = metadataMgr.getPrioritizedInsertPendingAuBatchStatement(conn); if (metadataMgr.enableAndAddAuToReindex( au, conn, insertPendingAuBatchStatement, false, true)) { statusMsg = "Reindexing metadata for " + au.getName(); return true; } } catch (DbException dbe) { log.error("Cannot reindex metadata for " + au.getName(), dbe); } finally { DbManager.safeCloseStatement(insertPendingAuBatchStatement); DbManager.safeRollbackAndClose(conn); } if (force) { errMsg = "Still cannot reindex metadata for " + au.getName(); } else { errMsg = "Cannot reindex metadata for " + au.getName(); } return false; } private boolean disableMetadataIndexing(ArchivalUnit au, boolean force) { if (metadataMgr == null) { errMsg = "Metadata processing is not enabled."; return false; } try { metadataMgr.disableAuIndexing(au); statusMsg = "Disabled metadata indexing for " + au.getName(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { errMsg = "Cannot reindex metadata for " + au.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(); return false; } } private void doV3Poll() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { callV3ContentPoll(au); } catch (PollManager.NotEligibleException e) { errMsg = "AU is not eligible for poll: " + e.getMessage(); // errMsg = "Ineligible: " + e.getMessage() + // "<br>Click again to force new poll."; // showForcePoll = true; return; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can't start poll", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } } private void forceV3Poll() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { callV3ContentPoll(au); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can't start poll", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } } private void callV3ContentPoll(ArchivalUnit au) throws PollManager.NotEligibleException { log.debug("Enqueuing a V3 Content Poll on " + au.getName()); PollSpec spec = new PollSpec(au.getAuCachedUrlSet(), Poll.V3_POLL); pollManager.enqueueHighPriorityPoll(au, spec); statusMsg = "Enqueued V3 poll for " + au.getName(); } private boolean doFindUrl() throws IOException { String url = getParameter(KEY_URL); String redir = srvURL( AdminServletManager.SERVLET_DAEMON_STATUS, PropUtil.fromArgs("table", ArchivalUnitStatus.AUS_WITH_URL_TABLE_NAME, "key", url)); resp.setContentLength(0); // resp.sendRedirect(resp.encodeRedirectURL(redir)); resp.sendRedirect(redir); return false; } ArchivalUnit getAu() { if (StringUtil.isNullString(formAuid)) { errMsg = "Select an AU"; return null; } ArchivalUnit au = pluginMgr.getAuFromId(formAuid); if (au == null) { errMsg = "No such AU. Select an AU"; return null; } return au; } private void displayPage() throws IOException { Page page = newPage(); layoutErrorBlock(page); ServletUtil.layoutExplanationBlock(page, "Debug Actions"); page.add(makeForm()); page.add("<br>"); endPage(page); } private Element makeForm() { Composite comp = new Composite(); Form frm = new Form(srvURL(myServletDescr())); frm.method("POST"); frm.add("<br><center>"); Input reload = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_RELOAD_CONFIG); setTabOrder(reload); frm.add(reload); frm.add(" "); Input backup = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_MAIL_BACKUP); setTabOrder(backup); frm.add(backup); frm.add(" "); Input crawlplug = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_CRAWL_PLUGINS); setTabOrder(crawlplug); frm.add(crawlplug); frm.add("</center>"); ServletDescr d1 = AdminServletManager.SERVLET_HASH_CUS; if (isServletRunnable(d1)) { frm.add("<br><center>" + srvLink(d1, d1.heading) + "</center>"); } Input findUrl = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_FIND_URL); Input findUrlText = new Input(Input.Text, KEY_URL); findUrlText.setSize(50); setTabOrder(findUrl); setTabOrder(findUrlText); frm.add("<br><center>" + findUrl + " " + findUrlText + "</center>"); Input thrw = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_THROW_IOEXCEPTION); Input thmsg = new Input(Input.Text, KEY_MSG); setTabOrder(thrw); setTabOrder(thmsg); frm.add("<br><center>" + thrw + " " + thmsg + "</center>"); frm.add("<br><center>AU Actions: select AU</center>"); Composite ausel = ServletUtil.layoutSelectAu(this, KEY_AUID, formAuid); frm.add("<br><center>" + ausel + "</center>"); setTabOrder(ausel); Input v3Poll = new Input( Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, (showForcePoll ? ACTION_FORCE_START_V3_POLL : ACTION_START_V3_POLL)); Input crawl = new Input( Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, (showForceCrawl ? ACTION_FORCE_START_CRAWL : ACTION_START_CRAWL)); frm.add("<br><center>"); frm.add(v3Poll); frm.add(" "); frm.add(crawl); if (CurrentConfig.getBooleanParam(PARAM_ENABLE_DEEP_CRAWL, DEFAULT_ENABLE_DEEP_CRAWL)) { Input deepCrawl = new Input( Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, (showForceCrawl ? ACTION_FORCE_START_DEEP_CRAWL : ACTION_START_DEEP_CRAWL)); Input depthText = new Input(Input.Text, KEY_REFETCH_DEPTH, formDepth); depthText.setSize(4); setTabOrder(depthText); frm.add(" "); frm.add(deepCrawl); frm.add(depthText); } Input checkSubstance = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_CHECK_SUBSTANCE); frm.add("<br>"); frm.add(checkSubstance); if (metadataMgr != null) { Input reindex = new Input( Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, (showForceReindexMetadata ? ACTION_FORCE_REINDEX_METADATA : ACTION_REINDEX_METADATA)); frm.add(" "); frm.add(reindex); Input disableIndexing = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_DISABLE_METADATA_INDEXING); frm.add(" "); frm.add(disableIndexing); } frm.add("</center>"); comp.add(frm); return comp; } }