   * Test method for 'org.locationtech.udig.validation.ValidateOverlaps.op(Display, Object,
   * IProgressMonitor)'
  public void testOverlapsOp() throws Exception {
    // create features suitable for the test
    GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory();
    LineString[] line = new LineString[4];
    // first test: 2 overlapping lines, overlap test fails?
    line[0] =
            new Coordinate[] {
              new Coordinate(10, 10), new Coordinate(20, 20),
    line[1] =
            new Coordinate[] {
              new Coordinate(15, 15), new Coordinate(25, 25),
    assertTrue(line[0].overlaps(line[1])); // just checking :)
    // second test: does this validation test for self-overlaps? (it shouldn't)
    line[2] =
            new Coordinate[] {
              new Coordinate(50, 50), new Coordinate(60, 50), new Coordinate(55, 50),
    // third test: an intersecting line; is valid?
    line[3] =
            new Coordinate[] {
              new Coordinate(10, 20), new Coordinate(20, 10),

    String[] attrValues = new String[4];
    attrValues[0] = "value0"; // $NON-NLS-1$
    attrValues[1] = "value1"; // $NON-NLS-1$
    attrValues[2] = "value2"; // $NON-NLS-1$
    attrValues[3] = "value3"; // $NON-NLS-1$

    SimpleFeatureType ft =
            "myLineType", "*geom:LineString,name:String"); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
    ft = DataUtilities.createSubType(ft, null, DefaultEngineeringCRS.CARTESIAN_2D);
    SimpleFeature[] features = new SimpleFeature[4];
    // add lines
    features[0] =
        SimpleFeatureBuilder.build(ft, new Object[] {line[0], attrValues[0]}, Integer.toString(0));
    features[1] =
        SimpleFeatureBuilder.build(ft, new Object[] {line[1], attrValues[1]}, Integer.toString(1));
    features[2] =
        SimpleFeatureBuilder.build(ft, new Object[] {line[2], attrValues[2]}, Integer.toString(2));
    features[3] =
        SimpleFeatureBuilder.build(ft, new Object[] {line[3], attrValues[3]}, Integer.toString(3));

    IGeoResource resource = MapTests.createGeoResource(features, true);
    Map map = MapTests.createNonDynamicMapAndRenderer(resource, new Dimension(500, 512));
    ValidateOverlaps validator = new ValidateOverlaps();
    validator.op(Display.getDefault(), map.getLayersInternal().get(0), new NullProgressMonitor());
            .size()); // only line[0] and line[1] should fail (counts as 1)
        new AbstractCommand() {

          public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception {}

          public String getName() {
            return null;
        }); // send a sync command so async doesn't give us a false junit failure

    Id filter = (Id) map.getLayersInternal().get(0).getFilter();
    String[] fids = filter.getIDs().toArray(new String[0]);
    // System.out.println(fids[0].length()+" features in FID");
    assertEquals(1, fids[0].length()); // only 1 feature failed?
    assertEquals(features[0].getID(), fids[0]); // it was feature 0 that failed?
 public void setUp() throws Exception {
   map = MapTests.createDefaultMap("typename", 4, true, null); // $NON-NLS-1$
   layer = map.getLayersInternal().get(0);