public void run() throws Exception { GitHub gh = GitHub.connect(); GHOrganization org = gh.getOrganization("jenkinsci"); for (GHRepository r : org.listRepositories()) { // as a roll out, only do this for 60% of the repositories if (r.getName().hashCode() % 10 < 6 && !r.getName().equals("jenkins")) greet(r); } }
public DynamicProject createNewProject(GHRepository githubRepository) { try { new GithubRepositoryService(githubRepository).linkProjectToCi(); OrganizationContainer folder = this.organizationRepository.getOrCreateContainer(githubRepository.getOwner().getLogin()); String projectName = githubRepository.getName(); DynamicProject project = folder.createProject(DynamicProject.class, projectName); project.setDescription(format("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", githubRepository.getUrl(), githubRepository.getUrl())); project.setConcurrentBuild(true); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(SetupConfig.get().getLabel())) { project.setAssignedLabel(Jenkins.getInstance().getLabel(SetupConfig.get().getLabel())); } project.addProperty(new ParametersDefinitionProperty(new StringParameterDefinition("BRANCH", "master"))); project.addProperty(new GithubRepoProperty(githubRepository.getUrl())); project.getPublishersList().add(new DotCiNotifier());; folder.addItem(project);; return project; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
private GHRepository mockGHRepository(String ownerName, String name) throws IOException { GHRepository ghRepository = PowerMockito.mock(GHRepository.class); GHUser ghUser = PowerMockito.mock(GHUser.class); PowerMockito.when(ghUser.getLogin()).thenReturn(ownerName); PowerMockito.when(ghRepository.getOwner()).thenReturn(ghUser); PowerMockito.when(ghRepository.getName()).thenReturn(name); return ghRepository; }
/** * Creates a repository local team, and grants access to the repository. */ private GHTeam getOrCreateRepoLocalTeam(GHOrganization org, GHRepository r) throws IOException { String teamName = r.getName() + " Developers"; GHTeam t = org.getTeams().get(teamName); if (t==null) { t = org.createTeam(teamName, Permission.ADMIN, r); } else { t.add(r); } return t; }
/** Creates a new team and assigns the repositories. */ public GHTeam createTeam(String name, Permission p, Collection<GHRepository> repositories) throws IOException { Requester post = new Requester(root).with("name", name).with("permission", p); List<String> repo_names = new ArrayList<String>(); for (GHRepository r : repositories) { repo_names.add(r.getName()); } post.with("repo_names", repo_names); return post.method("POST").to("/orgs/" + login + "/teams", GHTeam.class).wrapUp(this); }
private Set<GhprbRepository> getRepos(GHRepository repo) throws IOException { try { return getRepos(repo.getOwner().getLogin() + "/" + repo.getName()); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Can't get a valid owner for repo"); // this normally happens due to missing "login" field in the owner of the repo // when the repo is inside of an organisation account. The only field which doesn't // rely on the owner.login (which would throw a null pointer exception) is the "html_url" // field. So we try to parse the owner out of that here until github fixes his api String repoUrl = repo.getUrl(); if (repoUrl.endsWith("/")) { // strip off trailing slash if any repoUrl = repoUrl.substring(0, repoUrl.length() - 2); } int slashIndex = repoUrl.lastIndexOf('/'); String owner = repoUrl.substring(slashIndex + 1); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Parsed {0} from {1}", new Object[] {owner, repoUrl}); return getRepos(owner + "/" + repo.getName()); } }
/** Creates a new team and assigns the repositories. */ public GHTeam createTeam(String name, Permission p, Collection<GHRepository> repositories) throws IOException { Poster post = new Poster(root) .withCredential() .with("team[name]", name) .with("team[permission]",; for (GHRepository r : repositories) { post.with("team[repo_names][]", r.getOwnerName() + '/' + r.getName()); } return"/organizations/" + login + "/teams", JsonTeam.class).wrap(this); }
/** Does this repository match the repository referenced in the given {@link GHCommitPointer}? */ public boolean matches(GHRepository repo) throws IOException { return userName.equals(repo.getOwner().getLogin()) // TODO: use getOwnerName && repositoryName.equals(repo.getName()) && host.equals(new URL(repo.getUrl()).getHost()); }
public boolean projectExists(GHRepository repository) throws IOException { OrganizationContainer folder = this.organizationRepository.getOrganizationContainer(repository.getOwner().getLogin()); return folder != null && folder.getItem(repository.getName()) != null; }