private Map<Triple<DendrogramNode, RowKey, RowKey>, Number> visit(
     final DendrogramNode root,
     final Map<Triple<DendrogramNode, RowKey, RowKey>, Number> m,
     final Map<RowKey, DistanceVectorDataValue> d,
     final int allLeaves,
     final ExecutionContext exec)
     throws CanceledExecutionException {
   if (root.isLeaf()) {
     final RowKey key = RowKeyHelper.getKey(root);
     return Collections.singletonMap(Triple.apply(root, key, key), (Number) Double.valueOf(0));
   final DendrogramNode w = root.getFirstSubnode();
   final Map<Triple<DendrogramNode, RowKey, RowKey>, Number> leftM =
       visit(w, m, d, allLeaves, exec);
   final DendrogramNode x = root.getSecondSubnode();
   final Map<Triple<DendrogramNode, RowKey, RowKey>, Number> rightM =
       visit(x, m, d, allLeaves, exec);
   final Map<Triple<DendrogramNode, RowKey, RowKey>, Number> ret =
       new HashMap<Triple<DendrogramNode, RowKey, RowKey>, Number>(leftM);
   final Set<RowKey> leftKeys = computeLeaves(w);
   final Set<RowKey> rightKeys = computeLeaves(x);
   computeM(root, d, w, x, rightM, ret, leftKeys, rightKeys);
   computeM(root, d, x, w, leftM, ret, rightKeys, leftKeys);
   exec.setProgress(((double) leftKeys.size() + rightKeys.size()) / allLeaves);
   return ret;
 protected PortObject[] execute(final PortObject[] inObjects, final ExecutionContext exec)
     throws Exception {
   // Initialising
   final ClusterTreeModel model = (ClusterTreeModel) inObjects[0];
   final BufferedDataTable data = (BufferedDataTable) inObjects[1];
   final int distanceColumnIdx =
   final Map<RowKey, DistanceVectorDataValue> distanceMatrix =
       new HashMap<RowKey, DistanceVectorDataValue>();
   for (final DataRow dataRow : data) {
     final DistanceVectorDataValue distanceVector =
         (DistanceVectorDataValue) dataRow.getCell(distanceColumnIdx);
     distanceMatrix.put(dataRow.getKey(), distanceVector);
   final DendrogramNode origRoot = model.getRoot();
   final Map<Triple<DendrogramNode, RowKey, RowKey>, Number> m =
           new HashMap<Triple<DendrogramNode, RowKey, RowKey>, Number>(),
           model.getClusterDistances().length + 1,
   final Map<RowKey, Pair<DataRow, Integer>> rows = new HashMap<RowKey, Pair<DataRow, Integer>>();
   int idx = 0;
   for (final DataRow dataRow : data) {
     rows.put(dataRow.getKey(), Pair.create(dataRow, Integer.valueOf(idx++)));
   exec.setMessage("creating final tree");
   final ClusterViewNode tree = buildNewTree(convertM(m), origRoot, rows, exec).getO1();
   final ArrayList<DistanceVectorDataValue>
       origList = new ArrayList<DistanceVectorDataValue>(model.getClusterDistances().length + 1),
       newList = new ArrayList<DistanceVectorDataValue>(model.getClusterDistances().length + 1);
   flatten(origRoot, origList, distanceMatrix);
   flatten(tree, newList, distanceMatrix);"Before:      " + sumDistance(origList));"After:       " + sumDistance(newList));
   final ClusterTreeModel clusterTreeModel =
       new ClusterTreeModel(
           (DataTableSpec) model.getSpec(),
           model.getClusterDistances().length + 1) {
         public String getSummary() {
           return "Before: " + sumDistance(origList) + "\nAfter:  " + sumDistance(newList);
   return new PortObject[] {clusterTreeModel};
  protected BufferedDataTable[] execute(
      final BufferedDataTable[] inData, final ExecutionContext exec) throws Exception {
    final BufferedDataContainer con = exec.createDataContainer(m_spec);
    final ImgPlusCellFactory imgCellFactory = new ImgPlusCellFactory(exec);
    int id = 1;
    for (final SerializableSetting<Img<T>[]> conf : m_kernelList.getObjects()) {
      for (final Img<T> img : conf.get()) {
        if (img instanceof ImgPlus<?>) {
              new DefaultRow("Kernel " + id, imgCellFactory.createCell((ImgPlus<T>) img)));
        } else {
              new DefaultRow("Kernel " + id, imgCellFactory.createCell(new ImgPlus<T>(img))));


    // data for the table cell view
    m_data = con.getTable();
    return new BufferedDataTable[] {m_data};
  public void shouldTransform() throws CanceledExecutionException {

    OutputTransformer<ITSDataType> transformer = new ITSAdapterTransformer(createDataColumnSpec());
    List<ITSDataType> entries = Lists.newArrayList(create("Bug1"), create("Bug2"));

    BufferedDataContainer container = mock(BufferedDataContainer.class);
    ExecutionContext exec = mock(ExecutionContext.class);

    // when
    transformer.transform(entries, exec);

    // then
    verify(container, times(2)).addRowToTable(Mockito.any(DataRow.class));
  protected void waitForCompletion(MuscleClient cli, ExecutionContext exec, String jobId)
      throws Exception {
    if (jobId.length() > 0) {
      int check_period = 20 * 1000; // every 10s
      String status = "PENDING";
      int retry = 0;
      while (status.equals("PENDING") || status.equals("RUNNING")) {
        try {
"Waiting for " + jobId);

          status = cli.checkStatus(jobId);
          if (status.equals("RUNNING") || status.equals("PENDING")) {
   + " " + status + ", sleeping for " + check_period + " milliseconds");

            // check ten times each check_period to see if the user pressed cancel
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
              Thread.sleep(check_period / 10);

            // each time job is still going, we double check_period to reduce likelihood of
            // overloading EBI
            check_period *= 2;
            if (check_period > 200000) {
              check_period = 200000;
          if (status == "FAILED") {
            logger.error("MUSCLE job failed: " + jobId);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          if (retry < 3) {
                "Unable to check job " + jobId + " retrying (after linear-backoff delay)... ");
            Thread.sleep(((420 * retry) + 120) * 1000);
            status = "PENDING";
          } else {
            throw new Exception("Cannot check job " + jobId + " via MUSCLE (EBI)... aborting" + e);
    } else {
      throw new Exception("Bogus EBI job id... aborting!");
  protected BufferedDataTable[] execute(BufferedDataTable[] inData, ExecutionContext exec)
      throws Exception {
    BufferedDataContainer cont = exec.createDataContainer(outspec[0]);

    List<DataCell> cells = new ArrayList<DataCell>();
    CloseableRowIterator iter = inData[0].iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {

    ListCell lc = CollectionCellFactory.createListCell(cells);
    DataRow row = new DefaultRow("Row 1", lc);

    return new BufferedDataTable[] {cont.getTable()};
 private static Triple<ClusterViewNode, RowKey, RowKey> buildNewTree(
     final Map<DendrogramNode, Map<Pair<RowKey, RowKey>, Number>> m,
     final DendrogramNode root,
     final Map<RowKey, Pair<DataRow, Integer>> rows,
     ExecutionContext exec)
     throws CanceledExecutionException {
   if (root.isLeaf()) {
     final Pair<DataRow, Integer> leafRow = rows.get(RowKeyHelper.getKey(root));
     return Triple.apply(
         new ClusterViewNode(leafRow.getFirst().getKey()),
   final Triple<ClusterViewNode, RowKey, RowKey> firstTree =
       buildNewTree(m, root.getFirstSubnode(), rows, exec);
   final Triple<ClusterViewNode, RowKey, RowKey> secondTree =
       buildNewTree(m, root.getSecondSubnode(), rows, exec);
   final Map<Pair<RowKey, RowKey>, Number> map = m.get(root);
   Pair<RowKey, RowKey> pairNoChange = Pair.create(firstTree.getO3(), secondTree.getO2());
   if (!map.containsKey(pairNoChange)) {
     pairNoChange = flip(pairNoChange);
   Pair<RowKey, RowKey> pairChange = Pair.create(secondTree.getO3(), firstTree.getO2());
   if (!map.containsKey(pairChange)) {
     pairChange = flip(pairChange);
   assert map.containsKey(pairNoChange);
   assert map.containsKey(pairChange);
   final double noChangeValue = map.get(pairNoChange).doubleValue();
   final double changeValue = map.get(pairChange).doubleValue();
   if (noChangeValue > changeValue) {
     return Triple.apply(
         new ClusterViewNode(firstTree.getO1(), secondTree.getO1(), root.getDist()),
   return Triple.apply(
       new ClusterViewNode(secondTree.getO1(), firstTree.getO1(), root.getDist()),
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  protected BufferedDataTable[] execute(
      final BufferedDataTable[] inData, final ExecutionContext exec) throws Exception {
    if (m_email.equals(DEFAULT_EMAIL)) {
      throw new Exception(
          "You must set a valid E-Mail for EBI to contact you in the event of problems with the service!");
    int n_rows = inData[0].getRowCount();
    int seq_idx =
        inData[0].getSpec().findColumnIndex(((SettingsModelString) m_seq_col).getStringValue());
    int accsn_idx =
        inData[0].getSpec().findColumnIndex(((SettingsModelString) m_accsn_col).getStringValue());
    if (seq_idx < 0 || accsn_idx < 0) {
      throw new Exception("Cannot find columns... valid data?");
    int done = 0;

    // create the output columns (raw format for use with R)
    DataTableSpec outputSpec = new DataTableSpec(inData[0].getDataTableSpec(), make_output_spec());
    BufferedDataContainer container = exec.createDataContainer(outputSpec, false, 0);

    // instantiate MUSCLE client
    MuscleClient cli = new MuscleClient();

    // each row is a separate MUSCLE job, the sequences are in one collection cell, the accessions
    // (IDs) in the other
    RowIterator it = inData[0].iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      DataRow r =;
      ListCell seqs = (ListCell) r.getCell(seq_idx);
      ListCell accsns = (ListCell) r.getCell(accsn_idx);
      if (seqs.size() != accsns.size()) {
        throw new Exception(
            "Every sequence must have a corresponding accession: error at row "
                + r.getKey().getString());
      if (seqs.size() < 1) {
        throw new Exception("Cannot MUSCLE zero sequences: error at row " + r.getKey().getString());
      if (seqs.size() > 1000) {
        throw new Exception("Too many sequences in row " + r.getKey().getString());
      // dummy a fake "FASTA" file (in memory) and then submit that to MUSCLE@EBI along with other
      // necessary parameters
      StringBuffer seq_as_fasta = new StringBuffer();
      for (int i = 0; i < seqs.size(); i++) {
      // System.err.println(seq_as_fasta);

      // lodge the muscle job and store the results in the output table
      InputParameters ip = new InputParameters();

      // start the job
      String jobId = cli.runApp(m_email.getStringValue(), r.getKey().getString(), ip);

      exec.setProgress(((double) done) / n_rows, "Executing " + jobId);
      Thread.sleep(20 * 1000); // 20 seconds
      waitForCompletion(cli, exec, jobId);

      // process results and add them into the table...
      // 1. fasta alignment data
      byte[] bytes = cli.getSrvProxy().getResult(jobId, "aln-fasta", null);

      DataCell[] cells = new DataCell[3];
      cells[0] = new StringCell(jobId);

      // compute the base64 encoded phylip aligned sequences suitable for use by R's phangorn
      // package
      String fasta = new String(bytes);
      String ret = fasta2phylip(fasta);

      // it must be encoded (I chose base64) as it is common to both Java and R and it must be
      // encoded due to containing multiple lines, which confuses the CSV passed between KNIME and R
      String rk = r.getKey().getString();
      DataCell mac = AlignmentCellFactory.createCell(fasta, AlignmentType.AL_AA);
      if (mac instanceof MultiAlignmentCell) m_muscle_map.put(rk, (MultiAlignmentCell) mac);
      cells[1] = mac;

      bytes = cli.getSrvProxy().getResult(jobId, "out", null);
      cells[2] = new StringCell("<html><pre>" + new String(bytes));

      container.addRowToTable(new JoinedRow(r, new DefaultRow(r.getKey(), cells)));
    BufferedDataTable out = container.getTable();
    return new BufferedDataTable[] {out};
  protected BufferedDataTable[] execute(BufferedDataTable[] inData, ExecutionContext exec)
      throws Exception {

    List<File> inputFiles =
        FileSelectPanel.getInputFiles(propInputDir.getStringValue(), getAllowedFileExtensions());

    if (inputFiles.isEmpty()) {
      throw new RuntimeException("No files selected");

    // first group files into plate-groups
    Map<String, List<File>> plateFiles = splitFilesIntoPlates(inputFiles);

    if (inputFiles.isEmpty()) {
      throw new RuntimeException("No valid envision-files in selection " + inputFiles);

    // split files
    List<String> allAttributes = mergeAttributes(plateFiles);
    List<Attribute> colAttributes = compileColumnModel(allAttributes);

    DataTableSpec outputSpec = AttributeUtils.compileTableSpecs(colAttributes);
    BufferedDataContainer container = exec.createDataContainer(outputSpec);

    // populate the table
    int fileCounter = 0, rowCounter = 0;
    for (String barcode : plateFiles.keySet()) {"Processing plate " + barcode);

      Plate plate = new Plate();

      // invalidate plate-dims as these become fixed in the loop

      for (File file : plateFiles.get(barcode)) {
        String attributeName = getAttributeNameOfEnvisionFile(file);
        parseFile(plate, attributeName, file);

        BufTableUtils.updateProgress(exec, fileCounter++, inputFiles.size());

      // now create the data-rows for this table
      for (Well well : plate.getWells()) {
        if (well.getReadOutNames().isEmpty()) {

        DataCell[] knimeRow = new DataCell[colAttributes.size()];

        // first add the barcode-column
        knimeRow[0] = new StringCell(barcode);

        knimeRow[1] = colAttributes.get(1).createCell(well.getPlateRow());
        knimeRow[2] = colAttributes.get(2).createCell(well.getPlateColumn());

        for (String attributeName : allAttributes) {
          int rowIndex = allAttributes.indexOf(attributeName);
          Double value = well.getReadout(attributeName);

          if (value != null) {
            knimeRow[3 + rowIndex] = new DoubleCell(value);
          } else {
            knimeRow[3 + rowIndex] = DataType.getMissingCell();

        DataRow tableRow = new DefaultRow(new RowKey("" + rowCounter++), knimeRow);


    return new BufferedDataTable[] {container.getTable()};
  protected BufferedDataTable[] execute(BufferedDataTable[] inData, ExecutionContext exec)
      throws Exception {

    BufferedDataTable input = inData[0];

    // Get the condition attribute
    Attribute treatmentAttribute =
        new InputTableAttribute(this.treatmentAttribute.getStringValue(), input);

    // Get the library and reference condition names
    String libraryName = AbstractScreenTrafoModel.getAndValidateTreatment(reference);
    String referenceName = AbstractScreenTrafoModel.getAndValidateTreatment(library);

    // Get the parameter and make sure there all double value columns
    List<Attribute> parameters = getParameterList(input);

    // Split the columns according to groups contained in the condition column
    Map<String, List<DataRow>> groupedRows = AttributeUtils.splitRows(input, treatmentAttribute);
    List<DataRow> libraryRows = groupedRows.get(libraryName);
    List<DataRow> referenceRows = groupedRows.get(referenceName);

    int progress = parameters.size();
    BufTableUtils.updateProgress(exec, progress / 2, progress);

    // Initialize
    BufferedDataContainer container = exec.createDataContainer(new DataTableSpec(getListSpec()));
    MutualInformation mutualinfo = new MutualInformation();

    DataCell[] cells = new DataCell[container.getTableSpec().getNumColumns()];
    int p = 0;

    // Calculate mutual information
    for (Attribute parameter : parameters) {

      Double[] x = getDataVec(libraryRows, parameter);
      Double[] y = getDataVec(referenceRows, parameter);
      mutualinfo.set_vectors(x, y);

      if (binning.getIntValue() == 0) {
      } else {
      int[] bins = mutualinfo.get_binning();

      Double[] res = mutualinfo.calculate();

      cells[0] = new StringCell(parameter.getName());
      cells[1] = new DoubleCell(res[0]);
      cells[2] = new DoubleCell(res[1]);
      cells[3] = new DoubleCell(res[2]);
      cells[4] = new IntCell(bins[0]);
      cells[5] = new IntCell(bins[1]);
      cells[6] = new DoubleCell(mutualinfo.get_logbase());
      cells[7] = new StringCell(mutualinfo.get_method());

      container.addRowToTable(new DefaultRow("row" + p, cells));

      BufTableUtils.updateProgress(exec, (progress + p++) / 2, progress);

    return new BufferedDataTable[] {container.getTable()};