@Test public void testParse() throws Exception { // generate a sample JSON array StringBuilder sample = new StringBuilder(); sample.append("["); int i = 0; final int N = 5000; for (; i < N; i++) { sample.append(i); sample.append(","); } sample.append(i); sample.append("]"); String json = sample.toString(); StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); for (int n = 0; n < 500; n++) { JSONPullParser parser = new JSONPullParser(json); JSONEvent e; while ((e = parser.next()) != JSONEvent.EndJSON) {} } _logger.info("time: " + timer.getElapsedTime()); }
@Test public void test_that_third_level_nodes_without_parents_are_generated_correct_json() throws JSONException { List<Statistics> nodeList = new ArrayList<Statistics>(); nodeList.add(new ManagerStatistics("A:B:C", "ACCOUNT", "Y")); StringBuilder expected = new StringBuilder(); expected.append("["); expected.append( "{\"id\":\"A\",\"name\":\"A\",\"children_ids\":[\"A:B\"],\"node_type\":\"chart\",\"chart_id\":\"A\",\"parent_id\":null}"); expected.append(","); expected.append( "{\"id\":\"A:B\",\"name\":\"B\",\"children_ids\":[],\"node_type\":\"chart\",\"chart_id\":\"A:B\",\"parent_id\":\"A\"}"); // expected.append(","); // expected.append("{\"guid\":3,\"isSelected\":false,\"name\":\"C\",\"treeItemIsExpanded\":false,\"guiPath\":\"A:B:C\",\"parentPath\":\"A:B\"}"); expected.append("]"); JSONArray jsonObject = BuildJsonObjectsUtil.buildTreeTypeMenuJsonObject( "treeMenuID", nodeList, new ArrayList<Alert>(), new ArrayList<GroupedStatistics>(), 0, 20, false, "chart"); assertEquals(expected.toString(), jsonObject.toString()); }
@Test public void testLexerPerformance() throws Exception { // generate a sample JSON array StringBuilder sample = new StringBuilder(); sample.append("["); int i = 0; final int N = 5000; for (; i < N; i++) { sample.append(i); sample.append(","); } sample.append(i); sample.append("]"); String json = sample.toString(); StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); for (int n = 0; n < 500; n++) { JSONLexer lexer = new JSONLexer(json); Token t; while ((t = lexer.nextToken()) != null) {} } _logger.info("time: " + timer.getElapsedTime()); }
/** * Checks if the specified function correctly handles its argument types, and returns the function * name. * * @param def function definition types are supported. */ protected void check(final Function def) { final String desc = def.toString(); final String name = desc.replaceAll("\\(.*", ""); // test too few, too many, and wrong argument types for (int al = Math.max(def.min - 1, 0); al <= def.max + 1; al++) { final boolean in = al >= def.min && al <= def.max; final StringBuilder qu = new StringBuilder(name + "("); int any = 0; for (int a = 0; a < al; a++) { if (a != 0) qu.append(", "); if (in) { // test arguments if (def.args[a].type == AtomType.STR) { qu.append("1"); } else { // any type (skip test) qu.append("'X'"); if (SeqType.STR.instance(def.args[a])) any++; } } else { // test wrong number of arguments qu.append("'x'"); } } // skip test if all types are arbitrary if ((def.min > 0 || al != 0) && (any == 0 || any != al)) { final String query = qu.append(")").toString(); if (in) error(query, Err.XPTYPE, Err.NODBCTX, Err.NODB); else error(query, Err.XPARGS); } } }
private String generateOperation() { StringBuilder operation = new StringBuilder(); Random generator = new Random(new Date().getTime()); int operationName = (generator.nextInt(20)) % 2; int firstParam = generator.nextInt(10); int secondParam = generator.nextInt(10); int result = 0; switch (operationName) { case 0: operation.append("add("); result = firstParam + secondParam; break; case 1: operation.append("sub("); result = firstParam - secondParam; break; default:; } operation.append(firstParam + "," + secondParam + ")=" + result); return operation.toString(); }
/** * A convenience method for performing KeyValue existence/nonexistence tests. * * @param expectedKeys The expected KeyValue keys. * @param actualKeys The actual KeyValue keys. * @throws Exception */ private void assertRuleTemplateHasExpectedKeyValues( Set<String> expectedKeys, Set<String> actualKeys) throws Exception { // Check to see if all required keys are in the set. for (Iterator<String> iterator = expectedKeys.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { final String expKey = iterator.next(); assertTrue( "The key label pair with a key of '" + expKey + "' should have been true.", actualKeys.contains(expKey)); actualKeys.remove(expKey); } // If any keys are still in the list, then fail the test because we expected their equivalent // rule template options to // have a non-true value. if (!actualKeys.isEmpty()) { // Construct the error message. final String pluralStr = (actualKeys.size() != 1) ? "s" : ""; final StringBuilder errMsg = new StringBuilder(); errMsg .append("The key label pair") .append(pluralStr) .append(" with the key") .append(pluralStr) .append(" of "); for (Iterator<String> iterator = actualKeys.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { errMsg.append("'").append(iterator.next()).append(iterator.hasNext() ? "', " : "' "); } errMsg.append("should have been false."); // Fail the test. fail(errMsg.toString()); } }
/* This file and method are generated by TestGenerator, any edits will be overwritten by the next generation. */ @Test public void testUnpredicatedPathsInAlt() throws Exception { mkdir(tmpdir); StringBuilder grammarBuilder = new StringBuilder(169); grammarBuilder.append("grammar T;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("s : a {print(\"alt 1\")}\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" | b {print(\"alt 2\")}\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("a : {False}? ID INT\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" | ID INT\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("b : ID ID\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("INT : '0'..'9'+;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("WS : (' '|'\\n') -> skip ;"); String grammar = grammarBuilder.toString(); String input = "x 4"; String found = execParser( "T.g4", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "TListener", "TVisitor", "s", input, false); assertEquals("alt 1\n", found); assertNull(this.stderrDuringParse); }
private KieBase createKnowledgeBase() { KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder(); kbuilder.add( ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource( "memory/BPMN2-RuleTaskWithInsertProcessInstance.bpmn2"), ResourceType.BPMN2); kbuilder.add( ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource("memory/ProcessInstanceRule.drl"), ResourceType.DRL); if (!kbuilder.getErrors().isEmpty()) { Iterator<KnowledgeBuilderError> errIter = kbuilder.getErrors().iterator(); while (errIter.hasNext()) { KnowledgeBuilderError err = errIter.next(); StringBuilder lines = new StringBuilder(""); if (err.getLines().length > 0) { lines.append(err.getLines()[0]); for (int i = 1; i < err.getLines().length; ++i) { lines.append(", " + err.getLines()[i]); } } logger.warn(err.getMessage() + " (" + lines.toString() + ")"); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Errors while parsing knowledge base"); } KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase(); kbase.addKnowledgePackages(kbuilder.getKnowledgePackages()); return kbase; }
@Test public void testUpdateLookupParameter() throws Exception { protocolFundingSourceService = new ProtocolFundingSourceServiceImpl(); Entry<String, String> entry = protocolFundingSourceService.getLookupParameters(FundingSourceType.SPONSOR); Assert.assertNotNull(entry); String fieldConversions = entry.getValue(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("sponsorCode:" + PROTOCOL_FUNDING_SOURCE_NUMBER + Constants.COMMA); builder.append("sponsorName:" + PROTOCOL_FUNDING_SOURCE_NAME); Assert.assertThat(entry.getValue(), JUnitMatchers.containsString(builder.toString())); String parameter = KRADConstants.METHOD_TO_CALL_BOPARM_LEFT_DEL + KRADConstants.METHOD_TO_CALL_BOPARM_RIGHT_DEL + KRADConstants.METHOD_TO_CALL_PARM1_LEFT_DEL + KRADConstants.METHOD_TO_CALL_PARM1_RIGHT_DEL; String updatedParam = protocolFundingSourceService.updateLookupParameter( parameter, Sponsor.class.getName(), fieldConversions); Assert.assertThat( updatedParam, JUnitMatchers.containsString( "(!!" + Sponsor.class.getName() + "!!)(((" + builder.toString() + ")))")); }
/* This file and method are generated by TestGenerator, any edits will be overwritten by the next generation. */ @Test public void testDisabledAlternative() throws Exception { mkdir(tmpdir); StringBuilder grammarBuilder = new StringBuilder(121); grammarBuilder.append("grammar T;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("cppCompilationUnit : content+ EOF;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("content: anything | {False}? .;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("anything: ANY_CHAR;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("ANY_CHAR: [_a-zA-Z0-9];"); String grammar = grammarBuilder.toString(); String input = "hello"; String found = execParser( "T.g4", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "TListener", "TVisitor", "cppCompilationUnit", input, false); assertEquals("", found); assertNull(this.stderrDuringParse); }
@Before public void beforeRunRest() { jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(this.dataSource); String sql_drop_table = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS USER_PROFILE;"; jdbcTemplate.execute(sql_drop_table); StringBuilder sql_create_table = new StringBuilder(); sql_create_table.append(" CREATE TABLE USER_PROFILE( "); sql_create_table.append(" USER_PROFILE_ID VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "); sql_create_table.append(" NAME VARCHAR(100), "); sql_create_table.append(" EMAIL VARCHAR(100) "); sql_create_table.append(" ); "); jdbcTemplate.execute(sql_create_table.toString()); String sql_insert_nut_user = "******"; jdbcTemplate.update(sql_insert_nut_user, new Object[] {"01", "nut", "*****@*****.**"}); String sql_insert_oo_user = "******"; jdbcTemplate.update(sql_insert_oo_user, new Object[] {"02", "oo", "*****@*****.**"}); userProfileDao.setDataSource(dataSource); }
@Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("TestMessage{"); sb.append("publisher=").append(publisher); sb.append(", data='").append(data).append('\''); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); }
private String protoToString(List<Protos.Key> keys) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Protos.Key key : keys) { sb.append(key.toString()); sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString().trim(); }
/** Generates a string like this one: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] */ private <T> String generateListString(List<T> list) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("["); for (int i = 0; i < list.size() - 2; i++) { stringBuilder.append(list.get(i)).append(", "); } stringBuilder.append(list.get(list.size() - 1)).append("]"); return stringBuilder.toString(); }
private String testCase() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("# comment\n"); sb.append("class=service2,index=contract1,index=annotation1\n"); sb.append("class=service1,index=contract1:name1,index=annotation1\n"); sb.append("class=service4,a=1\n"); sb.append( "class=service3,index=contract2:name2,index=contract1:name2,index=annotation2,index=annotation1,b=2,a=1\n"); return sb.toString(); }
/* This file and method are generated by TestGenerator, any edits will be overwritten by the next generation. */ @Test public void testPredFromAltTestedInLoopBack_2() throws Exception { mkdir(tmpdir); StringBuilder grammarBuilder = new StringBuilder(203); grammarBuilder.append("grammar T;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("file_\n"); grammarBuilder.append("@after {print($ctx.toStringTree(recog=self))}\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" : para para EOF ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("para: paraContent NL NL ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("paraContent : ('s'|'x'|{self._input.LA(2)!=TParser.NL}? NL)+ ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("NL : '\\n' ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("s : 's' ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("X : 'x' ;"); String grammar = grammarBuilder.toString(); String input = "s\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "x\n" + "\n"; String found = execParser( "T.g4", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "TListener", "TVisitor", "file_", input, true); assertEquals( "(file_ (para (paraContent s) \\n \\n) (para (paraContent \\n x) \\n \\n) <EOF>)\n", found); assertNull(this.stderrDuringParse); }
/* This file and method are generated by TestGenerator, any edits will be overwritten by the next generation. */ @Test public void testDependentPredNotInOuterCtxShouldBeIgnored() throws Exception { mkdir(tmpdir); StringBuilder grammarBuilder = new StringBuilder(256); grammarBuilder.append("grammar T;\n"); grammarBuilder.append( "s : b[2] ';' | b[2] '.' ; // decision in s drills down to ctx-dependent pred in a;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("b[int i] : a[i] ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("a[int i]\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" : {$i==1}? ID {print(\"alt 1\")}\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" | {$i==2}? ID {print(\"alt 2\")}\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("INT : '0'..'9'+;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("WS : (' '|'\\n') -> skip ;\n"); String grammar = grammarBuilder.toString(); String input = "a;"; String found = execParser( "T.g4", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "TListener", "TVisitor", "s", input, false); assertEquals("alt 2\n", found); assertNull(this.stderrDuringParse); }
/* This file and method are generated by TestGenerator, any edits will be overwritten by the next generation. */ @Test public void testIndependentPredNotPassedOuterCtxToAvoidCastException() throws Exception { mkdir(tmpdir); StringBuilder grammarBuilder = new StringBuilder(169); grammarBuilder.append("grammar T;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("s : b ';' | b '.' ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("b : a ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("a\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" : {False}? ID {print(\"alt 1\")}\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" | {True}? ID {print(\"alt 2\")}\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("INT : '0'..'9'+;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("WS : (' '|'\\n') -> skip ;"); String grammar = grammarBuilder.toString(); String input = "a;"; String found = execParser( "T.g4", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "TListener", "TVisitor", "s", input, false); assertEquals("alt 2\n", found); assertNull(this.stderrDuringParse); }
/* This file and method are generated by TestGenerator, any edits will be overwritten by the next generation. */ @Test public void testOrder() throws Exception { mkdir(tmpdir); StringBuilder grammarBuilder = new StringBuilder(283); grammarBuilder.append("grammar T;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("s : a {} a; // do 2x: once in ATN, next in DFA;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("// action blocks lookahead from falling off of 'a'\n"); grammarBuilder.append("// and looking into 2nd 'a' ref. !ctx dependent pred\n"); grammarBuilder.append("a : ID {print(\"alt 1\")}\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" | {True}? ID {print(\"alt 2\")}\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("INT : '0'..'9'+;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("WS : (' '|'\\n') -> skip ;"); String grammar = grammarBuilder.toString(); String input = "x y"; String found = execParser( "T.g4", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "TListener", "TVisitor", "s", input, false); assertEquals("alt 1\n" + "alt 1\n", found); assertNull(this.stderrDuringParse); }
/* This file and method are generated by TestGenerator, any edits will be overwritten by the next generation. */ @Test public void test2UnpredicatedAltsAndOneOrthogonalAlt() throws Exception { mkdir(tmpdir); StringBuilder grammarBuilder = new StringBuilder(321); grammarBuilder.append("grammar T;\n"); grammarBuilder.append( "s : {self._interp.predictionMode = PredictionMode.LL_EXACT_AMBIG_DETECTION} a ';' a ';' a;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("a : INT {print(\"alt 1\")}\n"); grammarBuilder.append( " | ID {print(\"alt 2\")} // must pick this one for ID since pred is false\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" | ID {print(\"alt 3\")}\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" | {False}? ID {print(\"alt 4\")}\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("INT : '0'..'9'+;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("WS : (' '|'\\n') -> skip ;"); String grammar = grammarBuilder.toString(); String input = "34; x; y"; String found = execParser("T.g4", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "TListener", "TVisitor", "s", input, true); assertEquals("alt 1\n" + "alt 2\n" + "alt 2\n", found); assertEquals( "line 1:4 reportAttemptingFullContext d=0 (a), input='x'\n" + "line 1:4 reportAmbiguity d=0 (a): ambigAlts={2, 3}, input='x'\n" + "line 1:7 reportAttemptingFullContext d=0 (a), input='y'\n" + "line 1:7 reportAmbiguity d=0 (a): ambigAlts={2, 3}, input='y'\n", this.stderrDuringParse); }
private String tokenizerToString(Tokenizer tokenizer) throws Exception { OffsetAttribute extOffset = tokenizer.addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class); PositionIncrementAttribute posIncrAtt = tokenizer.addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class); PositionLengthAttribute posLengthAtt = tokenizer.addAttribute(PositionLengthAttribute.class); CharTermAttribute term = tokenizer.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class); TypeAttribute type = tokenizer.addAttribute(TypeAttribute.class); SemanticClassAttribute semanticClass = tokenizer.addAttribute(SemanticClassAttribute.class); PartOfSpeechAttribute pos = tokenizer.addAttribute(PartOfSpeechAttribute.class); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); tokenizer.reset(); while (tokenizer.incrementToken() == true) { result.append(new String(term.buffer(), 0, term.length())).append(":"); result.append(type.type()).append(":"); result.append(pos.partOfSpeech()).append(":"); result.append(semanticClass.semanticClass()).append(":"); result.append(String.valueOf(posIncrAtt.getPositionIncrement())).append(":"); result.append(String.valueOf(posLengthAtt.getPositionLength())).append(":"); result.append(String.valueOf(extOffset.startOffset())).append(":"); result.append(String.valueOf(extOffset.endOffset())); result.append(","); } tokenizer.end(); return result.toString(); }
/* This file and method are generated by TestGenerator, any edits will be overwritten by the next generation. */ @Test public void testValidateInDFA() throws Exception { mkdir(tmpdir); StringBuilder grammarBuilder = new StringBuilder(318); grammarBuilder.append("grammar T;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("s : a ';' a;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("// ';' helps us to resynchronize without consuming\n"); grammarBuilder.append("// 2nd 'a' reference. We our testing that the DFA also\n"); grammarBuilder.append("// throws an exception if the validating predicate fails\n"); grammarBuilder.append("a : {False}? ID {print(\"alt 1\")}\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" | {True}? INT {print(\"alt 2\")}\n"); grammarBuilder.append(" ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("ID : 'a'..'z'+ ;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("INT : '0'..'9'+;\n"); grammarBuilder.append("WS : (' '|'\\n') -> skip ;"); String grammar = grammarBuilder.toString(); String input = "x ; y"; String found = execParser( "T.g4", grammar, "TParser", "TLexer", "TListener", "TVisitor", "s", input, false); assertEquals("", found); assertEquals( "line 1:0 no viable alternative at input 'x'\n" + "line 1:4 no viable alternative at input 'y'\n", this.stderrDuringParse); }
@Test public void testSortInhabitantsAndContents() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("class=service1,index=annotation1,index=contract1:name1\n"); sb.append("class=service2,index=annotation1,index=contract1\n"); sb.append( "class=service3,index=annotation1,index=annotation2,index=contract1:name2,index=contract2:name2,a=1,b=2\n"); sb.append("class=service4,a=1\n"); String expected = sb.toString(); String output = Utilities.sortInhabitantsDescriptor(testCase(), true); assertEquals(expected, output); }
public void buildList(int maxLength) { Item itemToAdd; for (int i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("item"); sb.append(i); float price = i; itemToAdd = new Item(sb.toString(), price); testList.add(itemToAdd); } }
protected static String pwdOutputFor(Object... entities) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (Object entity : entities) { builder.append((builder.length() == 0 ? "" : "-->")); if (entity instanceof Node) { builder.append("(").append(((Node) entity).getId()).append(")"); } else { builder.append("<").append(((Relationship) entity).getId()).append(">"); } } return Pattern.quote(builder.toString()); }
private String toHexString(byte[] response) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < response.length; i++) { sb.append(Integer.toHexString(response[i] & 0xFF)); if (i != response.length - 1) { sb.append(' '); } } return sb.toString(); }
public static String parseFromMap(String address) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append( "http://map.baidu.com/?newmap=1&reqflag=pcmap&biz=1&from=webmap&da_par=baidu&pcevaname=pc3&qt=s&da_src=searchBox.button&wd="); stringBuilder.append(address); stringBuilder.append( "&c=131&src=0&wd2=&sug=0&l=12&b=%2812926672.97,4820723.72;12989648.97,4831091.72%29&from=webmap&force=newsample&sug_forward=&tn=B_NORMAL_MAP&nn=0&ie=utf-8&t=1430923785326"); String url = stringBuilder.toString(); String addressFromDitu = getAddressFromDitu(url); Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = FastJsonUtil.getMap(addressFromDitu); return map.get("current_city").get("name"); }
private void doTestCommaDelimitedListToStringArrayLegalMatch(String[] components) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(components[i]); } String[] sa = StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray(sb.toString()); assertTrue("String array isn't null with legal match", sa != null); assertEquals("String array length is correct with legal match", components.length, sa.length); assertTrue("Output equals input", Arrays.equals(sa, components)); }
public static String randomString(String fldName, int length) { if (fldName.length() >= length) { return fldName.substring(0, length); } sb.setLength(0); sb.append(fldName); for (int i = fldName.length(); i < length; i++) { sb.append(chars.charAt(random.nextInt(chars.length()))); } return sb.toString(); }
private static final Pattern asPattern(String fp) { if (fp.length() != 40) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad fp"); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 40; i += 4) { if (i > 0) { sb.append("[\\s\u00a0]*"); } sb.append(fp.substring(i, i + 4)); } return Pattern.compile(sb.toString(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); }