@Test public void submapToString() { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { m.put(i, "aa" + i); } Map submap = m.subMap(10, true, 13, true); assertEquals("{10=aa10, 11=aa11, 12=aa12, 13=aa13}", submap.toString()); }
@Ignore @Test public void prototypeLayerSync() throws Exception { Layer layer = map.getLayersInternal().get(2); map.getLayersInternal().remove(layer); // check what happens to legend item LayerLegendItem item = (LayerLegendItem) map.getLegend().get(1); Layer reference = item.getLayer(); assertSame(layer, reference); // reference was not cleared }
@Ignore @Test public void testLegendBaseline() throws Exception { assertTrue("Folder", map.getLegend().get(0) instanceof Folder); Folder folder = (Folder) map.getLegend().get(0); assertSame( "Reference Resource 0", map.getLayersInternal().get(0), ((LayerLegendItem) folder.getItems().get(0)).getLayer()); assertSame( "Reference Resource 1", map.getLayersInternal().get(1), ((LayerLegendItem) folder.getItems().get(1)).getLayer()); assertSame( "Reference Resource 2", map.getLayersInternal().get(2), ((LayerLegendItem) map.getLegend().get(1)).getLayer()); assertSame( "Reference Resource 3", map.getLayersInternal().get(3), ((LayerLegendItem) map.getLegend().get(2)).getLayer()); }
// A test that a room can be added to an empty map. @Test public void addToEmptyMap() { Map m = new Map(); Room firstroom = Mockito.mock(Room.class); m.addRoom(firstroom); assertSame(firstroom, m.getLocation()); }
// Testing to getter functions. These return a member variable so they should // always be equal to the value of the member. @Test public void setLocationTest() { Map m = new Map(); Room room = Mockito.mock(Room.class); m.setLocation(room); assertSame(room, m.getLocation()); }
static { String bibFilePath = testDataParentPath + File.separator + "mhldMergeBibs1346.mrc"; try { RawRecordReader rawRecRdr = new RawRecordReader(new FileInputStream(new File(bibFilePath))); while (rawRecRdr.hasNext()) { RawRecord rawRec = rawRecRdr.next(); Record rec = rawRec.getAsRecord(true, false, "999", "MARC8"); String id = rec.getControlNumber(); // String id = RecordTestingUtils.getRecordIdFrom001(rec); ALL_UNMERGED_BIBS.put(id, rec); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } bibFilePath = testDataParentPath + File.separator + "mhldMerged1346.mrc"; try { RawRecordReader rawRecRdr = new RawRecordReader(new FileInputStream(new File(bibFilePath))); while (rawRecRdr.hasNext()) { RawRecord rawRec = rawRecRdr.next(); Record rec = rawRec.getAsRecord(true, false, "999", "MARC8"); String id = rec.getControlNumber(); // String id = RecordTestingUtils.getRecordIdFrom001(rec); ALL_MERGED_BIB_RESULTS.put(id, rec); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Test public void testEPL() { // should say fieldsTypes, maybe with object/component prefix Map<String, Object> eventTypes = new HashMap<>(); eventTypes.put(LITERAL_SYMBOL, String.class); eventTypes.put(LITERAL_PRICE, Integer.class); TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder(); builder.setSpout(LITERAL_QUOTES, new RandomSentenceSpout()); builder .setBolt( LITERAL_ESPER, (new EsperBolt()) .addEventTypes(eventTypes) .addOutputTypes( Collections.singletonMap( LITERAL_RETURN_OBJ, Arrays.asList(LITERAL_AVG, LITERAL_PRICE))) .addStatements( Collections.singleton( "insert into Result " + "select avg(price) as avg, price from " + "quotes_default(symbol='A').win:length(2) " + "having avg(price) > 60.0"))) .shuffleGrouping(LITERAL_QUOTES); builder.setBolt("print", new PrinterBolt()).shuffleGrouping(LITERAL_ESPER, LITERAL_RETURN_OBJ); Config conf = new Config(); LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster(); cluster.submitTopology("test", conf, builder.createTopology()); Utils.sleep(10000); cluster.shutdown(); assertEquals(resultEPL.get(100), new Double(75.0)); assertEquals(resultEPL.get(50), new Double(75.0)); }
@Test public void getProperties() throws Exception { final ModuleURN input = new ModuleURN("test:prov:me:A"); final Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>(); m.put("first", BigDecimal.TEN); m.put("second", "next"); m.put("third", 909); // Test a non-empty and an empty map. List<Map<String, Object>> maps = Arrays.asList(m, new HashMap<String, Object>()); for (Map<String, Object> map : maps) { final Map<String, Object> output = map; testAPI( new WSTester<Map<String, Object>>() { @Override protected Map<String, Object> invokeApi(boolean isNullParams) throws Exception { return getClient().getProperties(isNullParams ? null : input); } @Override protected Map<String, Object> setReturnValue(boolean isNullParams) { getMockSAService() .setPropertiesOut(isNullParams ? null : new MapWrapper<String, Object>(output)); return isNullParams ? null : output; } @Override protected void verifyInputParams(boolean isNullParams) throws Exception { verifyEquals(isNullParams ? null : input, getMockSAService().getURN()); } }); resetServiceParameters(); } }
@Test public void testCookies_whenCookiesArePresent() { Collection<Cookie> cookies = new ArrayList<>(); cookies.add(new Cookie("cookie1", "cookie1value")); cookies.add(new Cookie("cookie2", "cookie2value")); Map<String, String> expected = new HashMap<>(); for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { expected.put(cookie.getName(), cookie.getValue()); } Cookie[] cookieArray = cookies.toArray(new Cookie[cookies.size()]); when(servletRequest.getCookies()).thenReturn(cookieArray); assertTrue( "The count of cookies returned should be the same as those in the request", request.cookies().size() == 2); assertEquals( "A Map of Cookies should have been returned because they exist", expected, request.cookies()); }
/** Test of renderChildren method, of class Activity. */ @Test public void testCreateChildren() throws Exception { System.out.println("renderChildren"); // Setup ChildPane childPane = new ChildPane(); childPane.setChild("Child"); VBox vbox = VBoxBuilder.create().children(childPane).build(); Parent parent = new Parent(); parent.setScene(vbox); Data data = new Data(); Map<Field, Object> fieldParams = new HashMap<Field, Object>(); for (Field field : data.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) { field.setAccessible(true); fieldParams.put(field, field.get(data)); } RenderParameter renderParam = new RenderParameter(); String id = renderParam.putParam("checkForLabel", "CheckForLabel"); childPane.setId(id); parent.createChildren(fieldParams, renderParam, ValidationResult.getEmptyResult()); // Assertoin Child child = (Child) parent.getChildActivities(Child.class).get(0); assertNotNull(child); assertNotNull(child.getScene()); assertEquals(childPane, child.getScene()); assertEquals(parent, child.getParent()); VBox cvbox = (VBox) child.getScene().getChildren().get(0); assertTrue(cvbox.getChildren().get(0) instanceof Button); assertTrue(cvbox.getChildren().get(1) instanceof Label); assertEquals(data.checkForButton, ((Button) cvbox.getChildren().get(0)).getText()); assertEquals("CheckForLabel", ((Label) cvbox.getChildren().get(1)).getText()); }
// FIXME: fails! needs MarcCombiningReader for mhld or at least a diff version of RawRecordReader @Test public void testMultMHLDsWithSameID() throws IOException { // bib134, multMhlds1 String bibFilePath = testDataParentPath + File.separator + "mhldMergeBibs134.mrc"; String mhldFilePath = testDataParentPath + File.separator + "mhldMergeMhlds1Mult.mrc"; Map<String, Record> mergedRecs = MergeSummaryHoldings.mergeMhldsIntoBibRecordsAsMap(bibFilePath, mhldFilePath); Record mergedRec = mergedRecs.get("a1"); assertEquals("Expected three 852", 3, mergedRec.getVariableFields("852").size()); Set<String> expectedVals = new HashSet<String>(); expectedVals.add("Location1"); expectedVals.add("Location2"); RecordTestingUtils.assertSubfieldHasExpectedValues(mergedRec, "852", 'b', expectedVals); expectedVals.clear(); expectedVals.add("(month)"); expectedVals.add("(season)"); RecordTestingUtils.assertSubfieldHasExpectedValues(mergedRec, "853", 'b', expectedVals); assertEquals("Expected one 863", 2, mergedRec.getVariableFields("863").size()); assertEquals("Expected one 866", 1, mergedRec.getVariableFields("866").size()); // fail("Implement me"); System.out.println("Test testMultMHLDsWithSameID() successful"); }
/** Test of initialize method, of class Activity. */ @Test public void testInitialize_Activity_Map() throws Exception { System.out.println("initialize"); // Setup ParentActivity parent = new ParentActivity(); Data data = new Data(); Map<Field, Object> fieldParams = new HashMap<Field, Object>(); for (Field field : data.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) { field.setAccessible(true); fieldParams.put(field, field.get(data)); } final String field2 = "field2value"; final List<String> field3 = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, Object> takeoverParams = new HashMap<String, Object>() { { put("field2", field2); put("field3", field3); } }; ChildActivity child = new ChildActivity(); child.initialize(parent, fieldParams, takeoverParams); // Assertion assertEquals(parent, child.getParent()); assertEquals(data.getField0(), child.field0); assertEquals(data.getField1(), child.field1); assertEquals(field2, child.field2); assertEquals(field3, child.field3); assertEquals("TESTING", child.getTest()); }
@Test @org.junit.Ignore public void large_node_size() { for (int i : new int[] {10, 200, 6000}) { int max = i * 100; File f = TT.tempDbFile(); DB db = DBMaker.fileDB(f).transactionDisable().make(); Map m = db.treeMapCreate("map") .nodeSize(i) .keySerializer(BTreeKeySerializer.INTEGER) .valueSerializer(Serializer.INTEGER) .make(); for (int j = 0; j < max; j++) { m.put(j, j); } db.close(); db = DBMaker.fileDB(f).deleteFilesAfterClose().transactionDisable().make(); m = db.treeMap("map"); for (Integer j = 0; j < max; j++) { assertEquals(j, m.get(j)); } db.close(); } }
@Test public void readTest() { String insertKey = "user0"; Map<String, ByteIterator> insertMap = insertRow(insertKey); HashSet<String> readFields = new HashSet<>(); HashMap<String, ByteIterator> readResultMap = new HashMap<>(); // Test reading a single field readFields.add("FIELD0"); orientDBClient.read(CLASS, insertKey, readFields, readResultMap); assertEquals( "Assert that result has correct number of fields", readFields.size(), readResultMap.size()); for (String field : readFields) { assertEquals( "Assert " + field + " was read correctly", insertMap.get(field).toString(), readResultMap.get(field).toString()); } readResultMap = new HashMap<>(); // Test reading all fields readFields.add("FIELD1"); readFields.add("FIELD2"); orientDBClient.read(CLASS, insertKey, readFields, readResultMap); assertEquals( "Assert that result has correct number of fields", readFields.size(), readResultMap.size()); for (String field : readFields) { assertEquals( "Assert " + field + " was read correctly", insertMap.get(field).toString(), readResultMap.get(field).toString()); } }
@Test public void getDistinctKeysAndCounts_SortByKeyDescending() { Connection connection = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { ConnectionManager connectionManager = temporaryFileDatabase.getConnectionManager(true); initWithTestData(connectionManager); connection = connectionManager.getConnection(null); resultSet = DBQueries.getDistinctKeysAndCounts(true, NAME, connection); Map<String, Integer> resultSetToMap = resultSetToMap(resultSet); assertEquals(3, resultSetToMap.size()); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> entriesIterator = resultSetToMap.entrySet().iterator(); Map.Entry entry = entriesIterator.next(); assertEquals("gps", entry.getKey()); assertEquals(1, entry.getValue()); entry = entriesIterator.next(); assertEquals("airbags", entry.getKey()); assertEquals(1, entry.getValue()); entry = entriesIterator.next(); assertEquals("abs", entry.getKey()); assertEquals(2, entry.getValue()); } finally { DBUtils.closeQuietly(resultSet); DBUtils.closeQuietly(connection); } }
private MapMessage newMapMessage(Map<String, Object> body) throws JMSException { MapMessage message = new MapMessageImpl(); for (String key : body.keySet()) { Object value = body.get(key); message.setObject(key, value); } return message; }
// A test that a room can be added to a map with one room in it. @Test public void addToOneRoomTest() { Map m = new Map(); Room firstroom = Mockito.mock(Room.class); Room secondroom = Mockito.mock(Room.class); m.addRoom(firstroom); m.addRoom(secondroom); assertSame(secondroom, m.getLocation().northRoom); }
@Test public void queryParamShouldBeParsedAsHashMap() { Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("user[name]", new String[] {"Federico"}); when(servletRequest.getParameterMap()).thenReturn(params); String name = request.queryMap("user").value("name"); assertEquals("Invalid name in query string", "Federico", name); }
@Test public void getPuttedValueFromTheMap() { HazelcastClient hClient = getHazelcastClient(); Map<String, String> clientMap = hClient.getMap("getPuttedValueFromTheMap"); int size = clientMap.size(); clientMap.put("1", "Z"); String value = clientMap.get("1"); assertEquals("Z", value); assertEquals(size + 1, clientMap.size()); }
@Test public void testParameterToPairsWhenValueIsCollection() throws Exception { Map<String, String> collectionFormatMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); collectionFormatMap.put("csv", ","); collectionFormatMap.put("tsv", "\t"); collectionFormatMap.put("ssv", " "); collectionFormatMap.put("pipes", "\\|"); collectionFormatMap.put("", ","); // no format, must default to csv collectionFormatMap.put("unknown", ","); // all other formats, must default to csv String name = "param-a"; List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.add("value-a"); values.add(123); values.add(new Date()); // check for multi separately List<Pair> multiPairs = apiClient.parameterToPairs("multi", name, values); assertEquals(values.size(), multiPairs.size()); // all other formats for (String collectionFormat : collectionFormatMap.keySet()) { List<Pair> pairs = apiClient.parameterToPairs(collectionFormat, name, values); assertEquals(1, pairs.size()); String delimiter = collectionFormatMap.get(collectionFormat); String[] pairValueSplit = pairs.get(0).getValue().split(delimiter); // must equal input values assertEquals(values.size(), pairValueSplit.length); } }
// [Issue#232] public void testBigDecimalAsPlainStringTreeConversion() throws Exception { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.enable(SerializationFeature.WRITE_BIGDECIMAL_AS_PLAIN); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String PI_STR = "3.00000000"; map.put("pi", new BigDecimal(PI_STR)); JsonNode tree = mapper.valueToTree(map); assertNotNull(tree); assertEquals(1, tree.size()); assertTrue(tree.has("pi")); }
@Test public void testPrimitiveAccess() { Map<String, Double> vpm = new HashMap<String, Double>(); dp.setVehiclesPerMeter(vpm); Double val = 1.23; vpm.put("3", val); assertEquals((Double) 1.23, dp.getVehiclesPerMeter().get("3")); }
private void doOperatorTask() throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { BlockingTaskSummaryResponseHandler handler = new BlockingTaskSummaryResponseHandler(); client.getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner("operator", "en-UK", handler); List<TaskSummary> sums = handler.getResults(); assertNotNull(sums); assertEquals(1, sums.size()); BlockingTaskOperationResponseHandler startTaskOperationHandler = new BlockingTaskOperationResponseHandler(); client.start(sums.get(0).getId(), "operator", startTaskOperationHandler); BlockingGetTaskResponseHandler getTaskHandler = new BlockingGetTaskResponseHandler(); client.getTask(sums.get(0).getId(), getTaskHandler); Task operatorTask = getTaskHandler.getTask(); BlockingGetContentResponseHandler getContentHandler = new BlockingGetContentResponseHandler(); client.getContent(operatorTask.getTaskData().getDocumentContentId(), getContentHandler); Content content = getContentHandler.getContent(); assertNotNull(content); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getContent()); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais); Map<String, Object> deserializedContent = (Map<String, Object>) ois.readObject(); Call restoredCall = (Call) deserializedContent.get("call"); persistenceService.storeCall(restoredCall); Emergency emergency = new Emergency(); emergency.setCall(restoredCall); emergency.setLocation(new Location(1, 2)); emergency.setType(Emergency.EmergencyType.HEART_ATTACK); emergency.setNroOfPeople(1); persistenceService.storeEmergency(emergency); trackingService.attachEmergency(restoredCall.getId(), emergency.getId()); Map<String, Object> info = new HashMap<String, Object>(); info.put("emergency", emergency); ContentData result = new ContentData(); result.setAccessType(AccessType.Inline); result.setType("java.util.Map"); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); out.writeObject(info); out.close(); result.setContent(bos.toByteArray()); BlockingTaskOperationResponseHandler completeTaskOperationHandler = new BlockingTaskOperationResponseHandler(); client.complete(sums.get(0).getId(), "operator", result, completeTaskOperationHandler); }
@Test public void testMapEquals() { Map s = new HashMap(); s.put("five", 5); s.put("ten", 10); Map r = new InstrumentedMap(s); Map q = new InstrumentedMap(r); assertTrue(r.equals(q)); }
// A test that a move north doesn't do anything if there is not a room. @Test public void illegalMoveNorthNoRoomTest() { Map map = new Map(); Room loc = Mockito.mock(Room.class); Door door = Mockito.mock(Door.class); Mockito.when(loc.getNorthRoom()).thenReturn(null); Mockito.when(loc.getNorthDoor()).thenReturn(door); map.setLocation(loc); map.moveNorth(loc); assertEquals(loc, map.getLocation()); }
// A test that a move south doesn't do anything if there is not a door there. @Test public void illegalMoveSouthNoDoorTest() { Map map = new Map(); Room loc = Mockito.mock(Room.class); Room loc2 = Mockito.mock(Room.class); Mockito.when(loc.getSouthRoom()).thenReturn(loc2); Mockito.when(loc.getSouthDoor()).thenReturn(null); map.setLocation(loc); map.moveSouth(loc); assertEquals(loc, map.getLocation()); }
@Test public void in_memory_test() { StorageDirect engine = new StorageDirect(Volume.memoryFactory(false)); Map<Long, Integer> recids = new HashMap<Long, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { long recid = engine.recordPut(i, Serializer.BASIC_SERIALIZER); recids.put(recid, i); } for (Long recid : recids.keySet()) { assertEquals(recids.get(recid), engine.recordGet(recid, Serializer.BASIC_SERIALIZER)); } }
// A test if a move south works if there is a door and room to the south. @Test public void legalMoveSouthTest() { Map map = new Map(); Room loc = Mockito.mock(Room.class); Room loc2 = Mockito.mock(Room.class); Door door = Mockito.mock(Door.class); Mockito.when(loc.getSouthRoom()).thenReturn(loc2); Mockito.when(loc.getSouthDoor()).thenReturn(door); map.setLocation(loc); map.moveSouth(loc); assertEquals(loc2, map.getLocation()); }
@Test public void testLong() { DB db = DBMaker.memoryDB().make(); Map m = db.treeMap("test").keySerializer(Serializer.LONG).createOrOpen(); for (long i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { m.put(i * i, i * i + 1); } for (long i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { assertEquals(i * i + 1, m.get(i * i)); } }
@Test public void testQueryParams() { Map<String, String[]> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("sort", new String[] {"asc"}); params.put("items", new String[] {"10"}); when(servletRequest.getParameterMap()).thenReturn(params); Set<String> result = request.queryParams(); assertArrayEquals( "Should return the query parameter names", params.keySet().toArray(), result.toArray()); }