  public void testAppearedAtChainHeightDepthAndWorkDone() throws Exception {
    // Test the TransactionConfidence appearedAtChainHeight, depth and workDone field are stored.

    BlockChain chain = new BlockChain(params, myWallet, new MemoryBlockStore(params));

    final ArrayList<Transaction> txns = new ArrayList<Transaction>(2);
        new AbstractWalletEventListener() {
          public void onCoinsReceived(
              Wallet wallet, Transaction tx, Coin prevBalance, Coin newBalance) {

    // Start by building two blocks on top of the genesis block.
    Block b1 = params.getGenesisBlock().createNextBlock(myAddress);
    BigInteger work1 = b1.getWork();
    assertTrue(work1.signum() > 0);

    Block b2 = b1.createNextBlock(myAddress);
    BigInteger work2 = b2.getWork();
    assertTrue(work2.signum() > 0);


    // We now have the following chain:
    //     genesis -> b1 -> b2

    // Check the transaction confidence levels are correct before wallet roundtrip.
    assertEquals(2, txns.size());

    TransactionConfidence confidence0 = txns.get(0).getConfidence();
    TransactionConfidence confidence1 = txns.get(1).getConfidence();

    assertEquals(1, confidence0.getAppearedAtChainHeight());
    assertEquals(2, confidence1.getAppearedAtChainHeight());

    assertEquals(2, confidence0.getDepthInBlocks());
    assertEquals(1, confidence1.getDepthInBlocks());

    // Roundtrip the wallet and check it has stored the depth and workDone.
    Wallet rebornWallet = roundTrip(myWallet);

    Set<Transaction> rebornTxns = rebornWallet.getTransactions(false);
    assertEquals(2, rebornTxns.size());

    // The transactions are not guaranteed to be in the same order so sort them to be in chain
    // height order if required.
    Iterator<Transaction> it = rebornTxns.iterator();
    Transaction txA = it.next();
    Transaction txB = it.next();

    Transaction rebornTx0, rebornTx1;
    if (txA.getConfidence().getAppearedAtChainHeight() == 1) {
      rebornTx0 = txA;
      rebornTx1 = txB;
    } else {
      rebornTx0 = txB;
      rebornTx1 = txA;

    TransactionConfidence rebornConfidence0 = rebornTx0.getConfidence();
    TransactionConfidence rebornConfidence1 = rebornTx1.getConfidence();

    assertEquals(1, rebornConfidence0.getAppearedAtChainHeight());
    assertEquals(2, rebornConfidence1.getAppearedAtChainHeight());

    assertEquals(2, rebornConfidence0.getDepthInBlocks());
    assertEquals(1, rebornConfidence1.getDepthInBlocks());