Example #1
File: Map.java Project: twhscs/game
     Generatable GENERATOR,
     int TILE_SIZE,
     float ZOOM,
     int CHUNK_SIZE,
     Texture TILE_SHEET,
     RenderWindow WINDOW,
   this.DIMENSIONS = GENERATOR.getDimensions();
   this.ZOOM = ZOOM;
   this.WINDOW = WINDOW;
   // Calculate the amount of horizontal chunks.
   X_CHUNKS = (int) Math.ceil((double) DIMENSIONS.x / CHUNK_SIZE);
   // Calculate the amount of vertical chunks.
   int yChunks = (int) Math.ceil((double) DIMENSIONS.y / CHUNK_SIZE);
   // Calculate the total amount of chunks.
   TILE_ARRAY = GENERATOR.generate();
   animationFrame = 0;
   // Load the tiles into the map.
Example #2
File: Map.java Project: twhscs/game
  public void draw(RenderTarget renderTarget, RenderStates renderStates) {
    int adjustedFrame =
        Math.round((animationFrame * ANIMATION_FRAMES) / (ANIMATION_FRAMES * ANIMATION_SPEED));
    // TODO: Improve efficiency if required. There is no use in looping through tiles immediately
    // adjacent to the
    // start of the chunk.
    // Apply the tile sheet to the tiles.
    RenderStates states = new RenderStates(TILE_SHEET);
    // Get the player's current position.
    Vector2f playerPosition = player.getPosition();
    // Get the window's current size.
    Vector2i windowSize = WINDOW.getSize();

    // Determine how many tiles fit the window horizontally and vertically taking zoom into account,
    // then halve
    // both values.
    int xDistance = (int) Math.ceil(windowSize.x / (TILE_SIZE * 2 / ZOOM));
    int yDistance = (int) Math.ceil(windowSize.y / (TILE_SIZE * 2 / ZOOM));
    Vector2f distance = new Vector2f(xDistance + 1, yDistance + 1);

    // Create a rectangle representing the positions currently viewable by the player.
    FloatRect visibleArea =
        new FloatRect(
            playerPosition.x - distance.x,
            playerPosition.y - distance.y,
            distance.x * 2,
            distance.y * 2);
    // Create a set to keep track of the already rendered chunks.
    Set<Integer> renderedChunks = new HashSet<Integer>();
    // Loop through every position currently in view.
    for (float i = visibleArea.left; i <= visibleArea.left + visibleArea.width; i++) {
      for (float j = visibleArea.top; j <= visibleArea.top + visibleArea.height; j++) {
        // Convert the current position to a chunk ID.
        int chunkID = positionToChunkID(new Vector2f(i, j));
        // If the chunk is valid and hasn't been drawn yet, draw it.
        if (isValidChunkID(chunkID) && !renderedChunks.contains(chunkID)) {
          // Draw the chunk vertex array with the tile sheet.
          VERTEX_ARRAYS[chunkID][0].draw(renderTarget, states);
          if (adjustedFrame > 0) {
            VERTEX_ARRAYS[chunkID][adjustedFrame].draw(renderTarget, states);
          // Add the drawn chunk ID to the set to check against in order to save resources by not
          // drawing
          // it twice.
Example #3
File: Map.java Project: twhscs/game
  private void partition() {
    // TODO: Improve partitioning efficiency. Currently O(n^3).


    Partition the map into multiple vertex arrays for rendering.
    Vertex arrays speed up rendering time.
    We create these arrays only once as opposed to every frame for even greater optimization.

    See: http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.0/graphics-vertex-array.php


    // Loop through each chunk.
    for (int chunkID = 0; chunkID < TOTAL_CHUNKS; chunkID++) {
      // Initialize the chunk's vertex array.
      for (int i = 0; i < ANIMATION_FRAMES; i++) {
        VERTEX_ARRAYS[chunkID][i] = new VertexArray(PrimitiveType.QUADS);
      // Get the top left corner of the current chunk.
      Vector2f position = chunkIDToPosition(chunkID);
      // Loop through the current chunk tile by tile.
      for (int i = (int) position.x; i < position.x + CHUNK_SIZE; i++) {
        for (int j = (int) position.y; j < position.y + CHUNK_SIZE; j++) {
          // Make sure the current tile is valid.
          if (isValidPosition(new Vector2f(i, j))) {
            // Get the current tile.
            final Terrain tile = TILE_ARRAY[i][j];
            // Get the correct texture for the current tile.
            Vector2f textureCoordinates = tile.getTextureCoordinates();
            for (int frame = 0; frame < ANIMATION_FRAMES; frame++) {
              Vector2f animatedTexture;
              if (tile.isAnimated()) {
                animatedTexture =
                    Vector2f.add(textureCoordinates, new Vector2f(TILE_SIZE * frame, 0));
              } else {
                animatedTexture = textureCoordinates;
              if (tile.isAnimated() || frame == 0) {
                // Create a vector for each corner of the texture.
                Vector2f[] positions = new Vector2f[4];
                // Set each corner.
                positions[0] = animatedTexture;
                positions[1] = Vector2f.add(animatedTexture, new Vector2f(0, TILE_SIZE));
                positions[2] = Vector2f.add(animatedTexture, new Vector2f(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE));
                positions[3] = Vector2f.add(animatedTexture, new Vector2f(TILE_SIZE, 0));
                // Determine whether or not the tile is to be randomly rotated.
                boolean random = tile.isRandomized();
                boolean flipped = true;
                if (random) {
                  // Randomly choose 1 - 3 rotations.
                  int rotations = (int) (Math.random() * 3) + 1;
                  // For each rotation shift the coordinates in a circular fashion.
                  for (int k = 0; k < rotations; k++) {
                    Vector2f temp;
                    temp = positions[3];
                    positions[3] = positions[2];
                    positions[2] = positions[1];
                    positions[1] = positions[0];
                    positions[0] = temp;
                  // Randomly determine whether or not to flip with a 50-50 chance.
                  flipped = (Math.random() < 0.5);
                  if (flipped) {
                    // If flipped, flip the texture coordinates.
                    Vector2f temp;
                    temp = positions[0];
                    positions[0] = positions[1];
                    positions[1] = temp;
                    temp = positions[2];
                    positions[2] = positions[3];
                    positions[3] = temp;
                if (!tile.isRandomized() || flipped) {
                  // Fix for a JSFML bug. See: http://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=15889.0
                  for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
                    positions[k] = Vector2f.add(positions[k], new Vector2f(0.01f, -0.01f));
                // Create and add a vertex for the bottom left corner of the tile.
                    new Vertex(new Vector2f(i * TILE_SIZE, j * TILE_SIZE), positions[0]));
                // Create and add a vertex for the top left corner of the tile.
                    new Vertex(
                        new Vector2f(i * TILE_SIZE, j * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE), positions[1]));
                // Create and add a vertex for the top right corner of the tile.
                    new Vertex(
                        new Vector2f(i * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE, j * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE),
                // Create and add a vertex for the bottom right corner of the tile.
                    new Vertex(
                        new Vector2f(i * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE, j * TILE_SIZE), positions[3]));