public void calculatePersonAge(Person person) { DateTime birthdate = person.getBirthdate(); DateTime now =; Years years = Years.yearsBetween(birthdate, now); person.setAge(years.getYears()); }
private JSONArray constructResponse(Cursor c, String parameters) throws JSONException { JSONObject params = new JSONObject(parameters); c.moveToFirst(); String[] columnNames = c.getColumnNames(); JSONArray json = new JSONArray(); String addressFieldName = null; if (params.has("addressFieldName") && null != params.getString("addressFieldName")) { addressFieldName = CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL, params.getString("addressFieldName")); } while ((!c.isAfterLast())) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) { if (columnNames[i].equals("birthdate")) { obj.put( "age", Years.yearsBetween(DateTime.parse(c.getString(i)), new DateTime()).getYears()); } else if (params.has("addressFieldName") && columnNames[i].equals(addressFieldName)) { JSONObject address = new JSONObject(); address.put(params.getString("addressFieldName"), c.getString(i)); obj.put("addressFieldValue", address); } else if (params.has("extraIdentifiers") && columnNames[i].equals("extraIdentifiers")) { JSONObject extraIdentifiers = new JSONObject(); extraIdentifiers.put("extraIdentifiers", c.getString(i)); obj.put("extraIdentifiers", extraIdentifiers); } else { obj.put(columnNames[i], c.getString(i)); } } json.put(obj); c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); return json; }
public static int getRecurrencesBetween( RecurrenceInterval interval, int multiplier, Date start, Date end) { DateTime then = new DateTime(start); DateTime now = new DateTime(end); int count = 1; switch (interval) { case ONCE: break; case DAY: count += Days.daysBetween(then, now).getDays() / multiplier; break; case MONTH: count += Months.monthsBetween(then, now).getMonths() / multiplier; break; case QUARTER: int quarters = Months.monthsBetween(then, now).getMonths() / 3; count += quarters / multiplier; break; case YEAR: count += Years.yearsBetween(then, now).getYears() / multiplier; break; } return count; }
/** * 求两个直接的日期差,月份. * * <p>*MSECONDS|*SECONDS|*MINUTES|*HOURS|*DAYS|*MONTHS|*YEARS * * @param tDate 日期格式"20150404" * @param txDate 日期格式"20150404" * @param type type 选择 DAYS||MONTHS||YEARS * @return */ public static int diff(String tDate, String txDate, String type) { if (txDate != null && tDate != null) { DateTime txDT = DateTime.parse(txDate, ISODateTimeFormat.basicDate()); DateTime tDT = DateTime.parse(tDate, ISODateTimeFormat.basicDate()); if (type.toUpperCase().endsWith("DAYS")) { return Days.daysBetween(txDT, tDT).getDays(); } else if (type.toUpperCase().endsWith("MONTHS")) { return Months.monthsBetween(txDT, tDT).getMonths(); } else if (type.toUpperCase().endsWith("YEARS")) { return Years.yearsBetween(txDT, tDT).getYears(); } else if (type.toUpperCase().endsWith("YEARS")) { return Years.yearsBetween(txDT, tDT).getYears(); } } return 0; }
/** * 计算两个日期之间的时间间隔(不计算毫秒数) * * @param date1,date2 * @param timeType * @return int */ public static int periodBtDate(Date date1, Date date2, TimeType timeType) { if (date1 == null || date2 == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("date param can not be null"); } DateTime start = fromDate(date1); DateTime end = fromDate(date2); int period = 0; switch (timeType.getCode()) { case "Y": period = Years.yearsBetween(start, end).getYears(); break; case "M": period = Months.monthsBetween(start, end).getMonths(); break; case "W": period = Weeks.weeksBetween(start, end).getWeeks(); break; case "D": period = Days.daysBetween(start, end).getDays(); break; case "H": period = Hours.hoursBetween(start, end).getHours(); break; case "MIN": period = Minutes.minutesBetween(start, end).getMinutes(); break; case "S": period = Seconds.secondsBetween(start, end).getSeconds(); break; default: break; } return Math.abs(period); }
public static int getYearsBetween(final String date1, final String date2, String format) { try { final DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(format) .withChronology(LenientChronology.getInstance(GregorianChronology.getInstance())); return Years.yearsBetween(fmt.parseDateTime(date1), fmt.parseDateTime(date2)).getYears(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return 0; } }
/** * 求两个直接的日期差,月份. * * @param tDate * @param txDate * @param type 选择 DAYS||MONTHS||YEARS||HOURS||MSECONDS||MINUTES||SECONDS * @return */ public static int diff(Date tDate, Date txDate, String type) { if (txDate != null && tDate != null) { DateTime txDT = new DateTime(txDate); DateTime tDT = new DateTime(tDate); if (type != null) { if (type.toUpperCase().endsWith("DAYS") || type.toUpperCase().endsWith("D")) { return Days.daysBetween(txDT, tDT).getDays(); } else if (type.toUpperCase().endsWith("MONTHS")) { return Months.monthsBetween(txDT, tDT).getMonths(); } else if (type.toUpperCase().endsWith("YEARS") || type.toUpperCase().endsWith("Y")) { return Years.yearsBetween(txDT, tDT).getYears(); } else if (type.toUpperCase().endsWith("HOURS") || type.toUpperCase().endsWith("H")) { return Hours.hoursBetween(txDT, tDT).getHours(); } else if (type.toUpperCase().endsWith("MSECONDS")) { return Seconds.secondsBetween(txDT, tDT).getSeconds(); } else if (type.toUpperCase().endsWith("MINUTES")) { return Minutes.minutesBetween(txDT, tDT).getMinutes(); } else if (type.toUpperCase().endsWith("SECONDS") || type.toUpperCase().endsWith("S")) { return Seconds.secondsBetween(txDT, tDT).getSeconds(); } } } return 0; }
public static int getAge(DateTime birthDate) { return Years.yearsBetween(birthDate, new DateTime()).getYears(); }
private Map<String, String> updateResumeMixInfo(Integer perId, String updateTable) { PerUser perUser = perUserEao.get(perId); if (perUser != null) { PerResumeBo vo; try { vo = perResumeEao.getResumeVo(perUser.getResId()); } catch (Exception ex) { vo = null; } if (vo != null) { int degree = 0; String schoolName = ""; String speciality = ""; if (vo.getEducationInfoVoList() != null) { for (PerResumeBo.EducationInfoVo eduVo : vo.getEducationInfoVoList()) { if (eduVo != null && eduVo.getDegree() != null && eduVo.getDegree() > degree) { degree = eduVo.getDegree(); schoolName = eduVo.getSchoolName(); speciality = eduVo.getSpeciality(); } } } ComReceiveAssistBo craVo = new ComReceiveAssistBo(); if (vo.getWorkInfoVoList() != null && CollectionUtils.size(vo.getWorkInfoVoList()) > 0) { PerResumeBo.WorkInfoVo workVo = vo.getWorkInfoVoList().get(0); craVo.setLastPosName(workVo.getJobName()); // craVo.setLastJobLocation(workVo.get); //个人简历无此数据 craVo.setComName(workVo.getComName()); craVo.setStart(workVo.getBegin()); craVo.setEnd(workVo.getEnd()); } craVo.setJobyearType(perUser.getJobyearType()); craVo.setMobile(perUser.getMobile()); if (vo.getIntentInfoVo() != null) { craVo.setSkill(vo.getIntentInfoVo().getProfessionSkill()); } // craVo.setFileName(); // craVo.setFilePath(); // 计算年龄的公式修改为精确到年与搜索引擎匹配 DateTime bDate = new DateTime(perUser.getBirthday()); bDate = bDate.monthOfYear().setCopy(1).dayOfMonth().setCopy(1); DateTime nDate =; nDate = nDate.monthOfYear().setCopy(1).dayOfMonth().setCopy(2); Integer age = Years.yearsBetween(bDate, nDate).getYears(); if (perUser.getResId() != null && perUser.getResId() > 0 && StringUtils.isNotBlank(perUser.getUserName())) { getJdbcTemplateAction() .update( "update " + updateTable + " set " + "resume_id = ? , " + "user_name=? , " + "gender = ? , " + // "job_location = ? , " + // "location = ? , " + "age = ? , " + "degree = ? , " + "mix_info = ? , " + "school_name = ? , " + "speciality = ?, " + "jobyear_type = ? " + "where per_user_id = ?", perUser.getResId(), perUser.getUserName(), perUser.getGender(), // vo.getIntentInfoVo().getJobLocation(), // "", (age < 16 || age > 65) ? 16 : age, degree, (new Gson()).toJson(craVo), schoolName, speciality, perUser.getJobyearType(), perUser.getId()); } Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMap(); map.put("resumeId", String.valueOf(perUser.getResId())); map.put("userName", perUser.getUserName()); map.put("gender", String.valueOf(perUser.getGender())); map.put("age", String.valueOf((age < 16 || age > 65) ? 16 : age)); map.put("degree", String.valueOf(degree)); map.put("mixInfo", (new Gson()).toJson(craVo)); map.put("schoolName", schoolName); map.put("speciality", speciality); map.put("schoolName", schoolName); map.put("jobyearType", String.valueOf(perUser.getJobyearType())); return map; } } return null; }
public void fillBuyHistoryPerInfo(ComResumeBuyHistory comResumeBuyHistory) { if (comResumeBuyHistory != null && StringUtils.isBlank(comResumeBuyHistory.getSchoolName())) { Integer perId = comResumeBuyHistory.getPerUserId(); Integer id = comResumeBuyHistory.getId(); try { Map<String, Object> perMap = getJdbcTemplate().queryForMap("SELECT * FROM per_user WHERE id=?", perId); String birthday = ObjectUtils.toString(perMap.get("birthday")); Integer age = 16; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(birthday)) { // 计算年龄的公司修改为精确到年与搜索引擎匹配 DateTime bDate = new DateTime(birthday); bDate = bDate.monthOfYear().setCopy(1).dayOfMonth().setCopy(1); DateTime nDate =; nDate = nDate.monthOfYear().setCopy(1).dayOfMonth().setCopy(1); age = Years.yearsBetween(bDate, nDate).getYears(); age = (age < 16 || age > 65) ? 16 : age; } Integer gender = NumberUtils.toInt(ObjectUtils.toString(perMap.get("gender")), 0); Integer jobyearType = NumberUtils.toInt(ObjectUtils.toString(perMap.get("jobyearType")), 0); String schoolName = ""; String speciality = ""; String genderStr = OptionMap.getValueByType(OptionMap.OptionType.OPT_GENDER, gender, null); PerUser perUser = perUserEao.get(perId); if (perUser != null) { PerResumeBo vo; try { vo = perResumeEao.getResumeVo(perUser.getResId()); } catch (Exception ex) { vo = null; } if (vo != null) { int degree = 0; if (vo.getEducationInfoVoList() != null) { for (PerResumeBo.EducationInfoVo eduVo : vo.getEducationInfoVoList()) { if (eduVo != null && eduVo.getDegree() != null && eduVo.getDegree() > degree) { degree = eduVo.getDegree(); schoolName = eduVo.getSchoolName(); speciality = eduVo.getSpeciality(); } } } } } String degreeStr = OptionMap.getValueByType(OptionMap.OptionType.OPT_PER_DEGREE, gender, null); ; comResumeBuyHistory.setAge(age); comResumeBuyHistory.setGender(genderStr); comResumeBuyHistory.setDegree(degreeStr); comResumeBuyHistory.setSchoolName(schoolName); comResumeBuyHistory.setSpeciality(speciality); comResumeBuyHistory.setJobyear(jobyearType); getJdbcTemplate() .update( "UPDATE com_resume_buy_history SET " + " age = ?," + " gender = ?," + " degree = ?," + " school_name = ? " + " speciality = ? " + " jobyear = ? " + " WHERE " + " id=? ", age, genderStr, degreeStr, schoolName, speciality, jobyearType, id); } catch (Exception e) { // 不处理 } } }
public void fillIrcReservePerInfo(IrcReserve ircReserve) { if (ircReserve != null && StringUtils.isBlank(ircReserve.getUserName())) { Integer perId = ircReserve.getUserId(); Integer resId = ircReserve.getResId(); try { Map<String, Object> perMap = getJdbcTemplate().queryForMap("SELECT * FROM per_user WHERE id=?", perId); String birthday = ObjectUtils.toString(perMap.get("birthday")); Integer age = 16; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(birthday)) { age = Years.yearsBetween(new DateTime(birthday),; age = (age < 16 || age > 65) ? 16 : age; } String userName = ObjectUtils.toString(perMap.get("userName")); Integer gender = NumberUtils.toInt(ObjectUtils.toString(perMap.get("gender")), 0); Integer jobyearType = NumberUtils.toInt(ObjectUtils.toString(perMap.get("jobyearType")), 0); String schoolName = ""; int degree = 0; PerUser perUser = perUserEao.get(perId); if (perUser != null) { PerResumeBo vo; try { vo = perResumeEao.getResumeVo(perUser.getResId()); } catch (Exception ex) { vo = null; } if (vo != null) { if (vo.getEducationInfoVoList() != null) { for (PerResumeBo.EducationInfoVo eduVo : vo.getEducationInfoVoList()) { if (eduVo != null && eduVo.getDegree() != null && eduVo.getDegree() > degree) { degree = eduVo.getDegree(); schoolName = eduVo.getSchoolName(); } } } } } ircReserve.setUserName(userName); ircReserve.setGender(gender); ircReserve.setAge(age); ircReserve.setDegree(degree); ircReserve.setSchoolName(schoolName); ircReserve.setJobyearType(jobyearType); getJdbcTemplateIrc() .update( "UPDATE irc_reserve SET " + " user_name = ?," + " age = ?," + " gender=?," + " jobyear_type = ? " + " WHERE " + " res_id=? ", userName, age, gender, jobyearType, resId); } catch (Exception e) { // 不处理 } } }
public void showDataEntryFragment(Event event, String programStage) { Bundle args = getArguments(); DataEntryFragment fragment; String progId = mForm.getProgram().getId(); // new line :AgeToday if (event == null) { fragment = DataEntryFragment.newInstanceWithEnrollment( args.getString(ORG_UNIT_ID), args.getString(PROGRAM_ID), programStage, mForm.getEnrollment().localId); } else if (progId.equals("u9FZUM7kn38") && event != null) { /*- The If-Else block below is used to add the AgeToday Feature, a requirement for the HPV Campaign Program -*/ fragment = DataEntryFragment.newInstanceWithEnrollment( args.getString(ORG_UNIT_ID), args.getString(PROGRAM_ID), programStage, event.getLocalEnrollmentId(), event.getLocalId()); Enrollment enrollment = DataValueController.getEnrollment(event.getLocalEnrollmentId()); List<TrackedEntityAttributeValue> teav = enrollment.getAttributes(); // getActionBar().setSubtitle("Learner's AgeToday is: " + displayAge); // getActionBar().setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(true); for (TrackedEntityAttributeValue val : teav) { System.out.println("The learner details are: ->" + val.getValue()); } // If passport number is entered then : String learnerDob = teav.get(4).getValue(); // String learnerDob = teav.get(3).getValue(); Training Instance - Position for LearnerDOB // when IDNumber is entered String learnerDob = teav.get(2).getValue(); // Staging Instance // String learnerDob = teav.get(3).getValue(); if (!isValidDate(learnerDob)) learnerDob = teav.get(3).getValue(); System.out.println("What is in learnerstring :" + learnerDob); // --Use Joda Time to compute the learner's age today LocalDate birthdate = new LocalDate(learnerDob); LocalDate now = new LocalDate(); // Compute learners age today Years learnersAgeToday = Years.yearsBetween(birthdate, now); System.out.println("The learners age today is:====>" + learnersAgeToday); ageToday = String.valueOf(learnersAgeToday); StringBuilder sbAgeToday = new StringBuilder(ageToday); sbAgeToday.delete(0, 1); sbAgeToday.append("EARS"); System.out.println("The OLD learners age is:" + ageToday); // String myDisplay = printLearnersAge(); displayAge = sbAgeToday.toString(); System.out.println("THE NEW LEARNERS AGE FIXED: " + displayAge); // List<ProgramStageDataElement> programStageDataElements = // MetaDataController.getProgramStageDataElements // (MetaDataController.getProgramStage(event.getProgramStageId())); // for(ProgramStageDataElement de: programStageDataElements) { // System.out.println("The data elements in the program are:" + de.getDataElement()); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()); builder .setMessage("The learner's Age Today is: " + displayAge) .setCancelable(false) .setTitle("Learner's Age Today Notification") .setPositiveButton( "OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { dialog.dismiss(); } }); AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();; } else { fragment = DataEntryFragment.newInstanceWithEnrollment( args.getString(ORG_UNIT_ID), args.getString(PROGRAM_ID), programStage, event.getLocalEnrollmentId(), event.getLocalId()); } mNavigationHandler.switchFragment(fragment, ProgramOverviewFragment.CLASS_TAG, true); }
public int getAge() { DateMidnight bd = new DateMidnight(birthdate); DateTime now = new DateTime(gameDate); Years age = Years.yearsBetween(bd, now); return age.getYears(); }
public Arrest(DateTime baseDate, PersonElementWrapper person) { date = person.birthdate; while (Years.yearsBetween(person.birthdate, date).getYears() < 14) { // make sure we don't arrest anyone younger than 14 date = generateUniformRandomDateBetween(baseDate.minusYears(8), baseDate); } id = generateRandomID( "A", 10); // could be a problem in the unlikely event you generate two arrests with the // same id (this is used as an xml id) recordId = generateRandomID("", 3) + generateRandomID("-", 7); int chargeCount = generatePoissonInt(1, true); int courtCaseLength = (int) randomGenerator.nextGaussian(180, 60); int daysSinceArrest = Days.daysBetween(date, baseDate).getDays(); arrestingAgency = new Agency(); = getRandomCity(person.state).toUpperCase() + " PD"; if (courtCaseLength < daysSinceArrest) { dispoDate = date.plusDays(courtCaseLength); } int maxDaysInJail = 0; int maxDaysOfProbation = 0; felonyConviction = false; for (int i = 0; i < chargeCount; i++) { ArrestCharge arrestCharge = new ArrestCharge(person); charges.add(arrestCharge); if (arrestCharge.offense != null) { maxDaysInJail = Math.max(maxDaysInJail, arrestCharge.offense.daysInJail); maxDaysOfProbation = Math.max(maxDaysOfProbation, arrestCharge.offense.daysOfProbation); if ("F".equals(arrestCharge.severity.substring(0, 1))) { felonyConviction = true; } if (arrestCharge.offense.daysOfProbation > 0) { probationSupervisionAgency = arrestCharge.offense.supervisionAgency; } if (arrestCharge.offense.daysInJail > 0) { custodySupervisionAgency = arrestCharge.offense.supervisionAgency; } } } if (maxDaysInJail > 0 && dispoDate != null) { custodyEndDate = dispoDate.plusDays(maxDaysInJail); custodySupervisionId = id + "SC"; } if (maxDaysOfProbation > 0 && dispoDate != null) { probationEndDate = dispoDate.plusDays(maxDaysOfProbation); probationSupervisionId = id + "SP"; } if (coinFlip(.15)) { = "State Police"; } }