/** * Handle an account state warning produced by ldaptive account state machinery. * * <p>Override this method to provide custom warning message handling. * * @param warning the account state warning messages. * @param response Ldaptive authentication response. * @param configuration Password policy configuration. * @param messages Container for messages produced by account state warning handling. */ protected void handleWarning( final AccountState.Warning warning, final AuthenticationResponse response, final LdapPasswordPolicyConfiguration configuration, final List<Message> messages) { logger.debug("Handling warning {}", warning); if (warning == null) { logger.debug("Account state warning not defined"); return; } final Calendar expDate = warning.getExpiration(); final Days ttl = Days.daysBetween(Instant.now(), new Instant(expDate)); logger.debug( "Password expires in {} days. Expiration warning threshold is {} days.", ttl.getDays(), configuration.getPasswordWarningNumberOfDays()); if (configuration.isAlwaysDisplayPasswordExpirationWarning() || ttl.getDays() < configuration.getPasswordWarningNumberOfDays()) { messages.add( new PasswordExpiringWarningMessage( "Password expires in {0} days. Please change your password at <href=\"{1}\">{1}</a>", ttl.getDays(), configuration.getPasswordPolicyUrl())); } if (warning.getLoginsRemaining() > 0) { messages.add( new Message( "password.expiration.loginsRemaining", "You have {0} logins remaining before you MUST change your password.", warning.getLoginsRemaining())); } }
@Transactional @Override public LoadResponse loadGoods(final GoodPayload payload) { final long timeInMillis = Instant.now().getMillis(); LoadResponse response = new LoadResponse(timeInMillis); for (final Map.Entry<Long, Integer> entry : payload.getGoods().entrySet()) { namedJdbcTemplate .getJdbcOperations() .batchUpdate( QUERY_INSERT_GOOD, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() { @Override public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException { ps.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(timeInMillis), tzUTC); ps.setLong(2, entry.getKey()); ps.setBoolean(3, false); } @Override public int getBatchSize() { return entry.getValue(); } }); } return response; }
@Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { if (convertView == null) { // inflate the layout LayoutInflater inflater = ((Activity) mContext).getLayoutInflater(); convertView = inflater.inflate(layoutResourceId, parent, false); } // object item based on the position final Event event = data.get(position); final TextView userNameView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.user_text); cloudStore.lookUpUserByUid( event.getUser(), new Callback<User>() { @Override public void receive(User user) { userNameView.setText(user.getGivenName()); } }); TextView time = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.time_text); time.setText( PeriodicalFormatter.printFriendlyDate(new Instant(event.getMillis()), Instant.now())); return convertView; }
public void pause() { if (!isActive()) { throw new IllegalStateException("already non-active"); } intervals.add(new Interval(starttime, Instant.now())); starttime = null; }
/** * behaviour undefined if interval list is unsorted any {@code null} input is interpreted as a * non-bound in that direction * * @param focusStart * @param focusEnd * @return */ public Duration getTimeSpentInInterval(LocalDate focusStart, LocalDate focusEnd) { Instant startInst, endInst; if (intervals.size() == 0 && !isActive()) { // # return Duration.ZERO; } if (focusStart == null) { startInst = intervals.size() == 0 ? starttime // != null because # : intervals.get(0).getStart().toInstant(); } else { startInst = focusStart.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay().toInstant(); } if (focusEnd == null) { endInst = isActive() ? Instant.now() // v intervals.size() != 0 because # : intervals.get(intervals.size() - 1).getEnd().toInstant(); // TODO } else { endInst = focusEnd.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay().toInstant(); } Interval focus = new Interval(startInst, endInst); return getTimeSpentInInterval(focus); }
public void setDonity(boolean done) { if (!isDone() && done) { this.done = Instant.now(); } if (isDone() && !done) { this.done = null; } }
@Override public void flatMap(IN value, Collector<WindowedValue<OUT>> out) throws Exception { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") OUT voidValue = (OUT) VoidCoderTypeSerializer.VoidValue.INSTANCE; for (byte[] element : elements) { ByteArrayInputStream bai = new ByteArrayInputStream(element); OUT outValue = coder.decode(bai, Coder.Context.OUTER); if (outValue == null) { out.collect( WindowedValue.of(voidValue, Instant.now(), GlobalWindow.INSTANCE, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)); } else { out.collect( WindowedValue.of(outValue, Instant.now(), GlobalWindow.INSTANCE, PaneInfo.NO_FIRING)); } } out.close(); }
@Override protected QuartzBatchJobMetrics mmrBatchExecuteInternal(JobDataMap mergedDataMap) { Instant startInstant = Instant.now(); ExecutionResultDetails executionDetails = executeJob(); Instant endInstant = Instant.now(); Duration duration = new Duration(startInstant, endInstant); QuartzBatchJobMetrics jobMetrics = new BaseQuartzBatchJobMetrics( startInstant, endInstant, duration, executionDetails.getNumberOfProcessedItems(), executionDetails.getNumberOfErroredItems(), executionDetails.getErrorItems()); logger.info( "Finished {} finished in {} time", getJobDetailName(), ISODateTimeFormat.basicTime().print(duration.getMillis())); return jobMetrics; }
public Duration getTimeSpentInInterval(Interval focus) { if (focus == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("focus == nul"); } Duration timespent = Duration.ZERO; for (Interval i : intervals) { Duration ov = computeOverlap(i, focus); timespent = timespent.plus(ov); } if (isActive()) { Interval activeInterval = new Interval(starttime, Instant.now()); Duration overlapDuration = computeOverlap(activeInterval, focus); timespent = timespent.plus(overlapDuration); } return timespent; }
public void start() { log.infof("Starting HeartbeatEmitter. Observe the HeartbeatEvent to subscribe.", Instant.now()); final Runnable emitter = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { log.debugf("heartbeat: %s", Instant.now()); heartbeat.fire(new HeartbeatEvent()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } } }; emitterHandle = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(emitter, initialDelay, periodInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS); }
protected void start() throws FightException { state = FightStateEnum.ACTIVE; generateTurns(); fighters = CollectionUtils.concat(challengers.getFighters(), defenders.getFighters()); foreach( new FightHandlerAction() { @Override public void call(IFightHandler obj) throws FightException { obj.notifyFightStart(turns, fighters); } }); onStarted(); startFight = Instant.now(); getCurrentTurn().begin(); }
public AbstractRequestContext( Instant executionStart, String userId, String tenantId, Long userRef, Long tenantRef, long requestRef) { this.tenantId = tenantId; this.userId = userId; this.tenantRef = tenantRef; this.userRef = userRef; this.requestRef = requestRef; this.executionStart = executionStart != null ? executionStart : Instant.now(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) LOGGER.debug( "Starting RequestContext for user {}, tenant {}, processRef {}", userId, tenantId, Long.valueOf(requestRef)); }
@Transactional @Override public ShipResponse shipGoods(final GoodPayload payload) throws NoSuchArticleException { long timeInMillis = Instant.now().getMillis(); ShipResponse response = new ShipResponse(timeInMillis); response = namedJdbcTemplate.query( QUERY_FETCH_ARTICLE_AMOUNT, new MapSqlParameterSource("list", payload.getGoods().keySet()), new DiffExtractor(payload.getGoods(), response)); if (response.getNoEnoughGoods() == null) { doShip(payload, timeInMillis, response); response.setStatus(ShipResponse.ShipStatus.SHIPPED); } else { response.setStatus(ShipResponse.ShipStatus.NOT_SHIPPED); } return response; }
public static void runExample(DfpServices dfpServices, DfpSession session, long orderId) throws Exception { // Get the LineItemService. LineItemServiceInterface lineItemService = dfpServices.get(session, LineItemServiceInterface.class); // Get the NetworkService. NetworkServiceInterface networkService = dfpServices.get(session, NetworkServiceInterface.class); // Get the root ad unit ID used to target the whole site. String rootAdUnitId = networkService.getCurrentNetwork().getEffectiveRootAdUnitId(); // Create inventory targeting. InventoryTargeting inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting(); // Create ad unit targeting for the root ad unit (i.e. the whole network). AdUnitTargeting adUnitTargeting = new AdUnitTargeting(); adUnitTargeting.setAdUnitId(rootAdUnitId); adUnitTargeting.setIncludeDescendants(true); inventoryTargeting.setTargetedAdUnits(new AdUnitTargeting[] {adUnitTargeting}); // Create geographical targeting. GeoTargeting geoTargeting = new GeoTargeting(); // Include the US, Quebec, Canada, and the B3P Canada postal code. // To determine what other geographic criteria exists, // run GetGeoTargets.java. Location countryLocation = new Location(); countryLocation.setId(2840L); Location regionLocation = new Location(); regionLocation.setId(20133L); Location postalCodeLocation = new Location(); postalCodeLocation.setId(9000093L); geoTargeting.setTargetedLocations( new Location[] {countryLocation, regionLocation, postalCodeLocation}); // Exclude Chicago and the New York metro area. // To determine what other geographic criteria exists, run // GetGeoTargets.java. Location cityLocation = new Location(); cityLocation.setId(1016367L); Location metroLocation = new Location(); metroLocation.setId(200501L); geoTargeting.setExcludedLocations(new Location[] {cityLocation, metroLocation}); // Exclude domains that are not under the network's control. UserDomainTargeting userDomainTargeting = new UserDomainTargeting(); userDomainTargeting.setDomains(new String[] {"usa.gov"}); userDomainTargeting.setTargeted(false); // Create day-part targeting. DayPartTargeting dayPartTargeting = new DayPartTargeting(); dayPartTargeting.setTimeZone(DeliveryTimeZone.BROWSER); // Target only the weekend in the browser's timezone. DayPart saturdayDayPart = new DayPart(); saturdayDayPart.setDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek.SATURDAY); saturdayDayPart.setStartTime(new TimeOfDay(0, MinuteOfHour.ZERO)); saturdayDayPart.setEndTime(new TimeOfDay(24, MinuteOfHour.ZERO)); DayPart sundayDayPart = new DayPart(); sundayDayPart.setDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek.SUNDAY); sundayDayPart.setStartTime(new TimeOfDay(0, MinuteOfHour.ZERO)); sundayDayPart.setEndTime(new TimeOfDay(24, MinuteOfHour.ZERO)); dayPartTargeting.setDayParts(new DayPart[] {saturdayDayPart, sundayDayPart}); // Create technology targeting. TechnologyTargeting technologyTargeting = new TechnologyTargeting(); // Create browser targeting. BrowserTargeting browserTargeting = new BrowserTargeting(); browserTargeting.setIsTargeted(true); // Target just the Chrome browser. // To determine what other technology criteria exists, run // GetAllBrowsers.java. Technology browserTechnology = new Technology(); browserTechnology.setId(500072L); browserTargeting.setBrowsers(new Technology[] {browserTechnology}); technologyTargeting.setBrowserTargeting(browserTargeting); // Create targeting. Targeting targeting = new Targeting(); targeting.setGeoTargeting(geoTargeting); targeting.setInventoryTargeting(inventoryTargeting); targeting.setUserDomainTargeting(userDomainTargeting); targeting.setDayPartTargeting(dayPartTargeting); targeting.setTechnologyTargeting(technologyTargeting); // Create a line item. LineItem lineItem = new LineItem(); lineItem.setName("Line item #" + new Random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); lineItem.setOrderId(orderId); lineItem.setTargeting(targeting); // Allow the line item to be booked even if there is not enough inventory. lineItem.setAllowOverbook(true); // Set the line item type to STANDARD and priority to Normal. In this case, // 6 would be High, and 10 would be Low. lineItem.setLineItemType(LineItemType.STANDARD); lineItem.setPriority(8); // Set the creative rotation type to even. lineItem.setCreativeRotationType(CreativeRotationType.EVEN); // Create creative placeholder size. Size size = new Size(); size.setWidth(300); size.setHeight(250); size.setIsAspectRatio(false); // Create the creative placeholder. CreativePlaceholder creativePlaceholder = new CreativePlaceholder(); creativePlaceholder.setSize(size); // Set the size of creatives that can be associated with this line item. lineItem.setCreativePlaceholders(new CreativePlaceholder[] {creativePlaceholder}); // Set the length of the line item to run. lineItem.setStartDateTimeType(StartDateTimeType.IMMEDIATELY); lineItem.setEndDateTime( DateTimes.toDateTime(Instant.now().plus(Duration.standardDays(30L)), "America/New_York")); // Set the cost per unit to $2. lineItem.setCostType(CostType.CPM); lineItem.setCostPerUnit(new Money("USD", 2000000L)); // Set the number of units bought to 500,000 so that the budget is // $1,000. Goal goal = new Goal(); goal.setGoalType(GoalType.LIFETIME); goal.setUnits(500000L); goal.setUnitType(UnitType.IMPRESSIONS); lineItem.setPrimaryGoal(goal); // Create the line item on the server. LineItem[] lineItems = lineItemService.createLineItems(new LineItem[] {lineItem}); for (LineItem createdLineItem : lineItems) { System.out.printf( "A line item with ID \"%d\" and name \"%s\" was created.\n", createdLineItem.getId(), createdLineItem.getName()); } }
public Duration getFightDuration() { return new Duration(startFight, Instant.now()); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length != 1) { System.out.println("usage: VitessJDBCExample <vtgate-host:port>"); System.exit(1); } // Connect to vtgate. String dbURL = "jdbc:vitess://" + args[0]; try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, null)) { // Setting AutoCommit to false as VTTablet was not up with enable-autocommit // Not Required if enable-autocommit flag is set in VTTablet conn.setAutoCommit(false); // Insert some messages on random pages. System.out.println("Inserting into master..."); Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Instant timeCreated = Instant.now(); int page = rand.nextInt(100) + 1; PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO messages (page,time_created_ns,message) VALUES (?,?,?)"); stmt.setInt(1, page); stmt.setLong(2, timeCreated.getMillis() * 1000000); stmt.setString(3, "V is for speed"); stmt.execute(); } // To Commit Open Transaction conn.commit(); // Read it back from master. System.out.println("Reading from master..."); String sql = "SELECT page, time_created_ns, message FROM messages"; try (Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql)) { while (rs.next()) { long page = rs.getLong("page"); long timeCreated = rs.getLong("time_created_ns"); String message = rs.getString("message"); System.out.format("(%s, %s, %s)\n", page, timeCreated, message); } } // To Commit Open Transaction, as select was made on master with autocommit false a // transaction was open conn.commit(); // Read it back from replica. dbURL += "/test_keyspace?TABLET_TYPE=replica"; try (Connection connReplica = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, null)) { System.out.println("Reading from replica..."); sql = "SELECT page, time_created_ns, message FROM messages"; try (Statement stmt = connReplica.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql)) { while (rs.next()) { long page = rs.getLong("page"); long timeCreated = rs.getLong("time_created_ns"); String message = rs.getString("message"); System.out.format("(%s, %s, %s)\n", page, timeCreated, message); } } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Vitess JDBC example failed."); System.out.println("Error Details:"); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(2); } }
private void runCompiler() { if (!shouldRunCompiler()) { System.exit(-1); } Instant start = Instant.now(); config.getOutputStream().println("Generating documentation..."); int result = 0; try { result = doRun(); } catch (FlagUsageException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(-2); } if (result != 0) { System.exit(result); } DocWriter writer = new DocWriter( config.getOutput(), Iterables.concat(config.getSources(), config.getModules()), config.getSrcPrefix(), config.getReadme(), config.getCustomPages(), typeRegistry, config.getTypeFilter(), new Linker( config.getOutput(), config.getSrcPrefix(), config.getModulePrefix(), config.getTypeFilter(), typeRegistry), new CommentParser(config.useMarkdown())); try { writer.generateDocs(); if (config.isZipOutput()) { config.getOutput().getFileSystem().close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(-3); } Instant stop = Instant.now(); String output = new PeriodFormatterBuilder() .appendHours() .appendSuffix("h") // I hope not... .appendSeparator(" ") .appendMinutes() .appendSuffix("m") .appendSeparator(" ") .appendSecondsWithOptionalMillis() .appendSuffix("s") .toFormatter() .print(new Period(start, stop)); config.getOutputStream().println("Finished in " + output); }
public void finish() { if (isActive()) { pause(); } done = Instant.now(); }
public void start() { if (isActive()) { throw new IllegalStateException("already active"); } starttime = Instant.now(); }