public static void initEnv() throws NamingException { if (initialized) { return; } InitialNaming.setNameSpace(new BasicNameSpace()); InitialNaming.bind(DeviceManager.NAME, DeviceManager.INSTANCE); AliasManager alias_mgr = new DefaultAliasManager(new DummyExtensionPoint()).createAliasManager(); InitialNaming.bind(AliasManager.NAME, alias_mgr); InitialNaming.bind(ShellManager.NAME, new DefaultShellManager()); InitialNaming.bind(HelpFactory.NAME, new DefaultHelpFactory()); BasicConfigurator.configure(); initialized = true; }
public static void createFloppy(File f) throws Exception { GrubFatFormatter ff = new GrubFatFormatter(0, null, null); FileDevice newFd = new FileDevice(f, "rw"); newFd.setLength(1440 * 1024); ff.format(newFd); // newFd.start(); final FileSystemService fSS = InitialNaming.lookup(FileSystemService.NAME); FatFileSystemType type = fSS.getFileSystemType(FatFileSystemType.ID); FatFileSystem fs = new FatFileSystem(newFd, false, type); FSDirectory dir = fs.getRootEntry().getDirectory(); FSDirectory bDir = dir.addDirectory("boot").getDirectory(); FSDirectory bgDir = bDir.addDirectory("grub").getDirectory(); URLConnection urlConn = FatTest.class.getClassLoader().getResource("menu.lst").openConnection(); // byte[] buf = new byte[urlConn.getContentLength()]; ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(urlConn.getContentLength()); FileUtils.copy(urlConn.getInputStream(), buf.array()); final FSFile fh1 = dir.addFile("test.lst").getFile(); fh1.setLength(urlConn.getContentLength()); fh1.write(0, buf); final FSFile fh2 = bgDir.addFile("menu.lst").getFile(); fh2.setLength(urlConn.getContentLength()); fh2.write(0, buf); fs.flush(); // newFd.stop(); newFd.close(); }
/** * Start the device * * @throws DriverException */ protected void startDevice() throws DriverException { final Device dev = getDevice(); // Find the ACPI info try { final ResourceManager rm; rm = InitialNaming.lookup(ResourceManager.NAME); info = findAcpiRSDTPTR(rm); } catch (NameNotFoundException ex) { throw new DriverException("Cannot find the resource manager"); } catch (ResourceNotFreeException ex) { log.error("Cannot claim BIOS region", ex); } // Register out API dev.registerAPI(FirmwareAPI.class, this); // Start an ACPI device if we found the info for it. if (info != null) {"Start ACPI device"); acpiDevice = new AcpiDevice(dev.getBus(), "acpi", info); try { dev.getManager().register(acpiDevice); } catch (DeviceAlreadyRegisteredException ex) { log.error("Cannot register ACPI device", ex); } } }
/** @see org.jnode.driver.Driver#startDevice() */ protected void startDevice() throws DriverException { final Device device = getDevice(); try { final DeviceManager dm = InitialNaming.lookup(DeviceManager.NAME); dm.rename(device, getDevicePrefix() + "-" + device.getId(), false); } catch (DeviceAlreadyRegisteredException ex) { log.error("Cannot rename device", ex); } catch (NameNotFoundException ex) { throw new DriverException("Cannot find DeviceManager", ex); } device.registerAPI(FrameBufferAPI.class, this); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { final String devId = (args.length > 0) ? args[0] : "" /*"fb0"*/; Surface g = null; try { Device dev = null; if ("".equals(devId)) { final Collection<Device> devs = DeviceUtils.getDevicesByAPI(FrameBufferAPI.class); int dev_count = devs.size(); if (dev_count > 0) { Device[] dev_a = devs.toArray(new Device[dev_count]); dev = dev_a[0]; } } if (dev == null) { final DeviceManager dm = InitialNaming.lookup(DeviceManager.NAME); dev = dm.getDevice(devId); } final FrameBufferAPI api = dev.getAPI(FrameBufferAPI.class); final FrameBufferConfiguration conf = api.getConfigurations()[0]; g =; TextScreenConsoleManager mgr = new TextScreenConsoleManager(); ScrollableTextScreen ts = new FBConsole.FBPcTextScreen(g).createCompatibleScrollableBufferScreen(500); ScrollableTextScreenConsole first = new ScrollableTextScreenConsole( mgr, "console", ts, ConsoleManager.CreateOptions.TEXT | ConsoleManager.CreateOptions.SCROLLABLE); mgr.registerConsole(first); mgr.focus(first); new CommandShell(first).run(); Thread.sleep(60 * 1000); } catch (Throwable ex) { log.error("Error in FBConsole", ex); } finally { if (g != null) {"Close graphics"); g.close(); } } }
private static TextScreenConsoleManager getParentManager() throws NameNotFoundException { TextScreenConsoleManager manager = null; ShellManager sm = InitialNaming.lookup(ShellManager.NAME); if (sm != null) { // current shell is null when JNode boot directly in GUI mode, without going // through command line if (sm.getCurrentShell() != null) { manager = (TextScreenConsoleManager) sm.getCurrentShell().getConsole().getManager(); } } return manager; }
public static void printInfo(File file, PrintWriter out) throws IOException, FileSystemException { FileDevice fd = new FileDevice(file, "r"); try { final FileSystemService fSS = InitialNaming.lookup(FileSystemService.NAME); FatFileSystemType type = fSS.getFileSystemType(FatFileSystemType.ID); FatFileSystem fs = new FatFileSystem(fd, false, type); try { BootSector bs = fs.getBootSector();; out.println("OEM name " + bs.getOemName()); out.println("bytes/sector " + bs.getBytesPerSector()); out.println("sectors/cluster " + bs.getSectorsPerCluster()); out.println("#reserved sectors " + bs.getNrReservedSectors()); out.println("#fats " + bs.getNrFats()); out.println("#rootdir entries " + bs.getNrRootDirEntries()); out.println("#logical sectors " + bs.getNrLogicalSectors()); out.println("Medium descriptor 0x" + Integer.toHexString(bs.getMediumDescriptor())); out.println("sectors/fat " + bs.getSectorsPerFat()); out.println("sectors/track " + bs.getSectorsPerTrack()); out.println("#heads " + bs.getNrHeads()); out.println("#hidden sectors " + bs.getNrHiddenSectors()); fs.getFat().printTo(out); fs.getRootDir().printTo(out); try { FatDirectory dir = (FatDirectory) fs.getRootEntry().getDirectory().getEntry("AAP").getDirectory(); dir.printTo(out); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { out.println("No AAP directory"); } try { FatDirectory dir = (FatDirectory) fs.getRootEntry().getDirectory().getEntry("boot").getDirectory(); dir.printTo(out); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { out.println("No boot directory"); } } finally { // fd.stop(); fd.close(); } } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { throw new FileSystemException(e); } }
/** * This will be the entry point for the isolate. * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { final ShellManager sm = InitialNaming.lookup(ShellManager.NAME); final ConsoleManager conMgr = sm.getCurrentShell().getConsole().getManager(); final PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)); TextConsole console = createConsoleWithShell(conMgr, out); System.setIn(new ReaderInputStream(console.getIn())); System.setOut(new PrintStream(new WriterOutputStream(console.getOut(), false), true)); System.setErr(new PrintStream(new WriterOutputStream(console.getErr(), false), true)); } catch (Exception ex) { // FIXME System.out.println("Problem creating the isolated console"); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } }
protected void startDevice() throws DriverException { final Device device = getDevice(); final DeviceManager dm; try { dm = InitialNaming.lookup(DeviceManager.NAME); dm.rename(device, getDevicePrefix(), true); } catch (DeviceAlreadyRegisteredException ex) { log.error("Cannot rename device", ex); throw new DriverException("Cannot rename device", ex); } catch (NameNotFoundException ex) { throw new DriverException("Cannot find DeviceManager", ex); } int busId = 0; // fix to handle multiple firewire controllers bus = new FireWireBus(this, busId); }
@Override public void execute() throws NameNotFoundException, IsolateStartupException, ShellException { final PrintWriter out = getOutput().getPrintWriter(); final ShellManager sm = InitialNaming.lookup(ShellManager.NAME); final ConsoleManager conMgr = sm.getCurrentShell().getConsole().getManager(); boolean listConsoles = FLAG_LIST.isSet(); boolean newConsole = FLAG_NEW.isSet(); boolean isolateNewConsole = FLAG_ISOLATED.isSet(); boolean test = FLAG_TEST.isSet(); if (listConsoles) { conMgr.printConsoles(out); } else if (newConsole) { if (isolateNewConsole) { try { Isolate newIsolate = new Isolate(ConsoleCommand.IsolatedConsole.class.getName(), new String[0]); newIsolate.start(); out.println("Started new isolated console"); } catch (IsolateStartupException ex) { out.println("Failed to start new isolated console"); throw ex; } } else { createConsoleWithShell(conMgr, out); } } else if (test) { out.println("test RawTextConsole"); final TextConsole console = (TextConsole) conMgr.createConsole( null, ConsoleManager.CreateOptions.TEXT | ConsoleManager.CreateOptions.NO_LINE_EDITTING); conMgr.registerConsole(console); conMgr.focus(console); console.clear(); } }
protected void ensurePluginLoaded(PluginSpecification plugin) throws TestRunnerException { String id = plugin.getPluginId(); if (usingEmu) { TestEmu.loadPseudoPlugin(id, plugin.getClassName()); } else { String ver = (plugin.getPluginVersion().length() == 0) ? System.getProperty("os.version") : plugin.getPluginVersion(); try { PluginManager mgr = InitialNaming.lookup(PluginManager.NAME); PluginRegistry reg = mgr.getRegistry(); if (reg.getPluginDescriptor(id) == null) { reg.loadPlugin(mgr.getLoaderManager(), new PluginReference(id, new Version(ver)), true); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); throw new TestRunnerException( "Cannot load plugin '" + plugin.getPluginId() + "/" + ver + "'", ex); } } }
/** Set up the pager's console and command pipe. */ private void setup() throws NameNotFoundException, IOException { ShellManager sm = InitialNaming.lookup(ShellManager.NAME); manager = (TextScreenConsoleManager) sm.getCurrentShell().getConsole().getManager(); console = manager.createConsole( "page", (ConsoleManager.CreateOptions.TEXT | ConsoleManager.CreateOptions.STACKED | ConsoleManager.CreateOptions.NO_LINE_EDITTING | ConsoleManager.CreateOptions.NO_SYSTEM_OUT_ERR)); manager.focus(console); pageHeight = console.getDeviceHeight() - 1; pageWidth = console.getDeviceWidth(); pageSize = pageHeight * pageWidth; tabSize = console.getTabSize(); pw = new PipedWriter(); pr = new PipedReader(); pr.connect(pw); console.addKeyboardListener(this); }
/** Create a new instance */ protected DefaultIDEIO(Device device, boolean primary) throws IllegalArgumentException, DriverException, ResourceNotFreeException { int cmdBlockStart = (primary ? IDE0_START_PORT : IDE1_START_PORT); int ctrlBlockStart = cmdBlockStart + HIGH_OFFSET; int cmdBlockSize = IDE_NR_PORTS; int ctrlBlockSize = IDE_NR_HIGH_PORTS; int altStatusPort = ctrlBlockStart + R8_ALTSTATUS_OFFSET; int irq = (primary ? IDE0_IRQ : IDE1_IRQ); boolean nativeMode = false; // Detect PCI IDE Controller, look for enhanced mode if (device instanceof PCIDevice) { final PCIDevice pciDev = (PCIDevice) device; final PCIDeviceConfig pciCfg = pciDev.getConfig(); final int pIntf = pciCfg.getMinorClass(); final int progMask = 0x02 | 0x08; final int enhModeMask = 0x01 | 0x04; if ((pIntf & progMask) == progMask) { // Mode is programmable, set enhanced mode // pciCfg.setMinorClass(pIntf | enhModeMask); } if ((pciCfg.getMinorClass() & enhModeMask) == enhModeMask) { // Use enhanced mode final PCIBaseAddress[] baseAddrs = pciCfg.asHeaderType0().getBaseAddresses(); final int idx = (primary ? 0 : 2); cmdBlockStart = baseAddrs[idx].getIOBase(); cmdBlockSize = 8; ctrlBlockStart = baseAddrs[idx + 1].getIOBase(); ctrlBlockSize = 4; altStatusPort = ctrlBlockStart + 0x02; irq = pciCfg.asHeaderType0().getInterruptLine(); nativeMode = true; } } "Using PCI IDE " + (nativeMode ? "Native" : "Compatibility") + " mode [irq=" + irq + "]"); // Now claim the resources IOResource cmdBlock = null; IOResource ctrlBlock = null; final ResourceManager rm; try { rm = InitialNaming.lookup(ResourceManager.NAME); cmdBlock = claimPorts(rm, device, cmdBlockStart, cmdBlockSize); ctrlBlock = claimPorts(rm, device, ctrlBlockStart, ctrlBlockSize); } catch (NameNotFoundException ex) { throw new ResourceNotFreeException("Cannot find ResourceManager", ex); } catch (ResourceNotFreeException ex) { if (cmdBlock != null) { cmdBlock.release(); } if (ctrlBlock != null) { ctrlBlock.release(); } throw ex; } this.irq = irq; this.cmdBlockStart = cmdBlockStart; this.ctrlBlockStart = ctrlBlockStart; this.cmdBlock = cmdBlock; this.ctrlBlock = ctrlBlock; this.altStatusPort = altStatusPort; }
/** * @param driver * @param architecture * @param model * @param device */ public RadeonCore(RadeonDriver driver, int architecture, String model, PCIDevice device) throws ResourceNotFreeException, DriverException { this.driver = driver; this.fbinfo = new FBInfo(architecture); final PCIHeaderType0 pciCfg = device.getConfig().asHeaderType0(); final PCIBaseAddress ioAddr = pciCfg.getBaseAddresses()[2]; final PCIBaseAddress fbAddr = pciCfg.getBaseAddresses()[0]; final PCIRomAddress romAddr = pciCfg.getRomAddress();"Found ATI " + model + ", chipset 0x" + NumberUtils.hex(pciCfg.getRevision())); try { final ResourceManager rm = InitialNaming.lookup(ResourceManager.NAME); final int ioBase = (int) ioAddr.getMemoryBase(); final int ioSize = ioAddr.getSize(); final int fbBase = (int) fbAddr.getMemoryBase() /* & 0xFF800000 */; // Map Memory Mapped IO this.mmio = rm.claimMemoryResource( device, Address.fromIntZeroExtend(ioBase), ioSize, ResourceManager.MEMMODE_NORMAL); this.vgaIO = new RadeonVgaIO(mmio); final int memSize = readMemorySize();"Memory size " + NumberUtils.toBinaryByte(memSize)); this.accel = new RadeonAcceleration(vgaIO); // Map Device RAM this.deviceRam = rm.claimMemoryResource( device, Address.fromIntZeroExtend(fbBase), memSize, ResourceManager.MEMMODE_NORMAL); vgaIO.setVideoRam(deviceRam); // Find ROM MemoryResource rom = null; if (romAddr != null) { romAddr.setEnabled(true); if (romAddr.isEnabled()) { rom = rm.claimMemoryResource( device, Address.fromIntZeroExtend(romAddr.getRomBase()), romAddr.getSize(), ResourceManager.MEMMODE_NORMAL); if (!verifyBiosSignature(rom)) {"Signature mismatch"); rom.release(); rom = null; } } else { log.debug("Failed to enabled expansion ROM"); } } if (rom == null) { // Use the ISA regions rom instead rom = findRom(device, rm); } this.rom = rom; log.debug( "Found ATI " + model + ", FB at 0x" + NumberUtils.hex(fbBase) + "s0x" + NumberUtils.hex(memSize) + ", MMIO at 0x" + NumberUtils.hex(ioBase) + ", ROM " + pciCfg.getRomAddress()); fbinfo.readMonitorInfo(vgaIO); if (this.rom != null) {"ROM[0-3] 0x" + NumberUtils.hex(rom.getInt(0))); // Read monitor information fbinfo.readFPIInfo(rom); } } catch (NameNotFoundException ex) { throw new ResourceNotFreeException(ex); } // Read the current state of the device this.oldVgaState = new RadeonVgaState(architecture, fbinfo.hasCRTC2, vgaIO); this.currentState = new RadeonVgaState(architecture, fbinfo.hasCRTC2, vgaIO); // Claim the first 128K for VGA only deviceRam.claimChildResource(0, 128 * 1024, false); // Allocate the hardware cursor this.hwCursor = new RadeonHardwareCursor(this, vgaIO); }
/** * Gets the device manager * * @return The device manager * @throws NameNotFoundException */ public static DeviceManager getDeviceManager() throws NameNotFoundException { if (deviceManager == null) { deviceManager = InitialNaming.lookup(DeviceManager.NAME); } return deviceManager; }