/** Updates Jitsi icon notification to reflect current global status. */
  public void updateJitsiIconNotification() {
    String status;
    if (getGlobalStatus().isOnline()) {
      // At least one provider is online
      status = JitsiApplication.getResString(R.string.service_gui_ONLINE);
    } else {
      // There are no active providers so we consider to be in
      // the offline state
      status = JitsiApplication.getResString(R.string.service_gui_OFFLINE);

    int notificationID = OSGiService.getGeneralNotificationId();
    if (notificationID == -1) {
          "Not displaying status notification because"
              + " there's no global notification icon available.");

Example #2
   * Creates new call to target <tt>destination</tt>.
   * @param context the android context
   * @param destination the target callee name that will be used.
  private static void createCall(Context context, String destination) {
    Iterator<ProtocolProviderService> allProviders =

    if (!allProviders.hasNext()) {
      logger.error("No registered providers found");

    createCall(context, destination, allProviders.next());
Example #3
   * Checks if there is a call in progress. If true then shows a warning toast and finishes the
   * activity.
   * @param activity activity doing a check.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if there is call in progress and <tt>Activity</tt> was finished.
  public static boolean checkCallInProgress(Activity activity) {
    if (CallManager.getActiveCallsCount() > 0) {
      logger.warn("Call is in progress");

      Toast t =
          Toast.makeText(activity, R.string.service_gui_WARN_CALL_IN_PROGRESS, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
Example #4
   * Creates new call to given <tt>destination</tt> using selected <tt>provider</tt>.
   * @param context the android context
   * @param destination target callee name.
   * @param provider the provider that will be used to make a call.
  public static void createCall(
      final Context context, final String destination, final ProtocolProviderService provider) {
    if (createCallThread != null) {
      logger.warn("Another call is already being created");
    } else if (CallManager.getActiveCallsCount() > 0) {
      logger.warn("Another call is in progress");

    final long dialogId =
            JitsiApplication.getResString(R.string.service_gui_OUTGOING_CALL_MSG, destination));

    createCallThread =
        new Thread("Create call thread") {
          public void run() {
            try {
              CallManager.createCall(provider, destination);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
              logger.error("Error creating the call: " + t.getMessage(), t);
                  context, context.getString(R.string.service_gui_ERROR), t.getMessage());
            } finally {
              if (DialogActivity.waitForDialogOpened(dialogId)) {
                DialogActivity.closeDialog(JitsiApplication.getGlobalContext(), dialogId);
              } else {
                logger.error("Failed to wait for the dialog: " + dialogId);
              createCallThread = null;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public VerifyCertificateDialog createDialog(Certificate[] certs, String title, String message) {
    if (title == null)
      title = JitsiApplication.getResString(R.string.service_gui_CERT_DIALOG_TITLE);

    Long requestId = System.currentTimeMillis();

    VerifyCertDialog verifyCertDialog = new VerifyCertDialog(requestId, certs[0], title, message);

    requestMap.put(requestId, verifyCertDialog);

    logger.debug(hashCode() + " creating dialog: " + requestId);

    return verifyCertDialog;
 * Android implementation of <tt>VerifyCertificateDialogService</tt>.
 * @author Pawel Domas
class CertificateDialogServiceImpl implements VerifyCertificateDialogService {
  /** The logger. */
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CertificateDialogServiceImpl.class);

   * Maps request ids to <tt>VerifyCertDialog</tt> so that they can be retrieved by Android
   * <tt>Activity</tt> or <tt>Fragments</tt>.
  private Map<Long, VerifyCertDialog> requestMap = new HashMap<Long, VerifyCertDialog>();

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public VerifyCertificateDialog createDialog(Certificate[] certs, String title, String message) {
    if (title == null)
      title = JitsiApplication.getResString(R.string.service_gui_CERT_DIALOG_TITLE);

    Long requestId = System.currentTimeMillis();

    VerifyCertDialog verifyCertDialog = new VerifyCertDialog(requestId, certs[0], title, message);

    requestMap.put(requestId, verifyCertDialog);

    logger.debug(hashCode() + " creating dialog: " + requestId);

    return verifyCertDialog;

   * Retrieves the dialog for given <tt>requestId</tt>.
   * @param requestId dialog's request identifier assigned during dialog creation.
   * @return the dialog for given <tt>requestId</tt>.
  public VerifyCertDialog retrieveDialog(Long requestId) {
    logger.debug(hashCode() + " getting dialog: " + requestId);

    return requestMap.get(requestId);
Example #7
 * @author Yana Stamcheva
 * @author Pawel Domas
public class AndroidCallUtil {
  /** The logger for this class. */
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AndroidCallUtil.class);

  /** Field used to track the thread used to create outgoing calls. */
  private static Thread createCallThread;

   * Creates an android call.
   * @param context the android context
   * @param callButtonView the button view that generated the call
   * @param contact the contact address to call
  public static void createAndroidCall(Context context, View callButtonView, String contact) {
    if (AccountUtils.getRegisteredProviders().size() > 1)
      showCallViaMenu(context, callButtonView, contact);
    else createCall(context, contact);

   * Creates new call to target <tt>destination</tt>.
   * @param context the android context
   * @param destination the target callee name that will be used.
  private static void createCall(Context context, String destination) {
    Iterator<ProtocolProviderService> allProviders =

    if (!allProviders.hasNext()) {
      logger.error("No registered providers found");

    createCall(context, destination, allProviders.next());

   * Creates new call to given <tt>destination</tt> using selected <tt>provider</tt>.
   * @param context the android context
   * @param destination target callee name.
   * @param provider the provider that will be used to make a call.
  public static void createCall(
      final Context context, final String destination, final ProtocolProviderService provider) {
    if (createCallThread != null) {
      logger.warn("Another call is already being created");
    } else if (CallManager.getActiveCallsCount() > 0) {
      logger.warn("Another call is in progress");

    final long dialogId =
            JitsiApplication.getResString(R.string.service_gui_OUTGOING_CALL_MSG, destination));

    createCallThread =
        new Thread("Create call thread") {
          public void run() {
            try {
              CallManager.createCall(provider, destination);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
              logger.error("Error creating the call: " + t.getMessage(), t);
                  context, context.getString(R.string.service_gui_ERROR), t.getMessage());
            } finally {
              if (DialogActivity.waitForDialogOpened(dialogId)) {
                DialogActivity.closeDialog(JitsiApplication.getGlobalContext(), dialogId);
              } else {
                logger.error("Failed to wait for the dialog: " + dialogId);
              createCallThread = null;


   * Shows "call via" menu allowing user to selected from multiple providers.
   * @param context the android context
   * @param v the View that will contain the popup menu.
   * @param destination target callee name.
  private static void showCallViaMenu(final Context context, View v, final String destination) {
    PopupMenu popup = new PopupMenu(context, v);

    Menu menu = popup.getMenu();

    Iterator<ProtocolProviderService> registeredProviders =

    while (registeredProviders.hasNext()) {
      final ProtocolProviderService provider = registeredProviders.next();
      String accountAddress = provider.getAccountID().getAccountAddress();

      MenuItem menuItem = menu.add(Menu.NONE, Menu.NONE, Menu.NONE, accountAddress);

          new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() {
            public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
              createCall(context, destination, provider);

              return false;


   * Checks if there is a call in progress. If true then shows a warning toast and finishes the
   * activity.
   * @param activity activity doing a check.
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if there is call in progress and <tt>Activity</tt> was finished.
  public static boolean checkCallInProgress(Activity activity) {
    if (CallManager.getActiveCallsCount() > 0) {
      logger.warn("Call is in progress");

      Toast t =
          Toast.makeText(activity, R.string.service_gui_WARN_CALL_IN_PROGRESS, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
   * Retrieves the dialog for given <tt>requestId</tt>.
   * @param requestId dialog's request identifier assigned during dialog creation.
   * @return the dialog for given <tt>requestId</tt>.
  public VerifyCertDialog retrieveDialog(Long requestId) {
    logger.debug(hashCode() + " getting dialog: " + requestId);

    return requestMap.get(requestId);
 * The <tt>AndroidLoginRenderer</tt> is the Android renderer for login events.
 * @author Yana Stamcheva
 * @author Pawel Domas
public class AndroidLoginRenderer implements LoginRenderer {
  /** The logger */
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AndroidLoginRenderer.class);

  /** The <tt>CallListener</tt>. */
  private CallListener androidCallListener;

  /** The android implementation of the provider presence listener. */
  private final ProviderPresenceStatusListener androidPresenceListener =
      new UIProviderPresenceStatusListener();

  /** The security authority used by this login renderer. */
  private final SecurityAuthority securityAuthority;

  /** Authorization handler instance. */
  private final AuthorizationHandlerImpl authorizationHandler;

  /** Cached global status value */
  private PresenceStatus globalStatus;

  /** List of global status listeners. */
  private EventListenerList<PresenceStatus> globalStatusListeners =
      new EventListenerList<PresenceStatus>();

  /** Caches avatar image to track the changes */
  private byte[] localAvatarRaw;

  /** Local avatar drawable */
  private Drawable localAvatar;

  /** Caches local status to track the changes */
  private byte[] localStatusRaw;

  /** Local status drawable */
  private Drawable localStatusDrawable;

   * Creates an instance of <tt>AndroidLoginRenderer</tt> by specifying the current
   * <tt>Context</tt>.
   * @param defaultSecurityAuthority the security authority that will be used by this login renderer
  public AndroidLoginRenderer(SecurityAuthority defaultSecurityAuthority) {
    androidCallListener = new AndroidCallListener();

    securityAuthority = defaultSecurityAuthority;

    authorizationHandler = new AuthorizationHandlerImpl();

   * Adds the user interface related to the given protocol provider.
   * @param protocolProvider the protocol provider for which we add the user interface
  public void addProtocolProviderUI(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) {
    OperationSetBasicTelephony<?> telOpSet =

    if (telOpSet != null) {

    OperationSetPresence presenceOpSet =

    if (presenceOpSet != null) {

   * Removes the user interface related to the given protocol provider.
   * @param protocolProvider the protocol provider to remove
  public void removeProtocolProviderUI(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) {
    OperationSetBasicTelephony<?> telOpSet =

    if (telOpSet != null) {

    OperationSetPresence presenceOpSet =

    if (presenceOpSet != null) {

    // Removes all chat session for unregistered provider

   * Starts the connecting user interface for the given protocol provider.
   * @param protocolProvider the protocol provider for which we add the connecting user interface
  public void startConnectingUI(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) {}

   * Stops the connecting user interface for the given protocol provider.
   * @param protocolProvider the protocol provider for which we remove the connecting user interface
  public void stopConnectingUI(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) {}

   * Indicates that the given protocol provider has been connected at the given time.
   * @param protocolProvider the <tt>ProtocolProviderService</tt> corresponding to the connected
   *     account
   * @param date the date/time at which the account has connected
  public void protocolProviderConnected(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider, long date) {

    OperationSetPresence presence = AccountStatusUtils.getProtocolPresenceOpSet(protocolProvider);

    if (presence != null) {


   * Indicates that a protocol provider connection has failed.
   * @param protocolProvider the <tt>ProtocolProviderService</tt>, which connection failed
   * @param loginManagerCallback the <tt>LoginManager</tt> implementation, which is managing the
   *     process
  public void protocolProviderConnectionFailed(
      final ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider, final LoginManager loginManagerCallback) {
    AccountID accountID = protocolProvider.getAccountID();

        new DialogActivity.DialogListener() {
          public boolean onConfirmClicked(DialogActivity dialog) {
            return true;

          public void onDialogCancelled(DialogActivity dialog) {}

   * Returns the <tt>SecurityAuthority</tt> implementation related to this login renderer.
   * @param protocolProvider the specific <tt>ProtocolProviderService</tt>, for which we're
   *     obtaining a security authority
   * @return the <tt>SecurityAuthority</tt> implementation related to this login renderer
  public SecurityAuthority getSecurityAuthorityImpl(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) {
    return securityAuthority;

  /** Updates Jitsi icon notification to reflect current global status. */
  public void updateJitsiIconNotification() {
    String status;
    if (getGlobalStatus().isOnline()) {
      // At least one provider is online
      status = JitsiApplication.getResString(R.string.service_gui_ONLINE);
    } else {
      // There are no active providers so we consider to be in
      // the offline state
      status = JitsiApplication.getResString(R.string.service_gui_OFFLINE);

    int notificationID = OSGiService.getGeneralNotificationId();
    if (notificationID == -1) {
          "Not displaying status notification because"
              + " there's no global notification icon available.");


   * Adds global status listener.
   * @param l the listener to be add.
  public void addGlobalStatusListener(EventListener<PresenceStatus> l) {

   * Removes global status listener.
   * @param l the listener to remove.
  public void removeGlobalStatusListener(EventListener<PresenceStatus> l) {

   * Returns current global status.
   * @return current global status.
  public PresenceStatus getGlobalStatus() {
    if (globalStatus == null) {
      GlobalStatusService gss = AndroidGUIActivator.getGlobalStatusService();

      globalStatus = gss != null ? gss.getGlobalPresenceStatus() : GlobalStatusEnum.OFFLINE;
    return globalStatus;

  /** AuthorizationHandler instance used by this login renderer. */
  public AuthorizationHandlerImpl getAuthorizationHandler() {
    return authorizationHandler;

   * Listens for all providerStatusChanged and providerStatusMessageChanged events in order to
   * refresh the account status panel, when a status is changed.
  private class UIProviderPresenceStatusListener implements ProviderPresenceStatusListener {
    public void providerStatusChanged(ProviderPresenceStatusChangeEvent evt) {

    public void providerStatusMessageChanged(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {}

   * Indicates if the given <tt>protocolProvider</tt> related user interface is already rendered.
   * @param protocolProvider the <tt>ProtocolProviderService</tt>, which related user interface
   *     we're looking for
   * @return <tt>true</tt> if the given <tt>protocolProvider</tt> related user interface is already
   *     rendered
  public boolean containsProtocolProviderUI(ProtocolProviderService protocolProvider) {
    return false;

  /** Updates the global status by picking the most connected protocol provider status. */
  private void updateGlobalStatus() {
    // Only if the GUI is active (bundle context will be null on shutdown)
    if (AndroidGUIActivator.bundleContext != null) {
      // Invalidate local status image
      localStatusRaw = null;
      // Invalidate global status
      globalStatus = null;


   * Returns the local user avatar drawable.
   * @return the local user avatar drawable.
  public Drawable getLocalAvatarDrawable() {
    GlobalDisplayDetailsService displayDetailsService =

    byte[] avatarImage = displayDetailsService.getGlobalDisplayAvatar();
    // Re-create drawable only if avatar has changed
    if (avatarImage != localAvatarRaw) {
      localAvatarRaw = avatarImage;
      localAvatar = AndroidImageUtil.roundedDrawableFromBytes(avatarImage);
    return localAvatar;

   * Returns the local user status drawable.
   * @return the local user status drawable
  public synchronized Drawable getLocalStatusDrawable() {
    byte[] statusImage = StatusUtil.getContactStatusIcon(getGlobalStatus());
    if (statusImage != localStatusRaw) {
      localStatusRaw = statusImage;
      localStatusDrawable =
          localStatusRaw != null ? AndroidImageUtil.drawableFromBytes(statusImage) : null;
    return localStatusDrawable;