   * Create a copy of a graph for internal use.
   * @param graph the graph to copy.
   * @return A copy of the graph projected to a SimpleGraph.
  private static <V, E> UndirectedGraph<V, E> copyAsSimpleGraph(UndirectedGraph<V, E> graph) {
    UndirectedGraph<V, E> copy = new SimpleGraph<>(graph.getEdgeFactory());

    if (graph instanceof SimpleGraph) {
      Graphs.addGraph(copy, graph);
    } else {
      // project graph to SimpleGraph
      Graphs.addAllVertices(copy, graph.vertexSet());
      for (E e : graph.edgeSet()) {
        V v1 = graph.getEdgeSource(e);
        V v2 = graph.getEdgeTarget(e);
        if ((v1 != v2) && !copy.containsEdge(e)) {
          copy.addEdge(v1, v2);
    return copy;
   * Compute the unique decomposition of the input graph G (atoms of G). Implementation of algorithm
   * Atoms as described in Berry et al. (2010), DOI:10.3390/a3020197, <a
   * href="http://www.mdpi.com/1999-4893/3/2/197">http://www.mdpi.com/1999-4893/3/2/197</a>
  private void computeAtoms() {
    if (chordalGraph == null) {

    separators = new HashSet<>();

    // initialize g' as subgraph of graph (same vertices and edges)
    UndirectedGraph<V, E> gprime = copyAsSimpleGraph(graph);

    // initialize h' as subgraph of chordalGraph (same vertices and edges)
    UndirectedGraph<V, E> hprime = copyAsSimpleGraph(chordalGraph);

    atoms = new HashSet<>();

    Iterator<V> iterator = meo.descendingIterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      V v = iterator.next();
      if (generators.contains(v)) {
        Set<V> separator = new HashSet<>(Graphs.neighborListOf(hprime, v));

        if (isClique(graph, separator)) {
          if (separator.size() > 0) {
            if (separators.contains(separator)) {
              fullComponentCount.put(separator, fullComponentCount.get(separator) + 1);
            } else {
              fullComponentCount.put(separator, 2);
          UndirectedGraph<V, E> tmpGraph = copyAsSimpleGraph(gprime);

          ConnectivityInspector<V, E> con = new ConnectivityInspector<>(tmpGraph);
          if (con.isGraphConnected()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("separator did not separate the graph");
          for (Set<V> component : con.connectedSets()) {
            if (component.contains(v)) {
              atoms.add(new HashSet<>(component));
              assert (component.size() > 0);


    if (gprime.vertexSet().size() > 0) {
      atoms.add(new HashSet<>(gprime.vertexSet()));
  private SimpleGraph<Integer, DefaultEdge> buildGraphForTestDisconnected(int size) {
    SimpleGraph<Integer, DefaultEdge> graph = new SimpleGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class);

    VertexFactory<Integer> vertexFactory = new IntegerVertexFactory();

    CompleteGraphGenerator<Integer, DefaultEdge> completeGraphGenerator =
        new CompleteGraphGenerator<>(size);
    // two complete graphs
    SimpleGraph<Integer, DefaultEdge> east = new SimpleGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class);
    completeGraphGenerator.generateGraph(east, vertexFactory, null);

    SimpleGraph<Integer, DefaultEdge> west = new SimpleGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class);
    completeGraphGenerator.generateGraph(west, vertexFactory, null);

    Graphs.addGraph(graph, east);
    Graphs.addGraph(graph, west);
    // connected by single edge
    graph.addEdge(size - 1, size);

    return graph;
  protected Graph<String, DefaultWeightedEdge> createWithBias(boolean negate) {
    Graph<String, DefaultWeightedEdge> g;
    double bias = 1;
    if (negate) {
      // negative-weight edges are being tested, so only a directed graph
      // makes sense
      g = new SimpleDirectedWeightedGraph<String, DefaultWeightedEdge>(DefaultWeightedEdge.class);
      bias = -1;
    } else {
      // by default, use an undirected graph
      g = new SimpleWeightedGraph<String, DefaultWeightedEdge>(DefaultWeightedEdge.class);


    e12 = Graphs.addEdge(g, V1, V2, bias * 2);

    e13 = Graphs.addEdge(g, V1, V3, bias * 3);

    e24 = Graphs.addEdge(g, V2, V4, bias * 5);

    e34 = Graphs.addEdge(g, V3, V4, bias * 20);

    e45 = Graphs.addEdge(g, V4, V5, bias * 5);

    e15 = Graphs.addEdge(g, V1, V5, bias * 100);

    return g;
   * Compute the minimal triangulation of the graph. Implementation of Algorithm MCS-M+ as described
   * in Berry et al. (2010), DOI:10.3390/a3020197 <a href="http://www.mdpi.com/1999-4893/3/2/197">
   * http://www.mdpi.com/1999-4893/3/2/197</a>
  private void computeMinimalTriangulation() {
    // initialize chordGraph with same vertices as graph
    chordalGraph = new SimpleGraph<>(graph.getEdgeFactory());
    for (V v : graph.vertexSet()) {

    // initialize g' as subgraph of graph (same vertices and edges)
    final UndirectedGraph<V, E> gprime = copyAsSimpleGraph(graph);
    int s = -1;
    generators = new ArrayList<>();
    meo = new LinkedList<>();

    final Map<V, Integer> vertexLabels = new HashMap<>();
    for (V v : gprime.vertexSet()) {
      vertexLabels.put(v, 0);
    for (int i = 1, n = graph.vertexSet().size(); i <= n; i++) {
      V v = getMaxLabelVertex(vertexLabels);
      LinkedList<V> Y = new LinkedList<>(Graphs.neighborListOf(gprime, v));

      if (vertexLabels.get(v) <= s) {

      s = vertexLabels.get(v);

      // Mark x reached and all other vertices of gprime unreached
      HashSet<V> reached = new HashSet<>();

      // mark neighborhood of x reached and add to reach(label(y))
      HashMap<Integer, HashSet<V>> reach = new HashMap<>();

      // mark y reached and add y to reach
      for (V y : Y) {
        addToReach(vertexLabels.get(y), y, reach);

      for (int j = 0; j < graph.vertexSet().size(); j++) {
        if (!reach.containsKey(j)) {
        while (reach.get(j).size() > 0) {
          // remove a vertex y from reach(j)
          V y = reach.get(j).iterator().next();

          for (V z : Graphs.neighborListOf(gprime, y)) {
            if (!reached.contains(z)) {
              if (vertexLabels.get(z) > j) {
                E fillEdge = graph.getEdgeFactory().createEdge(v, z);
                addToReach(vertexLabels.get(z), z, reach);
              } else {
                addToReach(j, z, reach);

      for (V y : Y) {
        chordalGraph.addEdge(v, y);
        vertexLabels.put(y, vertexLabels.get(y) + 1);
