private JFreeChart buildDifferenceChart(TimeSeriesCollection dataset, String title) { // Creat the chart JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( title, "Date", "Price", dataset, true, // legend true, // tool tips false // URLs ); chart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot(); plot.setRenderer( new XYDifferenceRenderer(new Color(112, 128, 222), new Color(112, 128, 222), false)); plot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); plot.setDomainGridlinePaint(Color.white); plot.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.white); plot.setAxisOffset(new RectangleInsets(UnitType.ABSOLUTE, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0)); ValueAxis domainAxis = new DateAxis("Date"); domainAxis.setLowerMargin(0.0); domainAxis.setUpperMargin(0.0); plot.setDomainAxis(domainAxis); plot.setForegroundAlpha(0.5f); return chart; }
@Override public void customize(JFreeChart chart, ReportParameters reportParameters) { BarRenderer barRenderer = (BarRenderer) chart.getCategoryPlot().getRenderer(); // barRenderer.setBaseSeriesVisible(false);//QUITA LAS BARRAS // barRenderer.setBaseSeriesVisibleInLegend(false); // barRenderer.setDrawBarOutline(false); barRenderer.setShadowVisible(false); barRenderer.setBarPainter(new CustomBarPainter()); barRenderer.setItemMargin(0); // QUITA ESPACIOS ENTRE BARRA Y BARRA CategoryAxis domainAxis = chart.getCategoryPlot().getDomainAxis(); domainAxis.setUpperMargin(0); domainAxis.setLowerMargin(0); domainAxis.setCategoryMargin(0); domainAxis.setAxisLineVisible(false); // este es util Plot plot = chart.getPlot(); // plot.setOutlineVisible(false); plot.setInsets(new RectangleInsets(0, 0, 0, 0)); // este sera util CategoryPlot categoryPlot = chart.getCategoryPlot(); categoryPlot.setAxisOffset(new RectangleInsets(0, 0, 0, 0)); // FAFO6categoryPlot.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.WHITE); categoryPlot.setDomainGridlinesVisible(false); // FAFO5categoryPlot.setRangeGridlinesVisible(false); // categoryPlot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); categoryPlot.setOutlineVisible(false); ValueAxis valueAsix = categoryPlot.getRangeAxis(); valueAsix.setAxisLineVisible(false); // este es muy util valueAsix.setRange(0, objDatosReporte.getIntMaxRango()); valueAsix.setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits()); // este es muy util }
/** * Draws a grid line against the range axis. * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param plot the plot. * @param axis the value axis. * @param dataArea the area for plotting data (not yet adjusted for any 3D effect). * @param value the value at which the grid line should be drawn. */ public void drawRangeGridline( Graphics2D g2, CategoryPlot plot, ValueAxis axis, Rectangle2D dataArea, double value) { Range range = axis.getRange(); if (!range.contains(value)) { return; } PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); double v = axis.valueToJava2D(value, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge()); Line2D line = null; if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { line = new Line2D.Double(v, dataArea.getMinY(), v, dataArea.getMaxY()); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { line = new Line2D.Double(dataArea.getMinX(), v, dataArea.getMaxX(), v); } Paint paint = plot.getRangeGridlinePaint(); if (paint == null) { paint = CategoryPlot.DEFAULT_GRIDLINE_PAINT; } g2.setPaint(paint); Stroke stroke = plot.getRangeGridlineStroke(); if (stroke == null) { stroke = CategoryPlot.DEFAULT_GRIDLINE_STROKE; } g2.setStroke(stroke); g2.draw(line); }
/** * Removes a subplot from the combined chart and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered * listeners. * * @param subplot the subplot (<code>null</code> not permitted). */ public void remove(XYPlot subplot) { if (subplot == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(" Null 'subplot' argument."); } int position = -1; int size = this.subplots.size(); int i = 0; while (position == -1 && i < size) { if (this.subplots.get(i) == subplot) { position = i; } i++; } if (position != -1) { this.subplots.remove(position); subplot.setParent(null); subplot.removeChangeListener(this); this.totalWeight -= subplot.getWeight(); ValueAxis domain = getDomainAxis(); if (domain != null) { domain.configure(); } notifyListeners(new PlotChangeEvent(this)); } }
/** * Adds a subplot with the specified weight and sends a {@link PlotChangeEvent} to all registered * listeners. The weight determines how much space is allocated to the subplot relative to all the * other subplots. * * <p>The domain axis for the subplot will be set to <code>null</code>. You must ensure that the * subplot has a non-null range axis. * * @param subplot the subplot (<code>null</code> not permitted). * @param weight the weight (must be >= 1). */ public void add(XYPlot subplot, int weight) { if (subplot == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null 'subplot' argument."); } if (weight <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Require weight >= 1."); } // store the plot and its weight subplot.setParent(this); subplot.setWeight(weight); subplot.setInsets(new RectangleInsets(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), false); subplot.setDomainAxis(null); subplot.addChangeListener(this); this.subplots.add(subplot); // keep track of total weights this.totalWeight += weight; ValueAxis axis = getDomainAxis(); if (axis != null) { axis.configure(); } notifyListeners(new PlotChangeEvent(this)); }
/** * Removes a subplot from the combined chart. * * @param subplot the subplot (<code>null</code> not permitted). */ public void remove(CategoryPlot subplot) { if (subplot == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(" Null 'subplot' argument."); } int position = -1; int size = this.subplots.size(); int i = 0; while (position == -1 && i < size) { if (this.subplots.get(i) == subplot) { position = i; } i++; } if (position != -1) { this.subplots.remove(position); subplot.setParent(null); subplot.removeChangeListener(this); ValueAxis range = getRangeAxis(); if (range != null) { range.configure(); } ValueAxis range2 = getRangeAxis(1); if (range2 != null) { range2.configure(); } fireChangeEvent(); } }
/** * Creates and returns a time series chart. * * <p>A time series chart is an XYPlot with a date axis (horizontal) and a number axis (vertical), * and each data item is connected with a line. * * <p>Note that you can supply a TimeSeriesCollection to this method, as it implements the * XYDataset interface. * * @param title the chart title. * @param timeAxisLabel a label for the time axis. * @param valueAxisLabel a label for the value axis. * @param data the dataset for the chart. * @param legend a flag specifying whether or not a legend is required. * @param tooltips configure chart to generate tool tips? * @param urls configure chart to generate URLs? * @return a time series chart. */ public static JFreeChart createTimeSeriesChart( String title, java.awt.Font titleFont, String timeAxisLabel, String valueAxisLabel, XYDataset data, boolean legend, boolean tooltips, boolean urls) { ValueAxis timeAxis = new DateAxis(timeAxisLabel); timeAxis.setLowerMargin(0.02); // reduce the default margins on the time axis timeAxis.setUpperMargin(0.02); NumberAxis valueAxis = new NumberAxis(valueAxisLabel); valueAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); // override default XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(data, timeAxis, valueAxis, null); XYToolTipGenerator tooltipGenerator = null; if (tooltips) { tooltipGenerator = StandardXYToolTipGenerator.getTimeSeriesInstance(); // new StandardXYToolTipGenerator(DateFormat.getDateInstance()); } XYURLGenerator urlGenerator = null; if (urls) { urlGenerator = new StandardXYURLGenerator(); } plot.setRenderer( new StandardXYItemRenderer(StandardXYItemRenderer.LINES, tooltipGenerator, urlGenerator)); JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart(title, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, legend); return chart; }
/** * Draws the annotation. * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param plot the plot. * @param dataArea the data area. * @param domainAxis the domain axis. * @param rangeAxis the range axis. * @param rendererIndex the renderer index. * @param info if supplied, this info object will be populated with entity information. */ public void draw( Graphics2D g2, XYPlot plot, Rectangle2D dataArea, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, int rendererIndex, PlotRenderingInfo info) { PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); RectangleEdge domainEdge = Plot.resolveDomainAxisLocation(plot.getDomainAxisLocation(), orientation); RectangleEdge rangeEdge = Plot.resolveRangeAxisLocation(plot.getRangeAxisLocation(), orientation); float j2DX = (float) domainAxis.valueToJava2D(this.x, dataArea, domainEdge); float j2DY = (float) rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(this.y, dataArea, rangeEdge); Rectangle2D area = new Rectangle2D.Double( j2DX - this.width / 2.0, j2DY - this.height / 2.0, this.width, this.height); this.drawable.draw(g2, area); String toolTip = getToolTipText(); String url = getURL(); if (toolTip != null || url != null) { addEntity(info, area, rendererIndex, toolTip, url); } }
private void init() { timeSeriesList = new LinkedList<TimeSeries>(); m_average = new TimeSeries(AVERANGE, Millisecond.class); m_tps = new TimeSeries(TPS, Millisecond.class); m_deviation = new TimeSeries(DEVIATION, Millisecond.class); stateMap.put(AVERANGE, m_average); stateMap.put(DEVIATION, m_deviation); stateMap.put(TPS, m_tps); timeSeriesList.add(m_average); timeSeriesList.add(m_tps); timeSeriesList.add(m_deviation); timeseriescollection = new TimeSeriesCollection(); for (Iterator<TimeSeries> iterator = timeSeriesList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { timeseriescollection.addSeries(; } jfc = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( "Title", "unit", "yaxisName", timeseriescollection, true, true, false); // jfc.setTitle(new TextTitle("图表", new Font("黑体", Font.BOLD, 20))); // 取得统计图表 XYPlot xyplot = jfc.getXYPlot(); xylinerenderer = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) xyplot.getRenderer(); xylinerenderer.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.BLUE); xylinerenderer.setSeriesPaint(1, Color.GREEN); xylinerenderer.setSeriesPaint(2, Color.RED); ValueAxis valueaxis = xyplot.getDomainAxis(); valueaxis.setAutoRange(true); valueaxis.setFixedAutoRange(30000D); valueaxis = xyplot.getRangeAxis(); chartPanel = new ChartPanel(jfc); chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 450)); }
/** Replaces the dataset and checks that the data range is as expected. */ public void testReplaceDataset() { // create a dataset... Number[][] data = new Integer[][] { {new Integer(-30), new Integer(-20)}, {new Integer(-10), new Integer(10)}, {new Integer(20), new Integer(30)} }; CategoryDataset newData = DatasetUtilities.createCategoryDataset("S", "C", data); LocalListener l = new LocalListener(); this.chart.addChangeListener(l); this.chart.getCategoryPlot().setDataset(newData); assertEquals(true, l.flag); ValueAxis axis = this.chart.getCategoryPlot().getRangeAxis(); Range range = axis.getRange(); assertTrue( "Expecting the lower bound of the range to be around -30: " + range.getLowerBound(), range.getLowerBound() <= -30); assertTrue( "Expecting the upper bound of the range to be around 30: " + range.getUpperBound(), range.getUpperBound() >= 30); }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static JFreeChart createChart( int[] dataTitles, String title, String xaxisName, String yaxisName) { TimeSeriesCollection timeseriescollection = new TimeSeriesCollection(); timeSeries = new TimeSeries[dataTitles.length]; for (int i = 0; i < timeSeries.length; i++) { timeSeries[i] = new TimeSeries("No." + dataTitles[i], Millisecond.class); timeseriescollection.addSeries(timeSeries[i]); } JFreeChart jfreechart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( title, xaxisName, yaxisName, timeseriescollection, true, true, false); XYPlot xyplot = jfreechart.getXYPlot(); ValueAxis valueaxis = xyplot.getDomainAxis(); valueaxis.setAutoRange(true); long t = 7200; valueaxis.setFixedAutoRange(t * 1000D); valueaxis = xyplot.getRangeAxis(); // valueaxis.setRange(0.0D,200D); return jfreechart; }
/** * Handles a state change event. * * @param event the event. */ public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent event) { int value = this.slider.getValue(); XYPlot plot = this.chart.getXYPlot(); ValueAxis domainAxis = plot.getDomainAxis(); Range range = domainAxis.getRange(); double c = domainAxis.getLowerBound() + (value / 100.0) * range.getLength(); plot.setDomainCrosshairValue(c); }
/** * 更新图表显示 * * @param chart */ private void updatePlot(JFreeChart chart) { // 图表 CategoryPlot categoryPlot = chart.getCategoryPlot(); // y轴 ValueAxis valueAxis = categoryPlot.getRangeAxis(); // Y轴数据范围 valueAxis.setRangeAboutValue(200, 1000); }
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent changeevent) { int i = slider.getValue(); XYPlot xyplot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); ValueAxis valueaxis = xyplot.getDomainAxis(); Range range = valueaxis.getRange(); double d = valueaxis.getLowerBound() + ((double) i / 100D) * range.getLength(); xyplot.setDomainCrosshairValue(d); }
/** * Calculates the axis space required. * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param plotArea the plot area. * @return The space. */ protected AxisSpace calculateAxisSpace(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D plotArea) { AxisSpace space = new AxisSpace(); PlotOrientation orientation = getOrientation(); // work out the space required by the domain axis... AxisSpace fixed = getFixedDomainAxisSpace(); if (fixed != null) { if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { space.setLeft(fixed.getLeft()); space.setRight(fixed.getRight()); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { space.setTop(fixed.getTop()); space.setBottom(fixed.getBottom()); } } else { ValueAxis xAxis = getDomainAxis(); RectangleEdge xEdge = Plot.resolveDomainAxisLocation(getDomainAxisLocation(), orientation); if (xAxis != null) { space = xAxis.reserveSpace(g2, this, plotArea, xEdge, space); } } Rectangle2D adjustedPlotArea = space.shrink(plotArea, null); // work out the maximum height or width of the non-shared axes... int n = this.subplots.size(); this.subplotAreas = new Rectangle2D[n]; double x = adjustedPlotArea.getX(); double y = adjustedPlotArea.getY(); double usableSize = 0.0; if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { usableSize = adjustedPlotArea.getWidth() - * (n - 1); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { usableSize = adjustedPlotArea.getHeight() - * (n - 1); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) this.subplots.get(i); // calculate sub-plot area if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { double w = usableSize * plot.getWeight() / this.totalWeight; this.subplotAreas[i] = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, w, adjustedPlotArea.getHeight()); x = x + w +; } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { double h = usableSize * plot.getWeight() / this.totalWeight; this.subplotAreas[i] = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, adjustedPlotArea.getWidth(), h); y = y + h +; } AxisSpace subSpace = plot.calculateRangeAxisSpace(g2, this.subplotAreas[i], null); space.ensureAtLeast(subSpace); } return space; }
private void updateScalingOfXAxis() { final boolean logScaled = scatterPlotModel.xAxisLogScaled; final ValueAxis oldAxis = getPlot().getDomainAxis(); ValueAxis newAxis = StatisticChartStyling.updateScalingOfAxis(logScaled, oldAxis, false); oldAxis.removeChangeListener(domainAxisChangeListener); newAxis.addChangeListener(domainAxisChangeListener); getPlot().setDomainAxis(newAxis); finishScalingUpdate(xAxisRangeControl, newAxis, oldAxis); }
/** * Initialises the renderer and returns a state object that should be passed to all subsequent * calls to the drawItem() method. Here we calculate the Java2D y-coordinate for zero, since all * the bars have their bases fixed at zero. * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param dataArea the area inside the axes. * @param plot the plot. * @param dataset the data. * @param info an optional info collection object to return data back to the caller. * @return A state object. */ @Override public XYItemRendererState initialise( Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D dataArea, XYPlot plot, XYDataset dataset, PlotRenderingInfo info) { XYBarRendererState state = new XYBarRendererState(info); ValueAxis rangeAxis = plot.getRangeAxisForDataset(plot.indexOf(dataset)); state.setG2Base(rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(this.base, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge())); return state; }
/** * Sets the properties of the specified axis to match the properties defined on this panel. * * @param axis the axis. */ public void setAxisProperties(Axis axis) { super.setAxisProperties(axis); ValueAxis valueAxis = (ValueAxis) axis; valueAxis.setAutoRange(this.autoRange); if (!this.autoRange) { valueAxis.setRange(this.minimumValue, this.maximumValue); } valueAxis.setAutoTickUnitSelection(this.autoTickUnitSelection); }
/** * Constructs a new demonstration application. * * @param title the frame title. */ public DynamicDataDemo3(String title) { super(title); CombinedDomainXYPlot plot = new CombinedDomainXYPlot(new DateAxis("Time")); this.datasets = new TimeSeriesCollection[SUBPLOT_COUNT]; for (int i = 0; i < SUBPLOT_COUNT; i++) { this.lastValue[i] = 100.0; TimeSeries series = new TimeSeries("Random " + i, Millisecond.class); this.datasets[i] = new TimeSeriesCollection(series); NumberAxis rangeAxis = new NumberAxis("Y" + i); rangeAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); XYPlot subplot = new XYPlot(this.datasets[i], null, rangeAxis, new StandardXYItemRenderer()); subplot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.lightGray); subplot.setDomainGridlinePaint(Color.white); subplot.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.white); plot.add(subplot); } JFreeChart chart = new JFreeChart("Dynamic Data Demo 3", plot); chart.getLegend().setAnchor(Legend.EAST); chart.setBorderPaint(; chart.setBorderVisible(true); chart.setBackgroundPaint(Color.white); plot.setBackgroundPaint(Color.lightGray); plot.setDomainGridlinePaint(Color.white); plot.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.white); plot.setAxisOffset(new Spacer(Spacer.ABSOLUTE, 4, 4, 4, 4)); ValueAxis axis = plot.getDomainAxis(); axis.setAutoRange(true); axis.setFixedAutoRange(60000.0); // 60 seconds JPanel content = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart); content.add(chartPanel); JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); for (int i = 0; i < SUBPLOT_COUNT; i++) { JButton button = new JButton("Series " + i); button.setActionCommand("ADD_DATA_" + i); button.addActionListener(this); buttonPanel.add(button); } JButton buttonAll = new JButton("ALL"); buttonAll.setActionCommand("ADD_ALL"); buttonAll.addActionListener(this); buttonPanel.add(buttonAll); content.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(500, 470)); chartPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); setContentPane(content); }
/** * Draws the item (first pass). This method draws the lines connecting the items. * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param state the renderer state. * @param dataArea the area within which the data is being drawn. * @param plot the plot (can be used to obtain standard color information etc). * @param domainAxis the domain axis. * @param rangeAxis the range axis. * @param dataset the dataset. * @param pass the pass. * @param series the series index (zero-based). * @param item the item index (zero-based). */ protected void drawPrimaryLine( XYItemRendererState state, Graphics2D g2, XYPlot plot, XYDataset dataset, int pass, int series, int item, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, Rectangle2D dataArea) { if (item == 0) { return; } // get the data point... double x1 = dataset.getXValue(series, item); double y1 = dataset.getYValue(series, item); if (Double.isNaN(y1) || Double.isNaN(x1)) { return; } double x0 = dataset.getXValue(series, item - 1); double y0 = dataset.getYValue(series, item - 1); if (Double.isNaN(y0) || Double.isNaN(x0)) { return; } RectangleEdge xAxisLocation = plot.getDomainAxisEdge(); RectangleEdge yAxisLocation = plot.getRangeAxisEdge(); double transX0 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x0, dataArea, xAxisLocation); double transY0 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y0, dataArea, yAxisLocation); double transX1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x1, dataArea, xAxisLocation); double transY1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y1, dataArea, yAxisLocation); // only draw if we have good values if (Double.isNaN(transX0) || Double.isNaN(transY0) || Double.isNaN(transX1) || Double.isNaN(transY1)) { return; } PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); boolean visible; if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { state.workingLine.setLine(transY0, transX0, transY1, transX1); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { state.workingLine.setLine(transX0, transY0, transX1, transY1); } visible = LineUtilities.clipLine(state.workingLine, dataArea); if (visible) { drawFirstPassShape(g2, pass, series, item, state.workingLine); } }
/** * Draws the annotation. This method is usually called by the {@link XYPlot} class, you shouldn't * need to call it directly. * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param plot the plot. * @param dataArea the data area. * @param domainAxis the domain axis. * @param rangeAxis the range axis. * @param rendererIndex the renderer index. * @param info the plot rendering info. */ public void draw( Graphics2D g2, XYPlot plot, Rectangle2D dataArea, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, int rendererIndex, PlotRenderingInfo info) { PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); RectangleEdge domainEdge = Plot.resolveDomainAxisLocation(plot.getDomainAxisLocation(), orientation); RectangleEdge rangeEdge = Plot.resolveRangeAxisLocation(plot.getRangeAxisLocation(), orientation); // compute transform matrix elements via sample points. Assume no // rotation or shear. Rectangle2D bounds = this.shape.getBounds2D(); double x0 = bounds.getMinX(); double x1 = bounds.getMaxX(); double xx0 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x0, dataArea, domainEdge); double xx1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x1, dataArea, domainEdge); double m00 = (xx1 - xx0) / (x1 - x0); double m02 = xx0 - x0 * m00; double y0 = bounds.getMaxY(); double y1 = bounds.getMinY(); double yy0 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y0, dataArea, rangeEdge); double yy1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y1, dataArea, rangeEdge); double m11 = (yy1 - yy0) / (y1 - y0); double m12 = yy0 - m11 * y0; // create transform & transform shape Shape s = null; if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { AffineTransform t1 = new AffineTransform(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); AffineTransform t2 = new AffineTransform(m11, 0.0f, 0.0f, m00, m12, m02); s = t1.createTransformedShape(this.shape); s = t2.createTransformedShape(s); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { AffineTransform t = new AffineTransform(m00, 0, 0, m11, m02, m12); s = t.createTransformedShape(this.shape); } if (this.fillPaint != null) { g2.setPaint(this.fillPaint); g2.fill(s); } if (this.stroke != null && this.outlinePaint != null) { g2.setPaint(this.outlinePaint); g2.setStroke(this.stroke); g2.draw(s); } addEntity(info, s, rendererIndex, getToolTipText(), getURL()); }
private JFreeChart createChart(XYDataset xydataset) { JFreeChart jfreechart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( "Serialization Test 1", "Time", "Value", xydataset, true, true, false); XYPlot xyplot = (XYPlot) jfreechart.getPlot(); ValueAxis valueaxis = xyplot.getDomainAxis(); valueaxis.setAutoRange(true); valueaxis.setFixedAutoRange(60000D); return jfreechart; }
/** * Update background, tick and gridline colors * * @param cfg cfg[0] Background, cfg[1] Chart background, cfg[2] y cfg[3] gridline */ public void updateChartColors(String[] cfg) { strBackgroundColor = cfg[0]; for (Node le : legendFrame.getChildren()) { if (le instanceof LegendAxis) { le.setStyle("-fx-background-color:" + strBackgroundColor); ((LegendAxis) le).selected = false; } } chart.setBackgroundPaint(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strBackgroundColor))); chartPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(4, 4, 4, 4), BorderFactory.createLineBorder( scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strBackgroundColor))))); chartPanel.setBackground(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strBackgroundColor))); legendFrame.setStyle("marco: " + strBackgroundColor + ";-fx-background-color: marco;"); strChartBackgroundColor = cfg[1]; ; plot.setBackgroundPaint(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strChartBackgroundColor))); for (Node le : legendFrame.getChildren()) { if (le instanceof LegendAxis) { le.setStyle("-fx-background-color:" + strBackgroundColor); ((LegendAxis) le).selected = false; for (Node nn : ((LegendAxis) le).getChildren()) { if (nn instanceof Label) { ((Label) nn) .setStyle( "fondo: " + strChartBackgroundColor + ";-fx-background-color: fondo;-fx-text-fill: ladder(fondo, white 49%, black 50%);-fx-padding:5px;-fx-background-radius: 5;-fx-font-size: " + String.valueOf(fontSize) + "px"); } } } } strGridlineColor = cfg[2]; ; plot.setDomainGridlinePaint(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strGridlineColor))); plot.setRangeGridlinePaint(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strGridlineColor))); strTickColor = cfg[3]; ; abcissaAxis.setLabelPaint(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strTickColor))); abcissaAxis.setTickLabelPaint(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strTickColor))); for (NumberAxis ejeOrdenada : AxesList) { ejeOrdenada.setLabelPaint(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strTickColor))); ejeOrdenada.setTickLabelPaint(scene2awtColor(javafx.scene.paint.Color.web(strTickColor))); } }
/** * Draws the plot on a Java 2D graphics device (such as the screen or a * printer). Will perform all the placement calculations for each * sub-plots and then tell these to draw themselves. * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param area the area within which the plot (including axis labels) * should be drawn. * @param anchor the anchor point (<code>null</code> permitted). * @param parentState the parent state. * @param info collects information about the drawing (<code>null</code> * permitted). */ public void draw(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area, Point2D anchor, PlotState parentState, PlotRenderingInfo info) { // set up info collection... if (info != null) { info.setPlotArea(area); } // adjust the drawing area for plot insets (if any)... RectangleInsets insets = getInsets(); insets.trim(area); // calculate the data area... AxisSpace space = calculateAxisSpace(g2, area); Rectangle2D dataArea = space.shrink(area, null); // set the width and height of non-shared axis of all sub-plots setFixedDomainAxisSpaceForSubplots(space); // draw the shared axis ValueAxis axis = getRangeAxis(); RectangleEdge rangeEdge = getRangeAxisEdge(); double cursor = RectangleEdge.coordinate(dataArea, rangeEdge); AxisState state = axis.draw(g2, cursor, area, dataArea, rangeEdge, info); if (parentState == null) { parentState = new PlotState(); } parentState.getSharedAxisStates().put(axis, state); // draw all the charts for (int i = 0; i < this.subplots.size(); i++) { CategoryPlot plot = (CategoryPlot) this.subplots.get(i); PlotRenderingInfo subplotInfo = null; if (info != null) { subplotInfo = new PlotRenderingInfo(info.getOwner()); info.addSubplotInfo(subplotInfo); } Point2D subAnchor = null; if (anchor != null && this.subplotArea[i].contains(anchor)) { subAnchor = anchor; } plot.draw(g2, this.subplotArea[i], subAnchor, parentState, subplotInfo); } if (info != null) { info.setDataArea(dataArea); } }
/** * Standard constructor: builds a property panel for the specified axis. * * @param axis the axis, which should be changed. */ public DefaultValueAxisEditor(ValueAxis axis) { super(axis); this.autoRange = axis.isAutoRange(); this.minimumValue = axis.getLowerBound(); this.maximumValue = axis.getUpperBound(); this.autoTickUnitSelection = axis.isAutoTickUnitSelection(); this.gridPaintSample = new PaintSample(; this.gridStrokeSample = new StrokeSample(new BasicStroke(1.0f)); this.availableStrokeSamples = new StrokeSample[3]; this.availableStrokeSamples[0] = new StrokeSample(new BasicStroke(1.0f)); this.availableStrokeSamples[1] = new StrokeSample(new BasicStroke(2.0f)); this.availableStrokeSamples[2] = new StrokeSample(new BasicStroke(3.0f)); JTabbedPane other = getOtherTabs(); JPanel range = new JPanel(new LCBLayout(3)); range.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(4, 4, 4, 4)); range.add(new JPanel()); this.autoRangeCheckBox = new JCheckBox(localizationResources.getString("Auto-adjust_range"), this.autoRange); this.autoRangeCheckBox.setActionCommand("AutoRangeOnOff"); this.autoRangeCheckBox.addActionListener(this); range.add(this.autoRangeCheckBox); range.add(new JPanel()); range.add(new JLabel(localizationResources.getString("Minimum_range_value"))); this.minimumRangeValue = new JTextField(Double.toString(this.minimumValue)); this.minimumRangeValue.setEnabled(!this.autoRange); this.minimumRangeValue.setActionCommand("MinimumRange"); this.minimumRangeValue.addActionListener(this); this.minimumRangeValue.addFocusListener(this); range.add(this.minimumRangeValue); range.add(new JPanel()); range.add(new JLabel(localizationResources.getString("Maximum_range_value"))); this.maximumRangeValue = new JTextField(Double.toString(this.maximumValue)); this.maximumRangeValue.setEnabled(!this.autoRange); this.maximumRangeValue.setActionCommand("MaximumRange"); this.maximumRangeValue.addActionListener(this); this.maximumRangeValue.addFocusListener(this); range.add(this.maximumRangeValue); range.add(new JPanel()); other.add(localizationResources.getString("Range"), range); other.add(localizationResources.getString("TickUnit"), createTickUnitPanel()); }
/** * Provides serialization support. * * @param stream the input stream. * * @throws IOException if there is an I/O error. * @throws ClassNotFoundException if there is a classpath problem. */ private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { stream.defaultReadObject(); // the range axis is deserialized before the subplots, so its value // range is likely to be incorrect... ValueAxis rangeAxis = getRangeAxis(); if (rangeAxis != null) { rangeAxis.configure(); } }
/** * Draws the block representing the specified item. * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param state the state. * @param dataArea the data area. * @param info the plot rendering info. * @param plot the plot. * @param domainAxis the x-axis. * @param rangeAxis the y-axis. * @param dataset the dataset. * @param series the series index. * @param item the item index. * @param crosshairState the crosshair state. * @param pass the pass index. */ public void drawItem( Graphics2D g2, XYItemRendererState state, Rectangle2D dataArea, PlotRenderingInfo info, XYPlot plot, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, XYDataset dataset, int series, int item, CrosshairState crosshairState, int pass) { double x = dataset.getXValue(series, item); double y = dataset.getYValue(series, item); double z = 0.0; if (dataset instanceof XYZDataset) { z = ((XYZDataset) dataset).getZValue(series, item); } Paint p = this.paintScale.getPaint(z); double xx0 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x + this.xOffset, dataArea, plot.getDomainAxisEdge()); double yy0 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y + this.yOffset, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge()); double xx1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D( x + this.blockWidth + this.xOffset, dataArea, plot.getDomainAxisEdge()); double yy1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D( y + this.blockHeight + this.yOffset, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge()); Rectangle2D block; PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); if (orientation.equals(PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL)) { block = new Rectangle2D.Double( Math.min(yy0, yy1), Math.min(xx0, xx1), Math.abs(yy1 - yy0), Math.abs(xx0 - xx1)); } else { block = new Rectangle2D.Double( Math.min(xx0, xx1), Math.min(yy0, yy1), Math.abs(xx1 - xx0), Math.abs(yy1 - yy0)); } g2.setPaint(p); g2.fill(block); g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.0f)); g2.draw(block); EntityCollection entities = state.getEntityCollection(); if (entities != null) { addEntity(entities, block, dataset, series, item, 0.0, 0.0); } }
/** Creates a new self-contained demo panel. */ public MyDemoPanel() { super(new BorderLayout()); this.series1 = new TimeSeries("Random 1"); this.series2 = new TimeSeries("Random 2"); TimeSeriesCollection dataset1 = new TimeSeriesCollection(this.series1); TimeSeriesCollection dataset2 = new TimeSeriesCollection(this.series2); JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart( "Dynamic Data Demo 2", "Time", "Value", dataset1, true, true, false); // addChart(chart); XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot(); ValueAxis axis = plot.getDomainAxis(); axis.setAutoRange(true); axis.setFixedAutoRange(10000.0); // 10 seconds plot.setDataset(1, dataset2); NumberAxis rangeAxis2 = new NumberAxis("Range Axis 2"); rangeAxis2.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); plot.setRenderer(1, new DefaultXYItemRenderer()); plot.setRangeAxis(1, rangeAxis2); plot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(1, 1); ChartUtilities.applyCurrentTheme(chart); ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart); // add(chartPanel); JButton button1 = new JButton("Add To Series 1"); button1.setActionCommand("ADD_DATA_1"); button1.addActionListener(this); JButton button2 = new JButton("Add To Series 2"); button2.setActionCommand("ADD_DATA_2"); button2.addActionListener(this); JButton button3 = new JButton("Add To Both"); button3.setActionCommand("ADD_BOTH"); button3.addActionListener(this); JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); buttonPanel.setBackground(Color.white); buttonPanel.add(button1); buttonPanel.add(button2); buttonPanel.add(button3); // add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(500, 270)); }
/** * Draws a range marker. * * @param g2 the graphics device. * @param plot the plot. * @param axis the value axis. * @param marker the marker. * @param dataArea the area for plotting data (not including 3D effect). */ @Override public void drawRangeMarker( Graphics2D g2, CategoryPlot plot, ValueAxis axis, Marker marker, Rectangle2D dataArea) { Rectangle2D adjusted = new Rectangle2D.Double( dataArea.getX(), dataArea.getY() + getYOffset(), dataArea.getWidth() - getXOffset(), dataArea.getHeight() - getYOffset()); if (marker instanceof ValueMarker) { ValueMarker vm = (ValueMarker) marker; double value = vm.getValue(); Range range = axis.getRange(); if (!range.contains(value)) { return; } GeneralPath path = null; PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation(); if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) { float x = (float) axis.valueToJava2D(value, adjusted, plot.getRangeAxisEdge()); float y = (float) adjusted.getMaxY(); path = new GeneralPath(); path.moveTo(x, y); path.lineTo((float) (x + getXOffset()), y - (float) getYOffset()); path.lineTo((float) (x + getXOffset()), (float) (adjusted.getMinY() - getYOffset())); path.lineTo(x, (float) adjusted.getMinY()); path.closePath(); } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) { float y = (float) axis.valueToJava2D(value, adjusted, plot.getRangeAxisEdge()); float x = (float) dataArea.getX(); path = new GeneralPath(); path.moveTo(x, y); path.lineTo(x + (float) this.xOffset, y - (float) this.yOffset); path.lineTo((float) (adjusted.getMaxX() + this.xOffset), y - (float) this.yOffset); path.lineTo((float) (adjusted.getMaxX()), y); path.closePath(); } g2.setPaint(marker.getPaint()); g2.fill(path); g2.setPaint(marker.getOutlinePaint()); g2.draw(path); } else { super.drawRangeMarker(g2, plot, axis, marker, adjusted); // TODO: draw the interval marker with a 3D effect } }
/** * Pans all domain axes by the specified percentage. * * @param panRange the distance to pan (as a percentage of the axis length). * @param info the plot info * @param source the source point where the pan action started. * @since 1.0.15 */ @Override public void panDomainAxes(double panRange, PlotRenderingInfo info, Point2D source) { XYPlot subplot = findSubplot(info, source); if (subplot != null) { PlotRenderingInfo subplotInfo = info.getSubplotInfo(info.getSubplotIndex(source)); if (subplotInfo == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < subplot.getDomainAxisCount(); i++) { ValueAxis domainAxis = subplot.getDomainAxis(i); domainAxis.pan(panRange); } } }