Example #1
    public FormValidation doCheckUrl(
        @AncestorInPath Item project,
        @QueryParameter String credentialsId,
        @QueryParameter String value)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {

      if (project == null || !project.hasPermission(Item.CONFIGURE)) {
        return FormValidation.ok();

      String url = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(value);
      if (url == null) return FormValidation.error("Please enter repository url.");

      // get git executable on master
      final EnvVars environment = new EnvVars(EnvVars.masterEnvVars);

      GitClient git =
          Git.with(TaskListener.NULL, environment)
      if (credentialsId != null) {
        StandardCredentials credentials = lookupCredentials(project, credentialsId, url);
        if (credentials != null) git.addDefaultCredentials(credentials);

      // attempt to connect the provided URL
      try {
        git.getHeadRev(url, "HEAD");
      } catch (GitException e) {
        return FormValidation.error(Messages.UserRemoteConfig_FailedToConnect(e.getMessage()));

      return FormValidation.ok();
Example #2
  public Revision decorateRevisionToBuild(
      GitSCM scm, AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, GitClient git, BuildListener listener, Revision rev)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    String remoteBranchRef =
        GitSCM.getParameterString(options.getRef(), build.getEnvironment(listener));

    // if the branch we are merging is already at the commit being built, the entire merge becomes
    // no-op
    // so there's nothing to do
    if (rev.containsBranchName(remoteBranchRef)) return rev;

    // Only merge if there's a branch to merge that isn't us..
            "Merging "
                + rev
                + " onto "
                + remoteBranchRef
                + " using "
                + scm.getUserMergeOptions().getMergeStrategy().toString()
                + " strategy");

    // checkout origin/blah
    ObjectId target = git.revParse(remoteBranchRef);

    String paramLocalBranch = scm.getParamLocalBranch(build);
    git.checkoutBranch(paramLocalBranch, remoteBranchRef);

    try {
      MergeCommand cmd = git.merge().setRevisionToMerge(rev.getSha1());
      for (GitSCMExtension ext : scm.getExtensions())
        ext.decorateMergeCommand(scm, build, git, listener, cmd);
    } catch (GitException ex) {
      // merge conflict. First, avoid leaving any conflict markers in the working tree
      // by checking out some known clean state. We don't really mind what commit this is,
      // since the next build is going to pick its own commit to build, but 'rev' is as good any.
      git.checkoutBranch(paramLocalBranch, rev.getSha1String());

      // record the fact that we've tried building 'rev' and it failed, or else
      // BuildChooser in future builds will pick up this same 'rev' again and we'll see the exact
      // same merge failure
      // all over again.
      scm.getBuildData(build).saveBuild(new Build(rev, build.getNumber(), FAILURE));
      throw new AbortException("Branch not suitable for integration as it does not merge cleanly");

    build.addAction(new MergeRecord(remoteBranchRef, target.getName()));

    return new GitUtils(listener, git).getRevisionForSHA1(git.revParse(HEAD));
  public String prettyRevisionInfo(GitClient newgit, Revision r) {
    List<String> test3 = null;
    try {
      test3 = newgit.showRevision(r.getSha1());
    } catch (GitException e1) {
      return "";
    } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
      return "";
    String[] authorDate = test3.get(3).split(">");
    String author = authorDate[0].replaceFirst("author ", "").replaceFirst("committer ", "") + ">";
    String goodDate = null;
    try {
      String totmp = authorDate[1].trim().split("\\+")[0].trim();
      long timestamp = Long.parseLong(totmp, 10) * 1000;
      Date date = new Date();

      goodDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm").format(date);

    } catch (Exception e) {
    return r.getSha1String().substring(0, 8) + " " + goodDate + " " + author;
 public void createGitRepository() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
   tempAllocator = new TemporaryDirectoryAllocator();
   testGitDir = tempAllocator.allocate();
   TaskListener listener = StreamTaskListener.fromStderr();
   testGitClient = Git.with(listener, new EnvVars()).in(testGitDir).getClient();
Example #5
 public void commit(
     final String fileName,
     final String fileContent,
     final PersonIdent author,
     final PersonIdent committer,
     final String message)
     throws GitException, InterruptedException {
   FilePath file = gitDirPath.child(fileName);
   try {
     file.write(fileContent, null);
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new GitException("unable to write file", e);
  * Commit fileName to this git repository
  * @param fileName name of file to create
  * @throws GitException
  * @throws InterruptedException
 protected void commitNewFile(final String fileName) throws GitException, InterruptedException {
   File newFile = new File(testGitDir, fileName);
   assert !newFile.exists(); // Not expected to use commitNewFile to update existing file
   PrintWriter writer = null;
   try {
     writer = new PrintWriter(newFile, "UTF-8");
     writer.println("A file named " + fileName);
     testGitClient.commit("Added a file named " + fileName);
   } catch (FileNotFoundException notFound) {
     throw new GitException(notFound);
   } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException unsupported) {
     throw new GitException(unsupported);
   } finally {
     if (writer != null) {
  private List<String> getFilteredTestCandidates(Integer maxAgeInDays, String ancestorCommitSha1)
      throws Exception {
    GitSCM gitSCM = new GitSCM("foo");
    AncestryBuildChooser chooser = new AncestryBuildChooser(maxAgeInDays, ancestorCommitSha1);
    gitSCM.getExtensions().add(new BuildChooserSetting(chooser));
    assertEquals(maxAgeInDays, chooser.getMaximumAgeInDays());
    assertEquals(ancestorCommitSha1, chooser.getAncestorCommitSha1());

    // mock necessary objects
    GitClient git = Mockito.spy(this.testGitClient);

    BuildData buildData = Mockito.mock(BuildData.class);

    BuildChooserContext context = Mockito.mock(BuildChooserContext.class);
    Mockito.when(context.getEnvironment()).thenReturn(new EnvVars());

    TaskListener listener = TaskListener.NULL;

    // get filtered candidates
    Collection<Revision> candidateRevisions =
            .getCandidateRevisions(true, "**-days-old-branch", git, listener, buildData, context);

    // transform revision candidates to sha1 strings
    List<String> candidateSha1s =
                new Function<Revision, String>() {
                  public String apply(Revision rev) {
                    return rev.getSha1String();

    return candidateSha1s;
  private Collection<Revision> getHeadRevision(
      boolean isPollCall, String singleBranch, GitClient git, TaskListener listener, BuildData data)
      throws InterruptedException {
    try {
      ObjectId sha1 = git.revParse(singleBranch);
      verbose(listener, "rev-parse {0} -> {1}", singleBranch, sha1);

      // if polling for changes don't select something that has
      // already been built as a build candidate
      if (isPollCall && data.hasBeenBuilt(sha1)) {
        verbose(listener, "{0} has already been built", sha1);
        return emptyList();

      verbose(listener, "Found a new commit {0} to be built on {1}", sha1, singleBranch);
      Revision revision = new Revision(sha1);
      revision.getBranches().add(new Branch(singleBranch, sha1));
      return Collections.singletonList(revision);
      // calculate the revisions that are new compared to the last build
      List<Revision> candidateRevs = new ArrayList<Revision>();
      List<ObjectId> allRevs = git.revListAll(); // index 0 contains the newest revision
      if (data != null && allRevs != null) {
          Revision lastBuiltRev = data.getLastBuiltRevision();
          if (lastBuiltRev == null) {
              return Collections.singletonList(objectId2Revision(singleBranch, sha1));
          int indexOfLastBuildRev = allRevs.indexOf(lastBuiltRev.getSha1());
          if (indexOfLastBuildRev == -1) {
              // mhmmm ... can happen when branches are switched.
              return Collections.singletonList(objectId2Revision(singleBranch, sha1));
          List<ObjectId> newRevisionsSinceLastBuild = allRevs.subList(0, indexOfLastBuildRev);
          // translate list of ObjectIds into list of Revisions
          for (ObjectId objectId : newRevisionsSinceLastBuild) {
              candidateRevs.add(objectId2Revision(singleBranch, objectId));
      if (candidateRevs.isEmpty()) {
          return Collections.singletonList(objectId2Revision(singleBranch, sha1));
      return candidateRevs;
    } catch (GitException e) {
      // branch does not exist, there is nothing to build
      verbose(listener, "Failed to rev-parse: {0}", singleBranch);
      return emptyList();
Example #9
  public TestGitRepo(String name, File tmpDir, TaskListener listener)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    this.name = name;
    this.listener = listener;

    envVars = new EnvVars();

    gitDir = tmpDir;
    User john = User.get(johnDoe.getName(), true);
    UserProperty johnsMailerProperty = new Mailer.UserProperty(johnDoe.getEmailAddress());

    User jane = User.get(janeDoe.getName(), true);
    UserProperty janesMailerProperty = new Mailer.UserProperty(janeDoe.getEmailAddress());

    // initialize the git interface.
    gitDirPath = new FilePath(gitDir);
    git = Git.with(listener, envVars).in(gitDir).getClient();

    // finally: initialize the repo
 protected SCMRevision retrieve(@NonNull SCMHead head, @NonNull TaskListener listener)
     throws IOException, InterruptedException {
   String cacheEntry = getCacheEntry();
   Lock cacheLock = getCacheLock(cacheEntry);
   try {
     File cacheDir = getCacheDir(cacheEntry);
     Git git =
         Git.with(listener, new EnvVars(System.getenv()))
     GitClient client = git.getClient();
     if (!client.hasGitRepo()) {
       listener.getLogger().println("Creating git repository in " + cacheDir);
     String remoteName = getRemoteName();
     listener.getLogger().println("Setting " + remoteName + " to " + getRemote());
     client.setRemoteUrl(remoteName, getRemote());
     listener.getLogger().println("Fetching " + remoteName + "...");
     List<RefSpec> refSpecs = getRefSpecs();
     client.fetch(remoteName, refSpecs.toArray(new RefSpec[refSpecs.size()]));
     // we don't prune remotes here, as we just want one head's revision
     for (Branch b : client.getRemoteBranches()) {
       String branchName = StringUtils.removeStart(b.getName(), remoteName + "/");
       if (branchName.equals(head.getName())) {
         return new SCMRevisionImpl(head, b.getSHA1String());
     return null;
   } finally {
   * Determines which Revisions to build.
   * <p>If only one branch is chosen and only one repository is listed, then just attempt to find
   * the latest revision number for the chosen branch.
   * <p>If multiple branches are selected or the branches include wildcards, then use the advanced
   * usecase as defined in the getAdvancedCandidateRevisons method.
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws GitException
  public Collection<Revision> getCandidateRevisions(
      boolean isPollCall,
      String singleBranch,
      GitClient git,
      TaskListener listener,
      BuildData data,
      BuildChooserContext context)
      throws GitException, IOException, InterruptedException {

        "getCandidateRevisions({0},{1},,,{2}) considering branches to build",

    // if the branch name contains more wildcards then the simple usecase
    // does not apply and we need to skip to the advanced usecase
    if (singleBranch == null || singleBranch.contains("*"))
      return getAdvancedCandidateRevisions(
          isPollCall, listener, new GitUtils(listener, git), data, context);

    // check if we're trying to build a specific commit
    // this only makes sense for a build, there is no
    // reason to poll for a commit
    if (!isPollCall && singleBranch.matches("[0-9a-f]{6,40}")) {
      try {
        ObjectId sha1 = git.revParse(singleBranch);
        Revision revision = new Revision(sha1);
        revision.getBranches().add(new Branch("detached", sha1));
        verbose(listener, "Will build the detached SHA1 {0}", sha1);
        return Collections.singletonList(revision);
      } catch (GitException e) {
        // revision does not exist, may still be a branch
        // for example a branch called "badface" would show up here
        verbose(listener, "Not a valid SHA1 {0}", singleBranch);

    Collection<Revision> revisions = new ArrayList<Revision>();

    // if it doesn't contain '/' then it could be either a tag or an unqualified branch
    if (!singleBranch.contains("/")) {
      // the 'branch' could actually be a tag:
      Set<String> tags = git.getTagNames(singleBranch);
      if (tags.size() != 0) {
        verbose(listener, "{0} is a tag");
        return getHeadRevision(isPollCall, singleBranch, git, listener, data);

      // <tt>BRANCH</tt> is recognized as a shorthand of <tt>*/BRANCH</tt>
      // so check all remotes to fully qualify this branch spec
      for (RemoteConfig config : gitSCM.getRepositories()) {
        String repository = config.getName();
        String fqbn = repository + "/" + singleBranch;
            "Qualifying {0} as a branch in repository {1} -> {2}",
        revisions.addAll(getHeadRevision(isPollCall, fqbn, git, listener, data));
    } else {
      // either the branch is qualified (first part should match a valid remote)
      // or it is still unqualified, but the branch name contains a '/'
      List<String> possibleQualifiedBranches = new ArrayList<String>();
      boolean singleBranchIsQualified = false;
      for (RemoteConfig config : gitSCM.getRepositories()) {
        String repository = config.getName();
        if (singleBranch.startsWith(repository + "/")) {
          singleBranchIsQualified = true;
        String fqbn = repository + "/" + singleBranch;
            "Qualifying {0} as a branch in repository {1} -> {2}",
      if (singleBranchIsQualified) {
        revisions.addAll(getHeadRevision(isPollCall, singleBranch, git, listener, data));
      } else {
        for (String fqbn : possibleQualifiedBranches) {
          revisions.addAll(getHeadRevision(isPollCall, fqbn, git, listener, data));

    return revisions;
  public Map<String, String> generateContents(AbstractProject<?, ?> project, GitSCM git)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    Map<String, String> paramList = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    // for (AbstractProject<?,?> project :
    // Hudson.getInstance().getItems(AbstractProject.class)) {
    if (project.getSomeWorkspace() == null) {
      this.errorMessage = "noWorkspace";

    EnvVars environment = null;

    try {
      environment = project.getSomeBuildWithWorkspace().getEnvironment(TaskListener.NULL);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    for (RemoteConfig repository : git.getRepositories()) {
          "generateContents contenttype " + type + " RemoteConfig " + repository.getURIs());
      for (URIish remoteURL : repository.getURIs()) {
        GitClient newgit =
                TaskListener.NULL, environment, new Run(project) {}, project.getSomeWorkspace());
        FilePath wsDir = null;
        if (project.getSomeBuildWithWorkspace() != null) {
          wsDir = project.getSomeBuildWithWorkspace().getWorkspace();
          if (wsDir == null || !wsDir.exists()) {
                Level.WARNING, "generateContents create wsDir " + wsDir + " for " + remoteURL);
            if (!wsDir.exists()) {
              LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "generateContents wsDir.mkdirs() failed.");
              String errMsg = "!Failed To Create Workspace";
              return Collections.singletonMap(errMsg, errMsg);
            newgit.clone(remoteURL.toASCIIString(), "origin", false, null);
            LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "generateContents clone done");
        } else {
          // probably our first build. We cannot yet fill in any
          // values.
          LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "getSomeBuildWithWorkspace is null");
          String errMsg = "!No workspace. Please build the project at least once";
          return Collections.singletonMap(errMsg, errMsg);

        long time = -System.currentTimeMillis();
        FetchCommand fetch = newgit.fetch_().from(remoteURL, repository.getFetchRefSpecs());
        LOGGER.finest("Took " + (time + System.currentTimeMillis()) + "ms to fetch");
        if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PARAMETER_TYPE_REVISION)) {
          List<ObjectId> oid;

          if (this.branch != null && !this.branch.isEmpty()) {
            oid = newgit.revList(this.branch);
          } else {
            oid = newgit.revListAll();

          for (ObjectId noid : oid) {
            Revision r = new Revision(noid);
            paramList.put(r.getSha1String(), prettyRevisionInfo(newgit, r));
        if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PARAMETER_TYPE_TAG)
            || type.equalsIgnoreCase(PARAMETER_TYPE_TAG_BRANCH)) {

          Set<String> tagSet = newgit.getTagNames(tagFilter);
          ArrayList<String> orderedTagNames;

          if (this.getSortMode().getIsSorting()) {
            orderedTagNames = sortByName(tagSet);
            if (this.getSortMode().getIsDescending()) Collections.reverse(orderedTagNames);
          } else {
            orderedTagNames = new ArrayList<String>(tagSet);

          for (String tagName : orderedTagNames) {
            paramList.put(tagName, tagName);
        if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(PARAMETER_TYPE_BRANCH)
            || type.equalsIgnoreCase(PARAMETER_TYPE_TAG_BRANCH)) {
          time = -System.currentTimeMillis();
          Set<String> branchSet = new HashSet<String>();
          final boolean wildcard = "*".equals(branchfilter);
          for (Branch branch : newgit.getRemoteBranches()) {
            // It'd be nice if we could filter on remote branches via the GitClient,
            // but that's not an option.
            final String branchName = branch.getName();
            if (wildcard || branchName.matches(branchfilter)) {
          LOGGER.finest("Took " + (time + System.currentTimeMillis()) + "ms to fetch branches");

          time = -System.currentTimeMillis();
          List<String> orderedBranchNames;
          if (this.getSortMode().getIsSorting()) {
            orderedBranchNames = sortByName(branchSet);
            if (this.getSortMode().getIsDescending()) Collections.reverse(orderedBranchNames);
          } else {
            orderedBranchNames = new ArrayList<String>(branchSet);

          for (String branchName : orderedBranchNames) {
            paramList.put(branchName, branchName);
              "Took " + (time + System.currentTimeMillis()) + "ms to sort and add to param list.");
    return paramList;
  protected void retrieve(@NonNull final SCMHeadObserver observer, @NonNull TaskListener listener)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    String cacheEntry = getCacheEntry();
    Lock cacheLock = getCacheLock(cacheEntry);
    try {
      File cacheDir = getCacheDir(cacheEntry);
      Git git =
          Git.with(listener, new EnvVars(System.getenv()))
      GitClient client = git.getClient();
      if (!client.hasGitRepo()) {
        listener.getLogger().println("Creating git repository in " + cacheDir);
      String remoteName = getRemoteName();
      listener.getLogger().println("Setting " + remoteName + " to " + getRemote());
      client.setRemoteUrl(remoteName, getRemote());
      listener.getLogger().println("Fetching " + remoteName + "...");
      List<RefSpec> refSpecs = getRefSpecs();
      client.fetch(remoteName, refSpecs.toArray(new RefSpec[refSpecs.size()]));
      listener.getLogger().println("Pruning stale remotes...");
      final Repository repository = client.getRepository();
      try {
        client.prune(new RemoteConfig(repository.getConfig(), remoteName));
      } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
        e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Could not prune stale remotes"));
      } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Could not prune stale remotes"));
      listener.getLogger().println("Getting remote branches...");
      SCMSourceCriteria branchCriteria = getCriteria();
      RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository);
      try {
        for (Branch b : client.getRemoteBranches()) {
          if (!b.getName().startsWith(remoteName + "/")) {
          final String branchName = StringUtils.removeStart(b.getName(), remoteName + "/");
          listener.getLogger().println("Checking branch " + branchName);
          if (isExcluded(branchName)) {
          if (branchCriteria != null) {
            RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(b.getSHA1());
            final long lastModified = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(commit.getCommitTime());
            final RevTree tree = commit.getTree();
            SCMSourceCriteria.Probe probe =
                new SCMSourceCriteria.Probe() {
                  public String name() {
                    return branchName;

                  public long lastModified() {
                    return lastModified;

                  public boolean exists(@NonNull String path) throws IOException {
                    TreeWalk tw = TreeWalk.forPath(repository, path, tree);
                    try {
                      return tw != null;
                    } finally {
                      if (tw != null) {
            if (branchCriteria.isHead(probe, listener)) {
              listener.getLogger().println("Met criteria");
            } else {
              listener.getLogger().println("Does not meet criteria");
          SCMHead head = new SCMHead(branchName);
          SCMRevision hash = new SCMRevisionImpl(head, b.getSHA1String());
          observer.observe(head, hash);
          if (!observer.isObserving()) {
      } finally {

    } finally {