public static List getNcMLElements(String path, Document doc) { // XPath doesn't support default namespaces, so we add nc as a prefix for the tags within the // namespace!!! if (!path.startsWith(NS_PREFIX_ON_TAG) && !path.startsWith("/")) path = NS_PREFIX_ON_TAG + path; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("/\\w"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(path); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int currentChar = 0; while (matcher.find()) { sb.append(path.substring(currentChar, matcher.start() - currentChar + 1)); if (!sb.toString().endsWith("/")) sb.append("/"); sb.append(NS_PREFIX_ON_TAG); currentChar = matcher.start() + 1; } sb.append(path.substring(currentChar, path.length())); XPath xpath; try { xpath = XPath.newInstance(sb.toString()); xpath.addNamespace(NS_PREFIX, doc.getRootElement().getNamespaceURI()); return xpath.selectNodes(doc); } catch (JDOMException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public List<String> getLocaleDirectories() throws JDOMException { List<Element> langAddedList = ((List<Element>) XPath.selectNodes(loopDoc, "//langAdded")); List<String> stringLocaleDirectories = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Element> localeDirectories = new ArrayList<Element>(); for (Element langAdded : langAddedList) { localeDirectories = langAdded.getChildren("language"); for (Element localeDirectory : localeDirectories) { stringLocaleDirectories.add(localeDirectory.getValue()); } } return stringLocaleDirectories; }
public Map getEnvironmentDetails(MavenProjectInfo mavenProjectInfo, String phrescoTargetDir) throws JDOMException, IOException { System.setProperty( "javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory", ""); builder = new SAXBuilder(); // disabling xml validation builder.setValidation(false); builder.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(true); envXML = new File( mavenProjectInfo.getBaseDir() + File.separator + mavenProjectInfo .getProject() .getProperties() .getProperty("phresco.environment.xml.file.path"))); // Get server details List<Element> serverDetails = ((List<Element>) XPath.selectNodes(envXML, "//Server")); System.out.println("serverDetails => " + serverDetails); // Get database details List<Element> dbDetails = ((List<Element>) XPath.selectNodes(envXML, "//Database")); System.out.println("dbDetails => " + dbDetails); for (Element server : serverDetails) { stringEnvDetails.put("context", server.getChildText("context")); stringEnvDetails.put("deploy_dir", server.getChildText("deploy_dir")); } for (Element db : dbDetails) { stringEnvDetails.put("username", db.getChildText("username")); stringEnvDetails.put("password", db.getChildText("password")); stringEnvDetails.put("host", db.getChildText("host")); stringEnvDetails.put("dbname", db.getChildText("dbname")); } return stringEnvDetails; }
public void getOutputs(Document NNetMap) throws JDOMException { Erudite_gui.output = new double[Erudite_gui.outputNID.length]; int oN = 0; do { String outNodeID = Erudite_gui.outputNID[oN]; Element outNode = (Element) XPath.selectSingleNode( Erudite_gui.NNetMap, "/NNETWORK/SUBNET/LAYER/NEURODE[@N_ID='" + outNodeID + "']"); Erudite_gui.output[oN] = java.lang.Double.parseDouble(outNode.getAttributeValue("ACTIVITY")); oN++; } while (oN < Erudite_gui.output.length); }
public void trainNNet(Document nnet) throws JDOMException { // net map for all output layer neurodes, add to list, search for all hidden neurodes // append to list, search for all input neurodes append to list // 2.cycle through list, get EG. Cycle through list, MT adjust weights. java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executor = java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Erudite_gui.maxThreads); java.util.List nodeList = XPath.newInstance("//LAYER[@LAYER_NAME = 'OUTPUT']/NEURODE") .selectNodes(Erudite_gui.NNetMap); java.util.List Hnodes = XPath.newInstance("//LAYER[@LAYER_NAME = 'HIDDEN']/NEURODE") .selectNodes(Erudite_gui.NNetMap); nodeList.addAll(Hnodes); Iterator nodeEGlist = nodeList.iterator(); // iterate through list and calculate error gradients do { Element currentNode = (Element); getErrorGradient(currentNode); } while (nodeEGlist.hasNext()); Iterator nodeAWlist = nodeList.iterator(); // iterate through list and adjust weights and biases do { Element currentNode = (Element); TrainNet train = new TrainNet(); if (Erudite_gui.jCheckBox2.isSelected()) { // auto-adapting learning rate train.learningRate = -1.0; } train.neurode = currentNode; executor.execute(train); } while (nodeAWlist.hasNext()); try { executor.shutdown(); executor.awaitTermination(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void clearNNet(Document NNetMap) throws JDOMException { java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executor = java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Erudite_gui.maxThreads); java.util.List nodes = XPath.newInstance("//NEURODE").selectNodes(NNetMap); Iterator itNeurodes = nodes.iterator(); do { Element CurrentNode = (Element); ClearNode clear = new ClearNode(); clear.neurode = CurrentNode; executor.execute(clear); } while (itNeurodes.hasNext()); try { executor.shutdown(); executor.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void loadInputs(Document NNetMap) { try { // use XPath to find all synapse elements recieving input data int iN = 0; do { String inNodeID = Erudite_gui.inputNID[iN]; Element inNode = (Element) XPath.selectSingleNode( Erudite_gui.NNetMap, "/NNETWORK/SUBNET/LAYER/NEURODE[@N_ID='" + inNodeID + "']"); inNode.setAttribute("ACTIVE", "1"); inNode.setAttribute("ACTIVITY", String.valueOf(Erudite_gui.input[iN])); iN++; } while (iN < Erudite_gui.input.length); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void runNNet(Document NNetMap) throws JDOMException { java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService executor = java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Erudite_gui.maxThreads); java.util.List nodes = XPath.newInstance("//NEURODE[SYNAPSE/@ORG_NEURODE != 'INPUT']").selectNodes(NNetMap); Iterator itNeurodes = nodes.iterator(); do { EvaluateNeurode evalN = new EvaluateNeurode(); Element CurrentNode = (Element); // get current NEURODE evalN.NNetMap = Erudite_gui.NNetMap; evalN.neurode = CurrentNode; // get summed input for current NEURODE executor.execute(evalN); } while (itNeurodes.hasNext()); try { executor.shutdown(); executor.awaitTermination(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void getErrorGradient(Element node) throws JDOMException { // if-then-else for output/hidden/input layers, if-then for transfer functions, compute error // gradient and update nnet map String layerType = node.getParentElement().getAttributeValue("LAYER_NAME").toString(); int xfer = Integer.parseInt(node.getParentElement().getAttributeValue("TRANSFER_FUNCTION")); String nid = node.getAttributeValue("N_ID").toString(); if (layerType.equals("OUTPUT")) { // if computing output neurode error gradient if (xfer == 1) { // if hyperbolic tangent transfer function for (int i = 0; i < Erudite_gui.outputNID.length; i++) { if (nid.equals(Erudite_gui.outputNID[i])) { double error = Erudite_gui.desiredOutput[i] - Erudite_gui.output[i]; double errorGradient = error * ((1 - Erudite_gui.output[i]) * (1 + Erudite_gui.output[i])); node.setAttribute("NNET_V4", String.valueOf(errorGradient)); } } } else if (xfer == 2) { // if sigmoid transfer function function for (int i = 0; i < Erudite_gui.outputNID.length; i++) { if (nid.equals(Erudite_gui.outputNID[i])) { double error = Erudite_gui.desiredOutput[i] - Erudite_gui.output[i]; double errorGradient = error * (Erudite_gui.output[i] * (1 - Erudite_gui.output[i])); node.setAttribute("NNET_V4", String.valueOf(errorGradient)); } } } } else if (layerType.equals("HIDDEN") || layerType.equals("INPUT")) { // if computing hidden or input neurode error gradient if (xfer == 1) { double sumWouts = 0.0; double nodeActivity = java.lang.Double.parseDouble(node.getAttributeValue("ACTIVITY")); java.util.List outputs = XPath.newInstance("//SYNAPSE[@ORG_NEURODE = '" + nid + "']") .selectNodes(Erudite_gui.NNetMap); Iterator synapseO = outputs.iterator(); do { Element currentNode = (Element); sumWouts += java.lang.Double.parseDouble(currentNode.getAttributeValue("WEIGHT")) * java.lang.Double.parseDouble( currentNode.getParentElement().getAttributeValue("NNET_V4")); } while (synapseO.hasNext()); double errorGradient = sumWouts * ((1 - nodeActivity) * (1 + nodeActivity)); node.setAttribute("NNET_V4", String.valueOf(errorGradient)); } else if (xfer == 2) { double sumWouts = 0.0; double nodeActivity = java.lang.Double.parseDouble(node.getAttributeValue("ACTIVITY")); java.util.List outputs = XPath.newInstance("//SYNAPSE[@ORG_NEURODE = '" + nid + "']") .selectNodes(Erudite_gui.NNetMap); Iterator synapseO = outputs.iterator(); do { Element currentNode = (Element); sumWouts += java.lang.Double.parseDouble(currentNode.getAttributeValue("WEIGHT")) * java.lang.Double.parseDouble( currentNode.getParentElement().getAttributeValue("NNET_V4")); } while (synapseO.hasNext()); double errorGradient = sumWouts * (nodeActivity * (1 - nodeActivity)); node.setAttribute("NNET_V4", String.valueOf(errorGradient)); } } }