@Override protected final void paintDescTopArea( final Rectangle thisArea, final MColor thisBGColor, final MColor thisFontColor) { thisBGColor.setColor(gc); thisBGColor.setBGColor(gc); gc.fillRectangle(thisArea); thisFontColor.setColor(gc); }
@Override protected final void paintBarArea(final Rectangle thisArea, final MColor thisBGColor) { // The bar drawing rectangle without margins Rectangle barDrawingRect = new Rectangle( barAreaRect.x + marginLeft, barAreaRect.y + marginTop, barAreaRect.width - marginLeft - marginRight, barAreaRect.height - marginTop - marginBottom); // actual bar box Rectangle barBox; // calculate the biggest bar Index biggestBarIndex = calcBiggestBarIndex(); // Draw the background thisBGColor.setColor(gc); thisBGColor.setBGColor(gc); gc.fillRectangle(thisArea); if (bars.size() > 0) { for (int i = currentShift; i < currentShift + barCount; i++) { // Only shift when the bar is no overlay bar. barBox = calculateBarContainer(barDrawingRect, ((Bar) bars.get(i)).getIndex()); // barBox = calculateBarContainer(barDrawingRect, ((Bar)bars.get(i)).getIndex(), // biggestBarIndex); ((Bar) bars.get(i)).setBox(barBox); ((Bar) bars.get(i)).setGC(gc); ((Bar) bars.get(i)).drawBar(); } } }
@Override protected final void paintDescBottomArea( final Rectangle thisArea, final MColor thisBGColor, final MColor thisFontColor) { // The bar drawing rectangle without margins Rectangle descDrawingRect = new Rectangle( barAreaRect.x + marginLeft, descBottomRect.y, barAreaRect.width - marginLeft - marginRight, descBottomRect.height); // actual bar box Rectangle textBox; thisBGColor.setColor(gc); thisBGColor.setBGColor(gc); gc.fillRectangle(thisArea); thisFontColor.setColor(gc); for (int i = currentShift; i < currentShift + barCount; i++) { textBox = calculateTextContainer(descDrawingRect, ((Bar) bars.get(i)).getIndex()); ((Bar) bars.get(i)).drawLowerLabel(textBox, gc); } }