public boolean processGestureEvent(MTGestureEvent ge) { DragEvent de = (DragEvent) ge; try { Body body = (Body) comp.getUserData("box2d"); MouseJoint mouseJoint; Vector3D to = new Vector3D(de.getTo()); // Un-scale position from mt4j to box2d PhysicsHelper.scaleDown(to, scale); switch (de.getId()) { case DragEvent.GESTURE_STARTED: comp.sendToFront(); body.wakeUp(); body.setXForm(new Vec2(to.x, to.y), body.getAngle()); mouseJoint = PhysicsHelper.createDragJoint(world, body, to.x, to.y); comp.setUserData(comp.getID(), mouseJoint); break; case DragEvent.GESTURE_UPDATED: mouseJoint = (MouseJoint) comp.getUserData(comp.getID()); if (mouseJoint != null) { boolean onCorrectGameSide = ((MTComponent) de.getTarget()).containsPointGlobal(de.getTo()); // System.out.println(((MTComponent)de.getTargetComponent()).getName() + " Contains // " + to + " -> " + contains); if (onCorrectGameSide) { mouseJoint.setTarget(new Vec2(to.x, to.y)); } } break; case DragEvent.GESTURE_ENDED: mouseJoint = (MouseJoint) comp.getUserData(comp.getID()); if (mouseJoint != null) { comp.setUserData(comp.getID(), null); // Only destroy the joint if it isnt already (go through joint list and check) for (Joint joint = world.getJointList(); joint != null; joint = joint.getNext()) { JointType type = joint.getType(); switch (type) { case MOUSE_JOINT: MouseJoint mj = (MouseJoint) joint; if (body.equals(mj.getBody1()) || body.equals(mj.getBody2())) { if (mj.equals(mouseJoint)) { world.destroyJoint(mj); } } break; default: break; } } } mouseJoint = null; break; default: break; } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } return false; }
public void update(int delta) { if (!hasLoaded) return; sprite.layer().setRotation(body.getAngle()); // float a= 0.6f; // float i; // for(i=0f;i<a;i=i+0.1f){ // body.setTransform(body.getPosition(),i);} }
// Drawing the box void display() { // We look at each body and get its screen position Vec2 pos = box2d.getBodyPixelCoord(body); // Get its angle of rotation float a = body.getAngle(); parent.rectMode(PConstants.CENTER); parent.pushMatrix(); parent.translate(pos.x, pos.y); parent.rotate(-a); parent.fill(127); parent.stroke(0); parent.strokeWeight(2); parent.rect(0, 0, w, h); parent.popMatrix(); }
/** * Set the position of the body. This can only be called after the body has been added to the * world. * * @param x The new x coordinate of the body * @param y The new y coordinate of the body */ public void setPosition(float x, float y) { checkBody(); jboxBody.setXForm(new Vec2(x, y), jboxBody.getAngle()); }
/** * Get the rotation of the body * * @return The rotation of the body */ public float getRotation() { checkBody(); return jboxBody.getAngle(); }
public float getAngle() { return body.getAngle(); }
public void start() { Vec2 gravity = new Vec2(0, 0); World world = new World(gravity); BodyDef groundBodyDef = new BodyDef(); groundBodyDef.position.set(0, -25); Body groundBody = world.createBody(groundBodyDef); PolygonShape groundBox = new PolygonShape(); groundBox.setAsBox(900, 10); groundBody.createFixture(groundBox, 0); // Dynamic Body BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef(); bodyDef.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC; bodyDef.position.set(0, 0); Body body = world.createBody(bodyDef); PolygonShape dynamicBox = new PolygonShape(); dynamicBox.setAsBox(12, 12); FixtureDef fixtureDef = new FixtureDef(); fixtureDef.shape = dynamicBox; fixtureDef.density = 1f; fixtureDef.friction = 0.3f; body.createFixture(fixtureDef); // Setup world float timeStep = 1.0f / 60.0f; int velocityIterations = 6; int positionIterations = 2; body.setLinearVelocity(new Vec2(15.0f, -15.0f)); body.setLinearDamping(2f); Vec2 f = body.getWorldVector(new Vec2(0.0f, -30.0f)); Vec2 p = body.getWorldPoint(body.getLocalCenter().add(new Vec2(-.2f, 0f))); // body.applyForce(new Vec2(-200,-200),new Vec2(-200,200)); try { Display.setDisplayMode(new DisplayMode(screen_width, screen_height)); Display.create(); } catch (LWJGLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } lastFPS = getTime(); // standardBall[0] = new Ball(400,200,0,12); // standardBall[1] = new Ball(100,210,2,12); // standardBall[0].addImpulse(-10,0); standardBall[0] = new Ball(200, 300, 0, 12); standardBall[1] = new Ball(415, 100, 2, 12); standardBall[0].addImpulse(10, -9.99f); standardBall[2] = new Ball(620, 270, 2, 12); standardBall[3] = new Ball(640, 290, 2, 12); standardBall[4] = new Ball(660, 310, 2, 12); standardBall[5] = new Ball(680, 330, 2, 12); standardBall[6] = new Ball(620, 230, 2, 12); standardBall[7] = new Ball(640, 210, 2, 12); standardBall[8] = new Ball(660, 190, 2, 12); standardBall[9] = new Ball(680, 170, 2, 12); standardBall[10] = new Ball(640, 250, 1, 12); standardBall[11] = new Ball(660, 230, 2, 12); standardBall[12] = new Ball(660, 270, 2, 12); standardBall[13] = new Ball(680, 290, 2, 12); standardBall[14] = new Ball(680, 210, 2, 12); standardBall[15] = new Ball(680, 250, 2, 12); standardTable = new Table(0, 0, 800, 400, 25, 15); // init OpenGL GL11.glMatrixMode(GL11.GL_PROJECTION); GL11.glLoadIdentity(); GL11.glOrtho(0, 900, 0, 500, 1, -1); GL11.glMatrixMode(GL11.GL_MODELVIEW); while (!Display.isCloseRequested()) { int delta = getDelta(); world.step(timeStep, velocityIterations, positionIterations); Vec2 position = body.getPosition(); float angle = body.getAngle(); // System.out.printf("%4.2f %4.2f %4.2f\n", position.x, position.y, angle); // Clear the screen and depth buffer GL11.glClear(GL11.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL11.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); standardTable.draw(); for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_BALLS; i++) { standardBall[i].draw(); standardBall[i].update(delta); } standardBall[0].setX((position.x * 20) + offset_x); standardBall[0].setY((position.y * 20) + offset_y); update(delta); Display.update(); Display.sync(60); } Display.destroy(); }
@Override public void initTest(boolean argDeserialized) { Body ground = null; { BodyDef bd = new BodyDef(); ground = getWorld().createBody(bd); EdgeShape shape = new EdgeShape(); shape.set(new Vec2(50.0f, 0.0f), new Vec2(-50.0f, 0.0f)); ground.createFixture(shape, 0.0f); } { CircleShape circle1 = new CircleShape(); circle1.m_radius = 1.0f; PolygonShape box = new PolygonShape(); box.setAsBox(0.5f, 5.0f); CircleShape circle2 = new CircleShape(); circle2.m_radius = 2.0f; BodyDef bd1 = new BodyDef(); bd1.type = BodyType.STATIC; bd1.position.set(10.0f, 9.0f); Body body1 = m_world.createBody(bd1); body1.createFixture(circle1, 5.0f); BodyDef bd2 = new BodyDef(); bd2.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC; bd2.position.set(10.0f, 8.0f); Body body2 = m_world.createBody(bd2); body2.createFixture(box, 5.0f); BodyDef bd3 = new BodyDef(); bd3.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC; bd3.position.set(10.0f, 6.0f); Body body3 = m_world.createBody(bd3); body3.createFixture(circle2, 5.0f); RevoluteJointDef jd1 = new RevoluteJointDef(); jd1.initialize(body2, body1, bd1.position); Joint joint1 = m_world.createJoint(jd1); RevoluteJointDef jd2 = new RevoluteJointDef(); jd2.initialize(body2, body3, bd3.position); Joint joint2 = m_world.createJoint(jd2); GearJointDef jd4 = new GearJointDef(); jd4.bodyA = body1; jd4.bodyB = body3; jd4.joint1 = joint1; jd4.joint2 = joint2; jd4.ratio = circle2.m_radius / circle1.m_radius; m_world.createJoint(jd4); } { CircleShape circle1 = new CircleShape(); circle1.m_radius = 1.0f; CircleShape circle2 = new CircleShape(); circle2.m_radius = 2.0f; PolygonShape box = new PolygonShape(); box.setAsBox(0.5f, 5.0f); BodyDef bd1 = new BodyDef(); bd1.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC; bd1.position.set(-3.0f, 12.0f); Body body1 = m_world.createBody(bd1); body1.createFixture(circle1, 5.0f); RevoluteJointDef jd1 = new RevoluteJointDef(); jd1.bodyA = ground; jd1.bodyB = body1; ground.getLocalPointToOut(bd1.position, jd1.localAnchorA); body1.getLocalPointToOut(bd1.position, jd1.localAnchorB); jd1.referenceAngle = body1.getAngle() - ground.getAngle(); m_joint1 = (RevoluteJoint) m_world.createJoint(jd1); BodyDef bd2 = new BodyDef(); bd2.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC; bd2.position.set(0.0f, 12.0f); Body body2 = m_world.createBody(bd2); body2.createFixture(circle2, 5.0f); RevoluteJointDef jd2 = new RevoluteJointDef(); jd2.initialize(ground, body2, bd2.position); m_joint2 = (RevoluteJoint) m_world.createJoint(jd2); BodyDef bd3 = new BodyDef(); bd3.type = BodyType.DYNAMIC; bd3.position.set(2.5f, 12.0f); Body body3 = m_world.createBody(bd3); body3.createFixture(box, 5.0f); PrismaticJointDef jd3 = new PrismaticJointDef(); jd3.initialize(ground, body3, bd3.position, new Vec2(0.0f, 1.0f)); jd3.lowerTranslation = -5.0f; jd3.upperTranslation = 5.0f; jd3.enableLimit = true; m_joint3 = (PrismaticJoint) m_world.createJoint(jd3); GearJointDef jd4 = new GearJointDef(); jd4.bodyA = body1; jd4.bodyB = body2; jd4.joint1 = m_joint1; jd4.joint2 = m_joint2; jd4.ratio = circle2.m_radius / circle1.m_radius; m_joint4 = (GearJoint) m_world.createJoint(jd4); GearJointDef jd5 = new GearJointDef(); jd5.bodyA = body2; jd5.bodyB = body3; jd5.joint1 = m_joint2; jd5.joint2 = m_joint3; jd5.ratio = 1f / circle2.m_radius; m_joint5 = (GearJoint) m_world.createJoint(jd5); } }