@Command("remove-parent") public void removeParent(final PipeOut out) { MavenCoreFacet mvn = project.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class); Model pom = mvn.getPOM(); Parent parent = pom.getParent(); if (parent != null) { String parentId = parent.getGroupId() + ":" + parent.getArtifactId() + ":" + parent.getVersion() + " (" + (parent.getRelativePath() == null ? " " : parent.getRelativePath() + ")"); if (shell.promptBoolean( "Are you sure you want to remove all parent information from this project? [ " + parentId + "]", false)) { out.println("Removed parent [ " + parentId + " ]"); pom.setParent(null); mvn.setPOM(pom); } else { out.println("Aborted..."); } } else { out.println("Nothing to remove..."); } }
@Override public boolean install() { DependencyFacet deps = project.getFacet(DependencyFacet.class); List<Dependency> versions = deps.resolveAvailableVersions("org.jboss.seam.forge:forge-shell-api:[,]"); Dependency version = shell.promptChoiceTyped("Install which version of the Forge API?", versions); deps.setProperty("forge.api.version", version.getVersion()); DependencyBuilder dep = DependencyBuilder.create("org.jboss.seam.forge:forge-shell-api:${forge.api.version}"); deps.addDependency(dep); return true; }
@DefaultCommand public void run( @Option(description = "The new directory", defaultValue = "~") final Resource<?>[] dirs) throws IOException { Resource<?> r = null; for (Resource<?> dir : dirs) { r = dir; } if (r != null) { if (!r.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException("no such resource: " + r.toString()); } shell.setCurrentResource(r); } }
@Command("set-parent") public void setParent( @Option( name = "parentId", description = "dependency identifier of parent, ex: \"org.jboss.seam.forge:forge-parent:1.0.0\"", required = false) final Dependency gav, @Option( name = "parentRelativePath", description = "relative location from the current project to the parent project root folder", type = PromptType.FILE_PATH, required = false) final String relativePath, @Option( name = "parentProjectRoot", description = "absolute location of a project to use as this project's direct parent", required = false) final Resource<?> path, final PipeOut out) { MavenCoreFacet mvn = project.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class); Parent parent = null; if (gav != null) { Assert.notNull( gav.getArtifactId(), "ArtifactId must not be null [" + gav.toCoordinates() + "]"); Assert.notNull(gav.getGroupId(), "GroupId must not be null [" + gav.toCoordinates() + "]"); Assert.notNull(gav.getVersion(), "Version must not be null [" + gav.toCoordinates() + "]"); parent = new Parent(); parent.setArtifactId(gav.getArtifactId()); parent.setGroupId(gav.getGroupId()); parent.setVersion(gav.getVersion()); if (relativePath != null) { parent.setRelativePath(relativePath); } Model pom = mvn.getPOM(); pom.setParent(parent); mvn.setPOM(pom); } else if ((path != null) && factory.containsProject(path.reify(DirectoryResource.class))) { Project parentProject = factory.findProject(path.reify(DirectoryResource.class)); MavenCoreFacet parentCore = parentProject.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class); parent = new Parent(); parent.setArtifactId(parentCore.getMavenProject().getArtifactId()); parent.setGroupId(parentCore.getMavenProject().getGroupId()); parent.setVersion(parentCore.getMavenProject().getVersion()); if (relativePath != null) { parent.setRelativePath(relativePath); } Model pom = mvn.getPOM(); pom.setParent(parent); mvn.setPOM(pom); } else if (relativePath != null) { PathspecParser parser = new PathspecParser(resources, shell.getCurrentProject().getProjectRoot(), relativePath); List<Resource<?>> resolvedResources = parser.resolve(); if (!resolvedResources.isEmpty() && factory.containsProject(resolvedResources.get(0).reify(DirectoryResource.class))) { Project parentProject = factory.findProject(resolvedResources.get(0).reify(DirectoryResource.class)); MavenCoreFacet parentCore = parentProject.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class); parent = new Parent(); parent.setArtifactId(parentCore.getMavenProject().getArtifactId()); parent.setGroupId(parentCore.getMavenProject().getGroupId()); parent.setVersion(parentCore.getMavenProject().getVersion()); parent.setRelativePath(relativePath); Model pom = mvn.getPOM(); pom.setParent(parent); mvn.setPOM(pom); } else { out.print(ShellColor.RED, "***ERROR***"); out.println(" relative path did not resolve to a Project [" + relativePath + "]"); } } else { out.print(ShellColor.RED, "***ERROR***"); out.println(" you must specify a path to or dependency id of the parent project."); } if (parent != null) { String parentId = parent.getGroupId() + ":" + parent.getArtifactId() + ":" + parent.getVersion() + " (" + (parent.getRelativePath() == null ? " " : parent.getRelativePath() + ")"); out.println("Set parent [ " + parentId + " ]"); } }