/** * Shutdown this client and close all open connections. The client should be discarded after * calling shutdown. */ public void shutdown() { for (Channel c : channels) { ChannelPipeline pipeline = c.getPipeline(); RedisAsyncConnection<?, ?> connection = pipeline.get(RedisAsyncConnection.class); connection.close(); } ChannelGroupFuture future = channels.close(); future.awaitUninterruptibly(); bootstrap.releaseExternalResources(); }
private <K, V, T extends RedisAsyncConnection<K, V>> T connect( CommandHandler<K, V> handler, T connection) { try { ConnectionWatchdog watchdog = new ConnectionWatchdog(bootstrap, channels, timer); ChannelPipeline pipeline = Channels.pipeline(watchdog, handler, connection); Channel channel = bootstrap.getFactory().newChannel(pipeline); ChannelFuture future = channel.connect((SocketAddress) bootstrap.getOption("remoteAddress")); future.await(); if (!future.isSuccess()) { throw future.getCause(); } watchdog.setReconnect(true); return connection; } catch (Throwable e) { throw new RedisException("Unable to connect", e); } }