public void onClose() { String errorMessage = null; if (currentNode.getLevel() < TaxonLevel.SPECIES) { if (parentToChildList.size() < 1) { errorMessage = "You must create at least one new taxon to split " + currentNode.getFullName() + " into."; } } else { if (parentToChildList.size() < 2) { errorMessage = "You must create at least two new taxon to split " + currentNode.getFullName() + " into."; } else if (children.getItems().size() != 0) { errorMessage = "You must remove all children from " + currentNode.getFullName() + "."; } } if (errorMessage == null) { TaxomaticUtils.impl.performSplit( currentNode, parentToChildList, new GenericCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { // Error message already displayed by default callback. } public void onSuccess(String arg0) { hide(); if (currentNode.getLevel() < TaxonLevel.SPECIES) { WindowUtils.confirmAlert( "Saved", "The split was successful. However, the status of " + currentNode.getFullName() + " was not modified. Would you like to edit the status of " + currentNode.getFullName() + "?", new WindowUtils.SimpleMessageBoxListener() { @Override public void onYes() { TaxonBasicEditor editor = new TaxonBasicEditor();;; } }, "Yes, edit", "No, all finished"); } else { WindowUtils.infoAlert("Saved", "Changes saved."); } } }); } else { WindowUtils.errorAlert("Error", errorMessage); } }
private HTML getInstructions() { return new HTML( "<b>Instructions:</b> Click \"Create New Taxa\" to create one or more new taxa, " + "then move the children below, if any exist, to those new taxa." + "Use CTRL+Click to select multiple children at the same time. " + "You should move all the children to one of the new taxa as " + currentNode.getFullName() + " will become deprecated."); }
private String generateDetails(Taxon mergeTarget, List<Taxon> taxaToMerge) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("Merged the following taxa into " + mergeTarget.getFullName() + ": "); for (Iterator<Taxon> iter = taxaToMerge.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { builder.append(; if (iter.hasNext()) builder.append(", "); } return builder.toString(); }
private LayoutContainer getLeftSide() { // BorderLayout layout = new BorderLayout(); RowLayout layout = new RowLayout(Orientation.VERTICAL); // layout.setMargin(0); // layout.setSpacing(0); LayoutContainer container = new LayoutContainer(); container.setLayout(layout); container.setLayoutOnChange(true); container.setSize(PANEL_WIDTH / 2, PANEL_HEIGHT); children = new DataList(); children.setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.MULTI); TaxonomyCache.impl.getTaxonChildren( currentNode.getId() + "", new GenericCallback<List<Taxon>>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { WindowUtils.errorAlert("Error", "Could not fetch children, please try again later."); } public void onSuccess(List<Taxon> result) { for (Taxon taxon : result) { DataListItem li = new DataListItem(taxon.getFullName()); li.setData("nodeID", "" + taxon.getId()); li.setData("node", taxon); children.add(li); } } }); container.add( new HTML("Children currently in " + currentNode.getFullName() + ":"), new RowData(1d, 25)); container.add(children, new RowData(1d, 1d)); return container; }