public Collection<BinaryInteraction> getBinaryInteraction() throws PsiscoreException { if (inputData.mitabUsed()) { return inputData.getMitabInteractions(); } else { throw new PsiscoreException("No valid input detected.", new PsiscoreFault()); } }
/** @param inputData the inputData to set */ public void setInputData(PsiscoreInput inputData) { this.inputData = inputData; if (inputData.xmlUsed()) { inputFormat = PsiTools.RETURN_TYPE_XML25; } else if (inputData.mitabUsed()) { inputFormat = PsiTools.RETURN_TYPE_MITAB25; } }
/** * Return the EntrySet representation of the input data. if the input is present in the xml format * already, no conversion needs to be perfomred. if the input is present as a mitab, it will be * converted to xml and then stored for later access * * @return the entrySet * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws PsiscoreException */ public EntrySet getEntrySet() throws PsiscoreException { if (inputData.xmlUsed()) { return inputData.getXmlEntySet(); } else if (inputData.mitabUsed()) { convertedMitab = true; this.inputData.setXmlEntySet( PsiTools.getInstance() .getEntrySetFromBinaryInteractions(inputData.getMitabInteractions())); return inputData.getXmlEntySet(); } else { throw new PsiscoreException("No valid input detected.", new PsiscoreFault()); } }