Example #1
 public void deleteUser(WkTUser user) {
   // 首先删除用户角色关系
   Session session = this.getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
   String deleteUserRole = "delete WkTUserole as u_r where u_r.id.kuId=?";
   Query dUserRole = session.createQuery(deleteUserRole);
   dUserRole.setLong(0, user.getKuId());
   // 还需要删除用户发布信息、消息等
   String deleteNR = "delete XyNUrd as xnurd where xnurd.id.kuId=?";
   Query updateNRQ = session.createQuery(deleteNR);
   updateNRQ.setLong(0, user.getKuId());
   String deleteM = "delete XyMReceiver as xmr where xmr.id.kuId=?";
   Query updateM = session.createQuery(deleteM);
   updateM.setLong(0, user.getKuId());
   String deleteN = "delete XyMessage as xm where xm.kuId=?";
   Query updateN = session.createQuery(deleteN);
   updateN.setLong(0, user.getKuId());
   // 删除用户
 public int updateUserCoin(Long userId, Long coin) {
   Query query =
       getSession().createQuery("update UserEntity set COINS = :coin where ID = :userId");
   query.setLong("coin", coin);
   query.setLong("userId", userId);
   return query.executeUpdate();
  private static boolean atualizarCarencia(Segurado segurado, Long idTitular) throws Exception {
    String sqlConsignacao =
        "select min(c.dataDoCredito) from ConsignacaoSegurado c  where c.titular.idSegurado = :idTitular "
            + "and c.statusConsignacao  = 'P' and c.dataDoCredito >= :dataAdesao";

    String sqlCobranca =
        "select min(c.dataPagamento) from Cobranca c where c.titular.idSegurado = :idTitular  "
            + "and descricao = 'Pago(a)' and c.dataPagamento >= :dataAdesao";

    Query queryConsignacao = HibernateUtil.currentSession().createQuery(sqlConsignacao);
    Query queryCobranca = HibernateUtil.currentSession().createQuery(sqlCobranca);

    queryConsignacao.setLong("idTitular", idTitular);
    queryConsignacao.setDate("dataAdesao", segurado.getDataAdesao());

    Date inicioCarencia = (Date) queryConsignacao.uniqueResult();

    if (inicioCarencia == null) {
      queryCobranca.setLong("idTitular", idTitular);
      queryCobranca.setDate("dataAdesao", segurado.getDataAdesao());
      inicioCarencia = (Date) queryCobranca.uniqueResult();

    if (inicioCarencia != null) {
      System.out.println(segurado.getNumeroDoCartao() + " - " + inicioCarencia);
      return true;
    return false;
  public List<PopulationDto> getListePopulations(Long uidPersonneMorale) {
    final StringBuffer requete =
        new StringBuffer("select population, count(distinct uidAssure) from Contrat ")
            .append("where uidSouscripteur = :uidPersonneMorale ")
            .append("and uidAssure is not null ")
            .append("and statut.id = :idStatutEnCours ")
            .append("and nature.id = :idNatureSante ")
            .append("and isVisible = true ")
            .append("group by population");
    final Query query = createQuery(requete.toString());
    query.setLong("uidPersonneMorale", uidPersonneMorale);
    query.setLong("idStatutEnCours", adherentMappingService.getIdStatutContratEnCours());
    query.setLong("idNatureSante", adherentMappingService.getIdNatureContratSante());

    final List<Object[]> listResult = query.list();
    final List<PopulationDto> listePopulations = new ArrayList<PopulationDto>();
    if (listResult != null && listResult.size() > 0) {
      for (Object[] result : listResult) {
        final String libellePopulation = (String) result[0];
        final Integer effectif = Integer.valueOf((String) result[1].toString());
        final PopulationDto population = new PopulationDto();
    return listePopulations;
  /** @author alizadeh */
  public QueryResult<AdjustmentEstimateDetailsDto> getCamp5YearEstimateAmmunitions(
      int estimateId, int tadilPercent, int priceShowType, SearchOption searchOption) {
    HashMap<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    String hql =
        " select e.id as id,e.goodType.title as  ammoTitle,e.quantity as quantity,e.fee as fi,"
            + " cast(((e.quantity*e.fee)/:priceShowType) as long) as rialCost ,"
            + " round( e.quantity-((e.quantity/100)*:tadilPercent)) as quantityAfterAdjustment,"
            + " cast((round((e.quantity-((e.quantity/100)*:tadilPercent))*e.fee)/:priceShowType) as long)as  rialCostAfterAdjustment "
            + " from "
            + domainClass.getName()
            + " e where  e.camp5YearEstimate.id =:estimateId ";
    params.put("estimateId", estimateId);
    params.put("tadilPercent", tadilPercent);
    params.put("priceShowType", priceShowType);
    List<AdjustmentEstimateDetailsDto> list =
        getAll(hql, params, searchOption, AdjustmentEstimateDetailsDto.class);
    int count = 0;
    if (!list.isEmpty()) {
      Session session = getSession();
      String QueryCount =
          "select count(*) from  "
              + domainClass.getName()
              + " e where  e.camp5YearEstimate.id =:estimateId ";
      String QuerySum =
          " select cast((sum(e.quantity*e.fee)/:priceShowType) as long )as sumOfRialCost,"
              + " (cast((sum(round((e.quantity-((e.quantity/100)*:tadilPercent))*e.fee))/:priceShowType)as long)) as sumOfRialCostAfterAdjustment "
              + " from "
              + domainClass.getName()
              + " e where  e.camp5YearEstimate.id =:estimateId ";

      StringBuffer jqlCount = new StringBuffer(QueryCount);
      StringBuffer jqlSum = new StringBuffer(QuerySum);
      Query countQuery = session.createQuery(jqlCount.toString());
      Query querySum = session.createQuery(jqlSum.toString());
      countQuery.setParameter("estimateId", estimateId);
      querySum.setParameter("estimateId", estimateId);
      querySum.setLong("tadilPercent", tadilPercent);
      querySum.setLong("priceShowType", priceShowType);
      Iterator iterator = querySum.iterate();
      if (iterator.hasNext() && list.size() > 0) {
        Object[] row = (Object[]) iterator.next();
      Integer res = ((Long) countQuery.uniqueResult()).intValue();
      if (res != null) count = res;
    return new QueryResult<AdjustmentEstimateDetailsDto>(
        searchOption.getPageNumber(), count, searchOption.getPageSize(), list);
  public List<GarantieBeneficiaireDto> getListeBeneficiairesFromContrats(
      List<Long> listeUidContrats, Long uidAssure, boolean filtrerContratEnCOurs) {
    final StringBuffer requete =
        new StringBuffer("select uidBeneficiaire, contrat.id, role.id, role.libelle ");
    requete.append("from Garantie where ");
    if (listeUidContrats != null && listeUidContrats.size() > 0) {
      requete.append("contrat.id in (:listeUidContrats) and ");
    if (filtrerContratEnCOurs) {
      requete.append("statut.id = :idStatutGarantieEnCours and ");
    requete.append("contrat.isVisible = true and isVisible = true and ");
    requete.append("uidAssure = :uidAssure order by statut.ordre, role.ordre");
    final Query query = createQuery(requete.toString());
    if (listeUidContrats != null && listeUidContrats.size() > 0) {
      query.setParameterList("listeUidContrats", listeUidContrats);
    if (filtrerContratEnCOurs) {
      query.setLong("idStatutGarantieEnCours", adherentMappingService.getIdStatutGarantieEnCours());

    query.setLong("uidAssure", uidAssure);
    final List<Object[]> listResult = query.list();
    final List<GarantieBeneficiaireDto> listeBeneficiaires =
        new ArrayList<GarantieBeneficiaireDto>();
    final List<IdsBeneficiaireContrat> listeIdsBenefsContrats =
        new ArrayList<IdsBeneficiaireContrat>();
    if (listResult != null && listResult.size() > 0) {
      for (Object[] result : listResult) {
        final Long idBenef = (Long) result[0];
        final Long idContrat = (Long) result[1];
        final IdsBeneficiaireContrat idBenefContrat = new IdsBeneficiaireContrat();
        if (!listeIdsBenefsContrats.contains(idBenefContrat)) {
          final GarantieBeneficiaireDto benef = new GarantieBeneficiaireDto();
          benef.setRole(new IdentifiantLibelleDto((Long) result[2], String.valueOf(result[3])));
    return listeBeneficiaires;
  public void getDistPrefsTableAsPdf(
      OutputStream out,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      SessionContext context,
      Long subjectAreaId,
      String courseNbr,
      Long examTypeId)
      throws Exception {

    Query q =
        new DistributionPrefDAO()
                "select distinct dp from DistributionPref dp "
                    + "inner join dp.distributionObjects do, Exam x inner join x.owners o "
                    + "where "
                    + (courseNbr == null || courseNbr.trim().length() == 0
                        ? ""
                        : courseNbr.indexOf('*') >= 0
                            ? "o.course.courseNbr like :courseNbr and "
                            : "o.course.courseNbr=:courseNbr and")
                    + (subjectAreaId == null
                        ? ""
                        : " o.course.subjectArea.uniqueId=:subjectAreaId and ")
                    + "dp.distributionType.examPref = true and "
                    + "do.prefGroup = x and x.session.uniqueId=:sessionId and x.examType.uniqueId=:examTypeId")
            .setLong("sessionId", context.getUser().getCurrentAcademicSessionId())
            .setLong("examTypeId", examTypeId);
    if (subjectAreaId != null) q.setLong("subjectAreaId", subjectAreaId);
    if (courseNbr != null && courseNbr.trim().length() != 0)
      q.setString("courseNbr", courseNbr.trim().replaceAll("\\*", "%"));
    List distPrefs = q.setCacheable(true).list();

    toPdfTable(out, request, context, distPrefs, examTypeId);
Example #8
 public static Friend findByInviter(long id, User user) {
   Session session = getSession();
   Query query = session.getNamedQuery("Friend.getByInviter");
   query.setLong("id", id);
   query.setEntity("user", user);
   return (Friend) query.uniqueResult();
   * Retrieve a Role object with specified id.
   * @param id the id of the Role.
   * @return an object representing the Role with specified id.
   * @throws DataBackendException if there was an error accessing the data backend.
   * @throws UnknownEntityException if the role does not exist.
  public Role getRoleById(Object id) throws DataBackendException, UnknownEntityException {

    Role role = null;

    if (id != null)
      try {
        Query query =
                .createQuery("from " + getClassName() + " sr where sr.id=:id");

        query.setLong("id", (Long) id);

        List roles = query.list();
        if (roles.size() == 0) {
          throw new UnknownEntityException("Could not find role by id " + id);
        role = (Role) roles.get(0);

      } catch (HibernateException e) {
        throw new DataBackendException("Error retriving role information", e);

    return role;
Example #10
 private String getFolio(Almacen almacen) {
   Query query =
               "select f from Folio f where f.nombre = :nombre and f.almacen.id = :almacenId");
   query.setString("nombre", "FACTURA");
   query.setLong("almacenId", almacen.getId());
   Folio folio = (Folio) query.uniqueResult();
   if (folio == null) {
     folio = new Folio("FACTURA");
     return getFolio(almacen);
   folio.setValor(folio.getValor() + 1);
   java.text.NumberFormat nf = java.text.DecimalFormat.getInstance();
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   return sb.toString();
Example #11
File: SQL.java Project: ndong211/bo
 public static Query getShopVehicleBrandModelByShopId(Session session, Long shopId) {
   StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer();
   hql.append(" from ShopVehicleBrandModel as p where p.shopId =:shopId");
   Query query = session.createQuery(hql.toString());
   query = query.setLong("shopId", shopId);
   return query;
 public Profile findProfileForEmployer(long id) {
   String queryString = "from EmployerProfile e where e.employer.id= :id ";
   Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
   query.setLong("id", id);
   Profile profile = (Profile) query.uniqueResult();
   return profile;
 public Integer getNombreAdherentsContrat(String eidContrat) {
   final StringBuffer requete =
       new StringBuffer("select count(distinct uidAssure) from Garantie ")
           .append("where contrat.identifiantExterieur like :idContrat ")
           .append("and contrat.uidAssure is not null ")
           .append("and contrat.statut.id = :idStatutContratEnCours ")
           .append("and statut.id = :idStatutGarantieEnCours ")
           .append("and isVisible = true");
   final Query query = createQuery(requete.toString());
   query.setString("idContrat", eidContrat.substring(0, NB_CARACTERE_ID_CONTRAT) + POURCENT);
   query.setLong("idStatutContratEnCours", adherentMappingService.getIdStatutContratEnCours());
   query.setLong("idStatutGarantieEnCours", adherentMappingService.getIdStatutGarantieEnCours());
   final Integer nbAdherents = Integer.valueOf(query.uniqueResult().toString());
   return nbAdherents;
 public String getGestionnaireContratCollectif(Long uidPersonne) {
   final StringBuffer requete =
       new StringBuffer("select a.contrat_gestionnaire from data_contrat a ")
           .append("join dim_contrat_nature b on a.contrat_nature_uid = b.contrat_nature_uid ")
               "join data_personne_physique c on c.personne_uid = a.contrat_assure_uid and c.personne_segment_uid = 3 ")
           .append("inner join (")
           .append("select contrat_assure_uid,max(contrat_nature_eid || ")
               "cast(contrat_date_adhesion as text)||cast(coalesce(contrat_date_resiliation,'2222/01/01') as text)) ")
           .append("ID from data_contrat, dim_contrat_nature ")
               "where data_contrat.contrat_nature_uid = dim_contrat_nature.contrat_nature_uid ")
           .append("and contrat_segment_uid = 3 ")
           .append("group by contrat_assure_uid) contrat_coll_unique_assure ")
           .append("on a.contrat_assure_uid = contrat_coll_unique_assure.contrat_assure_uid ")
           .append("and b.contrat_nature_eid ||cast(a.contrat_date_adhesion as text) ")
               " || cast(coalesce(a.contrat_date_resiliation,'2222/01/01') as text) = contrat_coll_unique_assure.ID ")
           .append("and a.contrat_segment_uid = 3 ")
           .append("and a.contrat_assure_uid= :uidPersonne");
   final Query crit = createSqlQuery(requete.toString());
   crit.setLong("uidPersonne", uidPersonne);
   final List<String> resultats = (ArrayList<String>) crit.list();
   return resultats.size() >= 1 ? resultats.get(0) : null;
Example #15
File: SQL.java Project: ndong211/bo
  public static Query getProducts(Session session, Long shopId, int start, int rows) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    sb.append("select p from Product as p");
    if (shopId != null) sb.append(" where p.shopId=:shopId");

    Query query = session.createQuery(sb.toString());
    if (shopId != null) query.setLong("shopId", shopId);
    return query.setFirstResult(start).setMaxResults(rows);
  public Employer loadEmployerAccInfo(long id) {

    String queryString = "from Employer p where p.id= :id";
    Query query = getSession().createQuery(queryString);
    query.setLong("id", id);
    Employer employer = (Employer) query.uniqueResult();

    return employer;
  * 更新分类名
  * @param typeId
  * @param typeName
 public void updateTypeName(Integer typeId, String typeName) {
   String hql =
       "update SecondType st set st.typeName = :typeName st.lastModifyTime = :lastModifyTime where st.typeId = :typeId";
   Query query = getSession().createQuery(hql);
   query.setInteger("typeId", typeId);
   query.setString("typeName", typeName);
   query.setLong("lastModifyTime", System.currentTimeMillis());
Example #18
 public int delete(int id) {
   String hql = "delete Authority a where a.aId = ?";
   Session session = this.getSession();
   Query q = session.createQuery(hql);
   q.setLong(0, id);
   int result = q.executeUpdate();
   return result;
Example #19
File: SQL.java Project: ndong211/bo
 public static Query getProductDTOMapByProductLocalInfoIds(
     Session session, Long shopId, Set<Long> productLocalInfoIds) {
   StringBuffer sb =
       new StringBuffer(
           "select p,pli from Product p,ProductLocalInfo pli where p.shopId =:shopId and p.id = pli.productId and pli.id in(:productLocalInfoIds)");
   Query query = session.createQuery(sb.toString());
   query.setLong("shopId", shopId).setParameterList("productLocalInfoIds", productLocalInfoIds);
   return query;
 public VoiceVerify getTodayCountByTel(Long tel) {
   try {
     Query query =
                 "from VoiceVerify obj where obj.telephone=? and obj.updateTime>? order by obj.updateTime desc");
     query.setLong(0, tel);
     query.setLong(1, TimeUtils.getStartOfDay(System.currentTimeMillis()));
     return (VoiceVerify) query.uniqueResult();
   } catch (Exception e) {
     return null;
 public Contrat getContratSantePersonneAVenir(Long idPersonne) {
   final StringBuffer requete = new StringBuffer("select contrat_numero from data_contrat ");
   requete.append("where data_contrat.contrat_assure_uid = :idPersonne ");
   requete.append("and data_contrat.contrat_statut_uid = :idStatutFutur ");
   requete.append("and data_contrat.contrat_nature_uid = :idNatureSante ");
   // requete.append("and data_contrat.contrat_adhesion_onum <> 'groupe' ");
   requete.append("and data_contrat.contrat_date_adhesion > now() ");
   requete.append("and data_contrat.contrat_visible = true ");
   requete.append("group by contrat_numero");
   final Query crit = createSqlQuery(requete.toString());
   crit.setLong("idPersonne", idPersonne);
   crit.setLong("idStatutFutur", adherentMappingService.getIdStatutContratFutur());
   crit.setLong("idNatureSante", adherentMappingService.getIdNatureContratSante());
   final List<String> resultats = (ArrayList<String>) crit.list();
   return resultats.size() == 1 ? ((Contrat) getContratByNumero(resultats.get(0))) : null;
Example #22
  @Transactional(readOnly = true)
  public Doctor getDoctorById(Long doctorId) {
    Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
    Query query = session.createQuery("from Doctor where id = :doctorId");
    query.setLong("doctorId", doctorId);

    Doctor doctor = (Doctor) query.uniqueResult();
    return doctor;
 public int updateVerificationCodeById(long id, String text) {
   // TODO Auto-generated method stub
   Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
   String hql =
       "update VerificationCode verificationCode set verificationCode.text = :text where verificationCode.uniqueId = :uniqueId";
   Query queryupdate = session.createQuery(hql);
   queryupdate.setLong("uniqueId", new Long(id));
   queryupdate.setString("text", text);
   int ret = queryupdate.executeUpdate();
   return ret;
Example #24
  public static Task getById(long taskId) throws HibernateException {
    Task task = null;
    Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession();
    Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
    Query query = session.createQuery(HQL_GET_BY_TASK_ID);
    query.setLong("taskId", taskId);
    task = (Task) query.uniqueResult();

    return task;
 public Boolean hasPersonneContrats(Long idPersonne) {
   final StringBuffer requete =
       new StringBuffer("select count(id) from Contrat ")
           .append("where uidAssure = :idPersonne ")
           .append("and isVisible = true");
   final Query query = createQuery(requete.toString());
   query.setLong("idPersonne", idPersonne);
   final Integer nbContrats = Integer.valueOf(query.uniqueResult().toString());
   return nbContrats > 0;
Example #26
 public List<GeoObject> listByLayerIdAndTagKey(Long layerId, String key) {
   Query query =
               "select o from GeoObject o join o.geoLayers l join o.tags t where l.id = :layerId and t.key = :tagKey");
   query.setLong("layerId", layerId);
   query.setString("tagKey", key);
   return query.list();
Example #27
 public static Customer loadCustomerByCustomerId(String customerId) {
   SessionFactory factory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
   Session session = factory.openSession();
   try {
     Query query = session.createQuery("FROM Customer where id = :customerId");
     query.setLong("customerId", Long.parseLong(customerId));
     return (Customer) query.uniqueResult();
   } finally {
 public List getQPItems(final Long questionPoolId) {
   final HibernateCallback<List<ItemData>> hcb =
       session -> {
         Query q =
                 "select ab from ItemData ab, QuestionPoolItem qpi where qpi.itemId=ab.itemIdString and qpi.questionPoolId = :id");
         q.setLong("id", questionPoolId);
         return q.list();
   return getHibernateTemplate().execute(hcb);
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
   Query query = session.createQuery("from Book where pub_id = :pubId");
   query.setLong("pubId", 2);
   List<Book> books = query.list();
   for (Book book : books) {
         book.getId() + " | " + book.getName() + " | " + book.getPublisher().getName());
Example #30
  public List<GeoObject> listByLayerIdPartial(Long layerId, Long start, Long count) {
    Query query =
            .createQuery("select l.geoObjects from GeoLayer l where l.id = :layerId");
    query.setLong("layerId", layerId);
    if (count != null) query.setMaxResults(count.intValue());

    return query.list();