public static String[][] generateColumnNames(Type[] types, SessionFactoryImplementor f) throws MappingException { String[][] columnNames = new String[types.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { int span = types[i].getColumnSpan(f); columnNames[i] = new String[span]; for (int j = 0; j < span; j++) { columnNames[i][j] = NameGenerator.scalarName(i, j); } } return columnNames; }
/** Generates the scalar column AST nodes for a given array of SQL columns */ public static void generateScalarColumns(HqlSqlWalkerNode node, String sqlColumns[], int i) { if (sqlColumns.length == 1) { generateSingleScalarColumn(node, i); } else { ASTFactory factory = node.getASTFactory(); AST n = node; n.setText(sqlColumns[0]); // Use the DOT node to emit the first column name. // Create the column names, folled by the column aliases. for (int j = 0; j < sqlColumns.length; j++) { if (j > 0) { n = ASTUtil.createSibling(factory, SqlTokenTypes.SQL_TOKEN, sqlColumns[j], n); } n = ASTUtil.createSibling( factory, SqlTokenTypes.SELECT_COLUMNS, " as " + NameGenerator.scalarName(i, j), n); } } }
public String generateAlias(String sqlExpression) { return NameGenerator.scalarName(base, counter++); }
/** WARNING: side-effecty */ private String renderScalarSelect() { boolean isSubselect = superQuery != null; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(20); if (scalarTypes.size() == 0) { // ie. no select clause int size = returnedTypes.size(); for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) { scalarTypes.add(TypeFactory.manyToOne(persisters[k].getEntityName(), shallowQuery)); String[] idColumnNames = persisters[k].getIdentifierColumnNames(); for (int i = 0; i < idColumnNames.length; i++) { buf.append(returnedTypes.get(k)).append('.').append(idColumnNames[i]); if (!isSubselect) buf.append(" as ").append(NameGenerator.scalarName(k, i)); if (i != idColumnNames.length - 1 || k != size - 1) buf.append(", "); } } } else { // there _was_ a select clause Iterator iter = scalarSelectTokens.iterator(); int c = 0; boolean nolast = false; // real hacky... int parenCount = 0; // used to count the nesting of parentheses while (iter.hasNext()) { Object next =; if (next instanceof String) { String token = (String) next; if ("(".equals(token)) { parenCount++; } else if (")".equals(token)) { parenCount--; } String lc = token.toLowerCase(); if (lc.equals(", ")) { if (nolast) { nolast = false; } else { if (!isSubselect && parenCount == 0) { int x = c++; buf.append(" as ").append(NameGenerator.scalarName(x, 0)); } } } buf.append(token); if (lc.equals("distinct") || lc.equals("all")) { buf.append(' '); } } else { nolast = true; String[] tokens = (String[]) next; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { buf.append(tokens[i]); if (!isSubselect) { buf.append(" as ").append(NameGenerator.scalarName(c, i)); } if (i != tokens.length - 1) buf.append(", "); } c++; } } if (!isSubselect && !nolast) { int x = c++; buf.append(" as ").append(NameGenerator.scalarName(x, 0)); } } return buf.toString(); }
static void generateSingleScalarColumn(HqlSqlWalkerNode node, int i) { ASTFactory factory = node.getASTFactory(); ASTUtil.createSibling( factory, SqlTokenTypes.SELECT_COLUMNS, " as " + NameGenerator.scalarName(i, 0), node); }