@Override public String execute() throws Exception { String name = this.getRequest().getParameter("name"); String value = this.getRequest().getParameter("value"); String type = this.getRequest().getParameter("type"); String policy = this.getRequest().getParameter("policy"); String enable = this.getRequest().getParameter("enable"); Session session = SessionFactorySingle.getSessionFactory().openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(TypeDeviceFilter.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("id", Integer.valueOf(type))); List<TypeDeviceFilter> typeDeviceFilters_array = criteria.list(); TypeDeviceFilter typeDeviceFilter = typeDeviceFilters_array.get(0); criteria = session.createCriteria(DeviceFilter.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", name)); List<DeviceFilter> deviceFilters = (List<DeviceFilter>) criteria.list(); DeviceFilter deviceFilter; if (deviceFilters.size() > 0) { deviceFilter = deviceFilters.get(0); deviceFilter.setName(name); deviceFilter.setValue(value); deviceFilter.setType(typeDeviceFilter); deviceFilter.setPolicy(Boolean.valueOf(policy)); deviceFilter.setEnable(Boolean.valueOf(enable)); } else { deviceFilter = new DeviceFilter(name, value, typeDeviceFilter, Boolean.valueOf(policy)); } session.save(deviceFilter); session.getTransaction().commit(); criteria = session.createCriteria(TroubleList.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", "main")); TroubleList troubleList = (TroubleList) criteria.list().get(0); troubleList.getFilters().add(deviceFilter); session.beginTransaction(); session.save(troubleList); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.flush(); session.close(); ManagerMainDeviceFilter.getInstance().addNewDeviceInputFilter(deviceFilter); return null; }
public void testCachedQueryOnInsert() throws Exception { Session s = openSession(); Transaction t = s.beginTransaction(); Simple simple = new Simple(); simple.setName("Simple 1"); s.save(simple, new Long(10)); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); Query q = s.createQuery("from Simple s"); List list = q.setCacheable(true).list(); assertTrue(list.size() == 1); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s"); list = q.setCacheable(true).list(); assertTrue(list.size() == 1); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); Simple simple2 = new Simple(); simple2.setCount(133); s.save(simple2, new Long(12)); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s"); list = q.setCacheable(true).list(); assertTrue(list.size() == 2); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s"); list = q.setCacheable(true).list(); assertTrue(list.size() == 2); Iterator i = list.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) s.delete(i.next()); t.commit(); s.close(); }
public void testBroken() throws Exception { if (getDialect() instanceof Oracle9Dialect) return; Session s = openSession(); Transaction t = s.beginTransaction(); Broken b = new Fixed(); b.setId(new Long(123)); b.setOtherId("foobar"); s.save(b); s.flush(); b.setTimestamp(new Date()); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); s.update(b); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); b = (Broken) s.load(Broken.class, b); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); s.delete(b); t.commit(); s.close(); }
public void testSetProperties() throws Exception { Session s = openSession(); Transaction t = s.beginTransaction(); Simple simple = new Simple(); simple.setName("Simple 1"); s.save(simple, new Long(10)); Query q = s.createQuery("from Simple s where s.name=:name and s.count=:count"); q.setProperties(simple); assertTrue(q.list().get(0) == simple); // misuse of "Single" as a propertyobject, but it was the first testclass i found with a // collection ;) Single single = new Single() { // trivial hack to test properties with arrays. String[] getStuff() { return (String[]) getSeveral().toArray(new String[getSeveral().size()]); } }; List l = new ArrayList(); l.add("Simple 1"); l.add("Slimeball"); single.setSeveral(l); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s where s.name in (:several)"); q.setProperties(single); assertTrue(q.list().get(0) == simple); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s where s.name in (:stuff)"); q.setProperties(single); assertTrue(q.list().get(0) == simple); s.delete(simple); t.commit(); s.close(); }
public static void adicionarHorario(Horario horario) { session = (Session) PreparaSessao.pegarSessao(); session.save(horario); session.beginTransaction().commit(); session.close(); }
@Override public Response insertRecords(int[] rowNumbers, ArrayList newValueObjects) throws Exception { Session s = null; if (getSet() != null) { ValueObject o = (ValueObject) newValueObjects.get(0); try { s = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction t = s.beginTransaction(); AuditoriaBasica ab = new AuditoriaBasica(new Date(), General.usuario.getUserName(), true); if (o instanceof Auditable) { ((Auditable) o).setAuditoria(ab); } // getSet().add(o); ((Diagnostico) o).setEspecialidad((Especialidad) super.beanVO); // s.update(super.beanVO); s.save(o); selectedCell(0, 0, null, o); t.commit(); return new VOListResponse(newValueObjects, false, newValueObjects.size()); } catch (Exception ex) { getSet().remove(o); return new ErrorResponse( LoggerUtil.isInvalidStateException(this.getClass(), "insertRecords", ex)); } finally { s.close(); } } else { return new ErrorResponse("Primero tienes que guardar el Registro Principal"); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); // CREATE for (int i = 1; i <= 30; i++) { UserInfo user = new UserInfo(); user.setName("User" + i); session.save(user); } session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); UserInfo user = new UserInfo(); session = sessionFactory.openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); // Retreive user = (UserInfo) session.get(UserInfo.class, 6); // Update user.setName("Updated User Name"); session.update(user); // Delete user = (UserInfo) session.get(UserInfo.class, 5); session.delete(user); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); // System.out.println("User Object retrieved is: " + user); }
public void testInsert() throws HibernateException, SQLException { if (isUsingIdentity()) { reportSkip("hand sql expecting non-identity id gen", "Custom SQL"); return; } Role p = new Role(); p.setName("Patient"); Session s = openSession(); s.save(p); s.flush(); s.connection().commit(); s.close(); getSessions().evict(Role.class); s = openSession(); Role p2 = (Role) s.get(Role.class, new Long(p.getId())); assertNotSame(p, p2); assertEquals(p2.getId(), p.getId()); assertTrue(p2.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(p.getName())); s.delete(p2); s.flush(); s.connection().commit(); s.close(); }
public void testSqlFunctionAsAlias() throws Exception { String functionName = locateAppropriateDialectFunctionNameForAliasTest(); if (functionName == null) { log.info("Dialect does not list any no-arg functions"); return; } log.info("Using function named [" + functionName + "] for 'function as alias' test"); String query = "select " + functionName + " from Simple as " + functionName + " where " + functionName + ".id = 10"; Session s = openSession(); Transaction t = s.beginTransaction(); Simple simple = new Simple(); simple.setName("Simple 1"); s.save(simple, new Long(10)); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); List result = s.find(query); assertTrue(result.size() == 1); assertTrue(result.get(0) instanceof Simple); s.delete(result.get(0)); t.commit(); s.close(); }
public void testCachedQuery() throws Exception { Session s = openSession(); Transaction t = s.beginTransaction(); Simple simple = new Simple(); simple.setName("Simple 1"); s.save(simple, new Long(10)); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); Query q = s.createQuery("from Simple s where s.name=?"); q.setCacheable(true); q.setString(0, "Simple 1"); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s where s.name=:name"); q.setCacheable(true); q.setString("name", "Simple 1"); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); simple = (Simple) q.list().get(0); q.setString("name", "Simple 2"); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 0); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 0); simple.setName("Simple 2"); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s where s.name=:name"); q.setString("name", "Simple 2"); q.setCacheable(true); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); s.update(simple, new Long(10)); s.delete(simple); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s where s.name=?"); q.setCacheable(true); q.setString(0, "Simple 1"); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 0); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 0); t.commit(); s.close(); }
@Test @Transactional public void testSaveOrderWithItems() throws Exception { Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); Order order = new Order(); order.getItems().add(new Item()); session.save(order); session.flush(); assertNotNull(order.getId()); }
private Session _prepareSession() throws Exception { Session session = _sessionFactoryImpl.openSession( new EmptyInterceptor() { @Override public String getEntityName(Object object) { if (object instanceof TestClassNameImpl) { return ClassNameImpl.class.getName(); } return super.getEntityName(object); } }); Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); try { _className1 = new TestClassNameImpl(session); _className1.setPrimaryKey(RandomTestUtil.nextLong()); session.save(_className1); _className2 = new ClassNameImpl(); _className2.setPrimaryKey(RandomTestUtil.nextLong()); session.save(_className2); } finally { transaction.commit(); } _className1.setValue(RandomTestUtil.randomString()); _className1.setMvccVersion(_className1.getMvccVersion() + 1); _className2.setValue(RandomTestUtil.randomString()); _className2.setMvccVersion(_className1.getMvccVersion() + 1); return session; }
// Método duplicado na classe MonitorDAO ver qual é o verdadeiro public static void adicionarMonitorAoHorario(long idHorario, Monitor monitor) { session = (Session) PreparaSessao.pegarSessao(); session.beginTransaction(); Horario horario = new Horario(); session.load(horario, idHorario); horario.setMonitor(monitor); session.save(horario); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); }
public void testCRUD() throws HibernateException, SQLException { if (isUsingIdentity()) { reportSkip("hand sql expecting non-identity id gen", "Custom SQL"); return; } Person p = new Person(); p.setName("Max"); p.setLastName("Andersen"); p.setNationalID("110974XYZ�"); p.setAddress("P. P. Street 8"); Session s = openSession(); s.save(p); s.flush(); s.connection().commit(); s.close(); getSessions().evict(Person.class); s = openSession(); Person p2 = (Person) s.get(Person.class, p.getId()); assertNotSame(p, p2); assertEquals(p2.getId(), p.getId()); assertEquals(p2.getLastName(), p.getLastName()); s.flush(); List list = s.createQuery("select p from Party as p").list(); assertTrue(list.size() == 1); s.connection().commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); list = s.createQuery("select p from Person as p where p.address = 'L�rkev�nget 1'").list(); assertTrue(list.size() == 0); p.setAddress("L�rkev�nget 1"); s.update(p); list = s.createQuery("select p from Person as p where p.address = 'L�rkev�nget 1'").list(); assertTrue(list.size() == 1); list = s.createQuery("select p from Party as p where p.address = 'P. P. Street 8'").list(); assertTrue(list.size() == 0); s.delete(p); list = s.createQuery("select p from Person as p").list(); assertTrue(list.size() == 0); s.connection().commit(); s.close(); }
private void prepareTestData(Session s) { Employee john = new Employee("John Doe"); john.setCompany("JBoss"); john.setDepartment("hr"); john.setTitle("hr guru"); john.setRegion("US"); Employee polli = new Employee("Polli Wog"); polli.setCompany("JBoss"); polli.setDepartment("hr"); polli.setTitle("hr novice"); polli.setRegion("US"); polli.setManager(john); john.getMinions().add(polli); Employee suzie = new Employee("Suzie Q"); suzie.setCompany("JBoss"); suzie.setDepartment("hr"); suzie.setTitle("hr novice"); suzie.setRegion("EMEA"); suzie.setManager(john); john.getMinions().add(suzie); Customer cust = new Customer("John Q Public"); cust.setCompany("Acme"); cust.setRegion("US"); cust.setContactOwner(john); Person ups = new Person("UPS guy"); ups.setCompany("UPS"); ups.setRegion("US"); s.save(john); s.save(cust); s.save(ups); s.flush(); }
@Test @Transactional public void testSaveAndGet() throws Exception { Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); Order order = new Order(); order.getItems().add(new Item()); session.save(order); session.flush(); // Otherwise the query returns the existing order (and we didn't set the // parent in the item)... session.clear(); Order other = (Order) session.get(Order.class, order.getId()); assertEquals(1, other.getItems().size()); assertEquals(other, other.getItems().iterator().next().getOrder()); }
public void testJoinedSubclass() throws HibernateException, SQLException { Medication m = new Medication(); m.setPrescribedDrug(new Drug()); m.getPrescribedDrug().setName("Morphine"); Session s = openSession(); s.save(m.getPrescribedDrug()); s.save(m); s.flush(); s.connection().commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); Medication m2 = (Medication) s.get(Medication.class, m.getId()); assertNotSame(m, m2); s.flush(); s.connection().commit(); s.close(); }
public static int insert(Session session, Object objectForInsert) { try { session.save(objectForInsert); return 1; } catch (HibernateException e) { LOGGER.error( "Insert Exception. Record can't be inserted for object=" + objectForInsert + " for class " + objectForInsert.getClass() + " on session " + session + ". Method insert return 0.", e); return 0; } }
public void saveTempBanner(TempBanner data) throws Exception { Session session = null; try { session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); session.getTransaction().begin(); session.save(data); session.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (HibernateException e) { session.getTransaction().rollback(); throw e; } finally { if (session != null && session.isOpen()) { session.flush(); session.close(); } } }
// ADD A EMPLOYEE BANK DETAILS IN tblempbank @Override public int addEmployeeBank(EmployeeBank employeebank) throws HibernateException, ConstraintViolationException { Session session = SessionFactoryUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); int status = 0; try { session.beginTransaction(); java.sql.Timestamp date = new java.sql.Timestamp(new java.util.Date().getTime()); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(EmployeeBank.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("organizationId", employeebank.getOrganizationId())); criteria.add( Restrictions.eq("employee", new Employee(employeebank.getEmployee().getEmployeeId()))); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("bank", new Bank(employeebank.getBank().getBankId()))); if (criteria.list().size() == 0) { employeebank.setInsertDate(date.toString()); employeebank.setUpdateDate(date.toString()); session.save(employeebank); status = 1; } else { Iterator<EmployeeBank> iterator = criteria.list().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { EmployeeBank empbank = iterator.next(); if (empbank.getDeleteFlag() == true) { empbank.setDeleteFlag(false); empbank.setInsertDate(date.toString()); empbank.setUpdateDate(date.toString()); session.update(empbank); status = 1; } else { return 5; } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); } return status; }
@Test @Transactional public void testSaveAndFind() throws Exception { Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); Order order = new Order(); Item item = new Item(); item.setProduct("foo"); order.getItems().add(item); session.save(order); session.flush(); // Otherwise the query returns the existing order (and we didn't set the // parent in the item)... session.clear(); Order other = (Order) session .createQuery("select o from Order o join o.items i where i.product=:product") .setString("product", "foo") .uniqueResult(); assertEquals(1, other.getItems().size()); assertEquals(other, other.getItems().iterator().next().getOrder()); }
public void testNothinToUpdate() throws Exception { Session s = openSession(); Transaction t = s.beginTransaction(); Simple simple = new Simple(); simple.setName("Simple 1"); s.save(simple, new Long(10)); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); s.update(simple, new Long(10)); t.commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); t = s.beginTransaction(); s.update(simple, new Long(10)); s.delete(simple); t.commit(); s.close(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException { Student student = new Student(); StudentDetail detail = new StudentDetail(); student.setName("student 1"); student.setCreatedDate(new Date()); student.setBirthDate(new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy").parse("01-01-1988")); detail.setMobileNumber("23232323"); student.setDetail(detail); SessionFactory sessionFactory = new AnnotationConfiguration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.save(student); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); sessionFactory.close(); }
public void testSQLFunctions() throws Exception { Session s = openSession(); Transaction t = s.beginTransaction(); Simple simple = new Simple(); simple.setName("Simple 1"); s.save(simple, new Long(10)); if (getDialect() instanceof DB2Dialect) { s.find("from Simple s where repeat('foo', 3) = 'foofoofoo'"); s.find("from Simple s where repeat(s.name, 3) = 'foofoofoo'"); s.find("from Simple s where repeat( lower(s.name), 3 + (1-1) / 2) = 'foofoofoo'"); } assertTrue(s.find("from Simple s where upper( s.name ) ='SIMPLE 1'").size() == 1); if (!(getDialect() instanceof HSQLDialect)) { assertTrue( s.find( "from Simple s where not( upper( s.name ) ='yada' or 1=2 or 'foo'='bar' or not('foo'='foo') or 'foo' like 'bar' )") .size() == 1); } if (!(getDialect() instanceof MySQLDialect) && !(getDialect() instanceof SybaseDialect) && !(getDialect() instanceof MckoiDialect) && !(getDialect() instanceof InterbaseDialect) && !(getDialect() instanceof TimesTenDialect)) { // My SQL has a funny concatenation operator assertTrue( s.find("from Simple s where lower( s.name || ' foo' ) ='simple 1 foo'").size() == 1); } if ((getDialect() instanceof SybaseDialect)) { assertTrue( s.find("from Simple s where lower( s.name + ' foo' ) ='simple 1 foo'").size() == 1); } if ((getDialect() instanceof MckoiDialect) || (getDialect() instanceof TimesTenDialect)) { assertTrue( s.find("from Simple s where lower( concat(s.name, ' foo') ) ='simple 1 foo'").size() == 1); } Simple other = new Simple(); other.setName("Simple 2"); other.setCount(12); simple.setOther(other); s.save(other, new Long(20)); // s.find("from Simple s where s.name ## 'cat|rat|bag'"); assertTrue(s.find("from Simple s where upper( s.other.name ) ='SIMPLE 2'").size() == 1); assertTrue(s.find("from Simple s where not ( upper( s.other.name ) ='SIMPLE 2' )").size() == 0); assertTrue( s.find( "select distinct s from Simple s where ( ( s.other.count + 3 ) = (15*2)/2 and s.count = 69) or ( ( s.other.count + 2 ) / 7 ) = 2") .size() == 1); assertTrue( s.find( "select s from Simple s where ( ( s.other.count + 3 ) = (15*2)/2 and s.count = 69) or ( ( s.other.count + 2 ) / 7 ) = 2 order by s.other.count") .size() == 1); Simple min = new Simple(); min.setCount(-1); s.save(min, new Long(30)); if (!(getDialect() instanceof MySQLDialect) && !(getDialect() instanceof HSQLDialect)) { // My SQL has no subqueries assertTrue( s.find("from Simple s where s.count > ( select min(sim.count) from Simple sim )").size() == 2); t.commit(); t = s.beginTransaction(); assertTrue( s.find( "from Simple s where s = some( select sim from Simple sim where sim.count>=0 ) and s.count >= 0") .size() == 2); assertTrue( s.find( "from Simple s where s = some( select sim from Simple sim where sim.other.count=s.other.count ) and s.other.count > 0") .size() == 1); } Iterator iter = s.iterate("select sum(s.count) from Simple s group by s.count having sum(s.count) > 10"); assertTrue(iter.hasNext()); assertTrue(new Integer(12).equals(iter.next())); assertTrue(!iter.hasNext()); if (!(getDialect() instanceof MySQLDialect)) { iter = s.iterate("select s.count from Simple s group by s.count having s.count = 12"); assertTrue(iter.hasNext()); } s.iterate( "select s.id, s.count, count(t), max(t.date) from Simple s, Simple t where s.count = t.count group by s.id, s.count order by s.count"); Query q = s.createQuery("from Simple s"); q.setMaxResults(10); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 3); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s"); q.setMaxResults(1); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s"); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 3); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s where s.name = ?"); q.setString(0, "Simple 1"); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s where s.name = ? and upper(s.name) = ?"); q.setString(1, "SIMPLE 1"); q.setString(0, "Simple 1"); q.setFirstResult(0); assertTrue(q.iterate().hasNext()); q = s.createQuery( "from Simple s where s.name = :foo and upper(s.name) = :bar or s.count=:count or s.count=:count + 1"); q.setParameter("bar", "SIMPLE 1"); q.setString("foo", "Simple 1"); q.setInteger("count", 69); q.setFirstResult(0); assertTrue(q.iterate().hasNext()); q = s.createQuery("select s.id from Simple s"); q.setFirstResult(1); q.setMaxResults(2); iter = q.iterate(); int i = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { assertTrue(iter.next() instanceof Long); i++; } assertTrue(i == 2); q = s.createQuery("select all s, s.other from Simple s where s = :s"); q.setParameter("s", simple); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); q = s.createQuery("from Simple s where s.name in (:name_list) and s.count > :count"); HashSet set = new HashSet(); set.add("Simple 1"); set.add("foo"); q.setParameterList("name_list", set); q.setParameter("count", new Integer(-1)); assertTrue(q.list().size() == 1); ScrollableResults sr = s.createQuery("from Simple s").scroll(); sr.next(); sr.get(0); sr.close(); s.delete(other); s.delete(simple); s.delete(min); t.commit(); s.close(); }
@Before public void before() { Session session = sf.openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); DeviceType devType = new DeviceType(); devType.setName("Dispositivo 1"); List<SoundRequest> soundRequests = new ArrayList<SoundRequest>(); devType.setSoundRequests(soundRequests); List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>(); devType.setFields(fields); List<SimpleCommand> smpCmds = new ArrayList<SimpleCommand>(); devType.setSimpleCommands(smpCmds); List<CompoundCommand> cmpCmds = new ArrayList<CompoundCommand>(); devType.setCompoundCommands(cmpCmds); List<Alarm> alarms = new ArrayList<Alarm>(); devType.setAlarms(alarms); /* * Setting soundig request */ SoundRequest soundR1 = new SoundRequest(); soundR1.setAddressType(AddressType.COIL); soundR1.setAddress(new Integer(4100)); soundR1.setCount(new Integer(2)); soundR1.setDeviceType(devType); soundRequests.add(soundR1); SoundRequest soundR2 = new SoundRequest(); soundR2.setAddressType(AddressType.DISCRETE); soundR2.setAddress(new Integer(5100)); soundR2.setCount(new Integer(2)); soundR2.setDeviceType(devType); soundRequests.add(soundR2); SoundRequest soundR3 = new SoundRequest(); soundR3.setAddressType(AddressType.HOLDING_REGISTER); soundR3.setAddress(new Integer(6100)); soundR3.setCount(new Integer(2)); soundR3.setDeviceType(devType); soundRequests.add(soundR3); SoundRequest soundR4 = new SoundRequest(); soundR4.setAddressType(AddressType.INPUT_REGISTER); soundR4.setAddress(new Integer(7100)); soundR4.setCount(new Integer(2)); soundR4.setDeviceType(devType); soundRequests.add(soundR4); /* * Setting fields */ Field field1 = new Field(); field1.setAddressType(AddressType.COIL); field1.setAddress(new Integer(4100)); field1.setName("Coil 1"); field1.setBitType(true); field1.setDeviceType(devType); fields.add(field1); Field field2 = new Field(); field2.setAddressType(AddressType.COIL); field2.setAddress(new Integer(4101)); field2.setName("Coil 2"); field2.setBitType(true); field2.setDeviceType(devType); fields.add(field2); Field field3 = new Field(); field3.setAddressType(AddressType.DISCRETE); field3.setAddress(new Integer(5100)); field3.setName("Discrete 1"); field3.setBitType(true); field3.setDeviceType(devType); fields.add(field3); Field field4 = new Field(); field4.setAddressType(AddressType.DISCRETE); field4.setAddress(new Integer(5101)); field4.setName("Discrete 2"); field4.setBitType(true); field4.setDeviceType(devType); fields.add(field4); Field field5 = new Field(); field5.setAddressType(AddressType.HOLDING_REGISTER); field5.setAddress(new Integer(6100)); field5.setName("Holding register 6100 bit 0"); field5.setBitType(true); field5.setBitOffset(new Integer(0)); field5.setDeviceType(devType); fields.add(field5); Field field6 = new Field(); field6.setAddressType(AddressType.HOLDING_REGISTER); field6.setAddress(new Integer(6100)); field6.setName("Holding register 6100 bit 7"); field6.setBitType(true); field6.setBitOffset(new Integer(7)); field6.setDeviceType(devType); fields.add(field6); Field field7 = new Field(); field7.setAddressType(AddressType.HOLDING_REGISTER); field7.setAddress(new Integer(6100)); field7.setName("Holding register 6100 bit 15"); field7.setBitType(true); field7.setBitOffset(new Integer(15)); field7.setDeviceType(devType); fields.add(field7); Field field8 = new Field(); field8.setAddressType(AddressType.HOLDING_REGISTER); field8.setAddress(new Integer(6100)); field8.setName("Holding register 6100 bit 15"); field8.setBitType(true); field8.setBitOffset(new Integer(15)); field8.setDeviceType(devType); fields.add(field8); Field field9 = new Field(); field9.setAddressType(AddressType.HOLDING_REGISTER); field9.setAddress(new Integer(6101)); field9.setName("Holding register 6101 complete reg"); field9.setBitType(false); field9.setDeviceType(devType); fields.add(field9); Field field10 = new Field(); field10.setAddressType(AddressType.INPUT_REGISTER); field10.setAddress(new Integer(7100)); field10.setName("Input Register complete reg 7100"); field10.setBitType(false); field10.setDeviceType(devType); fields.add(field10); Field field11 = new Field(); field11.setAddressType(AddressType.INPUT_REGISTER); field11.setAddress(new Integer(7101)); field11.setName("Input Register complete reg 7101"); field11.setBitType(false); field11.setDeviceType(devType); fields.add(field11); /* * Simple Commands */ SimpleCommand smpCmd1 = new SimpleCommand(); smpCmd1.setAddressType(AddressType.COIL); smpCmd1.setAddress(new Integer(4100)); smpCmd1.setName("Set Coil 1"); smpCmd1.setDeviceType(devType); smpCmds.add(smpCmd1); SimpleCommand smpCmd2 = new SimpleCommand(); smpCmd2.setAddressType(AddressType.HOLDING_REGISTER); smpCmd2.setAddress(new Integer(6100)); smpCmd2.setBitOffset(new Integer(0)); smpCmd2.setName("Set Holding register 6100 bit 0"); smpCmd2.setDeviceType(devType); smpCmds.add(smpCmd2); /* * Compound Commands */ CompoundCommand cmpCmd1 = new CompoundCommand(); cmpCmd1.setAddress(new Integer(6101)); cmpCmd1.setName("Set Holding register 6101"); cmpCmd1.setDeviceType(devType); cmpCmds.add(cmpCmd1); /* * Alarms */ Alarm alarm1 = new Alarm(); alarm1.setField(field1); alarm1.setDeviceType(devType); alarm1.setName("Alarma " + field1.getName()); alarm1.setOperator(Operator.EQUAL); alarm1.setThreshold(new Integer(1)); alarms.add(alarm1); Alarm alarm2 = new Alarm(); alarm2.setField(field10); alarm2.setDeviceType(devType); alarm2.setName("Alarma " + field10.getName()); alarm2.setOperator(Operator.MAYOR_EQUAL); alarm2.setThreshold(new Integer(200)); alarms.add(alarm2); session.save(devType); /* * Setting Device */ Device dev = new Device(); dev.setAddressValues(new ArrayList<AddressValue>()); dev.setAutoActualization(new Boolean(false)); dev.setAutoConection(new Boolean(false)); dev.setDescription("Este dispositivo se la banca"); dev.setIP("localhost"); dev.setLastActivity(new Date()); dev.setName("La bomba loca"); dev.setPort(new Integer(502)); dev.setSounding(new Boolean(true)); dev.setSoundingTime(new Integer(3000)); dev.setType(devType); dev.setUnitID(new Integer(1)); dev.setVisible(true); session.save(dev); /* * Setting User */ SimpleUser usr = new SimpleUser(); usr.setUserName("pepito"); usr.setPassword("pepito"); usr.setDevices(new ArrayList<Device>()); usr.getDevices().add(dev); session.save(usr); tx.commit(); session.close(); }
@POST @Path("progressSMD") public String setProgressSMD( @FormParam("nameSMD") String nameSMD, @FormParam("id_progress") long idProgress, @FormParam("title") String title, @FormParam("value") double valueProgress) { OperationInformationResources.logger.log( Level.INFO, "NAME: " + nameSMD + " Progress with (id = " + idProgress + ", etat = " + valueProgress + ") \n contenu " + title); String result = "Progress with (id = " + idProgress + ", etat = " + valueProgress + ")"; Session connect = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); if (idProgress < 0) { result += " PROBLEM ID <0"; } else { if (valueProgress < 0) { SiteSMD site = SiteSMD.findByName(connect, nameSMD); site.setHave_a_probleme(true); connect.beginTransaction(); connect.saveOrUpdate(site); connect.getTransaction().commit(); } ProgressData getProgress = ProgressData.findById(connect, idProgress); if (getProgress != null) { // remplire DATA getProgress.setTitle(title); getProgress.setValue(valueProgress); getProgress.setLast_date(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); if (valueProgress == 100) { getProgress.setFinished(true); } connect.beginTransaction(); connect.saveOrUpdate(getProgress); connect.getTransaction().commit(); result = "Status is updated"; } else { // remplire DATA SiteSMD site = SiteSMD.findByName(connect, nameSMD); if (site == null) { result = "SMD Not Found"; } else { getProgress = new ProgressData(); getProgress.setId(idProgress); getProgress.setTitle(title); getProgress.setValue(valueProgress); getProgress.setLast_date(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); if (valueProgress == 100) { getProgress.setFinished(true); } getProgress.setSmd(site); connect.beginTransaction(); connect.save(getProgress); connect.getTransaction().commit(); result = "Status is updated"; } } } connect.close(); OperationInformationResources.logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Returned Value " + result); return result; }
public void save(Bureau a) { Transaction tr1 = session.beginTransaction(); session.save(a); tr1.commit(); }
public void addHouse(House house) throws Exception { Session session = HibernateSessionFactory.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.save(house); }
public void testDialectSQLFunctions() throws Exception { Session s = openSession(); Transaction t = s.beginTransaction(); Iterator iter = s.iterate("select max(s.count) from Simple s"); if (getDialect() instanceof MySQLDialect) assertTrue(iter.hasNext() && iter.next() == null); Simple simple = new Simple(); simple.setName("Simple Dialect Function Test"); simple.setAddress("Simple Address"); simple.setPay(new Float(45.8)); simple.setCount(2); s.save(simple, new Long(10)); // Test to make sure allocating an specified object operates correctly. assertTrue( s.find("select new org.hibernate.test.legacy.S(s.count, s.address) from Simple s").size() == 1); // Quick check the base dialect functions operate correctly assertTrue(s.find("select max(s.count) from Simple s").size() == 1); assertTrue(s.find("select count(*) from Simple s").size() == 1); if (getDialect() instanceof OracleDialect) { // Check Oracle Dialect mix of dialect functions - no args (no parenthesis and single arg // functions java.util.List rset = s.find("select s.name, sysdate(), trunc(s.pay), round(s.pay) from Simple s"); assertNotNull("Name string should have been returned", (((Object[]) rset.get(0))[0])); assertNotNull("Todays Date should have been returned", (((Object[]) rset.get(0))[1])); assertEquals("trunc(45.8) result was incorrect ", new Float(45), ((Object[]) rset.get(0))[2]); assertEquals("round(45.8) result was incorrect ", new Float(46), ((Object[]) rset.get(0))[3]); simple.setPay(new Float(-45.8)); s.update(simple); // Test type conversions while using nested functions (Float to Int). rset = s.find("select abs(round(s.pay)) from Simple s"); assertEquals("abs(round(-45.8)) result was incorrect ", new Float(46), rset.get(0)); // Test a larger depth 3 function example - Not a useful combo other than for testing assertTrue(s.find("select trunc(round(sysdate())) from Simple s").size() == 1); // Test the oracle standard NVL funtion as a test of multi-param functions... simple.setPay(null); s.update(simple); Integer value = (Integer) s.find("select MOD( NVL(s.pay, 5000), 2 ) from Simple as s where s.id = 10").get(0); assertTrue(0 == value.intValue()); } if ((getDialect() instanceof HSQLDialect)) { // Test the hsql standard MOD funtion as a test of multi-param functions... Integer value = (Integer) s.find("select MOD(s.count, 2) from Simple as s where s.id = 10").get(0); assertTrue(0 == value.intValue()); } s.delete(simple); t.commit(); s.close(); }
public void testBlobClob() throws Exception { Session s = openSession(); Blobber b = new Blobber(); b.setBlob(Hibernate.createBlob("foo/bar/baz".getBytes())); b.setClob(Hibernate.createClob("foo/bar/baz")); s.save(b); // s.refresh(b); // assertTrue( b.getClob() instanceof ClobImpl ); s.flush(); s.refresh(b); // b.getBlob().setBytes( 2, "abc".getBytes() ); b.getClob().getSubString(2, 3); // b.getClob().setString(2, "abc"); s.flush(); s.connection().commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); b = (Blobber) s.load(Blobber.class, new Integer(b.getId())); Blobber b2 = new Blobber(); s.save(b2); b2.setBlob(b.getBlob()); b.setBlob(null); // assertTrue( b.getClob().getSubString(1, 3).equals("fab") ); b.getClob().getSubString(1, 6); // b.getClob().setString(1, "qwerty"); s.flush(); s.connection().commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); b = (Blobber) s.load(Blobber.class, new Integer(b.getId())); b.setClob(Hibernate.createClob("xcvfxvc xcvbx cvbx cvbx cvbxcvbxcvbxcvb")); s.flush(); s.connection().commit(); s.close(); s = openSession(); b = (Blobber) s.load(Blobber.class, new Integer(b.getId())); assertTrue(b.getClob().getSubString(1, 7).equals("xcvfxvc")); // b.getClob().setString(5, "1234567890"); s.flush(); s.connection().commit(); s.close(); /*InputStream is = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("jdbc20.pdf"); s = sessionsopenSession(); b = (Blobber) s.load( Blobber.class, new Integer( b.getId() ) ); System.out.println( is.available() ); int size = is.available(); b.setBlob( Hibernate.createBlob( is, is.available() ) ); s.flush(); s.connection().commit(); ResultSet rs = s.connection().createStatement().executeQuery("select datalength(blob_) from blobber where id=" + b.getId() ); rs.next(); assertTrue( size==rs.getInt(1) ); rs.close(); s.close(); s = sessionsopenSession(); b = (Blobber) s.load( Blobber.class, new Integer( b.getId() ) ); File f = new File("C:/foo.pdf"); f.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f); Blob blob = b.getBlob(); byte[] bytes = blob.getBytes( 1, (int) blob.length() ); System.out.println( bytes.length ); fos.write(bytes); fos.flush(); fos.close(); s.close();*/ }