/** * Prepare a transaction. * * @param session the session * @param transaction the name of the transaction */ void prepareCommit(Session session, String transaction) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log prepare commit s: " + session.getId() + ", " + transaction); } if (store.getDatabase().getPageStore() == null) { // database already closed return; } // store it on a separate log page int pageSize = store.getPageSize(); pageOut.flush(); pageOut.fillPage(); Data buffer = getBuffer(); buffer.writeByte((byte) PREPARE_COMMIT); buffer.writeVarInt(session.getId()); buffer.writeString(transaction); if (buffer.length() >= PageStreamData.getCapacity(pageSize)) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("transaction name (too long)", transaction); } write(buffer); // store it on a separate log page flushOut(); pageOut.fillPage(); if (store.getDatabase().getFlushOnEachCommit()) { flush(); } }
@Override public void close() { RuntimeException closeError = null; if (transferList != null) { synchronized (this) { for (Transfer transfer : transferList) { try { traceOperation("SESSION_CLOSE", 0); transfer.writeInt(SessionRemote.SESSION_CLOSE); done(transfer); transfer.close(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { trace.error(e, "close"); closeError = e; } catch (Exception e) { trace.error(e, "close"); } } } transferList = null; } traceSystem.close(); if (embedded != null) { embedded.close(); embedded = null; } if (closeError != null) { throw closeError; } }
/** * A table is truncated. * * @param session the session * @param tableId the table id */ void logTruncate(Session session, int tableId) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log truncate s: " + session.getId() + " table: " + tableId); } session.addLogPos(logSectionId, logPos); logPos++; Data buffer = getBuffer(); buffer.writeByte((byte) TRUNCATE); buffer.writeVarInt(session.getId()); buffer.writeVarInt(tableId); write(buffer); }
private void freeLogPages(IntArray pages) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log frees " + pages.get(0) + ".." + pages.get(pages.size() - 1)); } Data buffer = getBuffer(); buffer.writeByte((byte) FREE_LOG); int size = pages.size(); buffer.writeVarInt(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { buffer.writeVarInt(pages.get(i)); } write(buffer); }
/** * Mark a transaction as committed. * * @param sessionId the session */ void commit(int sessionId) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log commit s: " + sessionId); } if (store.getDatabase().getPageStore() == null) { // database already closed return; } Data buffer = getBuffer(); buffer.writeByte((byte) COMMIT); buffer.writeVarInt(sessionId); write(buffer); if (store.getDatabase().getFlushOnEachCommit()) { flush(); } }
/** INTERNAL */ public JdbcConnection(ConnectionInfo ci, boolean useBaseDir) throws SQLException { try { if (useBaseDir) { String baseDir = SysProperties.getBaseDir(); if (baseDir != null) { ci.setBaseDir(baseDir); } } checkJavaVersion(); // this will return an embedded or server connection session = new SessionRemote().createSession(ci); trace = session.getTrace(); int id = getNextId(TraceObject.CONNECTION); setTrace(trace, TraceObject.CONNECTION, id); this.user = ci.getUserName(); if (isInfoEnabled()) { trace.infoCode( "Connection " + getTraceObjectName() + " = DriverManager.getConnection(" + quote(ci.getOriginalURL()) + ", " + quote(user) + ", \"\");"); } this.url = ci.getURL(); openStackTrace = new Exception("Stack Trace"); } catch (Exception e) { throw logAndConvert(e); } }
/** * Remove all pages until the given data page. * * @param trunkPage the first trunk page * @param firstDataPageToKeep the first data page to keep * @return the trunk page of the data page to keep */ private int removeUntil(int trunkPage, int firstDataPageToKeep) { trace.debug("log.removeUntil " + trunkPage + " " + firstDataPageToKeep); int last = trunkPage; while (true) { Page p = store.getPage(trunkPage); PageStreamTrunk t = (PageStreamTrunk) p; if (t == null) { throw DbException.throwInternalError( "log.removeUntil not found: " + firstDataPageToKeep + " last " + last); } logKey = t.getLogKey(); last = t.getPos(); if (t.contains(firstDataPageToKeep)) { return last; } trunkPage = t.getNextTrunk(); IntArray list = new IntArray(); list.add(t.getPos()); for (int i = 0; ; i++) { int next = t.getPageData(i); if (next == -1) { break; } list.add(next); } freeLogPages(list); pageOut.free(t); } }
protected void finalize() { if (!SysProperties.runFinalize) { return; } if (isInternal) { return; } if (session != null && openStackTrace != null) { trace.error("Connection not closed", openStackTrace); try { close(); } catch (SQLException e) { trace.debug("finalize", e); } } }
/** Close without further writing. */ void close() { trace.debug("log close"); if (pageOut != null) { pageOut.close(); pageOut = null; } writeBuffer = null; }
/** * A record is added to a table, or removed from a table. * * @param session the session * @param tableId the table id * @param row the row to add * @param add true if the row is added, false if it is removed */ void logAddOrRemoveRow(Session session, int tableId, Row row, boolean add) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug( "log " + (add ? "+" : "-") + " s: " + session.getId() + " table: " + tableId + " row: " + row); } session.addLogPos(logSectionId, logPos); logPos++; Data data = dataBuffer; data.reset(); int columns = row.getColumnCount(); data.writeVarInt(columns); data.checkCapacity(row.getByteCount(data)); if (session.isRedoLogBinaryEnabled()) { for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { data.writeValue(row.getValue(i)); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { Value v = row.getValue(i); if (v.getType() == Value.BYTES) { data.writeValue(ValueNull.INSTANCE); } else { data.writeValue(v); } } } Data buffer = getBuffer(); buffer.writeByte((byte) (add ? ADD : REMOVE)); buffer.writeVarInt(session.getId()); buffer.writeVarInt(tableId); buffer.writeVarLong(row.getKey()); if (add) { buffer.writeVarInt(data.length()); buffer.checkCapacity(data.length()); buffer.write(data.getBytes(), 0, data.length()); } write(buffer); }
/** * Remove a server from the list of cluster nodes and disables the cluster mode. * * @param e the exception (used for debugging) * @param i the index of the server to remove * @param count the retry count index */ public void removeServer(IOException e, int i, int count) { trace.debug(e, "removing server because of exception"); transferList.remove(i); if (transferList.size() == 0 && autoReconnect(count)) { return; } checkClosed(); switchOffCluster(); }
/** * Open the log for writing. For an existing database, the recovery must be run first. * * @param newFirstTrunkPage the first trunk page * @param atEnd whether only pages at the end of the file should be used */ void openForWriting(int newFirstTrunkPage, boolean atEnd) { trace.debug("log openForWriting firstPage: " + newFirstTrunkPage); this.firstTrunkPage = newFirstTrunkPage; logKey++; pageOut = new PageOutputStream(store, newFirstTrunkPage, undoAll, logKey, atEnd); pageOut.reserve(1); // pageBuffer = new BufferedOutputStream(pageOut, 8 * 1024); store.setLogFirstPage(logKey, newFirstTrunkPage, pageOut.getCurrentDataPageId()); writeBuffer = store.createData(); }
/** * Add an undo entry to the log. The page data is only written once until the next checkpoint. * * @param pageId the page id * @param page the old page data */ void addUndo(int pageId, Data page) { if (undo.get(pageId) || freeing) { return; } if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log undo " + pageId); } if (SysProperties.CHECK) { if (page == null) { DbException.throwInternalError("Undo entry not written"); } } undo.set(pageId); undoAll.set(pageId); Data buffer = getBuffer(); buffer.writeByte((byte) UNDO); buffer.writeVarInt(pageId); if (page.getBytes()[0] == 0) { buffer.writeVarInt(1); } else { int pageSize = store.getPageSize(); if (COMPRESS_UNDO) { int size = compress.compress(page.getBytes(), pageSize, compressBuffer, 0); if (size < pageSize) { buffer.writeVarInt(size); buffer.checkCapacity(size); buffer.write(compressBuffer, 0, size); } else { buffer.writeVarInt(0); buffer.checkCapacity(pageSize); buffer.write(page.getBytes(), 0, pageSize); } } else { buffer.writeVarInt(0); buffer.checkCapacity(pageSize); buffer.write(page.getBytes(), 0, pageSize); } } write(buffer); }
/** * INTERNAL. Check if this connection is closed. * * @param write if the next operation is possibly writing * @throws SQLException if the connection or session is closed */ protected void checkClosed(boolean write) throws SQLException { if (session == null) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.OBJECT_CLOSED); } if (session.isClosed()) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATABASE_CALLED_AT_SHUTDOWN); } if (session.isReconnectNeeded(write)) { trace.debug("reconnect"); closePreparedCommands(); session = session.reconnect(write); setTrace(session.getTrace()); } }
/** Free up all pages allocated by the log. */ void free() { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log free"); } int currentDataPage = 0; if (pageOut != null) { currentDataPage = pageOut.getCurrentDataPageId(); pageOut.freeReserved(); } try { freeing = true; int first = 0; int loopDetect = 1024, loopCount = 0; PageStreamTrunk.Iterator it = new PageStreamTrunk.Iterator(store, firstTrunkPage); while (firstTrunkPage != 0 && firstTrunkPage < store.getPageCount()) { PageStreamTrunk t = it.next(); if (t == null) { if (it.canDelete()) { store.free(firstTrunkPage, false); } break; } if (loopCount++ >= loopDetect) { first = t.getPos(); loopCount = 0; loopDetect *= 2; } else if (first != 0 && first == t.getPos()) { throw DbException.throwInternalError("endless loop at " + t); } t.free(currentDataPage); firstTrunkPage = t.getNextTrunk(); } } finally { freeing = false; } }
/** * Cancel the statement with the given id. * * @param id the statement id */ public void cancelStatement(int id) { for (Transfer transfer : transferList) { try { Transfer trans = transfer.openNewConnection(); trans.init(); trans.writeInt(clientVersion); trans.writeInt(clientVersion); trans.writeString(null); trans.writeString(null); trans.writeString(sessionId); trans.writeInt(SessionRemote.SESSION_CANCEL_STATEMENT); trans.writeInt(id); trans.close(); } catch (IOException e) { trace.debug(e, "could not cancel statement"); } } }
/** INTERNAL */ public void setTraceLevel(int level) { trace.setLevel(level); }
/** * Write the operation to the trace system if debug trace is enabled. * * @param operation the operation performed * @param id the id of the operation */ public void traceOperation(String operation, int id) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("{0} {1}", operation, id); } }
/** * Run one recovery stage. There are three recovery stages: 0: only the undo steps are run * (restoring the state before the last checkpoint). 1: the pages that are used by the transaction * log are allocated. 2: the committed operations are re-applied. * * @param stage the recovery stage * @return whether the transaction log was empty */ boolean recover(int stage) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log recover stage: " + stage); } if (stage == RECOVERY_STAGE_ALLOCATE) { PageInputStream in = new PageInputStream(store, logKey, firstTrunkPage, firstDataPage); usedLogPages = in.allocateAllPages(); in.close(); return true; } PageInputStream pageIn = new PageInputStream(store, logKey, firstTrunkPage, firstDataPage); DataReader in = new DataReader(pageIn); int logId = 0; Data data = store.createData(); boolean isEmpty = true; try { int pos = 0; while (true) { int x = in.readByte(); if (x < 0) { break; } pos++; isEmpty = false; if (x == UNDO) { int pageId = in.readVarInt(); int size = in.readVarInt(); if (size == 0) { in.readFully(data.getBytes(), store.getPageSize()); } else if (size == 1) { // empty Arrays.fill(data.getBytes(), 0, store.getPageSize(), (byte) 0); } else { in.readFully(compressBuffer, size); try { compress.expand(compressBuffer, 0, size, data.getBytes(), 0, store.getPageSize()); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { DbException.convertToIOException(e); } } if (stage == RECOVERY_STAGE_UNDO) { if (!undo.get(pageId)) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log undo {0}", pageId); } store.writePage(pageId, data); undo.set(pageId); undoAll.set(pageId); } else { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log undo skip {0}", pageId); } } } } else if (x == ADD) { int sessionId = in.readVarInt(); int tableId = in.readVarInt(); Row row = readRow(in, data); if (stage == RECOVERY_STAGE_UNDO) { store.allocateIfIndexRoot(pos, tableId, row); } else if (stage == RECOVERY_STAGE_REDO) { if (isSessionCommitted(sessionId, logId, pos)) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log redo + table: " + tableId + " s: " + sessionId + " " + row); } store.redo(tableId, row, true); } else { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log ignore s: " + sessionId + " + table: " + tableId + " " + row); } } } } else if (x == REMOVE) { int sessionId = in.readVarInt(); int tableId = in.readVarInt(); long key = in.readVarLong(); if (stage == RECOVERY_STAGE_REDO) { if (isSessionCommitted(sessionId, logId, pos)) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log redo - table: " + tableId + " s:" + sessionId + " key: " + key); } store.redoDelete(tableId, key); } else { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log ignore s: " + sessionId + " - table: " + tableId + " " + key); } } } } else if (x == TRUNCATE) { int sessionId = in.readVarInt(); int tableId = in.readVarInt(); if (stage == RECOVERY_STAGE_REDO) { if (isSessionCommitted(sessionId, logId, pos)) { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log redo truncate table: " + tableId); } store.redoTruncate(tableId); } else { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log ignore s: " + sessionId + " truncate table: " + tableId); } } } } else if (x == PREPARE_COMMIT) { int sessionId = in.readVarInt(); String transaction = in.readString(); if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log prepare commit " + sessionId + " " + transaction + " pos: " + pos); } if (stage == RECOVERY_STAGE_UNDO) { int page = pageIn.getDataPage(); setPrepareCommit(sessionId, page, transaction); } } else if (x == ROLLBACK) { int sessionId = in.readVarInt(); if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log rollback " + sessionId + " pos: " + pos); } // ignore - this entry is just informational } else if (x == COMMIT) { int sessionId = in.readVarInt(); if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log commit " + sessionId + " pos: " + pos); } if (stage == RECOVERY_STAGE_UNDO) { setLastCommitForSession(sessionId, logId, pos); } } else if (x == NOOP) { // nothing to do } else if (x == CHECKPOINT) { logId++; } else if (x == FREE_LOG) { int count = in.readVarInt(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int pageId = in.readVarInt(); if (stage == RECOVERY_STAGE_REDO) { if (!usedLogPages.get(pageId)) { store.free(pageId, false); } } } } else { if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) { trace.debug("log end"); break; } } } } catch (DbException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.FILE_CORRUPTED_1) { trace.debug("log recovery stopped"); } else { throw e; } } catch (IOException e) { trace.debug("log recovery completed"); } undo = new BitField(); if (stage == RECOVERY_STAGE_REDO) { usedLogPages = null; } return isEmpty; }