public String getPluginName() { String name = null; if (props != null) { name = (String) props.get(""); } if (name == null) { try { name = new File(pluginDir).getName(); } catch (Throwable e) { } } if (name == null || name.length() == 0) { name = plugin.getClass().getName(); } return (name); }
public PluginInterface getLocalPluginInterface(Class plugin_class, String id) throws PluginException { try { Plugin p = (Plugin) plugin_class.newInstance(); // Discard from the properties, we want the // plugin ID we create to take priority - not a value // from the original plugin ID properties file. Properties local_props = new Properties(props); local_props.remove(""); if (id.endsWith("_v")) { throw (new Exception("Verified plugins must be loaded from a jar")); } PluginInterfaceImpl pi = new PluginInterfaceImpl( p, initialiser, initialiser_key, class_loader, null, key + "." + id, local_props, pluginDir, getPluginID() + "." + id, plugin_version); initialiser.fireCreated(pi); p.initialize(pi); children.add(pi); return (pi); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof PluginException) { throw ((PluginException) e); } throw (new PluginException("Local initialisation fails", e)); } }
protected PluginInterfaceImpl( Plugin _plugin, PluginInitializer _initialiser, Object _initialiser_key, ClassLoader _class_loader, List<File> _verified_files, String _key, Properties _props, String _pluginDir, String _plugin_id, String _plugin_version) throws PluginException { // check we're being created by the core StackTraceElement[] stack = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); int pos = 0; while (!stack[pos].getClassName().equals(PluginInterfaceImpl.class.getName())) { pos++; } String caller_class = stack[pos + 1].getClassName(); if (!(caller_class.equals("org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.PluginInitializer") || caller_class.equals("org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.PluginInterfaceImpl"))) { throw (new PluginException("Invalid caller")); } // check we haven't been subclassed String class_name = getClass().getCanonicalName(); if (class_name == null || !class_name.equals("org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.PluginInterfaceImpl")) { throw (new PluginException("Subclassing not permitted")); } plugin = _plugin; initialiser = _initialiser; initialiser_key = _initialiser_key; class_loader = _class_loader; key = _key; pluginConfigKey = "Plugin." + _key; props = new propertyWrapper(_props); pluginDir = _pluginDir; config = new PluginConfigImpl(this, pluginConfigKey); given_plugin_id = _plugin_id; plugin_version = _plugin_version; ipc_interface = new IPCInterfaceImpl(initialiser, plugin); state = new PluginStateImpl(this, initialiser); boolean verified = false; boolean bad = false; if (_plugin_id.endsWith("_v")) { if (plugin.getClass() == FailedPlugin.class) { verified = true; } else { if (_verified_files != null) { File jar = FileUtil.getJarFileFromClass(plugin.getClass()); if (jar != null) { for (File file : _verified_files) { if (file.equals(jar)) { verified = true; } } } } } if (!verified) { bad = true; } } PluginInitializer.setVerified(this, plugin, verified, bad); }