/** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testProjectionRun() throws Exception {
    GridClientCompute dflt = client.compute();

    Collection<? extends GridClientNode> nodes = dflt.nodes();

    assertEquals(NODES_CNT, nodes.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < NODES_CNT; i++) {
      Grid g = grid(i);

      assert g != null;

      GridClientNode clientNode = dflt.node(g.localNode().id());

      assertNotNull("Client node for " + g.localNode().id() + " was not found", clientNode);

      GridClientCompute prj = dflt.projection(clientNode);

      String res = prj.execute(TestTask.class.getName(), null);


      assertEquals(g.localNode().id().toString(), res);
Example #2
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected Collection<GridComputeJobAdapter> split(int gridSize, Object arg)
        throws GridException {
      assert rsrc1 != null;
      assert rsrc2 != null;
      assert rsrc3 != null;
      assert rsrc4 != null;
      assert log != null;

      log.info("Injected shared resource1 into task: " + rsrc1);
      log.info("Injected shared resource2 into task: " + rsrc2);
      log.info("Injected shared resource3 into task: " + rsrc3);
      log.info("Injected shared resource4 into task: " + rsrc4);
      log.info("Injected log resource into task: " + log);

      task1Rsrc1 = rsrc1;
      task1Rsrc2 = rsrc2;
      task1Rsrc3 = rsrc3;
      task1Rsrc4 = rsrc4;

      Collection<GridComputeJobAdapter> jobs = new ArrayList<>(gridSize);

      for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) {
        jobs.add(new GridSharedJob1());

      return jobs;
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected Collection<? extends GridComputeJob> split(int gridSize, Object arg)
        throws GridException {
      Collection<GridComputeJobAdapter> jobs = new ArrayList<>(gridSize);

      this.gridSize = gridSize;

      final String locNodeId = grid.localNode().id().toString();

      for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) {
            new GridComputeJobAdapter() {
              public Object execute() {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {

                return new GridBiTuple<>(locNodeId, 1);

      return jobs;
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testClientAffinity() throws Exception {
    GridClientData partitioned = client.data(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME);

    Collection<Object> keys = new ArrayList<>();

    keys.addAll(Arrays.asList(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE));

    Random rnd = new Random();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    // Generate some random strings.
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

      for (int j = 0; j < 255; j++)
        // Only printable ASCII symbols for test.
        sb.append((char) (rnd.nextInt(0x7f - 0x20) + 0x20));


    // Generate some more keys to achieve better coverage.
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) keys.add(UUID.randomUUID());

    for (Object key : keys) {
      UUID nodeId = grid(0).mapKeyToNode(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME, key).id();

      UUID clientNodeId = partitioned.affinity(key);

          "Invalid affinity mapping for REST response for key: " + key, nodeId, clientNodeId);
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testNames() throws Exception {
    assertEquals("value1", svc.cacheable(1));

    Collection<String> names = mgr.getCacheNames();

    assertEquals(names.toString(), 2, names.size());
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected Collection<? extends GridComputeJob> split(int gridSize, String arg)
        throws GridException {
      Collection<GridComputeJobAdapter> jobs = new ArrayList<>(jobCnt);

      for (int i = 0; i < jobCnt; i++) jobs.add(new TestJob());

      return jobs;
   * First positive integer that is not present in started set.
   * @param started Already started indices.
   * @return First positive integer that is not present in started set.
  private int nextIndex(Collection<Integer> started) {
    assert started.contains(0);

    for (int i = 1; i < 10000; i++) {
      if (!started.contains(i)) return i;

    throw new IllegalStateException();
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected Collection<? extends GridComputeJob> split(int gridSize, Object arg)
        throws GridException {
      if (log.isInfoEnabled())
        log.info("Splitting job [job=" + this + ", gridSize=" + gridSize + ", arg=" + arg + ']');

      Collection<GridComputeJob> jobs = new ArrayList<>(SPLIT_COUNT);

      for (int i = 1; i <= SPLIT_COUNT; i++) jobs.add(new GridCancelTestJob(i));

      return jobs;
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testTopologyListener() throws Exception {
    final Collection<UUID> added = new ArrayList<>(1);
    final Collection<UUID> rmvd = new ArrayList<>(1);

    final CountDownLatch addedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
    final CountDownLatch rmvLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);

    assertEquals(NODES_CNT, client.compute().refreshTopology(false, false).size());

    GridClientTopologyListener lsnr =
        new GridClientTopologyListener() {
          public void onNodeAdded(GridClientNode node) {


          public void onNodeRemoved(GridClientNode node) {



    try {
      Grid g = startGrid(NODES_CNT + 1);

      UUID id = g.localNode().id();

      assertTrue(addedLatch.await(2 * TOP_REFRESH_FREQ, MILLISECONDS));

      assertEquals(1, added.size());
      assertEquals(id, F.first(added));

      stopGrid(NODES_CNT + 1);

      assertTrue(rmvLatch.await(2 * TOP_REFRESH_FREQ, MILLISECONDS));

      assertEquals(1, rmvd.size());
      assertEquals(id, F.first(rmvd));
    } finally {

      stopGrid(NODES_CNT + 1);
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testAffinityExecute() throws Exception {
    GridClientCompute dflt = client.compute();

    GridClientData data = client.data(PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME);

    Collection<? extends GridClientNode> nodes = dflt.nodes();

    assertEquals(NODES_CNT, nodes.size());

    for (int i = 0; i < NODES_CNT; i++) {
      Grid g = grid(i);

      assert g != null;

      int affinityKey = -1;

      for (int key = 0; key < 10000; key++) {
        if (g.localNode().id().equals(data.affinity(key))) {
          affinityKey = key;


      if (affinityKey == -1)
        throw new Exception("Unable to found key for which node is primary: " + g.localNode().id());

      GridClientNode clientNode = dflt.node(g.localNode().id());

      assertNotNull("Client node for " + g.localNode().id() + " was not found", clientNode);

      String res =
          dflt.affinityExecute(TestTask.class.getName(), PARTITIONED_CACHE_NAME, affinityKey, null);


      assertEquals(g.localNode().id().toString(), res);
Example #11
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected Collection<GridComputeJobAdapter> split(int gridSize, Object arg)
        throws GridException {
      assert rsrc1 != null;
      assert rsrc2 != null;
      assert rsrc3 != null;
      assert rsrc4 != null;
      assert log != null;

      log.info("Injected shared resource1 into task: " + rsrc1);
      log.info("Injected shared resource2 into task: " + rsrc2);
      log.info("Injected shared resource3 into task: " + rsrc3);
      log.info("Injected shared resource4 into task: " + rsrc4);
      log.info("Injected log resource into task: " + log);

      task2Rsrc1 = rsrc1;
      task2Rsrc2 = rsrc2;
      task2Rsrc3 = rsrc3;
      task2Rsrc4 = rsrc4;

      Collection<GridComputeJobAdapter> jobs = new ArrayList<>(gridSize);

      for (int i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) {
            new GridComputeJobAdapter() {
              /** User resource. */
              @GridUserResource(resourceClass = UserResource1.class)
              private transient GridAbstractUserResource rsrc5;

              /** User resource */
              @GridUserResource private transient UserResource2 rsrc6;

              /** User resource. */
              @GridUserResource(resourceClass = UserResource1.class, resourceName = "rsrc3")
              private transient GridAbstractUserResource rsrc7;

              /** User resource */
              @GridUserResource(resourceName = "rsrc4")
              private transient UserResource2 rsrc8;

              /** {@inheritDoc} */
              public Serializable execute() {
                assert rsrc1 != null;
                assert rsrc2 != null;
                assert rsrc3 != null;
                assert rsrc4 != null;
                assert log != null;

                assert rsrc5 != null;
                assert rsrc6 != null;
                assert rsrc7 != null;
                assert rsrc8 != null;

                // Make sure that neither task nor global scope got
                // created more than once.
                assert rsrc1 == rsrc5;
                assert rsrc2 == rsrc6;
                assert rsrc3 == rsrc7;
                assert rsrc4 == rsrc8;

                log.info("Injected shared resource1 into job: " + rsrc1);
                log.info("Injected shared resource2 into job: " + rsrc2);
                log.info("Injected shared resource3 into job: " + rsrc3);
                log.info("Injected shared resource4 into job: " + rsrc4);
                log.info("Injected shared resource5 into job: " + rsrc5);
                log.info("Injected shared resource6 into job: " + rsrc6);
                log.info("Injected shared resource7 into job: " + rsrc7);
                log.info("Injected shared resource8 into job: " + rsrc8);
                log.info("Injected log resource into job: " + log);

                return null;

      return jobs;
  /** @throws Exception If failed. */
  public void testEmptyProjections() throws Exception {
    final GridClientCompute dflt = client.compute();

    Collection<? extends GridClientNode> nodes = dflt.nodes();

    assertEquals(NODES_CNT, nodes.size());

    Iterator<? extends GridClientNode> iter = nodes.iterator();

    final GridClientCompute singleNodePrj = dflt.projection(Collections.singletonList(iter.next()));

    final GridClientNode second = iter.next();

    final GridClientPredicate<GridClientNode> noneFilter =
        new GridClientPredicate<GridClientNode>() {
          public boolean apply(GridClientNode node) {
            return false;

    final GridClientPredicate<GridClientNode> targetFilter =
        new GridClientPredicate<GridClientNode>() {
          public boolean apply(GridClientNode node) {
            return node.nodeId().equals(second.nodeId());

        new Callable<Object>() {
          public Object call() throws Exception {
            return dflt.projection(noneFilter).log(-1, -1);

        new Callable<Object>() {
          public Object call() throws Exception {
            return singleNodePrj.projection(second);

        new Callable<Object>() {
          public Object call() throws Exception {
            return singleNodePrj.projection(targetFilter);