   * Constructs a new map containing the same elements and using the same ordering as the specified
   * sorted map.
   * @param max Upper bound of this map.
   * @param map Sorted map whose elements will comprise the new map.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the specified sorted map or any of its elements are {@code
   *     null}.
  public GridBoundedConcurrentOrderedMap(int max, SortedMap<K, V> map) {

    A.ensure(max > 0, "max > 0");

    this.max = max;
   * Constructs a new, empty set that orders its elements according to the specified comparator.
   * @param max Upper bound of this map.
   * @param comparator The comparator that will be used to order this map. If <tt>null</tt>, the
   *     {@linkplain Comparable natural ordering} of the elements will be used.
  public GridBoundedConcurrentOrderedMap(int max, Comparator<? super K> comparator) {

    A.ensure(max > 0, "max > 0");

    this.max = max;
   * Constructs a new map containing the elements in the specified map, that orders its elements
   * according to their {@linkplain Comparable natural ordering}.
   * @param max Upper bound of this map.
   * @param map The elements that will comprise the new map.
   * @throws ClassCastException if the elements in <tt>map</tt> are not {@link Comparable}, or are
   *     not mutually comparable.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the specified map or any of its elements are {@code null}.
  public GridBoundedConcurrentOrderedMap(int max, Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map) {

    A.ensure(max > 0, "max > 0");

    this.max = max;
Example #4
   * Gets option value. If this option is "none" this method will throw {@link
   * IllegalArgumentException} exception. Note that this method may return {@code null}.
   * @return An option value.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown in case if this option is "none".
  public T get() {
    A.ensure(this != NONE, "Value 'none' of GridOpt cannot be used.");

    assert val != null;

    return val;
   * Set local batch size for this sequences.
   * @param size Sequence batch size. Must be more then 0.
  public void batchSize(int size) {
    A.ensure(size > 0, " Batch size can't be less then 0: " + size);


    try {
      batchSize = size;
    } finally {
Example #6
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void saveCheckpoint(
      String key, Object state, GridTaskSessionScope scope, long timeout, boolean overwrite)
      throws GridException {
    A.notNull(key, "key");
    A.ensure(timeout >= 0, "timeout >= 0");

    synchronized (mux) {
      if (closed) throw new GridException("Failed to save checkpoint (session closed): " + this);

    ctx.checkpoint().storeCheckpoint(this, key, state, scope, timeout, overwrite);
Example #7
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public R get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws GridException {
    A.ensure(timeout >= 0, "timeout cannot be negative: " + timeout);
    A.notNull(unit, "unit");


    try {
      long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

      long end = timeout == 0 ? Long.MAX_VALUE : now + MILLISECONDS.convert(timeout, unit);

      // Account for overflow.
      if (end < 0) end = Long.MAX_VALUE;

      synchronized (mux) {
        while (!done && !cancelled && now < end) {
          mux.wait(end - now);

          if (!done) now = System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (done) {
          if (err != null) throw U.cast(err);

          return res;

        if (cancelled) throw new GridFutureCancelledException("Future was cancelled: " + this);

        throw new GridFutureTimeoutException(
            "Timeout was reached before computation completed [duration="
                + duration()
                + "ms, timeout="
                + unit.toMillis(timeout)
                + "ms]");
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      throw new GridInterruptedException(
          "Got interrupted while waiting for future to complete [duration="
              + duration()
              + "ms, timeout="
              + unit.toMillis(timeout)
              + "ms]",
   * Constructs a new, empty map that orders its elements according to their {@linkplain Comparable
   * natural ordering}.
   * @param max Upper bound of this map.
  public GridBoundedConcurrentOrderedMap(int max) {
    A.ensure(max > 0, "max > 0");

    this.max = max;
   * Asynchronous sequence update operation. Will add given amount to the sequence value.
   * @param l Increment amount.
   * @param updateCall Cache call that will update sequence reservation count in accordance with l.
   * @param updated If {@code true}, will return sequence value after update, otherwise will return
   *     sequence value prior to update.
   * @return Future indicating sequence value.
   * @throws GridException If update failed.
  private GridFuture<Long> internalUpdateAsync(
      long l, @Nullable Callable<Long> updateCall, boolean updated) throws GridException {

    A.ensure(l > 0, " Parameter mustn't be less then 1: " + l);


    try {
      // If reserved range isn't exhausted.
      if (locVal + l <= upBound) {
        long curVal = locVal;

        locVal += l;

        return new GridFinishedFuture<Long>(ctx.kernalContext(), updated ? locVal : curVal);
    } finally {

    if (updateCall == null) updateCall = internalUpdate(l, updated);

    while (true) {
      if (updateGuard.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
        try {
          // This call must be outside lock.
          return ctx.closures().callLocalSafe(updateCall, true);
        } finally {

          try {

          } finally {
      } else {

        try {
          while (locVal >= upBound && updateGuard.get()) {
            try {
              cond.await(500, MILLISECONDS);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
              throw new GridInterruptedException(e);


          // If reserved range isn't exhausted.
          if (locVal + l <= upBound) {
            long curVal = locVal;

            locVal += l;

            return new GridFinishedFuture<Long>(ctx.kernalContext(), updated ? locVal : curVal);
        } finally {
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public GridFuture<Long> getAndAddAsync(long l) throws GridException {
    A.ensure(l > 0, " Parameter mustn't be less then 1: " + l);

    return internalUpdateAsync(l, null, false);
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public long addAndGet(long l) throws GridException {
    A.ensure(l > 0, " Parameter mustn't be less then 1: " + l);

    return internalUpdate(l, null, true);
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public int countDown(int val) throws GridException {
    A.ensure(val > 0, "val should be positive");

    return CU.outTx(new CountDownCallable(val), ctx);
   * Gets value at given index within internal list. Note that this method will iterate through the
   * list to get a value at the specified index.
   * @param idx Index to get value at (must be non-negative and less than {@link #size()}).
   * @return Value at give index.
  public V get(int idx) {
    A.ensure(idx >= 0 && idx < size(), "idx >= 0 && idx < size()");

    return vals.get(idx);