Example #1
   * Listen to events coming from all grid nodes.
   * @throws GridException If failed.
  private static void remoteListen() throws GridException {
    Grid g = GridGain.grid();

    GridCache<Integer, String> cache = g.cache(CACHE_NAME);

    // Register remote event listeners on all nodes running cache.
    GridFuture<?> fut =
                // This optional local callback is called for each event notification
                // that passed remote predicate filter.
                new GridBiPredicate<UUID, GridCacheEvent>() {
                  public boolean apply(UUID nodeId, GridCacheEvent evt) {
                        "Received event [evt="
                            + evt.name()
                            + ", key="
                            + evt.key()
                            + ", oldVal="
                            + evt.oldValue()
                            + ", newVal="
                            + evt.newValue());

                    return true; // Return true to continue listening.
                // Remote filter which only accepts events for keys that are
                // greater or equal than 10 and if local node is primary for this key.
                new GridPredicate<GridCacheEvent>() {
                  /** Auto-inject grid instance. */
                  @GridInstanceResource private Grid g;

                  public boolean apply(GridCacheEvent evt) {
                    Integer key = evt.key();

                    return key >= 10
                        && g.cache(CACHE_NAME).affinity().isPrimary(g.localNode(), key);
                // Types of events for which listeners are registered.

    // Wait until event listeners are subscribed on all nodes.

    int keyCnt = 20;

    // Generate cache events.
    for (int i = 0; i < keyCnt; i++) cache.putx(i, Integer.toString(i));
Example #2
   * Listen to events that happen only on local node.
   * @throws GridException If failed.
  private static void localListen() throws GridException {
    Grid g = GridGain.grid();

    // Register event listener for all local task execution events.
            new GridPredicate<GridEvent>() {
              public boolean apply(GridEvent evt) {
                GridTaskEvent taskEvt = (GridTaskEvent) evt;

                    "Git event notification [evt="
                        + evt.name()
                        + ", taskName="
                        + taskEvt.taskName()
                        + ']');

                return true;

    // Generate task events.
            new GridRunnable() {
              public void run() {
                System.out.println("Executing sample job.");
   * Runs basic cache example.
   * @param args Command line arguments, none required.
   * @throws Exception If example execution failed.
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    final Grid g =
        args.length == 0 ? G.start("examples/config/spring-cache.xml") : G.start(args[0]);

    try {
      // Subscribe to events on every node, so we can visualize what's
      // happening in remote caches.
          new CA() {
            public void apply() {
              GridLocalEventListener lsnr =
                  new GridLocalEventListener() {
                    public void onEvent(GridEvent event) {
                      switch (event.type()) {
                        case EVT_CACHE_OBJECT_PUT:
                        case EVT_CACHE_OBJECT_READ:
                        case EVT_CACHE_OBJECT_REMOVED:
                            GridCacheEvent e = (GridCacheEvent) event;

                            X.println("Cache event [name=" + e.name() + ", key=" + e.key() + ']');

              GridNodeLocal<String, GridLocalEventListener> loc = g.nodeLocal();

              GridLocalEventListener prev = loc.remove("lsnr");

              // If there is a listener subscribed from previous runs, unsubscribe it.
              if (prev != null) g.removeLocalEventListener(prev);

              // Record new listener, so we can check it on next run.
              loc.put("lsnr", lsnr);

              // Subscribe listener.
              g.addLocalEventListener(lsnr, EVTS_CACHE);

      final GridCacheProjection<Integer, String> cache =
          g.cache(CACHE_NAME).projection(Integer.class, String.class);

      final int keyCnt = 20;

      // Store keys in cache.
      for (int i = 0; i < keyCnt; i++) cache.putx(i, Integer.toString(i));

      // Peek and get on local node.
      for (int i = 0; i < keyCnt; i++) {
        X.println("Peeked [key=" + i + ", val=" + cache.peek(i) + ']');
        X.println("Got [key=" + i + ", val=" + cache.get(i) + ']');

      // Projection (view) for remote nodes.
      GridProjection rmts = g.remoteProjection();

      if (!rmts.isEmpty()) {
        // Peek and get on remote nodes (comment it out if output gets too crowded).
                new GridAbsClosureX() {
                  public void applyx() throws GridException {
                    for (int i = 0; i < keyCnt; i++) {
                      X.println("Peeked [key=" + i + ", val=" + cache.peek(i) + ']');
                      X.println("Got [key=" + i + ", val=" + cache.get(i) + ']');
    } finally {