protected void setUp() throws Exception {

    notif = new Notification(job.toBean(), NotificationType.EMAIL, JobStatusType.FINISHED);

    service = new NotificationServiceImpl();
  protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    //		UserDao udao = new UserDao();

    //		// retrieve the user from the db or create one to use.
    //		User user = udao._get(TEST_USERNAME);
    //		if (user == null) {
    //			user = createUser();
    //			udao._add(user);
    //		}
    //		ProjectDao projectDao = new ProjectDao();
    //		project = projectDao._get(TEST_PROJECTNAME);
    //		if (project == null) {
    //			project = createProject();
    //			projectDao._add(project);
    //		}
    //		// persist the session
    //		session = SessionDao.getByToken(TEST_SESSIONTOKEN);
    //		if (session == null) {
    //			session = new GMSSession();
    //			session.setToken(TEST_SESSIONTOKEN);
    //			session.setType(AccessType.COMMUNITY);
    //			CCGAuthentication auth = new CCGAuthentication(TEST_USERNAME);
    //			session.setProxy(ServiceUtil.serializeGlobusCredential(auth.getCredential()));
    //			session.setProjectId(project.getId());
    //			session.setUserId(user.getId());
    //			SessionDao.persist(session);
    //		}
    //		projectDao = new ProjectDao(session);
    //		up = UserProjectDao.get(TEST_USERNAME, project.getId());
    //		if (up == null) {
    //			up = new UserProject(user,project);
    //			up.setUserType(UserPermissionType.USER);
    //			up.setUsage(project.getUsage());
    //			up.setMss(new ResourceDao(session)._getStorage(TEST_STORAGENAME));
    //			UserProjectDao.add(up);
    //			ComputeResource hpc = new ResourceDao(session)._getCompute(TEST_SYSTEMNAME);
    //			pr = new ProjectResource(project, hpc,
    //					TEST_ALLOCATIONNAME, true, new Usage());
    //			ProjectResourceDao.add(pr);
    //			upr = new UserProjectResource(hpc, up,
    //					TEST_LOGINNAME, UserPermissionType.USER,
    //					TEST_ALLOCATIONNAME, new Usage());
    //			UserProjectResourceDao.add(upr);
    //		} else {
    //			pr = ProjectResourceDao.get(project.getId(), TEST_SYSTEMNAME, TEST_ALLOCATIONNAME);
    //			upr = UserProjectResourceDao.get(TEST_USERNAME, project.getId(), TEST_SYSTEMNAME,
    //		}

    service = new ProjectServiceImpl();