public void write(DataOutput out) throws InvalidByteCodeException, IOException { super.write(out); out.writeShort(innerClassInfoIndex); out.writeShort(outerClassInfoIndex); out.writeShort(innerNameIndex); out.writeShort(innerClassAccessFlags); if (debug) debug("wrote "); }
public void write(DataOutput out) throws InvalidByteCodeException, IOException { super.write(out); out.writeShort(startPc); out.writeShort(endPc); out.writeShort(handlerPc); out.writeShort(catchType); if (debug) debug("wrote "); }
protected void debug(String message) { super.debug( message + "InnerClasses entry with inner_class_info_index " + innerClassInfoIndex + ", outer_class_info_index " + outerClassInfoIndex + ", inner_name_index " + innerNameIndex + ", access flags " + printAccessFlags(innerClassAccessFlags)); }
protected void debug(String message) { super.debug( message + "exception table entry with start_pc " + startPc + ", end_pc " + endPc + ", handler_pc " + handlerPc + ", catch_type index " + catchType); }