private void tileMatrix( StringBuilder str, Grid grid, double[] tlCoordinates, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, boolean scaleWarning) { str.append(" <TileMatrix>\n"); if (scaleWarning) { str.append( " <ows:Abstract>The grid was not well-defined, the scale therefore assumes 1m per map unit.</ows:Abstract>"); } str.append(" <ows:Identifier>" + grid.getName() + "</ows:Identifier>\n"); str.append(" <ScaleDenominator>" + grid.getScaleDenominator() + "</ScaleDenominator>\n"); str.append( " <TopLeftCorner>" + tlCoordinates[0] + " " + tlCoordinates[1] + "</TopLeftCorner>\n"); str.append(" <TileWidth>" + tileWidth + "</TileWidth>\n"); str.append(" <TileHeight>" + tileHeight + "</TileHeight>\n"); str.append(" <MatrixWidth>" + grid.getNumTilesWide() + "</MatrixWidth>\n"); str.append(" <MatrixHeight>" + grid.getNumTilesHigh() + "</MatrixHeight>\n"); str.append(" </TileMatrix>\n"); }
void addTileLayers(GeoPackage geopkg, List<MapLayerInfo> mapLayers, WMSMapContent map) throws IOException { if (mapLayers.isEmpty()) { return; } // figure out a name for the file entry String tileEntryName = null; Map formatOpts = map.getRequest().getFormatOptions(); if (formatOpts.containsKey("tileset_name")) { tileEntryName = (String) formatOpts.get("tileset_name"); } if (tileEntryName == null) { tileEntryName = map.getTitle(); } if (tileEntryName == null && mapLayers.size() == 1) { Iterator<MapLayerInfo> it = mapLayers.iterator(); tileEntryName =; } GridSubset gridSubset = findBestGridSubset(map); int[] minmax = findMinMaxZoom(gridSubset, map); BoundingBox bbox = bbox(map); TileEntry e = new TileEntry(); e.setTableName(tileEntryName); if (mapLayers.size() == 1) { ResourceInfo r = mapLayers.get(0).getResource(); e.setIdentifier(r.getTitle()); e.setDescription(r.getAbstract()); } e.setBounds( new ReferencedEnvelope( findTileBounds(gridSubset, bbox, minmax[0]), map.getCoordinateReferenceSystem())); e.setSrid(srid(map)); GridSet gridSet = gridSubset.getGridSet(); for (int z = minmax[0]; z < minmax[1]; z++) { Grid g = gridSet.getGrid(z); TileMatrix m = new TileMatrix(); m.setZoomLevel(z); m.setMatrixWidth((int) g.getNumTilesWide()); m.setMatrixHeight((int) g.getNumTilesHigh()); m.setTileWidth(gridSubset.getTileWidth()); m.setTileHeight(gridSubset.getTileHeight()); // TODO: not sure about this m.setXPixelSize(g.getResolution()); m.setYPixelSize(g.getResolution()); // m.setXPixelSize(gridSet.getPixelSize()); // m.setYPixelSize(gridSet.getPixelSize()); e.getTileMatricies().add(m); } // figure out the actual bounds of the tiles to be renderered LOGGER.fine("Creating tile entry" + e.getTableName()); geopkg.create(e); // create a prototype getmap request GetMapRequest req = new GetMapRequest(); OwsUtils.copy(map.getRequest(), req, GetMapRequest.class); req.setLayers(mapLayers); String imageFormat = formatOpts.containsKey("format") ? parseFormatFromOpts(formatOpts) : findBestFormat(map); req.setFormat(imageFormat); req.setWidth(gridSubset.getTileWidth()); req.setHeight(gridSubset.getTileHeight()); // count tiles as we generate them int ntiles = 0; // flag determining if tile row indexes we store in database should be inverted boolean flipy = Boolean.valueOf((String) formatOpts.get("flipy")); for (int z = minmax[0]; z < minmax[1]; z++) { long[] intersect = gridSubset.getCoverageIntersection(z, bbox); for (long x = intersect[0]; x <= intersect[2]; x++) { for (long y = intersect[1]; y <= intersect[3]; y++) { BoundingBox box = gridSubset.boundsFromIndex(new long[] {x, y, z}); req.setBbox(new Envelope(box.getMinX(), box.getMaxX(), box.getMinY(), box.getMaxY())); Tile t = new Tile(); t.setZoom(z); t.setColumn((int) x); t.setRow((int) (flipy ? gridSubset.getNumTilesHigh(z) - (y + 1) : y)); WebMap result = webMapService.getMap(req); t.setData(toBytes(result)); geopkg.add(e, t); // images we encode are actually kept around, we need to clean them up if (ntiles++ == TILE_CLEANUP_INTERVAL) { cleanUpImages(); ntiles = 0; } } } } }