Example #1
  protected String handleObjectPost(Object object) throws Exception {
    String workspace = getAttribute("workspace");

    DataStoreInfo ds = (DataStoreInfo) object;
    if (ds.getWorkspace() != null) {
      // ensure the specifried workspace matches the one dictated by the uri
      WorkspaceInfo ws = (WorkspaceInfo) ds.getWorkspace();
      if (!workspace.equals(ws.getName())) {
        throw new RestletException(
            "Expected workspace " + workspace + " but client specified " + ws.getName(),
    } else {

    // if no namespace parameter set, set it
    // TODO: we should really move this sort of thing to be something central
    if (!ds.getConnectionParameters().containsKey("namespace")) {
      WorkspaceInfo ws = ds.getWorkspace();
      NamespaceInfo ns = catalog.getNamespaceByPrefix(ws.getName());
      if (ns == null) {
        ns = catalog.getDefaultNamespace();
      if (ns != null) {
        ds.getConnectionParameters().put("namespace", ns.getURI());

    // attempt to set the datastore type
    try {
      DataAccessFactory factory = DataStoreUtils.aquireFactory(ds.getConnectionParameters());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOGGER.warning("Unable to determine datastore type from connection parameters");
      if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "", e);

    catalog.validate((DataStoreInfo) object, false).throwIfInvalid();
    catalog.add((DataStoreInfo) object);

    LOGGER.info("POST data store " + ds.getName());
    return ds.getName();