private void readAllTiledRasters(
      final List<RasterQueryInfo> queries,
      final TiledRasterReader rasterReader,
      final LoggingHelper log)
      throws IOException {

    for (RasterQueryInfo queryInfo : queries) {

      final Long rasterId = queryInfo.getRasterId();

      final RenderedImage rasterImage;

      try {
        final int pyramidLevel = queryInfo.getPyramidLevel();
        final GridEnvelope matchingTiles = queryInfo.getMatchingTiles();
        // final Point imageLocation = queryInfo.getTiledImageSize().getLocation();
        rasterImage =, pyramidLevel, matchingTiles);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Fetching data for " + queryInfo.toString(), e);
        throw e;


        log.appendLoggingGeometries(LoggingHelper.MOSAIC_EXPECTED, queryInfo.getMosaicLocation());
        log.appendLoggingGeometries(LoggingHelper.MOSAIC_ENV, queryInfo.getResultEnvelope());

        // final Rectangle tiledImageSize = queryInfo.getTiledImageSize();
        // int width = rasterImage.getWidth();
        // int height = rasterImage.getHeight();
        // if (tiledImageSize.width != width || tiledImageSize.height != height) {
        // throw new IllegalStateException(
        // "Read image is not of the expected size. Image=" + width + "x" + height
        // + ", expected: " + tiledImageSize.width + "x"
        // + tiledImageSize.height);
        // }