public boolean removeThingUnreachable(String sThingName) { boolean bCorrect = true; try { mLogger.debug( "Component CM perform operation removeThingUnreachable. Item: " + sThingName + "."); String sThingServiceName = cmservice.sparqlRemoveDevice(sThingName); try { qosservice.thingRemoved(sThingServiceName); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation removeThing. It has not been executed correctly the call to qosservice.thingRemoved(" + sInstanceID + "). Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } List<String> sThingServiceList = new ArrayList<String>(); sThingServiceList.add(sThingServiceName); try { rmservice.deleteThingServices(sThingServiceList); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation removeThing. It has not been executed correctly the call to TaaSRM.deleteThingServices(" + sThingServiceList.get(0) + "). Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation removeThing. It has not been executed correctly the call to QoSservice.thingRemoved or TaaSRM.deleteThingServices. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); oConfigOSGi.sendData( "The Thing Service " + sThingName + " has been removed unsucessfully!.", "error", "AdaptationCM"); } oConfigOSGi.sendData( "The Thing Service " + sThingName + " has been removed sucessfully!.", "info", "AdaptationCM"); return bCorrect; }
public static String getFormattedDateTime( String sDay, String sMonth, String sYear, String sHour, String sMin, String sSec, String sMillisec, String sDateTimeFormatType) throws Exception { String sFormattedDT = ""; try { String sTmpFormattedDT = ""; if (sDateTimeFormatType.equals("DTF_DEC")) { sTmpFormattedDT += sYear + "-"; sTmpFormattedDT += sMonth + "-"; sTmpFormattedDT += sDay + "T"; sTmpFormattedDT += sHour + ":"; sTmpFormattedDT += sMin + ":"; sTmpFormattedDT += sSec + "."; sTmpFormattedDT += sMillisec; } sFormattedDT = sTmpFormattedDT; } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation getCurrentDateTime. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } return sFormattedDT; }
public boolean removeThing(List<String> sThingList) { boolean bCorrect = true; String sNameThread; try { mLogger.debug( "Component CM perform operation removeThing. Items: " + sThingList.size() + "."); for (int i = 0; i < sThingList.size(); i++) { String sThingName = sThingList.get(i); String sInstanceID = "sensor_" + sThingName + "_" + sThingName; String sThingServiceName = cmservice.getThingServiceName(sInstanceID); try { qosservice.unreachable(sThingServiceName); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation removeThing. It has not been executed correctly the call to qosservice.unreachable(" + sThingServiceName + "). The following exception has been returned: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } List<String> sThingServiceList = new ArrayList<String>(); sThingServiceList.add(sThingServiceName); // TODO - Javi aún no lo ha hecho // try { rmservice.unreachable(sThingServiceList);} // catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error("Component CM perform operation removeThing. It // has not been executed correctly the call to TaaSRM.deleteThingServices. Exception: " + // e.getMessage() + ".");} java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); sNameThread = "threadRemove_" + sThingName + "_" + new Timestamp(date.getTime()); mLogger.debug( "Component CM perform operation removeThing, starting " + sNameThread + " thread"); new ReminderReachableRemove(2, sThingName, cmservice); // TODO!!!! 5m } } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation removeThing. It has not been executed correctly the call to QoSservice.thingRemoved or TaaSRM.deleteThingServices. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } return bCorrect; }
private static String getCurrentDateTime(String sDateTimeLocation, String sDateTimeFormatType) throws Exception { String sCurrentDateTime = ""; try { Calendar cCalendar = null; if (sDateTimeLocation.equals("DTL_LOCAL")) { cCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(); } else if (sDateTimeLocation.equals("DTL_GMT")) { cCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); } String sDate = "" + cCalendar.get(Calendar.DATE); if (sDate.length() == 1) { sDate = "0" + sDate; } String sMonth = "" + (cCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); if (sMonth.length() == 1) { sMonth = "0" + sMonth; } String sYear = (new Integer(cCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR))).toString(); String sHourOfDay = "" + (cCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); if (sHourOfDay.length() == 1) { sHourOfDay = "0" + sHourOfDay; } String sMinute = "" + (cCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE)); if (sMinute.length() == 1) { sMinute = "0" + sMinute; } String sSecond = "" + (cCalendar.get(Calendar.SECOND)); if (sSecond.length() == 1) { sSecond = "0" + sSecond; } String sMillisecond = "" + (cCalendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)); if (sMillisecond.length() == 2) { sMillisecond = "0" + sMillisecond; } else if (sMillisecond.length() == 1) { sMillisecond = "00" + sMillisecond; } sCurrentDateTime = getFormattedDateTime( sDate, sMonth, sYear, sHourOfDay, sMinute, sSecond, sMillisecond, sDateTimeFormatType); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "[CM] Adaptation Context Manager, sparqlRemoveStatement function. Exception " + e.getMessage()); } return sCurrentDateTime; }
public String publishThing_local(ArrayList<ThingsData> oThingsDataList, String sMode) throws Exception { boolean bResults = true; boolean bSubscribe = false; JsonObject jResultType = null; String sNewThingServiceName = ""; bdservice = oConfigOSGi.getBdservice(); rmservice = oConfigOSGi.getRmservice(); qosservice = oConfigOSGi.getQosservice(); sGwIdLocal = oConfigOSGi.getGwId(); Date date = new Date(); Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(date.getTime()); String sEnvironmentOnto = null; try { ThingsData oThingsData; for (int i = 0; i < oThingsDataList.size(); i++) { oThingsData = oThingsDataList.get(i); boolean bOutput = oThingsData.isOutput(); boolean bDigital = oThingsData.isDigital(); String sMaximumResponseTime = oThingsData.getMaximumResponseTime(); String sMemoryStatus = oThingsData.getMemoryStatus(); String sComputationalCost = oThingsData.getComputationalCost(); String sBatteryLevel = oThingsData.getBatteryLevel(); String sBatteryCost = oThingsData.getBatteryCost(); String sMeasurement = oThingsData.getMeasurement(); String sProtocol = oThingsData.getProtocol(); String sDeviceID = oThingsData.getDeviceID(); String sThingID = oThingsData.getThingId(); sThingID = oThingsData.getThingId(); String sType = oThingsData.getType().toLowerCase(); String sTypeClass = sType.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + sType.substring(1); String sUnit = oThingsData.getUnit().toLowerCase(); boolean bEnvironment = oThingsData.getEnvironment(); // PUBLIC 1 = true // PRIVATE 0 = false if (bEnvironment) sEnvironmentOnto = PUBLIC; else sEnvironmentOnto = PRIVATE; String sLatitude = oThingsData.getLatitude().replace(" ", ""); String sLongitude = oThingsData.getLongitude().replace(" ", ""); String sAltitude = oThingsData.getAltitude().replace(" ", ""); String sFloor = oThingsData.getFloor(); String sLocationKeyword = oThingsData.getLocationKeyword().replace(" ", ""); sLocationKeyword = sLocationKeyword.toLowerCase(); sLocationKeyword = sLocationKeyword.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + sLocationKeyword.substring(1); String sLocationIdentifier = oThingsData.getLocationIdentifier().replace(" ", ""); sLocationIdentifier = sLocationIdentifier.toLowerCase(); if (!sLocationIdentifier.isEmpty()) { sLocationIdentifier = sLocationIdentifier.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + sLocationIdentifier.substring(1); } "Component CM perform operation publishThing. Data comming from TA:" + " Output: " + oThingsData.isOutput() + ". Digital: " + oThingsData.isDigital() + ". MaximumResponseTime: " + oThingsData.getMaximumResponseTime() + ". MemoryStatus: " + oThingsData.getMemoryStatus() + ". ComputationalCost: " + oThingsData.getComputationalCost() + ". BatteryLevel: " + oThingsData.getBatteryLevel() + ". BatteryCost: " + oThingsData.getBatteryCost() + ". Measurement: " + oThingsData.getMeasurement() + ". Protocol: " + oThingsData.getProtocol() + ". DeviceID: " + oThingsData.getDeviceID() + ". ThingID: " + oThingsData.getThingId() + ". Type: " + oThingsData.getType() + ". Unit: " + oThingsData.getUnit() + ". Environment: " + oThingsData.getEnvironment() + ". Latitude: " + oThingsData.getLatitude() + ". Longitude: " + oThingsData.getLongitude() + ". Altitude: " + oThingsData.getAltitude() + ". Floor: " + oThingsData.getFloor() + ". LocationKeyword: " + oThingsData.getLocationKeyword() + ". LocationIdentifier: " + oThingsData.getLocationIdentifier() + "."); String sCurrentDateTime = getCurrentDateTime("DTL_GMT", "DTF_DEC"); checkBlankThingsData( bOutput, bDigital, sMaximumResponseTime, sMemoryStatus, sComputationalCost, sBatteryLevel, sBatteryCost, sMeasurement, sProtocol, sDeviceID, sThingID, sType, sUnit, bEnvironment, sLatitude, sLongitude, sAltitude, sFloor, sLocationKeyword, sLocationIdentifier);"Checking Thing Type families on the ontology for the type: " + sTypeClass); jResultType = cmservice.checkThingType(sType, oThingsData.isOutput()); // TODO "Checking Location families on the ontology for the locationKeyword: " + sLocationKeyword); JsonObject jResultLocation = cmservice.checkThingLocation(sLocationKeyword); // TODO String sPrefixThingService; if (bOutput) sPrefixThingService = "get"; else sPrefixThingService = "set"; String sID = sThingID + "_" + sDeviceID; String sPointInstance = "point_" + sID; String sHWInstance = "hwProperties_" + sID; String sSensorInstance = "sensor_" + sID; String sObservationInstanceID = "observation_" + sID; sInstanceID = sObservationInstanceID; String sDeviceInstance = "device_" + sDeviceID; String sFloorInstance = "floor_" + sFloor; // "_1" vs "floor_1" String sRoomInstance = "_" + sLocationIdentifier.toLowerCase() + sLocationKeyword.toLowerCase(); String sArea = "_" + sLocationIdentifier.toLowerCase() + sLocationKeyword.toLowerCase(); String sThingServiceName = sPrefixThingService + sLocationIdentifier + sLocationKeyword + sTypeClass; // setMainKitchenPresence sNewThingServiceName = sThingServiceName + "_" + sDeviceID + "_" + sGwIdLocal; // setMainKitchenPresence_999_01 if (sMode.equals(CHECK)) { bSubscribe = cmservice.checkSubscribeService(sNewThingServiceName); } else bSubscribe = true; if (bSubscribe) { if (!sMode.equals(INIT)) { String subject = "" + sInstanceID; cmservice.sparqlRemoveStatement(subject); } if (bEnvironment) { if (!sLatitude.equals("")) lat = Double.parseDouble(sLatitude); if (!sLongitude.equals("")) lng = Double.parseDouble(sLongitude); if (!(sLatitude.equals("") || sLongitude.equals("") || sLatitude.equals("0.0") && sLongitude.equals("0.0"))) sPhysicalPlace = getPhysicalPlaceOnGeonames(lat, lng); } cmservice.addResource(sTypeClass); sQueryUpdate = "" + "PREFIX BETaaS: <> " + "PREFIX xsd: <> " + "PREFIX rdfs: <> " + "INSERT DATA { " + "BETaaS:" + sObservationInstanceID + " a BETaaS:Observation; " + "BETaaS:observation_result_time \"" + sCurrentDateTime + "\"^^xsd:dateTime; " + "BETaaS:measurement '" + sMeasurement + "'; " + "BETaaS:observedProperty BETaaS:" + sType + "; " + "BETaaS:hasUnit '" + sUnit + "'; "; if (bEnvironment) { // sQueryUpdate = sQueryUpdate + "BETaaS:hasPoint " + sPointInstance // + "/point>; " sQueryUpdate = sQueryUpdate + "BETaaS:hasPoint BETaaS:" + sPointInstance + "; " + "BETaaS:hasLocation BETaaS:" + sArea + "; "; if (!sPhysicalPlace.isEmpty()) sQueryUpdate = sQueryUpdate + "BETaaS:nearTo " + sPhysicalPlace + "; "; } else { sQueryUpdate = sQueryUpdate // + "BETaaS:hasLocation BETaaS:" + sFloorInstance +"; " + "BETaaS:hasLocation BETaaS:" + sRoomInstance + "; "; } sQueryUpdate = sQueryUpdate + "BETaaS:observedBy BETaaS:" + sSensorInstance + ". " + "BETaaS:" + sSensorInstance + " a <" + PREFIX_BETAAS + "#" + sTypeClass + "Sensor>; " // OJO + "BETaaS:thingID '" + sThingID + "'; " + "BETaaS:maximum_response_time '" + sMaximumResponseTime + "'; " + "BETaaS:digital '" + bDigital + "'; " + "BETaaS:output '" + bOutput + "'; " + "BETaaS:hasHwProperties BETaaS:" + sHWInstance + "; " + "BETaaS:onPlatform BETaaS:" + sDeviceInstance + "; " + "BETaaS:hasService BETaaS:" + sNewThingServiceName + ". "; if (bEnvironment) { sQueryUpdate = sQueryUpdate + "BETaaS:" + sPointInstance + " a BETaaS:GeographicalPoint; " + "BETaaS:latitude \'" + sLatitude + "'; " + "BETaaS:longitude \'" + sLongitude + "'; " + "BETaaS:altitude \'" + sAltitude + "'. "; if (!sPhysicalPlace.isEmpty()) { sQueryUpdate = sQueryUpdate + sPhysicalPlace + "a BETaaS:GeographicalPlace; " + "BETaaS:label " + sPhysicalPlace + ". "; } sQueryUpdate = sQueryUpdate + "BETaaS:" + sArea + " a BETaaS:Area; " + "BETaaS:location_keyword '" + sLocationKeyword + "'; " + "BETaaS:location_identifier '" + sLocationIdentifier + "'. "; } else sQueryUpdate = sQueryUpdate + "BETaaS:" + sFloorInstance + " a BETaaS:Floor; " + "BETaaS:level '" + sFloor + "'; " + "BETaaS:hasRoom BETaaS:" + sRoomInstance + ". " + "BETaaS:" + sRoomInstance + " a BETaaS:Room; " + "BETaaS:location_keyword '" + sLocationKeyword + "'; " + "BETaaS:location_identifier '" + sLocationIdentifier + "'; " + "BETaaS:isInFloor BETaaS:" + sFloorInstance + ". "; sQueryUpdate = sQueryUpdate + "BETaaS:" + sHWInstance + " a BETaaS:HwProperties; " + "BETaaS:connection_description '" + sProtocol + "'; " + "BETaaS:memory_status '" + sMemoryStatus + "'; " + "BETaaS:computational_cost '" + sComputationalCost + "'; " + "BETaaS:battery_level '" + sBatteryLevel + "'; " + "BETaaS:battery_cost '" + sBatteryCost + "'. " + "BETaaS:" + sDeviceInstance + " a BETaaS:Platform; " + "BETaaS:deviceID '" + sDeviceID + "'. "; if (bOutput) sQueryUpdate = sQueryUpdate + "BETaaS:" + sNewThingServiceName + " a BETaaS:SensorService. "; // + "BETaaS:SensorService rdfs:subClassOf* BETaaS:PhysicalService. "; else sQueryUpdate = sQueryUpdate + "BETaaS:" + sNewThingServiceName + " a BETaaS:ActuatorService. "; // + // "BETaaS:ActuatorService rdfs:subClassOf* BETaaS:PhysicalService. "; sQueryUpdate = sQueryUpdate + "BETaaS:" + sNewThingServiceName + " BETaaS:environment '" + sEnvironmentOnto + "'. "; if (sMode.equals(INIT)) sQueryUpdate = sQueryUpdate + "BETaaS:" + sNewThingServiceName + " BETaaS:subscription 'false'. "; sQueryUpdate = sQueryUpdate + "BETaaS:" + sNewThingServiceName + " BETaaS:thingserviceID '" + sNewThingServiceName + "'. " + " }"; // String sNameThread = "ontology update"; // mLogger.debug("Component CM perform operation publishThing, starting // "+sNameThread+" thread"); cmservice.sparqlUpdate(sQueryUpdate); // Check for null values if (!((oThingsData.getDeviceID() == null) && (oThingsData.getThingId() == null))) { JsonObject thing = new JsonObject(); thing.addProperty("timestamp", ts.toString()); thing.addProperty("is_output", oThingsData.isOutput()); thing.addProperty("is_digital", oThingsData.isDigital()); thing.addProperty("maximum_response_time", oThingsData.getMaximumResponseTime()); thing.addProperty("memory_status", oThingsData.getMemoryStatus()); thing.addProperty("computational_cost", oThingsData.getComputationalCost()); thing.addProperty("battery_level", oThingsData.getBatteryLevel()); thing.addProperty("battery_cost", oThingsData.getBatteryCost()); thing.addProperty("measurement", oThingsData.getMeasurement()); thing.addProperty("protocol", oThingsData.getProtocol()); thing.addProperty("deviceID", oThingsData.getDeviceID()); thing.addProperty("thingID", oThingsData.getThingId()); thing.addProperty("type", oThingsData.getType()); thing.addProperty("unit", oThingsData.getUnit()); thing.addProperty("environment", oThingsData.getEnvironment()); thing.addProperty("latitude", oThingsData.getLatitude()); thing.addProperty("longitude", oThingsData.getLongitude()); thing.addProperty("altitude", oThingsData.getAltitude()); thing.addProperty("floor", oThingsData.getFloor()); thing.addProperty("location_keyword", oThingsData.getLocationKeyword()); thing.addProperty("location_identifier", oThingsData.getLocationIdentifier()); try { mLogger.debug( "Component CM call service ITaasBigDataManager.setThingsBDM. sDeviceID: " + sDeviceID + ", thing: " + thing.toString() + "."); bdservice.setThingsBDM(sDeviceID, thing); } catch (Exception e) { bResults = false; mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation publishThingInit. Exception comming from ITaasBigDataManager.setThingsBDM: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } } else { bResults = false; mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation publishThing. NOT call service ITaasBigDataManager.setThingsBDM FUNCTION because some parameters are null!."); } if (sMode.equals(INIT)) { try { mLogger.debug( "Component CM call service TaaSRMservice.registerThingsServices. ThingID: " + sThingID + ", ThingService: " + sNewThingServiceName + "."); rmservice.registerThingsServices(sThingID, sNewThingServiceName); } catch (Exception e) { bResults = false; mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation publishThingInit. Exception comming from TaaSRMservice.registerThingsServices: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } } else { try { mLogger.debug( "Component CM call service TaaSRMservice.notifyNewMeasurement. ThingID: " + sThingID + ", ThingService: " + sNewThingServiceName + "."); rmservice.notifyNewMeasurement(sNewThingServiceName, oThingsData); } catch (Exception e) { bResults = false; mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation publishThingInit. Exception comming from TaaSRMservice.registerThingsServices: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } } } // subscribe else { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation publishThingCheck. NO SUBSCRIPTION: " + sNewThingServiceName); } } // for } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } catch (Exception e) { bResults = false; mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation publishThingInit. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } mLogger.debug("Component CM perform operation publishThingInit. Results: " + bResults); if (bResults) oConfigOSGi.sendData( "The Thing Service " + sNewThingServiceName + " has been published sucessfully!.", "info", "AdaptationCM"); else oConfigOSGi.sendData( "The Thing Service " + sNewThingServiceName + " has not been published sucessfully!.", "error", "AdaptationCM"); return jResultType.toString(); }