public static String getImageURL(int mode, AppW app) { // String modeText = app.getKernel().getModeText(mode); // // bugfix for Turkish locale added Locale.US // String iconName = "mode_" +StringUtil.toLowerCase(modeText) // + "_32"; // // macro if (mode >= EuclidianConstants.MACRO_MODE_ID_OFFSET) { int macroID = mode - EuclidianConstants.MACRO_MODE_ID_OFFSET; try { Macro macro = app.getKernel().getMacro(macroID); String iconName = macro.getIconFileName(); if (iconName == null || iconName.length() == 0) { // default icon return safeURI(myIconResourceBundle.mode_tool_32()); } // use image as icon Image img = new NoDragImage(app.getImageManager().getExternalImageSrc(iconName), 32); return img.getUrl(); } catch (Exception e) { App.debug("macro does not exist: ID = " + macroID); return ""; } } return safeURI(getImageURLNotMacro(mode)); }
private void createExportMenu() { MenuBar menu = new MenuBar(true); MenuItem miToGraphich = new MenuItem( app.getMenu("CopyToGraphics"), new Command() { public void execute() { exportToEV(); } }); menu.addItem(miToGraphich); if (app.getLAF().copyToClipboardSupported()) { MenuItem miAsPicture = new MenuItem( app.getPlain("ExportAsPicture"), new Command() { public void execute() { exportAsPicture(); } }); menu.addItem(miAsPicture); } String image = "<img src=\"" + AppResources.INSTANCE.export().getSafeUri().asString() + "\" >"; btnExport.addItem(image, true, menu); }
/** * If add symbol is clicked, <br> * a ToolCreationDialog will be created, if there are no (more) Macros which can be used for the * Exercise <br> * or a SubMenu like chooser of the tools which can be used for the Exercise will be shown. */ void handleAddClick() { if (app.getKernel().getMacroNumber() == 0 || app.getKernel().getMacroNumber() <= exercise.getParts().size()) { newTool(); } else { userAddModes.setVisible(true); } }
public void updateUndoActions() { if (undoButton != null) { this.undoButton.setEnabled(app.getKernel().undoPossible()); } if (this.redoButton != null) { this.redoButton.setEnabled(app.getKernel().redoPossible()); } }
protected void exportAsPicture() { app.getSelectionManager().clearSelectedGeos(true, false); app.updateSelection(false); app.setWaitCursor(); app.copyEVtoClipboard(plotPanel); app.setDefaultCursor(); }
/** @param app {@link AppW} */ public InputBarHelpPopup(AppW app, AutoCompleteTextFieldW field) { super(); this.addStyleName("helpPopup"); this.setAutoHideEnabled(true); ((InputBarHelpPanelW) app.getGuiManager().getInputHelpPanel()).setInputField(field); this.add((Widget) app.getGuiManager().getInputHelpPanel()); this.addStyleName("GeoGebraPopup"); }
public void setLabels() { lblShow.setText(app.getLocalization().getPlain("Show")); showAuxiliaryObjects.setText(app.getLocalization().getPlain("AuxiliaryObjects")); lblSortMode.setText(app.getLocalization().getPlain("SortBy")); lblDescriptionMode.setText(app.getLocalization().getMenu("AlgebraDescriptions")); updateSortMode(); updateDescription(); }
private void updateSortMode() { sortMode.clear(); for (SortMode mode : supportedModes) { sortMode.addItem(app.getPlain(mode.toString())); } SortMode selectedMode = app.getAlgebraView().getTreeMode(); sortMode.setSelectedIndex(supportedModes.indexOf(selectedMode)); }
/** * *************************************** Constructs a ComboStatPanel * * @param daView daView */ public DataDisplayPanelW(DataAnalysisViewW daView) { = daView.getApp(); this.loc = (LocalizationW) app.getLocalization(); daModel = daView.getModel(); setModel(new DataDisplayModel(daModel, this)); this.daView = daView; this.sample = new GeoNumeric(app.getKernel().getConstruction()); // create the GUI createGUI(); }
private void updateDescription() { // ignoreActions = true; String[] modes = new String[] {app.getPlain("Value"), app.getPlain("Definition"), app.getPlain("Command")}; description.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < modes.length; i++) { description.addItem(app.getPlain(modes[i])); } int descMode = app.getKernel().getAlgebraStyle(); description.setSelectedIndex(descMode); // ignoreActions = false; }
public AnimationSpeedPanelW(AnimationSpeedModel m, final AppW app) { super(app.getLocalization(), app.getLocalization().getMenu("AnimationSpeed")); = app; model = m; model.setListener(this); setModel(model); modeLabel = new Label(); InputPanelW inputPanel = new InputPanelW(null, app, -1, false); tfAnimSpeed = inputPanel.getTextComponent(); FlowPanel mainPanel = new FlowPanel(); FlowPanel speedPanel = new FlowPanel(); FlowPanel repeatPanel = new FlowPanel(); speedPanel.setStyleName("optionsPanel rows"); repeatPanel.setStyleName("optionsPanel rows"); speedPanel.add(getLabel()); speedPanel.add(tfAnimSpeed); repeatPanel.add(modeLabel); repeatPanel.add(getListBox()); // mainPanel.add(LayoutUtil.panelRow(speedPanel, repeatPanel)); mainPanel.add(LayoutUtilW.panelRowVertical(getLabel(), tfAnimSpeed)); mainPanel.add(LayoutUtilW.panelRowVertical(modeLabel, getListBox())); setWidget(mainPanel); tfAnimSpeed.addKeyHandler( new KeyHandler() { public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { if (e.isEnterKey()) { doActionPerformed(); } } }); tfAnimSpeed.enableGGBKeyboard(); tfAnimSpeed.addFocusListener( new FocusListenerW(this) { @Override protected void wrapFocusGained() {} @Override protected void wrapFocusLost() { doActionPerformed(); } }); tfAnimSpeed.requestToShowSymbolButton(); }
protected void exportToEV() { Integer euclidianViewID = null; // if null ID then use EV1 unless shift is down, then use EV2 if (euclidianViewID == null) { euclidianViewID = GlobalKeyDispatcherW.getShiftDown() ? app.getEuclidianView2(1).getViewID() : app.getEuclidianView1().getViewID(); } // do the export getModel().exportGeosToEV(euclidianViewID); daView.updateOtherDataDisplay(this); }
/** * @param assignment the assignment for which the Listbox should set the fraction * @param res the result of the assignment for which the Listbox should set the fraction * @return a single select ListBox containing all possible fractions as defined in {@link * Assignment#FRACTIONS} setting the fraction for a result in this assignment when they are * changed */ ListBox getFractionsLB(final Assignment assignment, final Result res) { final ListBox fractions = new ListBox(); fractions.setMultipleSelect(false); for (int j = 0; j < Assignment.FRACTIONS.length; j++) { fractions.addItem( app.getKernel().format(Assignment.FRACTIONS[j] * 100, StringTemplate.defaultTemplate)); } fractions.addChangeHandler( new ChangeHandler() { public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { assignment.setFractionForResult( res, Assignment.FRACTIONS[fractions.getSelectedIndex()]); } }); fractions.addAttachHandler( new Handler() { public void onAttachOrDetach(AttachEvent event) { fractions.setSelectedIndex( Arrays.binarySearch(Assignment.FRACTIONS, assignment.getFractionForResult(res))); } }); return fractions; }
public Widget getTableCellEditorWidget( MyTableW table0, Object value0, boolean isSelected, int row0, int column0) { table = table0; if (value0 instanceof String) { // clicked to type value = null; } else { value = (GeoElement) value0; } column = column0; row = row0; String text = ""; if (value != null) { text = getEditorInitString(value); int index = text.indexOf("="); if ((!value.isGeoText())) { if (index == -1) { text = "=" + text; } } } autoCompleteTextField.setText(text); autoCompleteTextField.setFont(app.getFontCanDisplay(text)); autoCompleteTextField.requestFocus(); editing = true; return autoCompleteTextField; }
@Override public void setLabels() { super.setLabels(); Localization loc = app.getLocalization(); getLabel().setText(loc.getPlain("AnimationSpeed") + ":"); modeLabel.setText(loc.getPlain("Repeat") + ": "); }
private void doActionPerformed() { GeoNumberValue animSpeed = app.getKernel().getAlgebraProcessor().evaluateToNumeric(tfAnimSpeed.getText(), false); if (animSpeed != null) { model.applySpeedChanges(animSpeed); } }
public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { Object source = event.getSource(); if (source == sortMode) { int i = sortMode.getSelectedIndex(); app.getSettings().getAlgebra().setTreeMode(supportedModes.get(i).ordinal()); } }
/** handle click on {@link PopupMenuButtonW this button} */ void handleClick() { onClickAction(); if (EuclidianStyleBarW.CURRENT_POP_UP != myPopup || !app.wasPopupJustClosed()) { if (EuclidianStyleBarW.CURRENT_POP_UP != null) { EuclidianStyleBarW.CURRENT_POP_UP.hide(); } EuclidianStyleBarW.CURRENT_POP_UP = myPopup; app.registerPopup(myPopup); myPopup.showRelativeTo(getWidget()); myPopup.getFocusPanel().getElement().focus(); } else { myPopup.setVisible(false); EuclidianStyleBarW.CURRENT_POP_UP = null; } }
/** adds a panel to show the "real" frequency */ protected void addFrequencyPanel() { this.realFreqContainer = new FlowPanel(); this.realFreqContainer.addStyleName("rowContainer"); this.realFreqLabel = new Label(app.getMenu(REAL_FREQUENCY) + ": " + this.realFreq); this.realFreqContainer.add(this.realFreqLabel); this.dataValues.add(this.realFreqContainer); setRealFreqVisible(false); }
/** * @param online wether the application is online renders a the online - offline state of the * FileMenu */ public void render(boolean online) { uploadToGGT.setEnabled(online); if (!online) { uploadToGGT.setTitle(app.getMenu("YouAreOffline")); } else { uploadToGGT.setTitle(""); } }
public void onClick(ClickEvent e) { Element target = e.getNativeEvent().getEventTarget().cast(); boolean isEditing = assignmentsTable.isVisible(); if (target == btApply.getElement()) { if (isEditing) { hide(); app.getActiveEuclidianView().requestFocusInWindow(); app.storeUndoInfo(); app.getKernel().notifyRepaint(); } else { assignmentsTable.setVisible(true); checkAssignmentsTable.setVisible(false); btTest.setText(app.getPlain("Test")); btApply.setText(app.getPlain("OK")); hide(); setGlassEnabled(true); center(); } } else if (target == btTest.getElement()) { if (isEditing) { assignmentsTable.setVisible(false); checkAssignmentsTable.setVisible(true); check(); btTest.setText(app.getPlain("Check")); btApply.setText(app.getPlain("Back")); hide(); setGlassEnabled(false); center(); } else { check(); } } }
private void createGUI() { getCaption().setText(app.getMenu("Exercise.CreateNew")); setWidget(mainWidget = new VerticalPanel()); addDomHandlers(mainWidget); assignmentsTable = new FlexTable(); FlexCellFormatter cellFormatter = assignmentsTable.getFlexCellFormatter(); cellFormatter.setColSpan(0, 1, 2); assignmentsTable.setWidget(0, 1, new Label(app.getPlain("Tool"))); assignmentsTable.setWidget(0, 2, new Label(app.getPlain("HintForCorrect"))); assignmentsTable.setWidget(0, 3, new Label(app.getPlain("Fraction"))); createAssignmentsTable(); checkAssignmentsTable = new FlexTable(); checkAssignmentsTable.setVisible(false); mainWidget.add(assignmentsTable); mainWidget.add(checkAssignmentsTable); addList = new UnorderedList(); addDomHandlers(addList); // addIcon = new ListItem(); Image addIcon = new Image(GuiResources.INSTANCE.menu_icon_file_new()); ListItem addListItem = new ListItem(); addListItem.addStyleName("toolbar_item"); addListItem.add(addIcon); addList.add(addListItem); userAddModes = new ToolbarSubemuW(app, 1); userAddModes.addStyleName("toolbar_item"); userAddModes.setVisible(false); for (int i = 0; i < app.getKernel().getMacroNumber(); i++) { if (!exercise.usesMacro(i)) { ListItem item = userAddModes.addItem(i + EuclidianConstants.MACRO_MODE_ID_OFFSET); addDomHandlers(item); } } addList.add(userAddModes); mainWidget.add(addList); mainWidget.add(bottomWidget = new FlowPanel()); bottomWidget.setStyleName("DialogButtonPanel"); btApply = new Button(app.getPlain("OK")); btApply.addClickHandler(this); btApply.getElement().getStyle().setMargin(3, Style.Unit.PX); addCancelButton(); btTest = new Button(app.getPlain("Test")); btTest.addClickHandler(this); btTest.getElement().getStyle().setMargin(3, Style.Unit.PX); bottomWidget.add(btTest); bottomWidget.add(btApply); // bottomWidget.add(btCancel); }
/** * Handles the remove of an Assignment from the Exercise * * @param event the original event to determine which row should be removed from Table * @param assignment the assignment to remove from the Exercise */ void handleAssignmentDeleteClick(ClickEvent event, Assignment assignment) { ListItem item = userAddModes.addItem( app.getKernel().getMacroID(assignment.getTool()) + EuclidianConstants.MACRO_MODE_ID_OFFSET); addDomHandlers(item); exercise.remove(assignment); assignmentsTable.removeRow(assignmentsTable.getCellForEvent(event).getRowIndex()); }
@Override public void setLabels() { updateCaptionLabel(); // is null for TimeSetting if (this.realFreqLabel != null) { this.realFreqLabel.setText(app.getMenu(REAL_FREQUENCY) + ": " + this.realFreq); } updateContent(); }
/** * @param fileName of user defined tool * @return {@link SafeUri} of Icon with fileName */ SafeUri getIconFile(String fileName) { if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { String imageURL = app.getImageManager().getExternalImageSrc(fileName); if (imageURL != null) { return UriUtils.fromString(imageURL); } } return ((ImageResource) GGWToolBar.getMyIconResourceBundle().mode_tool_32()).getSafeUri(); }
public void onSliderInput() { if (mySlider != null) { setSliderValue(mySlider.getValue()); } if (changeEventHandler != null) { changeEventHandler.fireActionPerformed(this); } else { ((EuclidianStyleBarW) app.getActiveEuclidianView().getStyleBar()).fireActionPerformed(this); } fireActionPerformed(); updateGUI(); }
public void updateStemPlot(String latex) { btnOptions.setVisible(false); btnExport.setVisible(false); String latexStr = DrawEquationWeb.inputLatexCosmetics(latex); if (app.has(Feature.JLM_IN_WEB)) { DrawEquationWeb.paintOnCanvas(sample, latexStr, latexCanvas, app.getFontSize()); } else { imageContainer.setText(""); DrawEquationWeb.drawEquationAlgebraView( imageContainer.getElement(), "\\mathrm {" + latexStr + "}", true); } if (hasControlPanel) { controlDecks.showWidget(STEM_IDX); } displayDeckPanel.showWidget(IMAGE_IDX); }
/** Creates a display panel to hold an image, e.g. tabletext */ private void createImagePanel() { imagePanel = new FlowPanel(); if (app.has(Feature.JLM_IN_WEB)) { latexCanvas = Canvas.createIfSupported(); imagePanel.add(latexCanvas); } else { imageContainer = new Label(); imagePanel.add(imageContainer); } imagePanel.setStyleName("daImagePanel"); }
private void createSymbolTable() { Localization loc = app.getLocalization(); String[][] map = TableSymbols.basicSymbolsMap(loc); String[] icons = TableSymbols.basicSymbols(loc, map); String[] iconshelp = TableSymbols.basicSymbolsToolTips(loc, map); symbolTable = new SymbolTableW(icons, iconshelp); add(symbolTable); symbolTable.addClickHandler(this); }
public void resize(int offsetWidth, int offsetHeight, boolean update) { int w = offsetWidth; int h = offsetHeight; int width = optionsPanel.isVisible() ? w - optionsPanel.getOffsetWidth() - PLOTPANEL_MARGIN : w; int height = (frequencyTable.isVisible() ? h - spFrequencyTable.getOffsetHeight() : h) - lbDisplayType.getOffsetHeight() - PLOTPANEL_MARGIN; if (daModel.isRegressionMode()) { height -= 2 * lblTitleX.getOffsetHeight(); height -= lblTitleY.getOffsetHeight(); } if (width < PLOTPANEL_MIN_WIDTH) { width = PLOTPANEL_MIN_WIDTH; } if (height < PLOTPANEL_MIN_HEIGHT) { height = PLOTPANEL_MIN_HEIGHT; } if (oldWidth == width && oldHeight == height) { return; } oldWidth = width; oldHeight = height; plotPanel.setPreferredSize(new GDimensionW(width, height)); if (optionsPanel.isVisible()) { optionsPanel.resize(height); } plotPanel.updateSize(); plotPanel.repaintView(); plotPanel.getEuclidianController().calculateEnvironment(); if (update) { getModel().updatePlot(false); } if (app.has(Feature.JLM_IN_WEB)) { imagePanel.setPixelSize(width, height); } else { imageContainer.setPixelSize(width, height); } }