public void execute(Job job) { // Get the input as a String String data = ByteUtils.fromBytes(job.getData(), encoding); // Perform the reversal StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(data); sb = sb.reverse(); // Store result as bytes job.setResult(ByteUtils.toBytes(sb.toString(), encoding)); // Set the job state job.setState(JobState.COMPLETE); }
/** * "\0REQ" == [ 00 52 45 51 ] == 5391697 * * <p>"\0RES" == [ 00 52 45 53 ] == 5391699 * * @param bytes array of bytes containing magic code for a packet * @throws BadMagicException if byte array is not 4 bytes long */ public static GearmanPacketMagic fromBytes(byte[] bytes) { if (bytes != null && bytes.length == 4) { int magic = ByteUtils.fromBigEndian(bytes); if (magic == ByteUtils.fromBigEndian(REQ.toBytes())) { return REQ; } if (magic == ByteUtils.fromBigEndian(RES.toBytes())) { return RES; } } throw new BadMagicException(ByteUtils.toHex(bytes)); }
private GearmanPacket getPacketFromJob(GearmanJob job) { int destPos = 0; GearmanPacketMagic magic = GearmanPacketMagic.REQ; GearmanPacketType type = null; byte[] packetdata = null; byte[] fnname = ByteUtils.toAsciiBytes(job.getFunctionName()); byte[] uid = job.getID(); byte[] data = job.getData(); if (job.getPriority().equals(GearmanJob.JobPriority.HIGH)) { type = job.isBackgroundJob() ? GearmanPacketType.SUBMIT_JOB_HIGH_BG : GearmanPacketType.SUBMIT_JOB_HIGH; } if (job.getPriority().equals(GearmanJob.JobPriority.LOW)) { type = job.isBackgroundJob() ? GearmanPacketType.SUBMIT_JOB_LOW_BG : GearmanPacketType.SUBMIT_JOB_LOW; } if (job.getPriority().equals(GearmanJob.JobPriority.NORMAL)) { type = job.isBackgroundJob() ? GearmanPacketType.SUBMIT_JOB_BG : GearmanPacketType.SUBMIT_JOB; } packetdata = new byte[fnname.length + uid.length + data.length + 2]; System.arraycopy(fnname, 0, packetdata, destPos, fnname.length); destPos += fnname.length; packetdata[destPos++] = ByteUtils.NULL; System.arraycopy(uid, 0, packetdata, destPos, uid.length); destPos += uid.length; packetdata[destPos++] = ByteUtils.NULL; System.arraycopy(data, 0, packetdata, destPos, data.length); return new GearmanPacketImpl(magic, type, packetdata); }
public byte[] digest(byte[] input) { String function = DigestFunction.class.getCanonicalName(); String uniqueId = null; byte[] algoNameBytes = ALGO_NAME.getBytes(); byte[] digestParms = new byte[input.length + algoNameBytes.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(algoNameBytes, 0, digestParms, 0, algoNameBytes.length); digestParms[algoNameBytes.length] = '\0'; System.arraycopy(input, 0, digestParms, algoNameBytes.length + 1, input.length); GearmanJob job = GearmanJobImpl.createJob(function, digestParms, uniqueId); Future<GearmanJobResult> f = client.submit(job); GearmanJobResult jr = null; try { jr = f.get(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // NOPMD } if (jr == null) { return new byte[0]; } else { if (jr.jobSucceeded()) { return jr.getResults(); } else { System.err.println(ByteUtils.fromUTF8Bytes(jr.getExceptions())); // NOPMD return new byte[0]; } } }
private void addNewJob(GearmanSessionEvent event) { byte[] handle, data, functionNameBytes, unique; GearmanPacket p = event.getPacket(); GearmanJobServerSession sess = event.getSession(); String functionName; handle = p.getDataComponentValue(GearmanPacket.DataComponentName.JOB_HANDLE); functionNameBytes = p.getDataComponentValue(GearmanPacket.DataComponentName.FUNCTION_NAME); data = p.getDataComponentValue(GearmanPacket.DataComponentName.DATA); unique = p.getDataComponentValue(DataComponentName.UNIQUE_ID); functionName = ByteUtils.fromUTF8Bytes(functionNameBytes); FunctionDefinition def = functionMap.get(functionName); if (def == null) { GearmanTask gsr = new GearmanTask( new GearmanPacketImpl(GearmanPacketMagic.REQ, GearmanPacketType.WORK_FAIL, handle)); sess.submitTask(gsr); } else { GearmanFunction function = def.getFactory().getFunction(); function.setData(data); function.setJobHandle(handle); function.registerEventListener(sess); if (unique != null && unique.length > 0) { function.setUniqueId(unique); } functionList.add(function); } }
public boolean addServer(GearmanJobServerConnection conn) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { if (conn == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Connection can not be null"); } // this is a sub-optimal way to look for dups, but addJobServer // ops should be infrequent enough that this should be a big penalty for (GearmanJobServerSession sess : sessionMap.values()) { if (sess.getConnection().equals(conn)) { return true; } } GearmanJobServerSession session = new GearmanJobServerSession(conn); if (ioAvailable == null) { try { ioAvailable =; } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Failed to connect to job server " + conn + ".", ioe); return false; } } try { session.initSession(ioAvailable, this); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Failed to initialize session with job server " + conn + ".", ioe); return false; } SelectionKey key = session.getSelectionKey(); if (key == null) { String msg = "Session " + session + " has a null " + "selection key. Server will not be added to worker."; LOG.warn(msg); throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } sessionMap.put(key, session); GearmanPacket p = new GearmanPacketImpl( GearmanPacketMagic.REQ, GearmanPacketType.SET_CLIENT_ID, ByteUtils.toUTF8Bytes(id)); session.submitTask(new GearmanTask(p)); for (FunctionDefinition def : functionMap.values()) { p = generateCanDoPacket(def); session.submitTask(new GearmanTask(p)); // NOPMD } p = new GearmanPacketImpl(GearmanPacketMagic.REQ, getGrabJobPacketType(), new byte[0]); GearmanTask gsr = new GearmanTask(new GrabJobEventHandler(session), p); taskMap.put(session, gsr); session.submitTask(gsr); LOG.debug("Added server " + conn + " to worker " + this); return true; }
private GearmanPacket generateCanDoPacket(FunctionDefinition def) { GearmanPacketType pt = GearmanPacketType.CAN_DO; byte[] data = null; byte[] name = ByteUtils.toUTF8Bytes(def.getFactory().getFunctionName()); long timeout = def.getTimeout(); if (timeout > 0) { pt = GearmanPacketType.CAN_DO_TIMEOUT; byte[] to = ByteUtils.toUTF8Bytes(String.valueOf(timeout)); data = new byte[name.length + to.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(name, 0, data, 0, name.length); data[name.length] = ByteUtils.NULL; System.arraycopy(to, 0, data, name.length + 1, to.length); } else { data = name; } return new GearmanPacketImpl(GearmanPacketMagic.REQ, pt, data); }
public void unregisterFunction(String functionName) { functionMap.remove(functionName); sendToAll( new GearmanPacketImpl( GearmanPacketMagic.REQ, GearmanPacketType.CANT_DO, ByteUtils.toUTF8Bytes(functionName))); LOG.debug("Worker " + this + " has unregistered function " + functionName); }
public void setWorkerID(String id) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (id == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Worker ID may not be null"); } = id; sendToAll( new GearmanPacketImpl( GearmanPacketMagic.REQ, GearmanPacketType.SET_CLIENT_ID, ByteUtils.toUTF8Bytes(id))); }
public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length == 0 || args.length > 3) { usage(); return; } String host = Constants.GEARMAN_DEFAULT_TCP_HOST; int port = Constants.GEARMAN_DEFAULT_TCP_PORT; byte[] payload = ByteUtils.toUTF8Bytes(args[args.length - 1]); for (String arg : args) { if (arg.startsWith("-h")) { host = arg.substring(2); } else if (arg.startsWith("-p")) { port = Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(2)); } } DigestClient dc = new DigestClient(host, port); byte[] md5 = dc.digest(payload); System.out.println(ByteUtils.toHex(md5)); // NOPMD dc.shutdown(); }
public byte[] echo(byte[] data) throws IOException, GearmanException { if (!runState.equals(state.RUNNING)) { throw new IllegalStateException(CLIENT_NOT_ACTIVE); } GearmanPacket echoRequest = new GearmanPacketImpl(GearmanPacketMagic.REQ, GearmanPacketType.ECHO_REQ, data); GearmanEchoResponseHandler handler = new GearmanEchoResponseHandler(); GearmanTask t = new GearmanTask(handler, echoRequest); GearmanJobServerSession session = getSessionForTask(); session.submitTask(t); "Client " + this + " has submitted echo request " + "(payload = " + ByteUtils.toHex(data) + " to session " + session); if (!driveRequestTillState(t, GearmanTask.State.FINISHED)) { throw new GearmanException("Failed to execute echo request " + t + " to session " + session); }"Client " + this + " has completed echo request " + "to session " + session); return handler.getResults(); }
private GearmanPacketType(int i) { type = ByteUtils.toBigEndian(i); code = i; }
/* * ISSUES/RFEs * -several of the invoke/submit/execute methods throw OpNotSupported exception * because they rely task cancelation, which we dont support * -shutdownNow will always return an empty set, there is a few problems here * 1) a gearmanJob is a callable, not a runnable * 2) we track requests, not jobs inside the session object * -selectUpdate should provide the ability to on select on certain events */ public class GearmanClientImpl implements GearmanClient, GearmanSessionEventHandler { private static enum state { RUNNING, SHUTTINGDOWN, TERMINATED } private static final String DESCRIPION_PREFIX = "GearmanClient"; private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(Constants.GEARMAN_CLIENT_LOGGER_NAME); private static final String CLIENT_NOT_ACTIVE = "Client is not active"; private static final long DEFAULT_DRIVE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 2000; private static final byte[] EXCEPTIONS = ByteUtils.toAsciiBytes("exceptions"); private final String DESCRIPTION; private Map<SelectionKey, GearmanJobServerSession> sessionsMap = null; private Selector ioAvailable = null; private state runState = state.RUNNING; private final Map<GearmanJobServerSession, Map<JobHandle, GearmanJobImpl>> sessionJobsMap; private GearmanJobImpl jobAwatingCreation; private final Timer timer = new Timer(); private final GearmanJobServerIpConnectionFactory connFactory = new GearmanNIOJobServerConnectionFactory(); private final long driveRequestTimeout; private static class Alarm extends TimerTask { private final AtomicBoolean timesUp = new AtomicBoolean(false); @Override public void run() { timesUp.set(true); } public boolean hasFired() { return timesUp.get(); } } private static class JobHandle { private final byte[] jobHandle; JobHandle(GearmanJobImpl job) { this(job.getHandle()); } JobHandle(byte[] handle) { jobHandle = new byte[handle.length]; System.arraycopy(handle, 0, jobHandle, 0, handle.length); } @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { if (that == null) { return false; } if (!(that instanceof JobHandle)) { return false; } JobHandle thatHandle = (JobHandle) that; return Arrays.equals(jobHandle, thatHandle.jobHandle); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Arrays.hashCode(jobHandle); } } /** * Create a new GearmanClient instance. Instances are not thread-safe and should not be shared * across threads. */ public GearmanClientImpl() { this(DEFAULT_DRIVE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT); } public GearmanClientImpl(long driveRequestTimeout) { if (driveRequestTimeout < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Drive request timeout must be 0" + " or greater."); } sessionsMap = new Hashtable<SelectionKey, GearmanJobServerSession>(); sessionJobsMap = new HashMap<GearmanJobServerSession, Map<JobHandle, GearmanJobImpl>>(); DESCRIPTION = DESCRIPION_PREFIX + ":" + Thread.currentThread().getId(); this.driveRequestTimeout = driveRequestTimeout; } public boolean addJobServer(String host, int port) { return addJobServer(host, port, true); } // TODO move to interface? public boolean addJobServer(String host, int port, boolean serverForwardsExceptions) { return addJobServer(connFactory.createConnection(host, port), serverForwardsExceptions); } public boolean addJobServer(GearmanJobServerConnection newconn) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { return addJobServer(newconn, true); } public boolean addJobServer(GearmanJobServerConnection newconn, boolean serverForwardsExceptions) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { // TODO remove this restriction if (!(newconn instanceof GearmanNIOJobServerConnection)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Client currently only " + "supports " + GearmanNIOJobServerConnection.class.getName() + " connections."); } GearmanNIOJobServerConnection conn = (GearmanNIOJobServerConnection) newconn; if (!runState.equals(state.RUNNING)) { throw new RejectedExecutionException("Client has been shutdown"); } GearmanJobServerSession session = new GearmanJobServerSession(conn); if (sessionsMap.values().contains(session)) { LOG.debug( "The server " + newconn + " was previously " + "added to the client. Ignoring add request."); return true; } try { if (ioAvailable == null) { ioAvailable =; } session.initSession(ioAvailable, this); SelectionKey key = session.getSelectionKey(); sessionsMap.put(key, session); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Failed to connect to job server " + newconn + ".", ioe); return false; } if (serverForwardsExceptions && !setForwardExceptions(session)) { return false; } sessionJobsMap.put(session, new HashMap<JobHandle, GearmanJobImpl>());"Added connection " + conn + " to client " + this); return true; } public boolean hasConnection(GearmanJobServerConnection conn) { for (GearmanJobServerSession sess : sessionsMap.values()) { if (sess.getConnection().equals(conn)) { return true; } } return false; } public List<GearmanJobServerConnection> getSetOfJobServers() throws IllegalStateException { if (!runState.equals(state.RUNNING)) { throw new IllegalStateException(CLIENT_NOT_ACTIVE); } ArrayList<GearmanJobServerConnection> retSet = new ArrayList<GearmanJobServerConnection>(); for (GearmanJobServerSession sess : sessionsMap.values()) { retSet.add(sess.getConnection()); } return retSet; } public void removeJobServer(GearmanJobServerConnection conn) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { if (!runState.equals(state.RUNNING)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "JobServers can not be removed " + "once shutdown has been commenced."); } // TODO, make this better Iterator<GearmanJobServerSession> iter = sessionsMap.values().iterator(); GearmanJobServerSession session = null; boolean foundit = false; while (iter.hasNext() && !foundit) { session =; if (session.getConnection().equals(conn)) { foundit = true; } } if (!foundit) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "JobServer " + conn + " has not" + " been registered with this client."); } shutDownSession(session);"Removed job server " + conn + " from client " + this); } public <T> Future<T> submit(Callable<T> task) { if (task == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Null task was submitted to " + "gearman client"); } if (!runState.equals(state.RUNNING)) { throw new RejectedExecutionException("Client has been shutdown"); } if (!(task instanceof GearmanServerResponseHandler)) { throw new RejectedExecutionException( "Task must implement the " + GearmanServerResponseHandler.class + " interface to" + " submitted to this client"); } GearmanJobImpl job = (GearmanJobImpl) task; GearmanServerResponseHandler handler = (GearmanServerResponseHandler) job; if (job.isDone()) { throw new RejectedExecutionException("Task can not be resubmitted "); } GearmanJobServerSession session = null; try { session = getSessionForTask(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RejectedExecutionException(ioe); } job.setJobServerSession(session); GearmanPacket submitRequest = getPacketFromJob(job); GearmanTask submittedJob = new GearmanTask(handler, submitRequest); session.submitTask(submittedJob); "Client " + this + " has submitted job " + job + // NOPMD " to session " + session + ". Job has been added to the " + // NOPMD "active job queue"); try { jobAwatingCreation = job; if (!(driveRequestTillState(submittedJob, GearmanTask.State.RUNNING))) { throw new RejectedExecutionException( "Timed out waiting for" + " submission of " + job + " to complete"); } } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Client " + this + " encounted an " + "IOException while drivingIO", ioe); throw new RejectedExecutionException( "Failed to successfully " + "submit" + job + " due to IOException", ioe); } finally { jobAwatingCreation = null; } return (Future<T>) job; } public <T> Future<T> submit(Runnable task, T result) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Client does not support " + "execution of non-GearmanJob objects"); } public Future<?> submit(Runnable task) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Client does not support " + "execution of non-GearmanJob objects"); } public void execute(Runnable command) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Client does not support " + "execution of non-GearmanJob objects"); } // NOTE, there is a subtle difference between the ExecutorService invoke* // method signatures in jdk1.5 and jdk1.6 that requires we implement these // methods in their 'erasure' format (that is without the use of the // specified generic types), otherwise we will not be able to compile this // class using both compilers. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // NOPMD public List invokeAll(Collection tasks) throws InterruptedException { ArrayList<Future> futures = new ArrayList<Future>(); Iterator<Callable<Future>> iter = tasks.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Callable<Future> curTask =; futures.add(this.submit(curTask)); } for (Future results : futures) { try { results.get(); } catch (ExecutionException ee) { LOG.warn("Failed to execute task " + results + ".", ee); } } return futures; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List invokeAll(Collection tasks, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Future invokeAny(Collection tasks) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Future invokeAny(Collection tasks, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } public GearmanJobStatus getJobStatus(GearmanJob job) throws IOException, GearmanException, IllegalStateException { // we need to know what session to ask that information can not be // gleened from the job object. if (!(job instanceof GearmanJobImpl)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("job must be of type " + GearmanJobImpl.class); } GearmanJobImpl jobImpl = (GearmanJobImpl) job; return updateJobStatus(jobImpl.getHandle(), jobImpl.getSession()); } public byte[] echo(byte[] data) throws IOException, GearmanException { if (!runState.equals(state.RUNNING)) { throw new IllegalStateException(CLIENT_NOT_ACTIVE); } GearmanPacket echoRequest = new GearmanPacketImpl(GearmanPacketMagic.REQ, GearmanPacketType.ECHO_REQ, data); GearmanEchoResponseHandler handler = new GearmanEchoResponseHandler(); GearmanTask t = new GearmanTask(handler, echoRequest); GearmanJobServerSession session = getSessionForTask(); session.submitTask(t); "Client " + this + " has submitted echo request " + "(payload = " + ByteUtils.toHex(data) + " to session " + session); if (!driveRequestTillState(t, GearmanTask.State.FINISHED)) { throw new GearmanException("Failed to execute echo request " + t + " to session " + session); }"Client " + this + " has completed echo request " + "to session " + session); return handler.getResults(); } public int getNumberofActiveJobs() throws IllegalStateException { if (runState.equals(state.TERMINATED)) { throw new IllegalStateException(CLIENT_NOT_ACTIVE); } int size = 0; for (Map<JobHandle, GearmanJobImpl> cur : sessionJobsMap.values()) { size += cur.size(); } return size; } public void handleSessionEvent(GearmanSessionEvent event) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { GearmanPacket p = event.getPacket(); GearmanJobServerSession s = event.getSession(); GearmanPacketType t = p.getPacketType(); Map<JobHandle, GearmanJobImpl> jobsMaps = sessionJobsMap.get(s); switch (t) { case JOB_CREATED: if (jobAwatingCreation == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Recevied job creation " + "message but have not job awaiting submission."); } if (!jobAwatingCreation.isBackgroundJob()) { jobsMaps.put(new JobHandle(jobAwatingCreation), jobAwatingCreation); } break; case WORK_DATA: case WORK_STATUS: case WORK_WARNING: case WORK_COMPLETE: case WORK_FAIL: case WORK_EXCEPTION: JobHandle handle = new JobHandle(p.getDataComponentValue(GearmanPacket.DataComponentName.JOB_HANDLE)); GearmanJobImpl job = jobsMaps.get(handle); if (job == null) { LOG.warn( "Client received packet from server" + " for unknown job ( job_handle = " + handle + " packet = " + t + " )"); } else { job.handleEvent(p); if (job.isDone()) { jobsMaps.remove(handle); } } break; case ERROR: String errCode = ByteUtils.fromUTF8Bytes( p.getDataComponentValue(GearmanPacket.DataComponentName.ERROR_CODE)); String errMsg = ByteUtils.fromUTF8Bytes( p.getDataComponentValue(GearmanPacket.DataComponentName.ERROR_TEXT)); LOG.warn( "Received error code " + errCode + "( " + errMsg + " )" + " from session " + s + ". Shutting session down"); shutDownSession(s); if (sessionsMap.isEmpty()) { shutdown(); } break; default: LOG.warn( "received un-expected packet from Job" + " Server Session: " + p + ". Shutting down session"); shutDownSession(s); if (sessionsMap.isEmpty()) { shutdown(); } } } public void shutdown() { if (!runState.equals(state.RUNNING)) { return; } runState = state.SHUTTINGDOWN;"Commencing controlled shutdown of client: " + this); try { awaitTermination(-1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {"Client shutdown interrupted while waiting" + " for jobs to terminate."); } shutdownNow();"Completed ontrolled shutdown of client: " + this); } public List<Runnable> shutdownNow() { runState = state.SHUTTINGDOWN;"Commencing immediate shutdown of client: " + this); timer.cancel(); Iterator<GearmanJobServerSession> sessions = sessionsMap.values().iterator(); while (sessions.hasNext()) { GearmanJobServerSession curSession =; if (!curSession.isInitialized()) { continue; } try { curSession.closeSession(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn( "Failed to closes session " + curSession + " while performing immediate shutdown of client " + this + ". Encountered the following exception " + e); } sessions.remove(); } sessionsMap.clear(); sessionsMap = null; runState = state.TERMINATED; try { ioAvailable.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Encountered IOException while closing selector for client ", ioe); }"Completed shutdown of client: " + this); return new ArrayList<Runnable>(); } public boolean isShutdown() { return !runState.equals(state.RUNNING); } public boolean isTerminated() { return runState.equals(state.TERMINATED); } public boolean awaitTermination(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { TimeUnit sessionUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; long timeLeft = -1; long timeOutInMills = timeout < 0 ? -1 : TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(timeout, unit) + System.currentTimeMillis(); if (getNumberofActiveJobs() == 0) { return true; } for (GearmanJobServerSession curSession : sessionsMap.values()) { if (!(curSession.isInitialized())) { continue; } // negative timeout means block till completion if (timeout >= 0) { timeLeft = timeOutInMills - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (timeLeft <= 0) { LOG.warn("awaitTermination exceeded timeout."); break; } } try { curSession.waitForTasksToComplete(timeLeft, sessionUnit); } catch (TimeoutException te) {"timed out waiting for all tasks to complete"); break; } } return getNumberofActiveJobs() == 0; } @Override public String toString() { return DESCRIPTION; } private void driveClientIO() throws IOException, GearmanException { for (GearmanJobServerSession sess : sessionsMap.values()) { int interestOps = SelectionKey.OP_READ; if (sess.sessionHasDataToWrite()) { interestOps |= SelectionKey.OP_WRITE; } try { sess.getSelectionKey().interestOps(interestOps); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { LOG.warn("Unable to drive IO for session " + sess + "," + " skipping.", ise); continue; } } ioAvailable.selectNow(); Set<SelectionKey> keys = ioAvailable.selectedKeys(); LOG.trace( "Driving IO for client " + this + ". " + keys.size() + " session(s) currently available for IO"); Iterator<SelectionKey> iter = keys.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SelectionKey key =; GearmanJobServerSession s = sessionsMap.get(key); s.driveSessionIO(); } } private GearmanJobStatus updateJobStatus(byte[] jobhandle, GearmanJobServerSession session) throws IOException, IllegalStateException, GearmanException { if (!runState.equals(state.RUNNING)) { throw new IllegalStateException(CLIENT_NOT_ACTIVE); } if (jobhandle == null || jobhandle.length == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid job handle. Handle must" + " not be null nor empty"); } GearmanPacket statusRequest = new GearmanPacketImpl(GearmanPacketMagic.REQ, GearmanPacketType.GET_STATUS, jobhandle); GearmanServerResponseHandler handler = (GearmanServerResponseHandler) new GearmanJobStatusImpl(); GearmanTask t = new GearmanTask(handler, statusRequest); session.submitTask(t); if (!driveRequestTillState(t, GearmanTask.State.FINISHED)) { throw new GearmanException( "Failed to execute jobstatus request " + t + " to session " + session); } return (GearmanJobStatus) handler; } private GearmanJobServerSession getSessionForTask() throws IOException { if (sessionsMap.values().isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("No servers registered with client"); } ArrayList<GearmanJobServerSession> sessions = new ArrayList<GearmanJobServerSession>(); sessions.addAll(sessionsMap.values()); Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); int s = rand.nextInt(sessions.size()); GearmanJobServerSession session = sessions.get(s); IOException ioe = new IOException("No servers available for client"); for (int i = 0; i < sessions.size(); i++) { if (!session.isInitialized()) { try { session.initSession(ioAvailable, this); sessionsMap.put(session.getSelectionKey(), session); } catch (Exception e) { if (sessions.size() > 1) { // try next one int prev = s; s = (s + 1) % sessions.size(); session = sessions.get(s); LOG.warn( "Got exception attempting to retrieve " + "session for task. Try next server at " + "pos={}, previous pos={}", s, prev); continue; } else { break; } } } return session; } throw ioe; } private boolean driveRequestTillState(GearmanTask r, GearmanTask.State state) throws IOException, GearmanException { Alarm alarm = new Alarm(); timer.schedule(alarm, driveRequestTimeout); while (r.getState().compareTo(state) < 0 && !(alarm.hasFired())) { driveClientIO(); } return r.getState().compareTo(state) >= 0; } private GearmanPacket getPacketFromJob(GearmanJob job) { int destPos = 0; GearmanPacketMagic magic = GearmanPacketMagic.REQ; GearmanPacketType type = null; byte[] packetdata = null; byte[] fnname = ByteUtils.toAsciiBytes(job.getFunctionName()); byte[] uid = job.getID(); byte[] data = job.getData(); if (job.getPriority().equals(GearmanJob.JobPriority.HIGH)) { type = job.isBackgroundJob() ? GearmanPacketType.SUBMIT_JOB_HIGH_BG : GearmanPacketType.SUBMIT_JOB_HIGH; } if (job.getPriority().equals(GearmanJob.JobPriority.LOW)) { type = job.isBackgroundJob() ? GearmanPacketType.SUBMIT_JOB_LOW_BG : GearmanPacketType.SUBMIT_JOB_LOW; } if (job.getPriority().equals(GearmanJob.JobPriority.NORMAL)) { type = job.isBackgroundJob() ? GearmanPacketType.SUBMIT_JOB_BG : GearmanPacketType.SUBMIT_JOB; } packetdata = new byte[fnname.length + uid.length + data.length + 2]; System.arraycopy(fnname, 0, packetdata, destPos, fnname.length); destPos += fnname.length; packetdata[destPos++] = ByteUtils.NULL; System.arraycopy(uid, 0, packetdata, destPos, uid.length); destPos += uid.length; packetdata[destPos++] = ByteUtils.NULL; System.arraycopy(data, 0, packetdata, destPos, data.length); return new GearmanPacketImpl(magic, type, packetdata); } private void shutDownSession(GearmanJobServerSession s) { if (s.isInitialized()) { SelectionKey k = s.getSelectionKey(); if (k != null) { sessionsMap.remove(k); k.cancel(); } s.closeSession(); } sessionJobsMap.remove(s); } private boolean setForwardExceptions(GearmanJobServerSession session) { GearmanServerResponseHandler optionReqHandler = new GearmanServerResponseHandler() { boolean isDone = false; public boolean isDone() { return isDone; } public void handleEvent(GearmanPacket event) throws GearmanException { GearmanPacketType type = event.getPacketType(); if (type.equals(GearmanPacketType.OPTION_RES) && Arrays.equals(EXCEPTIONS, event.getData())) { isDone = true; } } }; GearmanTask setExceptionsTask = new GearmanTask( optionReqHandler, new GearmanPacketImpl( GearmanPacketMagic.REQ, GearmanPacketType.OPTION_REQ, EXCEPTIONS)); session.submitTask(setExceptionsTask); Exception e = null; boolean success = false; try { success = driveRequestTillState(setExceptionsTask, GearmanTask.State.FINISHED); } catch (IOException ioe) { e = ioe; } if (!success) { if (e != null) {"Failed to set forward-exceptions option to " + session.getConnection(), e); } else {"Failed to set forward-exceptions option to " + session.getConnection()); } return false; } return true; } }
public void handleSessionEvent(GearmanSessionEvent event) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { GearmanPacket p = event.getPacket(); GearmanJobServerSession s = event.getSession(); GearmanPacketType t = p.getPacketType(); Map<JobHandle, GearmanJobImpl> jobsMaps = sessionJobsMap.get(s); switch (t) { case JOB_CREATED: if (jobAwatingCreation == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Recevied job creation " + "message but have not job awaiting submission."); } if (!jobAwatingCreation.isBackgroundJob()) { jobsMaps.put(new JobHandle(jobAwatingCreation), jobAwatingCreation); } break; case WORK_DATA: case WORK_STATUS: case WORK_WARNING: case WORK_COMPLETE: case WORK_FAIL: case WORK_EXCEPTION: JobHandle handle = new JobHandle(p.getDataComponentValue(GearmanPacket.DataComponentName.JOB_HANDLE)); GearmanJobImpl job = jobsMaps.get(handle); if (job == null) { LOG.warn( "Client received packet from server" + " for unknown job ( job_handle = " + handle + " packet = " + t + " )"); } else { job.handleEvent(p); if (job.isDone()) { jobsMaps.remove(handle); } } break; case ERROR: String errCode = ByteUtils.fromUTF8Bytes( p.getDataComponentValue(GearmanPacket.DataComponentName.ERROR_CODE)); String errMsg = ByteUtils.fromUTF8Bytes( p.getDataComponentValue(GearmanPacket.DataComponentName.ERROR_TEXT)); LOG.warn( "Received error code " + errCode + "( " + errMsg + " )" + " from session " + s + ". Shutting session down"); shutDownSession(s); if (sessionsMap.isEmpty()) { shutdown(); } break; default: LOG.warn( "received un-expected packet from Job" + " Server Session: " + p + ". Shutting down session"); shutDownSession(s); if (sessionsMap.isEmpty()) { shutdown(); } } }
public void work() { if (!state.equals(State.IDLE)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Can not call work while worker " + "is running or shutting down"); } state = State.RUNNING; // a map keeping track of sessions with connection errors // (to avoid printing an error about them in every reconnect attempt) Map<GearmanJobServerSession, Boolean> havingConnectionError = new HashMap<GearmanJobServerSession, Boolean>(); while (isRunning()) { // look for sessions which have been disconnected and attempt to reconnect. for (Iterator<GearmanJobServerSession> iter = sessionMap.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { GearmanJobServerSession sess =; if (!sess.isInitialized()) { try { // reconnect, unregister old selection key and register new one SelectionKey oldKey = sess.isInitialized() ? sess.getSelectionKey() : null; sess.initSession(ioAvailable, this); if (oldKey != null) { iter.remove(); } sessionMap.put(sess.getSelectionKey(), sess); // register all functions with the newly reconnected server for (FunctionDefinition d : functionMap.values()) { GearmanTask gsr = new GearmanTask(null, generateCanDoPacket(d)); sess.submitTask(gsr); } GearmanPacket p = new GearmanPacketImpl( GearmanPacketMagic.REQ, GearmanPacketType.SET_CLIENT_ID, ByteUtils.toUTF8Bytes(id)); sess.submitTask(new GearmanTask(p)); GearmanTask sessTask = new GearmanTask( new GrabJobEventHandler(sess), new GearmanPacketImpl( GearmanPacketMagic.REQ, getGrabJobPacketType(), new byte[0])); sess.submitTask(sessTask); sess.driveSessionIO(); // log reconnection message if (havingConnectionError.get(sess)) {"Re-established connection to " + sess.getConnection().toString()); } havingConnectionError.put(sess, false); } catch (IOException e) { if (!havingConnectionError.get(sess)) { LOG.warn("Error connecting to " + sess + ", will keep trying.."); } havingConnectionError.put(sess, true); try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { } } } else { havingConnectionError.put(sess, false); } } for (GearmanJobServerSession sess : sessionMap.values()) { // if still disconnected, skip if (!sess.isInitialized()) { continue; } int interestOps = SelectionKey.OP_READ; if (sess.sessionHasDataToWrite()) { interestOps |= SelectionKey.OP_WRITE; } sess.getSelectionKey().interestOps(interestOps); } try {; } catch (IOException io) { LOG.warn("Receieved IOException while" + " selecting for IO", io); } for (SelectionKey key : ioAvailable.selectedKeys()) { GearmanJobServerSession sess = sessionMap.get(key); if (sess == null) { LOG.warn("Worker does not have " + "session for key " + key); continue; } if (!sess.isInitialized()) { continue; } try { GearmanTask sessTask = taskMap.get(sess); if (sessTask == null) { sessTask = new GearmanTask( // NOPMD new GrabJobEventHandler(sess), new GearmanPacketImpl( GearmanPacketMagic.REQ, getGrabJobPacketType(), new byte[0])); taskMap.put(sess, sessTask); sess.submitTask(sessTask); LOG.debug( "Worker: " + this + " submitted a " + sessTask.getRequestPacket().getPacketType() + " to session: " + sess); } sess.driveSessionIO(); // For the time being we will execute the jobs synchronously // in the future, I expect to change this. if (!functionList.isEmpty()) { GearmanFunction fun = functionList.remove(); submitFunction(fun); statistics(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Received IOException while driving" + " IO on session " + sess, ioe); sess.closeSession(); continue; } } } shutDownWorker(true); }
private GearmanPacketMagic(String kind) { = new byte[1 + kind.length()];[0] = 0; byte[] bytes = ByteUtils.toUTF8Bytes(kind); System.arraycopy(bytes, 0,, 1, kind.length()); }