public void getEntryById(DBBroker broker, String path, String id, OutgoingMessage response) throws EXistException, BadRequestException { XQuery xquery = broker.getXQueryService(); CompiledXQuery feedQuery = xquery.getXQueryPool().borrowCompiledXQuery(broker, entryByIdSource); XQueryContext context; if (feedQuery == null) { context = xquery.newContext(AccessContext.REST); try { feedQuery = xquery.compile(context, entryByIdSource); } catch (XPathException ex) { throw new EXistException("Cannot compile xquery " + entryByIdSource.getURL(), ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new EXistException( "I/O exception while compiling xquery " + entryByIdSource.getURL(), ex); } } else { context = feedQuery.getContext(); } context.setStaticallyKnownDocuments( new XmldbURI[] {XmldbURI.create(path).append(AtomProtocol.FEED_DOCUMENT_NAME)}); try { context.declareVariable("id", id); Sequence resultSequence = xquery.execute(feedQuery, null); if (resultSequence.isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException("No topic was found."); } String charset = getContext().getDefaultCharset(); response.setContentType("application/atom+xml; charset=" + charset); Serializer serializer = broker.getSerializer(); serializer.reset(); try { Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream(), charset); SAXSerializer sax = (SAXSerializer) SerializerPool.getInstance().borrowObject(SAXSerializer.class); Properties outputProperties = new Properties(); sax.setOutput(w, outputProperties); serializer.setProperties(outputProperties); serializer.setSAXHandlers(sax, sax); serializer.toSAX(resultSequence, 1, 1, false); SerializerPool.getInstance().returnObject(sax); w.flush(); w.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.fatal("Cannot read resource " + path, ex); throw new EXistException("I/O error on read of resource " + path, ex); } catch (SAXException saxe) { LOG.warn(saxe); throw new BadRequestException("Error while serializing XML: " + saxe.getMessage()); } resultSequence.itemAt(0); } catch (XPathException ex) { throw new EXistException("Cannot execute xquery " + entryByIdSource.getURL(), ex); } finally { xquery.getXQueryPool().returnCompiledXQuery(entryByIdSource, feedQuery); } }
public Sequence eval(Sequence contextSequence, Item contextItem) throws XPathException { Sequence querySeq = getArgument(1).eval(contextSequence); if (querySeq.isEmpty()) { return Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE; } String query = querySeq.itemAt(0).getStringValue(); String[] terms = getSearchTerms(query); NodeSet hits[] = new NodeSet[terms.length]; NodeSet contextSet = contextSequence.toNodeSet(); for (int k = 0; k < terms.length; k++) { hits[k] = context .getBroker() .getTextEngine() .getNodesContaining( context, contextSet.getDocumentSet(), null, NodeSet.DESCENDANT, null, terms[k], DBBroker.MATCH_EXACT); hits[k] = getArgument(0).eval(hits[k]).toNodeSet(); } NodeSet result = hits[0]; for (int k = 1; k < hits.length; k++) { if (hits[k] != null) result = result.deepIntersection(hits[k]); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("FOUND: " + result.getLength()); return result; }
public Sequence eval(Sequence contextSequence, Item contextItem) throws XPathException { if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) { context.getProfiler().start(this); context .getProfiler() .message( this, Profiler.DEPENDENCIES, "DEPENDENCIES", Dependency.getDependenciesName(this.getDependencies())); if (contextSequence != null) context .getProfiler() .message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT SEQUENCE", contextSequence); if (contextItem != null) context .getProfiler() .message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT ITEM", contextItem.toSequence()); } Sequence seq; Sequence result; if (contextItem != null) contextSequence = contextItem.toSequence(); /* if (contextSequence == null || contextSequence.isEmpty()) result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE; */ // If we have one argument, we take it into account if (getSignature().getArgumentCount() > 0) seq = getArgument(0).eval(contextSequence, contextItem); // Otherwise, we take the context sequence and we iterate over it else seq = contextSequence; if (seq == null) throw new XPathException(this, "XPDY0002: Undefined context item"); if (seq.isEmpty()) // Bloody specs ! result = StringValue.EMPTY_STRING; else { Item item = seq.itemAt(0); if (!Type.subTypeOf(item.getType(), Type.NODE)) throw new XPathException( this, "XPTY0004: item is not a node; got '" + Type.getTypeName(item.getType()) + "'"); // TODO : how to improve performance ? Node n = ((NodeValue) item).getNode(); if (n instanceof QNameable) result = new StringValue(((QNameable) n).getQName().getStringValue()); else result = StringValue.EMPTY_STRING; } if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) context.getProfiler().end(this, "", result); return result; }
public static Sequence atomize(Sequence input) throws XPathException { if (input.hasOne()) return input.itemAt(0).atomize(); Item next; ValueSequence result = new ValueSequence(); for (SequenceIterator i = input.iterate(); i.hasNext(); ) { next = i.nextItem(); result.add(next.atomize()); } return result; }
private static Sequence executeQuery( DBBroker broker, String query, int expected, String expectedResult) throws XPathException, SAXException, PermissionDeniedException { XQuery xquery = broker.getXQueryService(); Sequence seq = xquery.execute(query, null, AccessContext.TEST); assertEquals(expected, seq.getItemCount()); if (expectedResult != null) { Item item = seq.itemAt(0); String value = serialize(broker, item); assertEquals(expectedResult, value); } return seq; }
public Sequence eval(Sequence[] args, Sequence contextSequence) throws XPathException { if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) { context.getProfiler().start(this); context .getProfiler() .message( this, Profiler.DEPENDENCIES, "DEPENDENCIES", Dependency.getDependenciesName(this.getDependencies())); if (contextSequence != null) context .getProfiler() .message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT SEQUENCE", contextSequence); } Sequence result; if (args.length == 0 || args[0].isEmpty()) { result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE; } else { Sequence arg = args[0]; AbstractDateTimeValue date = (AbstractDateTimeValue) arg.itemAt(0); if (isCalledAs("day-from-dateTime") || isCalledAs("day-from-date")) { result = new IntegerValue(date.getPart(DateValue.DAY), Type.INTEGER); } else if (isCalledAs("month-from-dateTime") || isCalledAs("month-from-date")) { result = new IntegerValue(date.getPart(DateValue.MONTH), Type.INTEGER); } else if (isCalledAs("year-from-dateTime") || isCalledAs("year-from-date")) { result = new IntegerValue(date.getPart(DateValue.YEAR), Type.INTEGER); } else if (isCalledAs("hours-from-dateTime") || isCalledAs("hours-from-time")) { result = new IntegerValue(date.getPart(DateValue.HOUR), Type.INTEGER); } else if (isCalledAs("minutes-from-dateTime") || isCalledAs("minutes-from-time")) { result = new IntegerValue(date.getPart(DateValue.MINUTE), Type.INTEGER); } else if (isCalledAs("seconds-from-dateTime") || isCalledAs("seconds-from-time")) { result = new IntegerValue(date.calendar.getSecond()).convertTo(Type.DECIMAL); if (date.calendar.getFractionalSecond() != null) result = ((DecimalValue) result).plus(new DecimalValue(date.calendar.getFractionalSecond())); } else if (isCalledAs("timezone-from-dateTime") || isCalledAs("timezone-from-date") || isCalledAs("timezone-from-time")) { result = date.getTimezone(); } else { throw new Error("can't handle function " + mySignature.getName().getLocalName()); } } if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) context.getProfiler().end(this, "", result); return result; }
@Test public void nodeProxy_getParents() throws XPathException, SAXException, PermissionDeniedException { Sequence smallSet = executeQuery( broker, "//SPEECH/LINE[fn:contains(., 'perturbed spirit')]/ancestor::SPEECH", 1, null); NodeProxy proxy = (NodeProxy) smallSet.itemAt(0); NodeSet result = proxy.getParents(-1); assertEquals(1, result.getLength()); NameTest test = new NameTest(Type.ELEMENT, new QName("SPEAKER", "")); NodeSet speakers = broker .getStructuralIndex() .findElementsByTagName(ElementValue.ELEMENT, docs, test.getName(), null); result = speakers.selectParentChild(proxy, NodeSet.DESCENDANT, -1); assertEquals(1, result.getLength()); }
/** @see org.exist.xquery.Expression#eval(Sequence, Item) */ public Sequence eval(Sequence contextSequence, Item contextItem) throws XPathException { if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) { context.getProfiler().start(this); context .getProfiler() .message( this, Profiler.DEPENDENCIES, "DEPENDENCIES", Dependency.getDependenciesName(this.getDependencies())); if (contextSequence != null) context .getProfiler() .message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT SEQUENCE", contextSequence); if (contextItem != null) context .getProfiler() .message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT ITEM", contextItem.toSequence()); } Sequence result; Sequence arg = getArgument(0).eval(contextSequence, contextItem); if (arg.isEmpty()) result = BooleanValue.FALSE; else { String path = arg.itemAt(0).getStringValue(); try { result = BooleanValue.valueOf(DocUtils.isDocumentAvailable(this.context, path)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XPathException(getASTNode(), e.getMessage()); } } if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) context.getProfiler().end(this, "", result); return result; }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.exist.xquery.BasicFunction#eval(org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence[], * org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence) */ public Sequence eval(Sequence contextSequence, Item contextItem) throws XPathException { if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) { context.getProfiler().start(this); context .getProfiler() .message( this, Profiler.DEPENDENCIES, "DEPENDENCIES", Dependency.getDependenciesName(this.getDependencies())); if (contextSequence != null) context .getProfiler() .message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT SEQUENCE", contextSequence); if (contextItem != null) context .getProfiler() .message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT ITEM", contextItem.toSequence()); } Expression arg1 = getArgument(0); Sequence s1 = arg1.eval(contextSequence, contextItem); Expression arg2 = getArgument(1); context.pushDocumentContext(); Sequence s2 = arg2.eval(contextSequence, contextItem); context.popDocumentContext(); if (s1.isEmpty()) { return BooleanValue.valueOf(s2.isEmpty()); } else if (s2.isEmpty()) { return BooleanValue.valueOf(s1.isEmpty()); } Sequence result = null; StringBuffer v1 = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer v2 = new StringBuffer(); try { if (s1.hasMany()) { for (int i = 0; i < s1.getItemCount(); i++) { v1.append(serialize((NodeValue) s1.itemAt(i))); } } else { v1.append(serialize((NodeValue) s1.itemAt(0))); } if (s2.hasMany()) { for (int i = 0; i < s2.getItemCount(); i++) { v2.append(serialize((NodeValue) s2.itemAt(i))); } } else { v2.append(serialize((NodeValue) s2.itemAt(0))); } Diff d = new Diff(v1.toString(), v2.toString()); boolean identical = d.identical(); if (!identical) { logger.warn("Diff result: " + d.toString()); } result = new BooleanValue(identical); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XPathException( this, "An exception occurred while serializing node " + "for comparison: " + e.getMessage(), e); } if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) context.getProfiler().end(this, "", result); return result; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.exist.xquery.AbstractExpression#eval(org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence, org.exist.xquery.value.Item) */ public Sequence eval(Sequence contextSequence, Item contextItem) throws XPathException { if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) { context.getProfiler().start(this); context .getProfiler() .message( this, Profiler.DEPENDENCIES, "DEPENDENCIES", Dependency.getDependenciesName(this.getDependencies())); if (contextSequence != null) context .getProfiler() .message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT SEQUENCE", contextSequence); if (contextItem != null) context .getProfiler() .message(this, Profiler.START_SEQUENCES, "CONTEXT ITEM", contextItem.toSequence()); } if (requiredType == Type.ATOMIC || (requiredType == Type.NOTATION && expression.returnsType() != Type.NOTATION)) throw new XPathException( this, "err:XPST0080: cannot convert to " + Type.getTypeName(requiredType)); if (requiredType == Type.ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE || expression.returnsType() == Type.ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE || requiredType == Type.UNTYPED || expression.returnsType() == Type.UNTYPED) throw new XPathException( this, "err:XPST0051: cannot convert to " + Type.getTypeName(requiredType)); Sequence result; // See : // ... for the rationale // may be more complicated : let's see with following XQTS versions if (requiredType == Type.QNAME && Dependency.dependsOnVar(expression)) result = BooleanValue.FALSE; else { Sequence seq = expression.eval(contextSequence, contextItem); if (seq.isEmpty()) { // If ? is specified after the target type, the result of the cast expression is an empty // sequence. if (Cardinality.checkCardinality(requiredCardinality, Cardinality.ZERO)) result = BooleanValue.TRUE; // If ? is not specified after the target type, a type error is raised [err:XPTY0004]. else // TODO : raise the error ? result = BooleanValue.FALSE; } else { try { seq.itemAt(0).convertTo(requiredType); // If ? is specified after the target type, the result of the cast expression is an empty // sequence. if (Cardinality.checkCardinality(requiredCardinality, seq.getCardinality())) result = BooleanValue.TRUE; // If ? is not specified after the target type, a type error is raised [err:XPTY0004]. else result = BooleanValue.FALSE; // TODO : improve by *not* using a costly exception ? } catch (XPathException e) { result = BooleanValue.FALSE; } } } if (context.getProfiler().isEnabled()) context.getProfiler().end(this, "", result); return result; }
/** * Processes a compressed entry from an archive * * @param name The name of the entry * @param isDirectory true if the entry is a directory, false otherwise * @param is an InputStream for reading the uncompressed data of the entry * @param filterParam is an additional param for entry filtering function * @param storeParam is an additional param for entry storing function * @throws XMLDBException */ protected Sequence processCompressedEntry( String name, boolean isDirectory, InputStream is, Sequence filterParam, Sequence storeParam) throws IOException, XPathException, XMLDBException { String dataType = isDirectory ? "folder" : "resource"; // call the entry-filter function Sequence filterParams[] = new Sequence[3]; filterParams[0] = new StringValue(name); filterParams[1] = new StringValue(dataType); filterParams[2] = filterParam; Sequence entryFilterFunctionResult = entryFilterFunction.evalFunction(contextSequence, null, filterParams); if (BooleanValue.FALSE == entryFilterFunctionResult.itemAt(0)) { return Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE; } else { Sequence entryDataFunctionResult; Sequence uncompressedData = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE; // copy the input data ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte buf[] = new byte[1024]; int read = -1; while ((read = != -1) { baos.write(buf, 0, read); } byte[] entryData = baos.toByteArray(); if (entryDataFunction.getSignature().getArgumentCount() == 3) { Sequence dataParams[] = new Sequence[3]; System.arraycopy(filterParams, 0, dataParams, 0, 2); dataParams[2] = storeParam; entryDataFunctionResult = entryDataFunction.evalFunction(contextSequence, null, dataParams); String path = entryDataFunctionResult.itemAt(0).getStringValue(); Collection root = new LocalCollection( context.getUser(), context.getBroker().getBrokerPool(), new AnyURIValue("/db").toXmldbURI(), context.getAccessContext()); if (isDirectory) { XMLDBAbstractCollectionManipulator.createCollection(root, path); } else { Resource resource; File file = new File(path); name = file.getName(); path = file.getParent(); Collection target = (path == null) ? root : XMLDBAbstractCollectionManipulator.createCollection(root, path); MimeType mime = MimeTable.getInstance().getContentTypeFor(name); try { NodeValue content = ModuleUtils.streamToXML(context, new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray())); resource = target.createResource(name, "XMLResource"); ContentHandler handler = ((XMLResource) resource).setContentAsSAX(); handler.startDocument(); content.toSAX(context.getBroker(), handler, null); handler.endDocument(); } catch (SAXException e) { resource = target.createResource(name, "BinaryResource"); resource.setContent(baos.toByteArray()); } if (resource != null) { if (mime != null) { ((EXistResource) resource).setMimeType(mime.getName()); } target.storeResource(resource); } } } else { // try and parse as xml, fall back to binary try { uncompressedData = ModuleUtils.streamToXML(context, new ByteArrayInputStream(entryData)); } catch (SAXException saxe) { if (entryData.length > 0) uncompressedData = BinaryValueFromInputStream.getInstance( context, new Base64BinaryValueType(), new ByteArrayInputStream(entryData)); } // call the entry-data function Sequence dataParams[] = new Sequence[4]; System.arraycopy(filterParams, 0, dataParams, 0, 2); dataParams[2] = uncompressedData; dataParams[3] = storeParam; entryDataFunctionResult = entryDataFunction.evalFunction(contextSequence, null, dataParams); } return entryDataFunctionResult; } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.exist.xquery.Expression#eval(org.exist.dom.DocumentSet, * org.exist.xquery.value.Sequence, org.exist.xquery.value.Item) */ public Sequence eval(Sequence args[], Sequence contextSequence) throws XPathException { if (!context.getSubject().hasDbaRole()) { final XPathException xPathException = new XPathException( this, "Permission denied, calling user '" + context.getSubject().getName() + "' must be a DBA to call this function."); logger.error("Invalid user", xPathException); throw xPathException; } final String user = args[0].getStringValue(); final String pass = args[1].getStringValue();"Attempting to create user " + user); final UserAider userObj = new UserAider(user); userObj.setPassword(pass); // changed by wolf: the first group is always the primary group, so we // don't need // an additional argument final Sequence groups = args[2]; final int len = groups.getItemCount(); for (int x = 0; x < len; x++) { userObj.addGroup(groups.itemAt(x).getStringValue()); } Collection collection = null; try { collection = new LocalCollection( context.getSubject(), context.getBroker().getBrokerPool(), XmldbURI.ROOT_COLLECTION_URI, context.getAccessContext()); final UserManagementService ums = (UserManagementService) collection.getService("UserManagementService", "1.0"); ums.addAccount(userObj); } catch (final XMLDBException xe) { logger.error("Failed to create user: "******"Failed to create user: "******"Failed to create new user '" + user + "' by " + context.getSubject().getName(), xe); } finally { if (null != collection) try { collection.close(); } catch (final XMLDBException e) { /* ignore */ } } return Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE; }