   * This method copies all bands which contain a flagcoding from the source product to the target
   * product.
   * @param sourceProduct the source product
   * @param targetProduct the target product
  public static void copyDownscaledFlagBands(
      Product sourceProduct, Product targetProduct, float scalingFactor) {
    Guardian.assertNotNull("source", sourceProduct);
    Guardian.assertNotNull("target", targetProduct);
    if (sourceProduct.getFlagCodingGroup().getNodeCount() > 0) {

      ProductUtils.copyFlagCodings(sourceProduct, targetProduct);
      ProductUtils.copyMasks(sourceProduct, targetProduct);

      // loop over bands and check if they have a flags coding attached
      for (int i = 0; i < sourceProduct.getNumBands(); i++) {
        Band sourceBand = sourceProduct.getBandAt(i);
        FlagCoding coding = sourceBand.getFlagCoding();
        if (coding != null) {
          Band targetBand = AerosolHelpers.downscaleBand(sourceBand, scalingFactor);