public static boolean samePath(final String p1, final String p2) { if (SystemConfiguration.getInstance().isOnWindows()) { return p1.equalsIgnoreCase(p2); } else { return p1.equals(p2); } }
private BackendData getIdeBackendData() { final RuntimeInfo info = getIdeRuntimeInfo(); final BackendData result = new BackendData(runtimeInfoManager, info); result.setNodeName(getIdeNodeName()); result.setDebug(false); result.setAutostart(true); result.setConsole(false); result.setLongName(HostnameUtils.canUseLongNames()); if (SystemConfiguration.getInstance().isDeveloper()) { result.setConsole(true); } if (SystemConfiguration.getInstance().isMonitoringIdeBackend()) { result.setMonitored(true); } result.setInternal(true); return result; }
private ILaunch launchPeer(final BackendData data) { final ILaunchConfiguration launchConfig = data.asLaunchConfiguration(); try { final boolean registerForDebug = data.getLaunch() != null || SystemConfiguration.getInstance().isDeveloper(); return launchConfig.launch( ILaunchManager.RUN_MODE, new NullProgressMonitor(), false, registerForDebug); } catch (final CoreException e) { ErlLogger.error(e); return null; } }
private String reportRuntimeDown(final String peer) { final String fmt = "Backend '%s' is down"; final String msg = String.format(fmt, peer); if (data.getReportErrors() && !reported) { final String user = System.getProperty(""); String msg1; if (connectOnce) { msg1 = "It is likely that your network is misconfigured or uses 'strange' host names.\n" + "Please check the " + "Window->preferences->erlang->network page for hints about that." + "\n\n" + "Also, check if you can create and connect two erlang nodes on your machine\n" + "using \"erl -name foo1\" and \"erl -name foo2\"."; } else { msg1 = "If you didn't shut it down on purpose, it is an " + "unrecoverable error, please restart Eclipse. "; } final String bigMsg = msg + "\n\n" + msg1 + "\n\n" + "If an error report named '" + user + "_<timestamp>.txt' has been created in your home directory,\n " + "please consider reporting the problem. \n" + (SystemConfiguration.hasFeatureEnabled("") ? "" : ""); MessageReporter.showError(bigMsg, ReporterPosition.CORNER); reported = true; } return msg; }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("boxing") public void run() { do { try { final int v = process.waitFor(); final String msg = String.format("Backend '%s' terminated with exit code %d.", nodeName, v); String report = null; if (shouldCreateReport(v)) { ErlLogger.error(msg); report = createReport(v, msg); final String reportMsg = report != null ? "\n\n" + "An error log has been created at " + report + ".\nPlease report the problem so that we can fix it.\n" + (SystemConfiguration.hasFeatureEnabled("") ? "" : "") : ""; final String bigMsg = msg + "\n\n" + "This error is not recoverable, please restart your Eclipse instance." + reportMsg; MessageReporter.showError(bigMsg, ReporterPosition.MODAL); } else {; } // FIXME backend.setExitStatus(v); return; } catch (final InterruptedException e) { } } while (true); }