   * Constructs the property widget
   * @param beanJobBuilder the transformer job builder for the table lookup
   * @param inputColumnsProperty the property represeting the columns to use for settig up
   *     conditional lookup (InputColumn[])
   * @param mappedColumnsProperty the property representing the mapped columns in the datastore
   *     (String[])
  public MultipleMappedColumnsPropertyWidget(
      AbstractBeanJobBuilder<?, ?, ?> beanJobBuilder,
      ConfiguredPropertyDescriptor inputColumnsProperty,
      ConfiguredPropertyDescriptor mappedColumnsProperty) {
    super(beanJobBuilder, inputColumnsProperty);
    _mappedColumnComboBoxes = new WeakHashMap<InputColumn<?>, SourceColumnComboBox>();
    _mappedColumnsProperty = mappedColumnsProperty;

    _tableRef = new MutableRef<Table>();
    _mappedColumnNamesPropertyWidget = createMappedColumnNamesPropertyWidget();
    _sourceColumnUpdating = false;

    final InputColumn<?>[] currentValue = getCurrentValue();
    final String[] currentMappedColumnsValue =
        (String[]) beanJobBuilder.getConfiguredProperty(mappedColumnsProperty);
    if (currentValue != null && currentMappedColumnsValue != null) {
      // first create combo's, then set value (so combo is ready before it
      // is requested)

      final int minLength = Math.min(currentValue.length, currentMappedColumnsValue.length);
      for (int i = 0; i < minLength; i++) {
        final InputColumn<?> inputColumn = currentValue[i];
        final String mappedColumnName = currentMappedColumnsValue[i];
        createComboBox(inputColumn, new MutableColumn(mappedColumnName));

  /** Invoked whenever a configured property within this widget factory is changed. */
  public void onConfigurationChanged() {
    final Collection<PropertyWidget<?>> widgets = getWidgets();

    for (PropertyWidget<?> widget : widgets) {
      final PropertyWidget<Object> objectWidget = (PropertyWidget<Object>) widget;
      final ConfiguredPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = objectWidget.getPropertyDescriptor();
      final Object value = _beanJobBuilder.getConfiguredProperty(propertyDescriptor);
  * Registers a widget in this factory in rare cases when the factory is not used to actually
  * instantiate the widget, but it is still needed to register the widget for compliancy with eg.
  * the onConfigurationChanged() behaviour.
  * @param propertyDescriptor
  * @param widget
 public void registerWidget(
     ConfiguredPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, PropertyWidget<?> widget) {
   if (widget == null) {
   } else {
     _widgets.put(propertyDescriptor, widget);
     PropertyWidget<Object> objectWidget = (PropertyWidget<Object>) widget;
     Object value = _beanJobBuilder.getConfiguredProperty(objectWidget.getPropertyDescriptor());