private void innerFinishHim() { InternalSearchResponse internalResponse = searchPhaseController.merge(sortedShardList, queryResults, fetchResults); String scrollId = null; if (request.scroll() != null) { scrollId = request.scrollId(); } listener.onResponse( new SearchResponse( internalResponse, scrollId, this.scrollId.getContext().length, successfulOps.get(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, buildShardFailures())); }
@Test public void testScrollAndUpdateIndex() throws Exception { client() .admin() .indices() .prepareCreate("test") .setSettings(Settings.settingsBuilder().put("index.number_of_shards", 5)) .execute() .actionGet(); client() .admin() .cluster() .prepareHealth() .setWaitForEvents(Priority.LANGUID) .setWaitForGreenStatus() .execute() .actionGet(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { client() .prepareIndex("test", "tweet", Integer.toString(i)) .setSource( jsonBuilder() .startObject() .field("user", "kimchy") .field("postDate", System.currentTimeMillis()) .field("message", "test") .endObject()) .execute() .actionGet(); } client().admin().indices().prepareRefresh().execute().actionGet(); assertThat( client().prepareCount().setQuery(matchAllQuery()).execute().actionGet().getCount(), equalTo(500l)); assertThat( client() .prepareCount() .setQuery(termQuery("message", "test")) .execute() .actionGet() .getCount(), equalTo(500l)); assertThat( client() .prepareCount() .setQuery(termQuery("message", "test")) .execute() .actionGet() .getCount(), equalTo(500l)); assertThat( client() .prepareCount() .setQuery(termQuery("message", "update")) .execute() .actionGet() .getCount(), equalTo(0l)); assertThat( client() .prepareCount() .setQuery(termQuery("message", "update")) .execute() .actionGet() .getCount(), equalTo(0l)); SearchResponse searchResponse = client() .prepareSearch() .setQuery(queryStringQuery("user:kimchy")) .setSize(35) .setScroll(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(2)) .addSort("postDate", SortOrder.ASC) .execute() .actionGet(); try { do { for (SearchHit searchHit : searchResponse.getHits().hits()) { Map<String, Object> map = searchHit.sourceAsMap(); map.put("message", "update"); client() .prepareIndex("test", "tweet", .setSource(map) .execute() .actionGet(); } searchResponse = client() .prepareSearchScroll(searchResponse.getScrollId()) .setScroll(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(2)) .execute() .actionGet(); } while (searchResponse.getHits().hits().length > 0); client().admin().indices().prepareRefresh().execute().actionGet(); assertThat( client().prepareCount().setQuery(matchAllQuery()).execute().actionGet().getCount(), equalTo(500l)); assertThat( client() .prepareCount() .setQuery(termQuery("message", "test")) .execute() .actionGet() .getCount(), equalTo(0l)); assertThat( client() .prepareCount() .setQuery(termQuery("message", "test")) .execute() .actionGet() .getCount(), equalTo(0l)); assertThat( client() .prepareCount() .setQuery(termQuery("message", "update")) .execute() .actionGet() .getCount(), equalTo(500l)); assertThat( client() .prepareCount() .setQuery(termQuery("message", "update")) .execute() .actionGet() .getCount(), equalTo(500l)); } finally { clearScroll(searchResponse.getScrollId()); } }
private class AsyncAction { private final SearchScrollRequest request; private final ActionListener<SearchResponse> listener; private final ParsedScrollId scrollId; private final DiscoveryNodes nodes; protected volatile Queue<ShardSearchFailure> shardFailures; private final Map<SearchShardTarget, QuerySearchResultProvider> queryResults = searchCache.obtainQueryResults(); private final Map<SearchShardTarget, FetchSearchResult> fetchResults = searchCache.obtainFetchResults(); private volatile ShardDoc[] sortedShardList; private final AtomicInteger successfulOps; private final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private AsyncAction( SearchScrollRequest request, ParsedScrollId scrollId, ActionListener<SearchResponse> listener) { this.request = request; this.listener = listener; this.scrollId = scrollId; this.nodes = clusterService.state().nodes(); this.successfulOps = new AtomicInteger(scrollId.getContext().length); } protected final ShardSearchFailure[] buildShardFailures() { Queue<ShardSearchFailure> localFailures = shardFailures; if (localFailures == null) { return ShardSearchFailure.EMPTY_ARRAY; } return localFailures.toArray(ShardSearchFailure.EMPTY_ARRAY); } // we do our best to return the shard failures, but its ok if its not fully concurrently safe // we simply try and return as much as possible protected final void addShardFailure(ShardSearchFailure failure) { if (shardFailures == null) { shardFailures = ConcurrentCollections.newQueue(); } shardFailures.add(failure); } public void start() { if (scrollId.getContext().length == 0) { listener.onFailure( new SearchPhaseExecutionException("query", "no nodes to search on", null)); return; } final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(scrollId.getContext().length); int localOperations = 0; for (Tuple<String, Long> target : scrollId.getContext()) { DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get(target.v1()); if (node != null) { if (nodes.localNodeId().equals( { localOperations++; } else { executeQueryPhase(counter, node, target.v2()); } } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Node [" + target.v1() + "] not available for scroll request [" + scrollId.getSource() + "]"); } successfulOps.decrementAndGet(); if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { executeFetchPhase(); } } } if (localOperations > 0) { if (request.getOperationThreading() == SearchOperationThreading.SINGLE_THREAD) { threadPool .executor(ThreadPool.Names.SEARCH) .execute( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (Tuple<String, Long> target : scrollId.getContext()) { DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get(target.v1()); if (node != null && nodes.localNodeId().equals( { executeQueryPhase(counter, node, target.v2()); } } } }); } else { boolean localAsync = request.getOperationThreading() == SearchOperationThreading.THREAD_PER_SHARD; for (final Tuple<String, Long> target : scrollId.getContext()) { final DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get(target.v1()); if (node != null && nodes.localNodeId().equals( { if (localAsync) { threadPool .executor(ThreadPool.Names.SEARCH) .execute( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { executeQueryPhase(counter, node, target.v2()); } }); } else { executeQueryPhase(counter, node, target.v2()); } } } } } } private void executeQueryPhase( final AtomicInteger counter, DiscoveryNode node, final long searchId) { searchService.sendExecuteQuery( node, internalScrollSearchRequest(searchId, request), new SearchServiceListener<QuerySearchResult>() { @Override public void onResult(QuerySearchResult result) { queryResults.put(result.shardTarget(), result); if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { executeFetchPhase(); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("[{}] Failed to execute query phase", t, searchId); } addShardFailure(new ShardSearchFailure(t)); successfulOps.decrementAndGet(); if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { executeFetchPhase(); } } }); } private void executeFetchPhase() { sortedShardList = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(queryResults.values()); Map<SearchShardTarget, ExtTIntArrayList> docIdsToLoad = searchPhaseController.docIdsToLoad(sortedShardList); if (docIdsToLoad.isEmpty()) { finishHim(); } final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(docIdsToLoad.size()); for (final Map.Entry<SearchShardTarget, ExtTIntArrayList> entry : docIdsToLoad.entrySet()) { SearchShardTarget shardTarget = entry.getKey(); ExtTIntArrayList docIds = entry.getValue(); FetchSearchRequest fetchSearchRequest = new FetchSearchRequest(request, queryResults.get(shardTarget).id(), docIds); DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get(shardTarget.nodeId()); searchService.sendExecuteFetch( node, fetchSearchRequest, new SearchServiceListener<FetchSearchResult>() { @Override public void onResult(FetchSearchResult result) { result.shardTarget(entry.getKey()); fetchResults.put(result.shardTarget(), result); if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { finishHim(); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Failed to execute fetch phase", t); } successfulOps.decrementAndGet(); if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { finishHim(); } } }); } } private void finishHim() { try { innerFinishHim(); } catch (Exception e) { listener.onFailure(new ReduceSearchPhaseException("fetch", "", e, buildShardFailures())); } } private void innerFinishHim() { InternalSearchResponse internalResponse = searchPhaseController.merge(sortedShardList, queryResults, fetchResults); String scrollId = null; if (request.getScroll() != null) { scrollId = request.getScrollId(); } listener.onResponse( new SearchResponse( internalResponse, scrollId, this.scrollId.getContext().length, successfulOps.get(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, buildShardFailures())); searchCache.releaseQueryResults(queryResults); searchCache.releaseFetchResults(fetchResults); } }
private class AsyncAction { private final SearchScrollRequest request; private final ActionListener<SearchResponse> listener; private final ParsedScrollId scrollId; private final DiscoveryNodes nodes; private volatile AtomicArray<ShardSearchFailure> shardFailures; final AtomicArray<QuerySearchResult> queryResults; final AtomicArray<FetchSearchResult> fetchResults; private volatile ScoreDoc[] sortedShardList; private final AtomicInteger successfulOps; private final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private AsyncAction( SearchScrollRequest request, ParsedScrollId scrollId, ActionListener<SearchResponse> listener) { this.request = request; this.listener = listener; this.scrollId = scrollId; this.nodes = clusterService.state().nodes(); this.successfulOps = new AtomicInteger(scrollId.getContext().length); this.queryResults = new AtomicArray<QuerySearchResult>(scrollId.getContext().length); this.fetchResults = new AtomicArray<FetchSearchResult>(scrollId.getContext().length); } protected final ShardSearchFailure[] buildShardFailures() { if (shardFailures == null) { return ShardSearchFailure.EMPTY_ARRAY; } List<AtomicArray.Entry<ShardSearchFailure>> entries = shardFailures.asList(); ShardSearchFailure[] failures = new ShardSearchFailure[entries.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < failures.length; i++) { failures[i] = entries.get(i).value; } return failures; } // we do our best to return the shard failures, but its ok if its not fully concurrently safe // we simply try and return as much as possible protected final void addShardFailure(final int shardIndex, ShardSearchFailure failure) { if (shardFailures == null) { shardFailures = new AtomicArray<ShardSearchFailure>(scrollId.getContext().length); } shardFailures.set(shardIndex, failure); } public void start() { if (scrollId.getContext().length == 0) { listener.onFailure( new SearchPhaseExecutionException("query", "no nodes to search on", null)); return; } final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(scrollId.getContext().length); int localOperations = 0; Tuple<String, Long>[] context = scrollId.getContext(); for (int i = 0; i < context.length; i++) { Tuple<String, Long> target = context[i]; DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get(target.v1()); if (node != null) { if (nodes.localNodeId().equals( { localOperations++; } else { executeQueryPhase(i, counter, node, target.v2()); } } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Node [" + target.v1() + "] not available for scroll request [" + scrollId.getSource() + "]"); } successfulOps.decrementAndGet(); if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { executeFetchPhase(); } } } if (localOperations > 0) { if (request.operationThreading() == SearchOperationThreading.SINGLE_THREAD) { threadPool .executor(ThreadPool.Names.SEARCH) .execute( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Tuple<String, Long>[] context1 = scrollId.getContext(); for (int i = 0; i < context1.length; i++) { Tuple<String, Long> target = context1[i]; DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get(target.v1()); if (node != null && nodes.localNodeId().equals( { executeQueryPhase(i, counter, node, target.v2()); } } } }); } else { boolean localAsync = request.operationThreading() == SearchOperationThreading.THREAD_PER_SHARD; Tuple<String, Long>[] context1 = scrollId.getContext(); for (int i = 0; i < context1.length; i++) { final Tuple<String, Long> target = context1[i]; final int shardIndex = i; final DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get(target.v1()); if (node != null && nodes.localNodeId().equals( { try { if (localAsync) { threadPool .executor(ThreadPool.Names.SEARCH) .execute( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { executeQueryPhase(shardIndex, counter, node, target.v2()); } }); } else { executeQueryPhase(shardIndex, counter, node, target.v2()); } } catch (Throwable t) { onQueryPhaseFailure(shardIndex, counter, target.v2(), t); } } } } } } private void executeQueryPhase( final int shardIndex, final AtomicInteger counter, DiscoveryNode node, final long searchId) { searchService.sendExecuteQuery( node, internalScrollSearchRequest(searchId, request), new SearchServiceListener<QuerySearchResult>() { @Override public void onResult(QuerySearchResult result) { queryResults.set(shardIndex, result); if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { executeFetchPhase(); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { onQueryPhaseFailure(shardIndex, counter, searchId, t); } }); } void onQueryPhaseFailure( final int shardIndex, final AtomicInteger counter, final long searchId, Throwable t) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("[{}] Failed to execute query phase", t, searchId); } addShardFailure(shardIndex, new ShardSearchFailure(t)); successfulOps.decrementAndGet(); if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { executeFetchPhase(); } } private void executeFetchPhase() { sortedShardList = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(queryResults); AtomicArray<ExtTIntArrayList> docIdsToLoad = new AtomicArray<ExtTIntArrayList>(queryResults.length()); searchPhaseController.fillDocIdsToLoad(docIdsToLoad, sortedShardList); if (docIdsToLoad.asList().isEmpty()) { finishHim(); } final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(docIdsToLoad.asList().size()); for (final AtomicArray.Entry<ExtTIntArrayList> entry : docIdsToLoad.asList()) { ExtTIntArrayList docIds = entry.value; final QuerySearchResult querySearchResult = queryResults.get(entry.index); FetchSearchRequest fetchSearchRequest = new FetchSearchRequest(request,, docIds); DiscoveryNode node = nodes.get(querySearchResult.shardTarget().nodeId()); searchService.sendExecuteFetch( node, fetchSearchRequest, new SearchServiceListener<FetchSearchResult>() { @Override public void onResult(FetchSearchResult result) { result.shardTarget(querySearchResult.shardTarget()); fetchResults.set(entry.index, result); if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { finishHim(); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Failed to execute fetch phase", t); } successfulOps.decrementAndGet(); if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { finishHim(); } } }); } } private void finishHim() { try { innerFinishHim(); } catch (Throwable e) { listener.onFailure(new ReduceSearchPhaseException("fetch", "", e, buildShardFailures())); } } private void innerFinishHim() { InternalSearchResponse internalResponse = searchPhaseController.merge(sortedShardList, queryResults, fetchResults); String scrollId = null; if (request.scroll() != null) { scrollId = request.scrollId(); } listener.onResponse( new SearchResponse( internalResponse, scrollId, this.scrollId.getContext().length, successfulOps.get(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, buildShardFailures())); } }