@Override public String toString() { return "\nValues: " + Arrays.toString(values.getData()) + ProjectValues.NEWLINE; }
public int solve( DenseMatrix64F Q, DenseMatrix64F f, DenseMatrix64F Aeq, DenseMatrix64F beq, DenseMatrix64F Ain, DenseMatrix64F bin, DenseMatrix64F lb, DenseMatrix64F ub, DenseMatrix64F x, boolean initialize) { if ((Aeq.numCols != Ain.numCols) || (Aeq.numCols != x.numRows)) { throw new RuntimeException("inconsistent constraints"); } if (initialize) { coldStart = true; } initialize(Aeq.numCols, Aeq.numRows + Ain.numRows); CommonOps.insert(Aeq, A, 0, 0); CommonOps.insert(Ain, A, Aeq.numRows, 0); CommonOps.fill(lbA, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); CommonOps.insert(beq, lbA, 0, 0); CommonOps.insert(beq, ubA, 0, 0); CommonOps.insert(bin, ubA, beq.numRows, 0); // see C-code for retCode explanation double[] lbData = (lb == null) ? null : lb.getData(), ubData = (ub == null) ? null : ub.getData(); int retCode = 0; if (coldStart) { retCode = solveNative( Q.getData(), f.getData(), A.getData(), lbData, ubData, lbA.getData(), ubA.getData(), nWSR, cputime, x.getData(), objVal); } else { retCode = hotstartNative( Q.getData(), f.getData(), A.getData(), lbData, ubData, lbA.getData(), ubA.getData(), nWSR, cputime, x.getData(), objVal); } coldStart = false; return retCode; }
private void estimateCPM() { logger.info("Start EJML Estimation"); numIterations = 0; boolean estimationDone = false; DenseMatrix64F eL_hat = null; DenseMatrix64F eP_hat = null; DenseMatrix64F rhsL = null; DenseMatrix64F rhsP = null; // normalize master coordinates for stability -- only master! TDoubleArrayList yMasterNorm = new TDoubleArrayList(); TDoubleArrayList xMasterNorm = new TDoubleArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < yMaster.size(); i++) { yMasterNorm.add(PolyUtils.normalize2(yMaster.getQuick(i), normWin.linelo, normWin.linehi)); xMasterNorm.add(PolyUtils.normalize2(xMaster.getQuick(i), normWin.pixlo, normWin.pixhi)); } // helper variables int winL; int winP; int maxWSum_idx = 0; while (!estimationDone) { String codeBlockMessage = "LS ESTIMATION PROCEDURE"; StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); StopWatch clock = new StopWatch(); clock.start(); stopWatch.setTag(codeBlockMessage); stopWatch.start(); logger.info("Start iteration: {}" + numIterations); /** Remove identified outlier from previous estimation */ if (numIterations != 0) { logger.info( "Removing observation {}, idxList {}, from observation vector." + index.getQuick(maxWSum_idx) + maxWSum_idx); index.removeAt(maxWSum_idx); yMasterNorm.removeAt(maxWSum_idx); xMasterNorm.removeAt(maxWSum_idx); yOffset.removeAt(maxWSum_idx); xOffset.removeAt(maxWSum_idx); // only for outlier removal yMaster.removeAt(maxWSum_idx); xMaster.removeAt(maxWSum_idx); ySlave.removeAt(maxWSum_idx); xSlave.removeAt(maxWSum_idx); coherence.removeAt(maxWSum_idx); // also take care of slave pins slaveGCPList.remove(maxWSum_idx); // if (demRefinement) { // ySlaveGeometry.removeAt(maxWSum_idx); // xSlaveGeometry.removeAt(maxWSum_idx); // } } /** Check redundancy */ numObservations = index.size(); // Number of points > threshold if (numObservations < numUnknowns) { logger.severe( "coregpm: Number of windows > threshold is smaller than parameters solved for."); throw new ArithmeticException( "coregpm: Number of windows > threshold is smaller than parameters solved for."); } // work with normalized values DenseMatrix64F A = new DenseMatrix64F( SystemOfEquations.constructDesignMatrix_loop( yMasterNorm.toArray(), xMasterNorm.toArray(), cpmDegree)); logger.info("TIME FOR SETUP of SYSTEM : {}" + stopWatch.lap("setup")); RowD1Matrix64F Qy_1; // vector double meanValue; switch (cpmWeight) { case "linear": logger.info("Using sqrt(coherence) as weights"); Qy_1 = DenseMatrix64F.wrap(numObservations, 1, coherence.toArray()); // Normalize weights to avoid influence on estimated var.factor logger.info("Normalizing covariance matrix for LS estimation"); meanValue = CommonOps.elementSum(Qy_1) / numObservations; CommonOps.divide(meanValue, Qy_1); // normalize vector break; case "quadratic": logger.info("Using coherence as weights."); Qy_1 = DenseMatrix64F.wrap(numObservations, 1, coherence.toArray()); CommonOps.elementMult(Qy_1, Qy_1); // Normalize weights to avoid influence on estimated var.factor meanValue = CommonOps.elementSum(Qy_1) / numObservations; logger.info("Normalizing covariance matrix for LS estimation."); CommonOps.divide(meanValue, Qy_1); // normalize vector break; case "bamler": // TODO: see Bamler papers IGARSS 2000 and 2004 logger.warning("Bamler weighting method NOT IMPLEMENTED, falling back to None."); Qy_1 = onesEJML(numObservations); break; case "none": logger.info("No weighting."); Qy_1 = onesEJML(numObservations); break; default: Qy_1 = onesEJML(numObservations); break; } logger.info("TIME FOR SETUP of VC diag matrix: {}" + stopWatch.lap("diag VC matrix")); /** tempMatrix_1 matrices */ final DenseMatrix64F yL_matrix = DenseMatrix64F.wrap(numObservations, 1, yOffset.toArray()); final DenseMatrix64F yP_matrix = DenseMatrix64F.wrap(numObservations, 1, xOffset.toArray()); logger.info("TIME FOR SETUP of TEMP MATRICES: {}" + stopWatch.lap("Temp matrices")); /** normal matrix */ final DenseMatrix64F N = new DenseMatrix64F(numUnknowns, numUnknowns); // = A_transpose.mmul(Qy_1_diag.mmul(A)); /* // fork/join parallel implementation RowD1Matrix64F result = A.copy(); DiagXMat dd = new DiagXMat(Qy_1, A, 0, A.numRows, result); ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool(); pool.invoke(dd); CommonOps.multAddTransA(A, dd.result, N); */ CommonOps.multAddTransA(A, diagxmat(Qy_1, A), N); DenseMatrix64F Qx_hat = N.copy(); logger.info("TIME FOR SETUP of NORMAL MATRIX: {}" + stopWatch.lap("Normal matrix")); /** right hand sides */ // azimuth rhsL = new DenseMatrix64F(numUnknowns, 1); // A_transpose.mmul(Qy_1_diag.mmul(yL_matrix)); CommonOps.multAddTransA(1d, A, diagxmat(Qy_1, yL_matrix), rhsL); // range rhsP = new DenseMatrix64F(numUnknowns, 1); // A_transpose.mmul(Qy_1_diag.mmul(yP_matrix)); CommonOps.multAddTransA(1d, A, diagxmat(Qy_1, yP_matrix), rhsP); logger.info("TIME FOR SETUP of RightHand Side: {}" + stopWatch.lap("Right-hand-side")); LinearSolver<DenseMatrix64F> solver = LinearSolverFactory.leastSquares(100, 100); /** compute solution */ if (!solver.setA(Qx_hat)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Singular Matrix"); } solver.solve(rhsL, rhsL); solver.solve(rhsP, rhsP); logger.info("TIME FOR SOLVING of System: {}" + stopWatch.lap("Solving System")); /** inverting of Qx_hat for stability check */ solver.invert(Qx_hat); logger.info("TIME FOR INVERSION OF N: {}" + stopWatch.lap("Inversion of N")); /** test inversion and check stability: max(abs([N*inv(N) - E)) ?= 0 */ DenseMatrix64F tempMatrix_1 = new DenseMatrix64F(N.numRows, N.numCols); CommonOps.mult(N, Qx_hat, tempMatrix_1); CommonOps.subEquals( tempMatrix_1, CommonOps.identity(tempMatrix_1.numRows, tempMatrix_1.numCols)); double maxDeviation = CommonOps.elementMaxAbs(tempMatrix_1); if (maxDeviation > .01) { logger.severe( "COREGPM: maximum deviation N*inv(N) from unity = {}. This is larger than 0.01" + maxDeviation); throw new IllegalStateException("COREGPM: maximum deviation N*inv(N) from unity)"); } else if (maxDeviation > .001) { logger.warning( "COREGPM: maximum deviation N*inv(N) from unity = {}. This is between 0.01 and 0.001" + maxDeviation); } logger.info("TIME FOR STABILITY CHECK: {}" + stopWatch.lap("Stability Check")); logger.info("Coeffs in Azimuth direction: {}" + rhsL.toString()); logger.info("Coeffs in Range direction: {}" + rhsP.toString()); logger.info("Max Deviation: {}" + maxDeviation); logger.info("System Quality: {}" + solver.quality()); /** some other stuff if the scale is okay */ DenseMatrix64F Qe_hat = new DenseMatrix64F(numObservations, numObservations); DenseMatrix64F tempMatrix_2 = new DenseMatrix64F(numObservations, numUnknowns); CommonOps.mult(A, Qx_hat, tempMatrix_2); CommonOps.multTransB(-1, tempMatrix_2, A, Qe_hat); scaleInputDiag(Qe_hat, Qy_1); // solution: Azimuth DenseMatrix64F yL_hat = new DenseMatrix64F(numObservations, 1); eL_hat = new DenseMatrix64F(numObservations, 1); CommonOps.mult(A, rhsL, yL_hat); CommonOps.sub(yL_matrix, yL_hat, eL_hat); // solution: Range DenseMatrix64F yP_hat = new DenseMatrix64F(numObservations, 1); eP_hat = new DenseMatrix64F(numObservations, 1); CommonOps.mult(A, rhsP, yP_hat); CommonOps.sub(yP_matrix, yP_hat, eP_hat); logger.info("TIME FOR DATA preparation for TESTING: {}" + stopWatch.lap("Testing Setup")); /** overal model test (variance factor) */ double overAllModelTest_L = 0; double overAllModelTest_P = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numObservations; i++) { overAllModelTest_L += FastMath.pow(eL_hat.get(i), 2) * Qy_1.get(i); overAllModelTest_P += FastMath.pow(eP_hat.get(i), 2) * Qy_1.get(i); } overAllModelTest_L = (overAllModelTest_L / FastMath.pow(SIGMA_L, 2)) / (numObservations - numUnknowns); overAllModelTest_P = (overAllModelTest_P / FastMath.pow(SIGMA_P, 2)) / (numObservations - numUnknowns); logger.info("Overall Model Test Lines: {}" + overAllModelTest_L); logger.info("Overall Model Test Pixels: {}" + overAllModelTest_P); logger.info("TIME FOR OMT: {}" + stopWatch.lap("OMT")); /** ---------------------- DATASNOPING ----------------------------------- * */ /** Assumed Qy diag */ /** initialize */ DenseMatrix64F wTest_L = new DenseMatrix64F(numObservations, 1); DenseMatrix64F wTest_P = new DenseMatrix64F(numObservations, 1); for (int i = 0; i < numObservations; i++) { wTest_L.set(i, eL_hat.get(i) / (Math.sqrt(Qe_hat.get(i, i)) * SIGMA_L)); wTest_P.set(i, eP_hat.get(i) / (Math.sqrt(Qe_hat.get(i, i)) * SIGMA_P)); } /** find maxima's */ // azimuth winL = absArgmax(wTest_L); double maxWinL = Math.abs(wTest_L.get(winL)); logger.info( "maximum wtest statistic azimuth = {} for window number: {} " + maxWinL + index.getQuick(winL)); // range winP = absArgmax(wTest_P); double maxWinP = Math.abs(wTest_P.get(winP)); logger.info( "maximum wtest statistic range = {} for window number: {} " + maxWinP + index.getQuick(winP)); /** use summed wTest in Azimuth and Range direction for outlier detection */ DenseMatrix64F wTestSum = new DenseMatrix64F(numObservations); for (int i = 0; i < numObservations; i++) { wTestSum.set(i, FastMath.pow(wTest_L.get(i), 2) + FastMath.pow(wTest_P.get(i), 2)); } maxWSum_idx = absArgmax(wTest_P); double maxWSum = wTest_P.get(winP); logger.info( "Detected outlier: summed sqr.wtest = {}; observation: {}" + maxWSum + index.getQuick(maxWSum_idx)); /** Test if we are estimationDone yet */ // check on number of observations if (numObservations <= numUnknowns) { logger.warning("NO redundancy! Exiting iterations."); estimationDone = true; // cannot remove more than this } // check on test k_alpha if (Math.max(maxWinL, maxWinP) <= criticalValue) { // all tests accepted? logger.info("All outlier tests accepted! (final solution computed)"); estimationDone = true; } if (numIterations >= maxIterations) { logger.info("max. number of iterations reached (exiting loop)."); estimationDone = true; // we reached max. (or no max_iter specified) } /** Only warn if last iteration has been estimationDone */ if (estimationDone) { if (overAllModelTest_L > 10) { logger.warning( "COREGPM: Overall Model Test, Lines = {} is larger than 10. (Suggest model or a priori sigma not correct.)" + overAllModelTest_L); } if (overAllModelTest_P > 10) { logger.warning( "COREGPM: Overall Model Test, Pixels = {} is larger than 10. (Suggest model or a priori sigma not correct.)" + overAllModelTest_P); } /** if a priori sigma is correct, max wtest should be something like 1.96 */ if (Math.max(maxWinL, maxWinP) > 200.0) { logger.warning( "Recommendation: remove window number: {} and re-run step COREGPM. max. wtest is: {}." + index.get(winL) + Math.max(maxWinL, maxWinP)); } } logger.info("TIME FOR wTestStatistics: {}" + stopWatch.lap("WTEST")); logger.info("Total Estimation TIME: {}" + clock.getElapsedTime()); numIterations++; // update counter here! } // only warn when iterating yError = eL_hat.getData(); xError = eP_hat.getData(); yCoef = rhsL.getData(); xCoef = rhsP.getData(); }