/* * Analyze the schema at the given URI, the schema is parsed and stored in * XMLObjectInfos. */ private void analyzeXSD(URI uri) { uri = uri.normalize(); // already seen this xsd, skip it if (xmlObjectInfos.containsKey(uri.toString())) return; XSDSchema xsdSchema = XSDSchemaImpl.getSchemaForSchema(uri.toString()); String encoding = null; // if schema is not cached, parse it if (xsdSchema == null) { XSDParser p = new XSDParser(null); InputStream is = NetUtils.getURLInputStream(uri.toString()); if (is != null) { p.parse(is); xsdSchema = p.getSchema(); encoding = p.getEncoding(); } } else encoding = xsdSchema.getDocument().getXmlEncoding(); if (xsdSchema != null) { if (encoding == null) encoding = "UTF-8"; XMLObjectInfo info = new XMLObjectInfo(new Path(uri.getPath()), xsdSchema, encoding); xmlObjectInfos.put(uri.toString(), info); updatePathPrefix(info); // analyze its imports and includes analyzeXSD(uri, xsdSchema); } }
public String getXSDSchemaAsString() throws Exception { if (xsdSchema == null) { return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ } Document document = xsdSchema.getDocument(); String schema = Util.nodeToString(document); // FIXES a bug in the XSD library that puts nillable attributes in // elements which are ref // That is illegal according to W3C ยง3.3.3 / 2.2 (and Xerces) Pattern p = Pattern.compile( "(<([a-z]+:)?element.*?)nillable=['|\"].*?['|\"](.*?ref=.*?>)"); //$NON-NLS-1$ schema = p.matcher(schema).replaceAll("$1 $3"); // $NON-NLS-1$ return schema; }
/* * Writes the xsd schema to the file at the given path, relative to the target folder. */ private String writeXMLObj( IPath path, XSDSchema xsdSchema, String encoding, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException, URIException, IOException, CoreException { Transformer serializer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); Document document = xsdSchema.getDocument(); serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); serializer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, encoding); serializer.setOutputProperty("{http://xml.apache.org/xslt}indent-amount", "2"); Element e = xsdSchema.getElement(); DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(e); String[] targetURI = appendPathToURI(targetFolderURI, path); OutputStream os = uriFactory.newURI(targetURI[0]).getOutputStream(); serializer.transform(domSource, new StreamResult(os)); os.close(); return targetURI[1]; }
protected void afterDoAction() { if (!omitTrack) { commitDocumentToCurrent(schema.getDocument()); } }
protected void beforeDoAction() { schema = ((ISchemaContentProvider) page.getTreeViewer().getContentProvider()).getXsdSchema(); if (!omitTrack) { commitDocumentToHistory(schema.getDocument()); } }