public void DealGeneralization(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Generalization gen1) { System.out.print("[Generalization]: "); RefOntoUML.Generalization gen2 = myfactory.createGeneralization(); // source (Specific) org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier e1 = gen1.getSpecific(); RefOntoUML.Classifier e2 = (RefOntoUML.Classifier) GetElement(e1); System.out.print(e1.getName() + " -> "); // Poderia ter setado apenas um dos dois (Generalization::Specific, Classifier::Generalization), // ja que sao EOpposites gen2.setSpecific(e2); // O Specific tem posse do generalization e2.getGeneralization().add(gen2); // target (General) e1 = gen1.getGeneral(); e2 = (RefOntoUML.Classifier) GetElement(e1); System.out.println(e1.getName()); gen2.setGeneral(e2); // Important for GeneralizationSet RelateElements(gen1, gen2); }
/** * Tests if the node is an inherited element * * @param node a node * @return <code>true</code> if the node is an inherited element <code>false</code> if not */ protected boolean isInherited(Node node) { EObject element = node.getElement(); if (element instanceof Element) { EObject container = node.eContainer(); EObject graphicalParent = null; if (container instanceof DecorationNode) { graphicalParent = ((DecorationNode) container).getElement(); } else if (container instanceof View) { graphicalParent = ((View) container).getElement(); } if (graphicalParent instanceof Property || graphicalParent instanceof Classifier) { Classifier classifier = null; if (graphicalParent instanceof Property) { Type type = ((Property) graphicalParent).getType(); if (type instanceof Classifier) { classifier = (Classifier) type; } } else { classifier = (Classifier) graphicalParent; } if (classifier != null) { EList<NamedElement> inheritedMembers = classifier.getInheritedMembers(); return inheritedMembers.contains(element); } } } return false; }
private String getTargetLanguage(InstanceSpecification mainInstance) { Classifier cl = DepUtils.getClassifier(mainInstance); String targetLanguage = DepUtils.getLanguageFromPackage(cl.getNearestPackage()); if (targetLanguage == null) { targetLanguage = "C++"; // $NON-NLS-1$ } return targetLanguage; }
/** * * <!-- begin-user-doc --> * <!-- end-user-doc --> * * @generated */ public Classifier getRedefinitionContext(String name, boolean ignoreCase, EClass eClass) { redefinitionContextLoop: for (Classifier redefinitionContext : getRedefinitionContexts()) { if (eClass != null && !eClass.isInstance(redefinitionContext)) continue redefinitionContextLoop; if (name != null && !(ignoreCase ? name.equalsIgnoreCase(redefinitionContext.getName()) : name.equals(redefinitionContext.getName()))) continue redefinitionContextLoop; return redefinitionContext; } return null; }
/** * @see * org.eclipse.umlgen.reverse.c.CModelChangedEvent#notifyChanges(org.eclipse.umlgen.reverse.c.resource.ModelManager) */ @Override public void notifyChanges(ModelManager manager) { Classifier matchingClassifier = ModelUtil.findClassifierInPackage(manager.getSourcePackage(), getUnitName()); Classifier localType = ModelUtil.findDataTypeInClassifier(matchingClassifier, getCurrentName()); if (localType != null) { if (ModelUtil.isRemovable(localType)) { DiagramUtil.removeGraphicalRepresentation(localType, manager); localType.destroy(); } else { ModelUtil.setVisibility(localType, getTranslationUnit(), EventType.REMOVE); } } }
public void DealClassifier(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier c1, RefOntoUML.Classifier c2) { DealNamedElement(c1, c2); // Important for Generalization, Property RelateElements(c1, c2); // isAbstract c2.setIsAbstract(c1.isAbstract()); }
/** Finds an operation in the given classifier. */ public static Operation findOperation( IRepository repository, Classifier classifier, String operationName, List<TypedElement> arguments, ParameterSubstitutionMap substitutions, boolean ignoreCase, boolean recurse) { for (Operation operation : classifier.getOperations()) { if (isMatch(operation, operationName, ignoreCase) && (arguments == null || isMatch(repository, operation, arguments, substitutions))) return operation; } if (!recurse) return null; Operation found; final EList<TemplateBinding> templateBindings = classifier.getTemplateBindings(); if (!templateBindings.isEmpty()) for (TemplateBinding templateBinding : templateBindings) { TemplateSignature signature = templateBinding.getSignature(); ParameterSubstitutionMap newSubstitutions = new ParameterSubstitutionMap(templateBinding); found = findOperation( repository, (Classifier) signature.getTemplate(), operationName, arguments, newSubstitutions, ignoreCase, true); if (found != null) return found; } for (Generalization generalization : classifier.getGeneralizations()) if ((found = findOperation( repository, generalization.getGeneral(), operationName, arguments, substitutions, ignoreCase, true)) != null) return found; return null; }
public static Property findAttribute( Classifier classifier, String attributeIdentifier, boolean ignoreCase, boolean recurse) { Property found = classifier.getAttribute(attributeIdentifier, null, ignoreCase, null); if (found != null || !recurse) return found; final EList<TemplateBinding> templateBindings = classifier.getTemplateBindings(); if (!templateBindings.isEmpty()) { for (TemplateBinding templateBinding : templateBindings) { TemplateSignature signature = templateBinding.getSignature(); found = findAttribute( (Classifier) signature.getTemplate(), attributeIdentifier, ignoreCase, true); if (found != null) return found; } } for (Generalization generalization : classifier.getGeneralizations()) if ((found = findAttribute(generalization.getGeneral(), attributeIdentifier, ignoreCase, true)) != null) return found; return null; }
public String getPrintString(IAdaptable element, int flags) { if (element instanceof EObjectAdapter) { final TemplateParameter templateParam = ((TemplateParameter) ((EObjectAdapter) element).getRealObject()); if (templateParam.getOwnedParameteredElement() == null) { return "<UNDEFINED>"; } String out = ""; if (templateParam.getOwnedParameteredElement() instanceof Classifier) { Classifier namedElement = (Classifier) templateParam.getOwnedParameteredElement(); out = out + namedElement.getName() + ": " + namedElement.eClass().getName(); } if (templateParam instanceof ClassifierTemplateParameter) { if (!((ClassifierTemplateParameter) templateParam).getConstrainingClassifiers().isEmpty()) { out = out + ">"; for (int i = 0; i < ((ClassifierTemplateParameter) templateParam).getConstrainingClassifiers().size(); i++) { out = out + ((ClassifierTemplateParameter) templateParam) .getConstrainingClassifiers() .get(i) .getName(); if (i < ((ClassifierTemplateParameter) templateParam).getConstrainingClassifiers().size() - 1) { out = out + ", "; } } } } return out; } return "<UNDEFINED>"; }
/** * Provides custom completion for the specifying the type of a property * * @see *, * org.eclipse.xtext.Assignment, * org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.contentassist.ContentAssistContext, * org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.contentassist.ICompletionProposalAcceptor) */ @Override public void completePortRule_Type( EObject model, Assignment assignment, ContentAssistContext context, ICompletionProposalAcceptor acceptor) { List<Classifier> allClassifiers = new ArrayList<Classifier>(); Namespace namespace = (Namespace) EcoreUtil.getRootContainer(ContextElementUtil.getContextElement(model.eResource())); allClassifiers.addAll(getRecursivelyOwnedClassifiers(namespace)); allClassifiers.addAll(getRecursivelyImportedClassifiers(namespace)); for (Classifier c : allClassifiers) { if (c.getQualifiedName().toLowerCase().contains(context.getPrefix().toLowerCase())) { String displayString = c.getQualifiedName(); String completionString = CompletionProposalUtils.getQualifiedNameLabelWithSufficientDepth(c, namespace); ICompletionProposal completionProposal = CompletionProposalUtils.createCompletionProposalWithReplacementOfPrefix( c, completionString, displayString, context); acceptor.accept(completionProposal); } } }
public SignatureFacade createConstructorFacade(InstanceCreationExpression exp) throws Exception { List<TypeExpression> arguments = new ArrayList<TypeExpression>(); Map<String, TypeExpression> argumentsMap = new HashMap<String, TypeExpression>(); if (exp.getTuple().getInstanceCreationTupleElement() != null) { for (InstanceCreationTupleElement tupleElement : exp.getTuple().getInstanceCreationTupleElement()) { TypeExpression typeOfArgument = new TypeUtils().getTypeOfExpression(tupleElement.getObject()); if (typeOfArgument.getTypeFacade() instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) throw new TypeInferenceException(typeOfArgument); arguments.add(typeOfArgument); argumentsMap.put(tupleElement.getRole(), typeOfArgument); } } // first try to determine if the expression directly refers to a Class or a DataType TypeFacade cddClassifier = TypeFacadeFactory.eInstance.createVoidFacade(exp.getConstructor()); boolean errorInResolutionOfClassifier = false; if (cddClassifier instanceof ErrorTypeFacade) { errorInResolutionOfClassifier = true; } else { Classifier referencedType = cddClassifier.extractActualType(); if (referencedType instanceof PrimitiveType) { throw new Exception("Constructor invocations do not apply to primitive types"); } if (referencedType instanceof Enumeration) { throw new Exception("Constructor invocations do not apply to enumerations"); } if (referencedType.isAbstract()) { throw new Exception("Abstract classifiers cannot be instantiated"); } // The classifier has been resolved. Must determine if arguments match with possible // constructors if (referencedType instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class) { List<EObject> visibleConstructor = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool .getVisibleOperationsOrBehaviors(referencedType) .resolveByName(referencedType.getName()); if (visibleConstructor.size() > 1) { // try to match with arguments // if does not match, raise an exception List<SignatureFacade> visibleConstructorSignatures = new ArrayList<SignatureFacade>(); for (EObject cddConstructor : visibleConstructor) { SignatureFacade cddConstructorSignature = SignatureFacadeFactory.eInstance.createSignatureFacade(cddConstructor); if (cddConstructorSignature.isAConstructor()) visibleConstructorSignatures.add(cddConstructorSignature); } List<SignatureFacade> matchingSignatures = SignatureFacade.findNearestSignature(arguments, visibleConstructorSignatures); if (matchingSignatures.size() > 1) { String errorMessage = referencedType.getName() + "("; boolean first = true; for (TypeExpression arg : arguments) { if (first) first = false; else errorMessage += ", "; errorMessage += arg.getLabel(); } errorMessage += ") resolves to multiple constructors"; throw new Exception(errorMessage); } else if (matchingSignatures.size() == 0) { String errorMessage = "Constructor " + referencedType.getName() + "("; boolean first = true; for (TypeExpression arg : arguments) { if (first) first = false; else errorMessage += ", "; errorMessage += arg.getLabel(); } errorMessage += ") is undefined"; throw new Exception(errorMessage); } else { // exactly one match return matchingSignatures.get(0); } } else if (visibleConstructor.size() == 0) { if (arguments.size() > 0) { // Throw an exception String errorMessage = "Constructor " + referencedType.getName() + "("; boolean first = true; for (TypeExpression t : arguments) { if (first) first = false; else errorMessage += ", "; errorMessage += t.getLabel(); } errorMessage += ") is undefined"; throw new Exception(errorMessage); } return new DefaultConstructorFacade((Class) referencedType); } else { // exactly one constructor found // Tries to determine if arguments match SignatureFacade constructor = createSignatureFacade(visibleConstructor.get(0)); if (!constructor.isAConstructor()) { // Throw an exception String errorMessage = "Constructor " + referencedType.getName() + "("; boolean first = true; for (TypeExpression t : arguments) { if (first) first = false; else errorMessage += ", "; errorMessage += t.getLabel(); } errorMessage += ") is undefined"; throw new Exception(errorMessage); } String potentialErrorMessage = constructor.isCompatibleWithMe(argumentsMap); if (potentialErrorMessage.length() == 0) return constructor; else throw new Exception(potentialErrorMessage); } } else if (referencedType instanceof DataType) { // This is a data type. // must match arguments with visible properties of the data type SignatureFacade defaultDataTypeConstructor = new DefaultConstructorFacade((DataType) referencedType); String errorMessage = defaultDataTypeConstructor.isCompatibleWithMe(argumentsMap); if (!(errorMessage.length() == 0)) throw new Exception(errorMessage); else return defaultDataTypeConstructor; } } if (errorInResolutionOfClassifier) { // We can try again, but considering that: // - the last element in the qualified name as the name of a constructor // - the element before the last element is a class name if (exp.getConstructor().getRemaining() == null) throw new Exception("Constructor " + exp.getConstructor().getId() + " is undefined"); QualifiedNameWithBinding remaining = exp.getConstructor(); QualifiedNameWithBinding cddClassName = exp.getConstructor(); QualifiedNameWithBinding cddConstructorName = exp.getConstructor(); EObject previousPackage = null; while (cddConstructorName.getRemaining() != null) { cddClassName = cddConstructorName; cddConstructorName = cddConstructorName.getRemaining(); } if (remaining != cddClassName) { List<EObject> visiblePackages = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool.getVisiblePackages(exp).resolveByName(remaining.getId()); if (visiblePackages.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("Could not resolve package " + remaining.getId()); } else if (visiblePackages.size() > 1) { throw new Exception(remaining.getId() + " resolves to multiple packages"); } else { List<EObject> nestedVisiblePackages; previousPackage = visiblePackages.get(0); remaining = remaining.getRemaining(); while (remaining != cddClassName) { nestedVisiblePackages = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool .getVisiblePackages(previousPackage) .resolveByName(remaining.getId()); if (nestedVisiblePackages.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("Could not resolve package " + remaining.getId()); } else if (nestedVisiblePackages.size() > 1) { throw new Exception(remaining.getId() + " resolves to multiple packages"); } previousPackage = nestedVisiblePackages.get(0); remaining = remaining.getRemaining(); } } } // At this point, the (potential) path has been validated // cddClassName should resolve to a classifier List<EObject> visibleClassifiers = null; EObject resolvedClassifier = null; if (previousPackage != null) visibleClassifiers = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool .getVisibleClassifiers(previousPackage) .resolveByName(cddClassName.getId()); else visibleClassifiers = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool .getVisibleClassifiers(exp) .resolveByName(cddClassName.getId()); if (visibleClassifiers.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("Could not resolve classifier " + cddClassName.getId()); } else if (visibleClassifiers.size() > 1) { throw new Exception(remaining.getId() + " resolves to multiple classifiers."); } else { resolvedClassifier = visibleClassifiers.get(0); } List<EObject> visibleConstructor = AlfScopeProvider.scopingTool .getVisibleOperationsOrBehaviors(resolvedClassifier) .resolveByName(cddConstructorName.getId()); if (visibleConstructor.size() > 1) { // try to match with arguments // if does not match, raise an exception List<SignatureFacade> visibleConstructorSignatures = new ArrayList<SignatureFacade>(); for (EObject cddConstructor : visibleConstructor) { SignatureFacade cddConstructorSignature = SignatureFacadeFactory.eInstance.createSignatureFacade(cddConstructor); if (cddConstructorSignature.isAConstructor()) visibleConstructorSignatures.add(cddConstructorSignature); } List<SignatureFacade> matchingSignatures = SignatureFacade.findNearestSignature(arguments, visibleConstructorSignatures); if (matchingSignatures.size() > 1) { String errorMessage = cddConstructorName.getId() + "("; boolean first = true; for (TypeExpression arg : arguments) { if (first) first = false; else errorMessage += ", "; errorMessage += arg.getLabel(); } errorMessage += ") resolves to multiple constructors"; throw new Exception(errorMessage); } else if (matchingSignatures.size() == 0) { String errorMessage = "Constructor " + cddConstructorName.getId() + "("; boolean first = true; for (TypeExpression arg : arguments) { if (first) first = false; else errorMessage += ", "; errorMessage += arg.getLabel(); } errorMessage += ") is undefined"; throw new Exception(errorMessage); } else { // exactly one match return matchingSignatures.get(0); } } else if (visibleConstructor.size() == 0) { String errorMessage = "Constructor " + cddConstructorName.getId() + "("; boolean first = true; for (TypeExpression arg : arguments) { if (first) first = false; else errorMessage += ", "; errorMessage += arg.getLabel(); } errorMessage += ") is undefined"; throw new Exception(errorMessage); } else { // exactly one constructor // Tries to determine if arguments match SignatureFacade constructor = createSignatureFacade(visibleConstructor.get(0)); if (!constructor.isAConstructor()) { // Throw an exception String errorMessage = "Constructor " + cddConstructorName.getId() + "("; boolean first = true; for (TypeExpression t : arguments) { if (first) first = false; else errorMessage += ", "; errorMessage += t.getLabel(); } errorMessage += ") is undefined"; throw new Exception(errorMessage); } String potentialErrorMessage = constructor.isCompatibleWithMe(arguments, true); if (potentialErrorMessage.length() == 0) return constructor; else throw new Exception(potentialErrorMessage); } } throw new Exception("Not supported case"); }
public void ProcessGeneralizations(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier c1) { // Generalizations for (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Generalization gen : c1.getGeneralizations()) { DealGeneralization(gen); } }
public void createGeneralization(Classifier special, Classifier general) { special.createGeneralization(general); }
/** * Returns the string representing the import block for a given classifier. * * @param aClassifier The classifier * @return The string representing the import block for a given classifier. */ public String reqImport(Classifier aClassifier) { Set<String> importedTypes = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); List<Property> attributes = aClassifier.getAttributes(); for (Property property : attributes) { String qualifiedName = this.qualifiedName(property.getType()); if (qualifiedName != null) { importedTypes.add(qualifiedName); } if (property.getUpper() != 1) { String collectionQualifiedName = this.collectionQualifiedName(aClassifier, property.isOrdered(), property.isUnique()); if (collectionQualifiedName != null) { importedTypes.add(collectionQualifiedName); } } } List<Operation> operations = aClassifier.getOperations(); for (Operation operation : operations) { String qualifiedName = this.qualifiedName(operation.getType()); if (qualifiedName != null) { importedTypes.add(qualifiedName); } if (operation.getUpper() != 1) { String collectionQualifiedName = this.collectionQualifiedName(aClassifier, operation.isOrdered(), operation.isUnique()); if (collectionQualifiedName != null) { importedTypes.add(collectionQualifiedName); } } List<Parameter> ownedParameters = operation.getOwnedParameters(); for (Parameter parameter : ownedParameters) { qualifiedName = this.qualifiedName(parameter.getType()); if (qualifiedName != null) { importedTypes.add(qualifiedName); } if (parameter.getUpper() != 1) { String collectionQualifiedName = this.collectionQualifiedName( aClassifier, parameter.isOrdered(), parameter.isUnique()); if (collectionQualifiedName != null) { importedTypes.add(collectionQualifiedName); } } } List<Type> raisedExceptions = operation.getRaisedExceptions(); for (Type type : raisedExceptions) { String exceptionQualifiedName = this.qualifiedName(type); if (exceptionQualifiedName != null) { importedTypes.add(exceptionQualifiedName); } } } List<String> sortedImportedTypes = new ArrayList<String>(importedTypes); Collections.sort(sortedImportedTypes); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String importedType : sortedImportedTypes) { stringBuilder.append(IMPORT + importedType + END_IMPORT); } return stringBuilder.toString(); }
public static List<Property> getSimpleAttributes(Classifier classifier) { List<Property> simpleAttributes = new ArrayList<Property>(); for (Property current : classifier.getAllAttributes()) if (current.getAssociation() == null) simpleAttributes.add(current); return simpleAttributes; }
@Override public Value evaluate() { // If the instance specification is for an enumeration, then return the // identified enumeration literal. // If the instance specification is for a data type (but not a primitive // value or an enumeration), then create a data value of the given data // type. // If the instance specification is for an object, then create an object // at the current locus with the specified types. // Set each feature of the created value to the result of evaluating the // value specifications for the specified slot for the feature. // Debug.println("[evaluate] InstanceValueEvaluation..."); InstanceSpecification instance = ((InstanceValue) this.specification).getInstance(); // List<Classifier> types = instance.getClassifiers(); // Classifier myType = types.get(0); // Debug.println("[evaluate] type = " + myType.getName()); Value value; if (instance instanceof EnumerationLiteral) { // Debug.println("[evaluate] Type is an enumeration."); EnumerationValue enumerationValue = new EnumerationValue(); // enumerationValue.type = (Enumeration)myType; enumerationValue.type = ((EnumerationLiteral) instance).getEnumeration(); // ADDED enumerationValue.literal = (EnumerationLiteral) instance; value = enumerationValue; Debug.println("[evaluate] type = " + enumerationValue.type.getName()); // ADDED } else { // ADDED: List<Classifier> types = instance.getClassifiers(); Classifier myType = types.get(0); Debug.println("[evaluate] type = " + myType.getName()); // StructuredValue structuredValue = null; if (myType instanceof DataType) { // Debug.println("[evaluate] Type is a data type."); DataValue dataValue = new DataValue(); dataValue.type = (DataType) myType; structuredValue = dataValue; } else { Object_ object = null; if (myType instanceof Behavior) { // Debug.println("[evaluate] Type is a behavior."); object = myType, null); } else { // Debug.println("[evaluate] Type is a class."); object = new Object_(); for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) { Classifier type = types.get(i); object.types.add((Class) type); } }; Reference reference = new Reference(); reference.referent = object; structuredValue = reference; } structuredValue.createFeatureValues(); // Debug.println("[evaluate] " + instance.slot.size() + // " slot(s)."); List<Slot> instanceSlots = instance.getSlots(); for (int i = 0; i < instanceSlots.size(); i++) { Slot slot = instanceSlots.get(i); List<Value> values = new ArrayList<Value>(); // Debug.println("[evaluate] feature = " + // slot.definingFeature.getName() + ", " + slot.value.size() + // " value(s)."); List<ValueSpecification> slotValues = slot.getValues(); for (int j = 0; j < slotValues.size(); j++) { ValueSpecification slotValue = slotValues.get(j); // Debug.println("[evaluate] Value = " + // slotValue.getClass().getName()); values.add(; } structuredValue.setFeatureValue(slot.getDefiningFeature(), values, 0); } value = structuredValue; } return value; }
private void buildToJson(PropertyWrapper pWrap, OJAnnotatedClass annotatedClass, OJBlock block) { // This is very important to be a sorted set. The get and options method need to return the meta // data in the same order. // This allows the client to merge them easily SortedSet<Classifier> sortedConcreteImplementations = new TreeSet<Classifier>( new Comparator<Classifier>() { @Override public int compare(Classifier o1, Classifier o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }); // For derived unions only show tabs for each property that makes up the union. if (pWrap.isDerivedUnion()) { List<Property> subsettingProperties = ModelLoader.INSTANCE.findSubsettingProperties(pWrap.getProperty()); for (Property subsettingProperty : subsettingProperties) { sortedConcreteImplementations.addAll( UmlgClassOperations.getConcreteImplementations( (Classifier) subsettingProperty.getType())); } } else { // For non derived union show all concrete implementations sortedConcreteImplementations = UmlgClassOperations.getConcreteImplementations((Classifier) pWrap.getType()); } Set<Classifier> concreteImplementationsFrom = UmlgClassOperations.getConcreteImplementations((Classifier) pWrap.getOwningType()); if (!concreteImplementationsFrom.isEmpty()) { annotatedClass.addToImports(UmlgGenerationUtil.ToJsonUtil); // block get reassigned for the meta data if statement OJBlock returnBlock = block; block.addToStatements("StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder()"); block.addToStatements("json.append(\"[\")"); int count = 1; // For meta data, put where one is navigating to first, then where on is // navigating from // This is consistent with navigating to a entity with a vertex where // there is no navigating from. // i.e. the first meta data in the array is the entity navigating to. for (Classifier concreteClassifierTo : sortedConcreteImplementations) { annotatedClass.addToImports(UmlgClassOperations.getPathName(concreteClassifierTo)); if (pWrap.isOne()) { block.addToStatements("json.append(\"{\\\"data\\\": \")"); } else { block.addToStatements("json.append(\"{\\\"data\\\": [\")"); } if (pWrap.isOne()) { OJIfStatement ifOneInstanceOf = new OJIfStatement( "parentResource." + pWrap.getter() + "() != null && parentResource." + pWrap.getter() + "().getClass() == " + UmlgClassOperations.getPathName(concreteClassifierTo).getLast() + ".class"); ifOneInstanceOf.addToThenPart( "json.append(" + UmlgGenerationUtil.ToJsonUtil.getLast() + ".toJsonWithoutCompositeParent(parentResource." + pWrap.getter() + "()))"); ifOneInstanceOf.addToElsePart("json.append(\"null\")"); block.addToStatements(ifOneInstanceOf); } else { block.addToStatements( "json.append(" + UmlgGenerationUtil.ToJsonUtil.getLast() + ".toJsonWithoutCompositeParent(parentResource." + pWrap.getter() + "().select(new " + UmlgGenerationUtil.BooleanExpressionEvaluator.getCopy() .addToGenerics(UmlgClassOperations.getPathName(pWrap.getType())) .getLast() + "() {\n @Override\n public Boolean evaluate(" + UmlgClassOperations.getPathName(pWrap.getType()).getLast() + " e) {\n return e.getClass() == " + UmlgClassOperations.getPathName(concreteClassifierTo).getLast() + ".class;\n }\n })))"); annotatedClass.addToImports(UmlgGenerationUtil.BooleanExpressionEvaluator); } annotatedClass.addToImports(UmlgClassOperations.getPathName(pWrap.getType())); if (pWrap.isOne()) { block.addToStatements("json.append(\",\")"); } else { block.addToStatements("json.append(\"],\")"); } block.addToStatements("json.append(\" \\\"meta\\\" : {\")"); block.addToStatements( "json.append(\"\\\"qualifiedName\\\": \\\"" + pWrap.getQualifiedName() + "\\\"\")"); block.addToStatements( "json.append(\",\\\"qualifiedNameFrom\\\": \\\"\" + parentResource.getQualifiedName() + \"\\\"\")"); block.addToStatements( "json.append(\",\\\"qualifiedNameTo\\\": \\\"" + concreteClassifierTo.getQualifiedName() + "\\\"\")"); block.addToStatements("json.append(\"}\")"); if (sortedConcreteImplementations.size() != 1 && count != sortedConcreteImplementations.size()) { block.addToStatements("json.append(\"}, \")"); } block = returnBlock; count++; } returnBlock.addToStatements("json.append(\"}]\")"); returnBlock.addToStatements( "return new " + UmlgRestletGenerationUtil.JsonRepresentation.getLast() + "(json.toString())"); } else { // TODO not thought through block.addToStatements("return null"); } }
public Property getAttribute(Classifier classifier, String name, Type type) { return classifier.getAttribute(name, type); }